941 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Hieber, Annie M. (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    The physico-chemical habitat template for periphyton in alpine glacial streams under a changing climate

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    The physico-chemical habitat template of glacial streams in the Alps is characterized by distinct and predictable changes between harsh and relatively benign periods. Spring and autumn were thought to be windows of favorable environmental conditions conducive for periphyton development. Periphyton biomass (measured as chlorophyll a and ash-free dry mass) was quantified in five glacial and three non-glacial streams over an annual cycle. One glacial stream was an outlet stream of a proglacial lake. In all glacial streams, seasonal patterns in periphyton were characterized by low biomass during summer high flow when high turbidity and transport of coarse sediment prevailed. With the end of icemelt in autumn, environmental conditions became more favorable and periphyton biomass increased. Biomass peaked between late September and January. In spring, low flow, low turbidity, and a lack of coarse sediment transport were not paralleled by an increase in periphyton biomass. In the non-glacial streams, seasonal periphyton patterns were similar to those of glacial streams, but biomass was significantly higher. Glacier recession from climate change may shift water sources in glacier streams and attenuate the glacial flow pulse. These changes could alter predicted periods of optimal periphyton development. The window of opportunity for periphyton accrual will shift earlier and extend into autumn in channels that retain surface flow

    Stimfit: A fast visualization and analysis environment for cellular neurophysiology

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    Stimfit is a free cross-platform software package for viewing and analyzing electrophysiological data. It supports most standard file types for cellular neurophysiology and other biomedical formats. Its analysis algorithms have been used and validated in several experimental laboratories. Its embedded Python scripting interface makes Stimfit highly extensible and customizable

    On the Navier-Stokes equations with rotating effect and prescribed outflow velocity

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    We consider the equations of Navier-Stokes modeling viscous fluid flow past a moving or rotating obstacle in Rd\mathbb{R}^d subject to a prescribed velocity condition at infinity. In contrast to previously known results, where the prescribed velocity vector is assumed to be parallel to the axis of rotation, in this paper we are interested in a general outflow velocity. In order to use LpL^p-techniques we introduce a new coordinate system, in which we obtain a non-autonomous partial differential equation with an unbounded drift term. We prove that the linearized problem in Rd\mathbb{R}^d is solved by an evolution system on Lσp(Rd)L^p_{\sigma}(\mathbb{R}^d) for 1<p<∞1<p<\infty. For this we use results about time-dependent Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators. Finally, we prove, for p≥dp\geq d and initial data u0∈Lσp(Rd)u_0\in L^p_{\sigma}(\mathbb{R}^d), the existence of a unique mild solution to the full Navier-Stokes system.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in J. Math. Fluid Mech. (published online first

    NKX2-1 Is Required in the Embryonic Septum for Cholinergic System Development, Learning, and Memory

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    The transcription factor NKX2-1 is best known for its role in the specification of subsets of cortical, striatal, and pallidal neurons. We demonstrate through genetic fate mapping and intersectional focal septal deletion that NKX2-1 is selectively required in the embryonic septal neuroepithelium for the development of cholinergic septohippocampal projection neurons and large subsets of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons. In the absence of NKX2-1, these neurons fail to develop, causing alterations in hippocampal theta rhythms and severe deficiencies in learning and memory. Our results demonstrate that learning and memory are dependent on NKX2-1 function in the embryonic septum and suggest that cognitive deficiencies that are sometimes associated with pathogenic mutations in NKX2-1 in humans may be a direct consequence of loss of NKX2-1 function

    How to build a grid cell

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    Neurons in the medial entorhinal cortex fire action potentials at regular spatial intervals, creating a striking grid-like pattern of spike rates spanning the whole environment of a navigating animal. This remarkable spatial code may represent a neural map for path integration. Recent advances using patch-clamp recordings from entorhinal cortex neurons in vitro and in vivo have revealed how the microcircuitry in the medial entorhinal cortex may contribute to grid cell firing patterns, and how grid cells may transform synaptic inputs into spike output during firing field crossings. These new findings provide key insights into the ingredients necessary to build a grid cell
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