2,563 research outputs found

    Multi-phases in gauge theories on non-simply connected spaces

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    It is pointed out that phase structures of gauge theories compactified on non-simply connected spaces are not trivial. As a demonstration, an SU(2) gauge model on M3S1M^3\otimes S^1 is studied and is shown to possess three phases: Hosotani, Higgs and coexisting phases. The critical radius and the order of the phase transitions are explicitly determined. A general discussion about phase structures for small and large scales of compactified spaces is given. The appearance of phase transitions suggests a GUT scenario in which the gauge hierarchy problem is replaced by a dynamical problem of how to stabilize a radius of a compactified space in close vicinity to a critical radius.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Passivity-Based Control of Human-Robotic Networks with Inter-Robot Communication Delays and Experimental Verification

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    In this paper, we present experimental studies on a cooperative control system for human-robotic networks with inter-robot communication delays. We first design a cooperative controller to be implemented on each robot so that their motion are synchronized to a reference motion desired by a human operator, and then point out that each robot motion ensures passivity. Inter-robot communication channels are then designed via so-called scattering transformation which is a technique to passify the delayed channel. The resulting robotic network is then connected with human operator based on passivity theory. In order to demonstrate the present control architecture, we build an experimental testbed consisting of multiple robots and a tablet. In particular, we analyze the effects of the communication delays on the human operator's behavior

    Mass hierarchy and localization of gravity in extra time

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    We consider Randall-Sundrum model with localized gravity, replacing the extra compact space-like dimension by a time-like one. In this way the solution to the hierarchy problem can be reconciled with a correct cosmological expansion of the visible universe, just as a trivial result of the sign flip of cosmological constants in the bulk and on the 3-branes relative to the case of extra space-like dimension. Some phenomenological aspects of the proposed scenario related to the tachyonic nature of Kaluza-Klein states of graviton are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, JHEP format, no figures, typos corrected, to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Finite Higgs mass without Supersymmetry

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    We identify a class of chiral models where the one-loop effective potential for Higgs scalar fields is finite without any requirement of supersymmetry. It corresponds to the case where the Higgs fields are identified with the components of a gauge field along compactified extra dimensions. We present a six dimensional model with gauge group U(3)xU(3) and quarks and leptons accomodated in fundamental and bi-fundamental representations. The model can be embedded in a D-brane configuration of type I string theory and, upon compactification on a T^2/Z_2 orbifold, it gives rise to the standard model with two Higgs doublets.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures, uses axodraw. Some typos corrected and references rearrange

    Asymmetry Parameter of the K1(1270,1400)K_{1} (1270, 1400) by Analyzing the BK1ννˉB\to K_{1}\nu \bar{\nu} Transition Form Factors within QCD

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    Separating the mixture of the K1(1270) K_{1}(1270) and K1(1400)K_{1}(1400) states, the BK1(1270,1400)ννˉB\to K_{1}(1270, 1400)\nu\bar{\nu} transition form factors are calculated in the three-point QCD sum rules approach. The longitudinal, transverse and total decay widths as well as the asymmetry parameter, characterizing the polarization of the axial K1(1270,1400)K_{1}(1270, 1400) and the branching ratio for these decays are evaluated.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Radiative and Semileptonic B Decays Involving Higher K-Resonances in the Final States

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    We study the radiative and semileptonic B decays involving a spin-JJ resonant KJ()K_J^{(*)} with parity (1)J(-1)^J for KJK_J^* and (1)J+1(-1)^{J+1} for KJK_J in the final state. Using the large energy effective theory (LEET) techniques, we formulate BKJ()B \to K_J^{(*)} transition form factors in the large recoil region in terms of two independent LEET functions ζKJ()\zeta_\perp^{K_J^{(*)}} and ζKJ()\zeta_\parallel^{K_J^{(*)}}, the values of which at zero momentum transfer are estimated in the BSW model. According to the QCD counting rules, ζ,KJ()\zeta_{\perp,\parallel}^{K_J^{(*)}} exhibit a dipole dependence in q2q^2. We predict the decay rates for BKJ()γB \to K_J^{(*)} \gamma, BKJ()+B \to K_J^{(*)} \ell^+ \ell^- and BKJ()ννˉB \to K_J^{(*)}\nu \bar{\nu}. The branching fractions for these decays with higher KK-resonances in the final state are suppressed due to the smaller phase spaces and the smaller values of ζ,KJ()\zeta^{K_J^{(*)}}_{\perp,\parallel}. Furthermore, if the spin of KJ()K_J^{(*)} becomes larger, the branching fractions will be further suppressed due to the smaller Clebsch-Gordan coefficients defined by the polarization tensors of the KJ()K_J^{(*)}. We also calculate the forward backward asymmetry of the BKJ()+B \to K_J^{(*)} \ell^+ \ell^- decay, for which the zero is highly insensitive to the KK-resonances in the LEET parametrization.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, 7 tables;contents and figures corrected, title and references revise


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    BALB/3T3 cells transformed by the Kirsten sarcoma virus (nonvirus producer BALB/3T3 cells) and mutant cell lines derived therefrom by treatment with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) were analyzed for expression of virus-specific RNA using single-stranded DNA transcripts of Rauscher leukemia virus (RLV), a virus activated in one of the cell lines (58-2T), and Ki-SV-specific DNA transcript; the latter transcript after removal of all sequences cross-reactive with RLV RNA. The Rauscher virus DNA detected multiple copies of viral RNA in virus-producing cells (∼2.5 x 103/cell) whether infected with RLV or activated to produce virus with BrdU. Nonproducer (NP) cells and normal BALB cells showed small numbers of RNA genomes (70–250/cell) and only partial saturation of the transcript. The intracellular RNA sedimented at 35S (main peak) with a variable minor peak at 20S with the exception of one mutant cell, M-43-2 (main peak at 26–27S). The 58-2T transcript reacted preferentially in NP cells and their derivatives with biphasic kinetics suggesting the possibility of sequences specific for the original transforming virus. The size of Ki-SV specific sequences were 30S in mutant cells whether or not complete virus was being produced and independent of in vivo transplantability