800 research outputs found

    Composition physicochimique des miels algériens. Détermination des éléments traces et des éléments potentiellement toxiques

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    La caractĂ©risation de cinq Ă©chantillons de miel collectĂ©s de diffĂ©rentes rĂ©gions mellifĂšres algĂ©riennes a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e sur deux aspects : 1) propriĂ©tĂ©s physicochimiques, et 2) le niveau des Ă©lĂ©ments traces et des Ă©lĂ©ments toxiques. pH, aciditĂ© libre, humiditĂ©, conductivitĂ© Ă©lectrique, hydroxymethylfurfural, sucres totaux et rĂ©ducteurs, la saccharose, sont les paramĂštres physicochimiques analysĂ©s pour chaque Ă©chantillon de miel. Le niveau des Ă©lĂ©ments traces (Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu, Cr, Ni) et des Ă©lĂ©ments toxiques (Pb, Cd, As) ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©s par spectromĂ©trie d’émission optique couplĂ©e Ă  un plasma inductif (ICP-OES). Les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont montrĂ© une variabilitĂ© de la composition chimique des miels. Les concentrations en Ă©lĂ©ments traces ont variĂ© de 8,02-14,51 mg/Kg, 2,50-3,49 mg/Kg, 1,95- 6,37 mg/Kg et 2,72-3,22 mg/Kg pour le Zn, Mn, Fe et Cr, respectivement. Alors que les concentrations moyennes du chrome (0,024 mg/kg) et nickel (0,32 mg/kg) sont faibles et trĂšs similaires pour les diffĂ©rentes variĂ©tĂ©s de miel. Les Ă©lĂ©ments toxiques (Pb, Cd, As) sont prĂ©sent Ă  l’état de trace. Le zinc est l’élĂ©ment le plus abondant dans les miels algĂ©rien analysĂ©s.Mots-clĂ©s : miel, propriĂ©tĂ© physicochimique, Ă©lĂ©ments toxiques, Ă©lĂ©ments traces

    Producing upgradeable bio-oil from food bio-waste via hybrid-assisted pretreatment coupled with catalytic hydrotreatment

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    Slurry\ua0food waste sourced from Renova (Gothenburg, Sweden) was investigated as a model for generating upgradeable bio-oil via a hybrid-assisted\ua0pretreatment\ua0along with a catalytic hydrotreatment process. Hybrid-assisted pretreatment has been examined for extracting and stabilizing of reactive-derived substances. For the resulting bio-crude and residual solids, the properties of the heteroatoms were also examined prior to the catalytic hydrotreatment experiments. Hybrid-assisted pretreatment is an interesting solution in that it maximizes the bio-crude yield and transfers significant amounts of the nitrogenous content (De-N ∌83.3\ua0%, dry basis) into the residual solids. Nearly 87\ua0wt% of the oxygenated\ua0monomers\ua0were found in the obtained bio-crude, which possessed 52.0\ua0wt% of alcohols. The highest upgradeable bio-oil of 86.0\ua0wt% was achieved during catalytic hydrotreatment of the bio-crude and residual solids jointly: producing blends of up to 78\ua0wt% of hydrocarbons, 14\ua0wt% oxygenated and <6\ua0wt% of cyclic, aromatics, N-containing components

    Appendicite aigue non compliquée : y a-t- il une place pour le traitement conservateur

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    Le but de cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© d'Ă©valuer l'efficacitĂ© de l'antibiothĂ©rapie seule dans le traitement des appendicites aigues non compliquĂ©es. C'est une Ă©tude prospective, intĂ©ressant 68 patients ayant eu une appendicite aigue simple, de confirmation radiologique, traitĂ©s par l'amoxicilline associĂ©e Ă  l'acide clavulanique pendant 10 jours. L'appendicectomie a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e en cas d'aggravation ou en cas de non amĂ©lioration au bout de 48heures de traitement. Le traitement conservateur a Ă©tĂ© efficace dans 82,35% avec une rĂ©solution complĂšte des symptĂŽmes chez 56 patients. Les 12 cas restants (17,65%) ont subit une appendicectomie. l'appendicite a Ă©tĂ© gangrĂ©neuse dans 8 cas et phlegmoneuse dans 4 cas. Cinq des 56 patients, qui ont bien Ă©voluĂ© sous traitement conservateur, ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©admis et opĂ©rĂ©s pour rĂ©cidive, soit 8,9%. Deux cas ont eu une appendicite compliquĂ©e. L'appendicectomie reste le traitement de rĂ©fĂ©rence pour l'appendicite aigue, mais le traitement antibiotique peut ĂȘtre proposĂ© en premiĂšre intension Ă  des patients prĂ©sentant une appendicite aigue non compliquĂ©e


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    La prĂ©sente Ă©tude a pour objectif le dimensionnement des conduites de forme ovoĂŻdale partiellement remplies. Sur la base du modĂšle rugueux de rĂ©fĂ©rence le diamĂštre circonscrit caractĂ©ristique peut s’écrire D D ; D reprĂ©sente le diamĂštre circonscrit du modĂšle rugueux de rĂ©fĂ©rence et est un coefficient de correction des dimensions linĂ©aires adimensionnel. Cette approche est applicable dans le domaine entier de l’écoulement turbulent et mĂšne Ă  des solutions explicites et pratiques de conceptions de telles conduites. Le calcul de la dimension linĂ©aire, mĂȘme celui de la profondeur normale, devient aisĂ© dans une large gamme pratique du taux de remplissage compris entre 0,2 et 0,8. The present study aims to contribute in the design of the egg-shaped conduct partially filled. On the basis of the referential rough model, the vertical diameter of the conduct can be written D D , where D is the vertical diameter of the referential rough model and is a non-dimensional correction factor. This approach is applicable in the entire turbulent flow domain and leads in practice to explicit relationships for the design of such conducts. The computation of the linear dimension and also the normal depth is easy in the wide range of the flow depth ratio from 0.2 to 0.8

