9 research outputs found

    Individual features of restoration of intracellular changes in CNS after audiogenic of convulsive seizures

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    It is established, that rats bad adaptive to a hypoxia show audiogenic convulsive seizures , however process of adaptation to a hypoxia strengthens reparative intracellular processes after cramps

    Dynamics of RNA quantity change in neurone-glia system of nucleuses monoaminergic of a brain during deadaptive

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    Influence of deadaptive on RNA quantity changes in neurone-glia system of monoaminergic nucleuses of a brain is studied. Action of a hypoxia during the different periods deadaptive is accompanied by the greatest vulnerability of cellular structures of dopaminergic and serotoninergic nucleuses of a brain, it limits functionalities of systems stress-limiting

    Correction of the recording artifacts and detection of the functional deviations in ECG by means of syndrome decoding with an automatic burst error correction of the cyclic codes using periodograms for determination of code component spectral range

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    Aims This paper describes a novel approach to the analysis of electrocardiographic data based on the consideration of the repetitive P, Q, R, S, T sequences as cyclic codes. In Part I we introduce a principle similar to the syndrome decoding using the control numbers, which allows correcting the noise combinations. Materials and methods We propose to apply the burst-error-correcting algorithms for automatic detection of the ECG artifacts and the functional abnormalities, including those compared to the reference model. Our approach is compared to the symbolic dynamics methods. During the automated search of the code components (i.e. point values and spectral ranges one-to-one corresponding to P, Q, R, S, T) considered in Part II, the authors apply the Lomb-Scargle periodogram method with the phase control which allows to determine the code components not only from the main harmonics, but also using the sidebands, avoiding the phase errors. Results The results of the method testing on rats with the heart failure using a simplified telemetric recording from the implantable chips are given in Part III. A complete independence of the results of the determination of the code points (fingerprints) from the variables for which the calculation is performed is shown. We also prove the robustness of the above approach with respect to the most types of the non-adaptive filtration. Conclusion The above method can be useful not only for experimental medicine, but also for veterinary and clinical diagnostic practice. This method is adequately reproduced both on animals and human ECG, except for some constant values


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    Purpose. To analyze the frequency of comorbidity in children / adolescents with sensorineural (SND) and conductive deafness / hearing loss (CD) depending on age; to assess concomitant  states, as risk factors of deafness.Design/approach. In a prospective study involved 102 child with different types and degrees of hearing loss, deafness from 6 to 18 years, whose parents signed informed consent to participate in research. 68 (66.7%) children had sensorineural deafness, 34 (33.3%) - conductive. The control group consisted of 40 healthy individuals matched for age and sex. Potential risk factors were determined using methods of clinical epidemiology.Findings. Comorbidity, chronic nonobstructive disease of the upper respiratory tract di (CND URT) and chronic obstructive diseases of the lower respiratory tract (COD LRT) increased the risk of both SND and CD in children of all ages - for SND by a 3,75- 7,81 time (OR=6,50-10,9, r≤0,028-0,01) for CD - by 4,29-8,75 times (OR=6,19-12,9, p≤0,03-0,009); CND URT stronger influence on the formation of a hearing loss observed in the age of 12 years (OR=10,5, p=0,026 and OR=12,9, p=0,009), and households COD LRT more significant increased risk for SND after 12 years – by 6,35 times (OR=10,3, p=0,01). Violation of posture (pronounced scoliosis 2-3 degrees, upper-thoracic spine lordosis) increased the likelihood of CD under the age of 12 years by 4,37 times (OR=6,19, OR 95% CI=1,12-34, 3, p=0,03) and not associate with the SND. Low birth weight increased the risk of SND by 3,53 times (OR=4,07, p=0,051), and underwent children's infectious diseases in anamnesis (meningitis, measles, mumps, or rubella) increased the likelihood of CD by 9,41 times (OR=12,0, p=0,007).Research limitations/implications. Limitations due to the peculiarities of laboratory and diagnostic studies of deaf children.Originality/value. The original investigation without prototype provides data of risk assessment of SND and CD in children considering a number of factor markers.Проанализирована частота встречаемости сопутствующей патологии у детей / подростков с нейронсенсорной (НСГ) и кондуктивной глухотой / тугоухостью (КГ/Т) с учётом возраста, дана оценка конкомитантным состояниям, как маркерам риска патологии. Хронические необструктивные заболевания верхних дыхательных путей и хронические обструктивные заболевания нижних дыхательных путей в анамнезе детей, а также инфекция матери во время беременности являются маркерами, которые повышают риск развития как НСГ, так и КГ/Т в 3,75-8,75 раза независимо от возраста. Низкая масса тела при рождении увеличивает риск нейросенсорной глухоты в 3,53 раза, а перенесенные в анамнезе детей инфекционные заболевания (менингит, корь, эпидемический паротит, или краснуха) повышают вероятность появления КГ/Т в 9,41 раза.Мета. Проаналізувати частоту супутньої патології у дітей / підлітків із нейронсенсорною (НСГ) та кондуктивною  глухотою / приглухуватістю (КГ/П) із урахуванням віку, оцінити конкомітантні стани, як маркери ризику глухоти.  Дизайн / підхід. У проспективному дослідженні взяло участь 102 дитини із різними видами глухоти та ступенями приглухуватості від 6 до 18 років, батьки котрих підписали інформовану згоду на участь у дослідженні. 68 (66,7%) дітей мали нейросенсорну глухоту, 34 (33,3%) – кондуктивну. Контрольну групу склали 40 практично здорових осіб відповідного віку та статі. Потенційні фактори ризику визначали за допомогою методів клінічної епідеміології.Результати. Супутня патологія: хронічні необструктивні захворювання верхніх дихальних шляхів (ХНЗ ВДШ) та хронічні обструктивні захворювання нижніх дихальних шляхів (ХОЗ НДШ) підвищували ризик появи як НСГ, так і КГ/П у дітей незалежно від віку – для НСГ у 3,75-7,81 раза (OR=6,50-10,9, р≤0,028-0,01), для КГ/П – у 4,29-8,75 раза (OR=6,19-12,9, р≤0,03-0,009); дещо сильніший вплив ХНЗ ВДШ на формування вад слуху спостерігали у віці до 12 років (OR=10,5, р=0,026 і OR=12,9, р=0,009), а ХОЗ НДШ вагоміше збільшували ризик на НСГ після 12 років – у 6,35 раза (OR=10,3, р=0,01). Порушення постави (виражені сколіози 2-3 ступенів, лордоз верхньогрудного відділу хребта) підвищували ймовірність КГ/П у віці до 12 років у 4,37 раза (OR=6,19, OR 95% СІ=1,12-34,3, р=0,03) і не асоціювали із НСГ. Низька маса тіла при народженні збільшувала ризик НСГ у 3,53 раза (OR=4,07, p=0,051), а перенесені в анамнезі дітей інфекційні хвороби (менінгіт, кір, епідемічний паротит чи краснуха) підвищували ймовірність появи КГ/П у 9,41 раза (OR=12,0, р=0,007).Обмеження дослідження / наслідки. Обмеження зумовлені особливостями проведення лабораторно-діагностичних досліджень у глухих дітей.Оригінальність / значення. Оригінальне дослідження без прототипу, надає дані для оцінки ризику розвитку НСГ чи КГ/П  у дітей із урахуванням низки факторних маркерів

    Pulmonary hypertension as a risk assessment factor for unfavorable outcome in patients with COVID-19

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    Aim. To determine the predictive role of estimated pulmonary artery systolic pressure (ePASP) in COVID-19 patients.Material and methods. A retrospective study of inpatients with documented COVID-19 infection was carried out. Maximal follow-up period was 63 days. The study included 108 patients (men, 62; women, 46; mean age, 62,9±15,5 years). At admission, mean NEWS score was 6,0, blood oxygen saturation — 92%. Echocardiography was performed according to standard protocol using Vivid E9 ultrasound system (GE Healthcare). Quantitative measurements were performed according to the current ASE and EACVI guidelines. Statistical analysis was performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics v.26 software (developed by IBM Corporation).Results. Using the CHAID technique, a classification tree was developed and the strongest predictor of an unfavorable outcome was determined (ePASP). Threshold ePASP values, associated with an increased mortality risk were established (42 mm Hg and 50 mm Hg). Three groups of patients were selected based on the main predictor (<41,0 mm Hg, 42-49 mm Hg and >50 mm Hg). The increased mortality risk was noted in groups 2 and 3 compared to group 1 of patients and amounted to 31,8% and 70% versus 3,9%, respectively. There was also a correlation between the severity of CT lung parenchymal lesions according to computed tomography and the study groups of patients (36% [30-49%] — group 1, 50% [36-76%] — group 2, and 84% [56-92%] — group 3, p=0,001). In groups 2 and 3, the following complications were significantly more frequent: acute respiratory distress syndrome, acute heart failure, multiple organ system failure, venous thrombosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation. In group 3, acute renal failure and systemic inflammatory response syndrome developed significantly more often than in group 1.Conclusion. A comprehensive echocardiography has proven its availability and safety in assessing the condition of COVID-19 patients, allowing to obtain relevant information on pulmonary hemodynamics. Transthoracic echocardiography reduced the risk of complications from invasive diagnostic methods and allowed to abandon the use of the Swan-Ganz pulmonary artery catheter in the studied group of patients. As a result, a relationship was noted between the increase of ePASP and the severity of clinical performance and lung tissue damage according to computed tomography, changes in laboratory blood tests, the severity of the comorbid profile, an increase in respiratory support need