    Evaluation de la surdite professionnelle dans un departement du sud tunisien

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    Objectif: La surditĂ© professionnelle (SP) est une atteinte auditive acquise due Ă  une exposition excessive au bruit au travail. Elle reprĂ©sente une cause frĂ©quente des surditĂ©s de l’adulte. Le but de notre travail est de rapporter les caractĂ©ristiques Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, cliniques et audiomĂ©triques des patients prĂ©sentant une SP.MĂ©thode : Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective concernant 200 patients prĂ©sentant une SP dĂ©clarĂ©e dans le gouvernorat de Sfax durant la pĂ©riode (1990-2007). Un interrogatoire, un examen ORL complet ainsi qu’une audiomĂ©trie tonale ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s pour tous les malades. Nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© l’incidence annuelle, l’ñge, le sexe, le secteur d’activitĂ© ainsi que les donnĂ©es audiomĂ©triques de ces patients. Une Ă©tude analytique univariĂ©e a recherchĂ© une corrĂ©lation entre la perte auditive moyenne (PAM), l’ñge, la durĂ©e d’exposition au bruit et le secteur d’activitĂ©.RĂ©sultats : Une prĂ©dominance masculine a Ă©tĂ© notĂ©e (99%). La moyenne d’ñge Ă©tait de 46 ans. Les secteurs d’activitĂ© les plus incriminĂ©s Ă©taient la mĂ©tallurgie (27,5%), la menuiserie (10%) et le secteur automobile (6%). 26,5% des patients rapportaient des acouphĂšnes et 3,5% se plaignaient de troubles de l’équilibre. La surditĂ© professionnelle Ă©tait perceptionnelle, bilatĂ©rale et symĂ©trique dans 93% des cas. L’analyse statistique univariĂ©e n’a pas objectivĂ© de corrĂ©lation entre la PAM, l’ñge, la durĂ©e d’exposition au bruit et le secteur d’activitĂ©.Conclusion : A notre connaissance, il s’agit de la premiĂšre Ă©tude publiĂ©e rapportant les caractĂ©ristiques de la SP chez des travailleurs dans le sud Tunisien. Cette Ă©tude montre le manque de sensibilisation du public vis-Ă -vis de l’importance de la prĂ©servation de l’audition du bruit. Elle met en Ă©vidence aussi le manque d’outils de prĂ©vention, leur inefficacitĂ© voire les deux.Mots clĂ©s : surditĂ© professionnelle ; Ă©pidĂ©miologie ; bruit ; audiomĂ©trieObjective: Occupational noise-induced hearing loss (ONIHL) describes an acquired hearing impairment attributable to excessive workplace noise exposure. ONIHL is likely to contribute to a very high proportion of the cases of hearing loss in adults. The aim of this study was to provide epidemiological profile, clinical and audiometric characteristics of patients presenting ONIHL in our department.Method : This study examined workers’ data claims accepted for hearing-related conditions in Sfax department in South Tunisia during 1990-2007. Two hundred workers were underwent audiometry and answered a clinical questionnaire. Our data were analysed to describe annual trends in ONIHL claims, claimants’ age, gender, occupational group and audiometric features. In the univariate analysis, the ONIHL was correlated with age, duration of occupational exposure to noise and occupational group.Results : The majority of patients presenting with ONIHL was male (99%). The average age was 46 years. The most affected professional sectors were primary metal industries (27.5%), lumber and wood products manufacturing (10%) and the automobile industry (6%). Of all ONIHL patients, 26,5% had tinnitus and 3,5% had complaints related to balance disorders. ONIHL was sensorineural, bilateral and symmetrical in 93% of cases. Univariate analysis showed no significant association between hearing loss, age, occupational exposure to noise and occupational group.Conclusion : To our knowledge, it is the first published report on epidemiological profile, clinical and audiometric characteristics of ONIHL workers in south Tunisia. This work suggests the low level of public awareness regarding the importance of hearing preservation and that current strategies addressing this problem are either not effective or inadequately implemented, or both.Keywords : occupational noise-induced hearing loss; epidemiology; noise; audiometr

    Les tumeurs myofibroblastiques inflammatoires cervico-faciales

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    Objectifs : Confronter les signes cliniques et paracliniques de cette entitĂ© Ă  celle des cancers et Ă©tudier ses modalitĂ©s thĂ©rapeutiques.MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes : Etude rĂ©trospective portant sur huit cas de tumeurs myofibroblastiques inflammatoires cervico-faciales.RĂ©sultats : L’ñge moyen Ă©tait de 37 ans sans prĂ©dominance de sexe. Le siĂšge de la pseudotumeur Ă©tait thyroĂŻdien dans un cas, ganglionnaire dans deux cas, les parties molles cervicales dans un cas, laryngĂ© dans un cas, nasosinusien dans un cas, orbito-sinusienne dans 1 cas et du cavum dans un cas. Le traitement Ă©tait chirurgical dans 6 cas. Une corticothĂ©rapie a Ă©tĂ© instaurĂ©e dans 4 cas dont 2 en post opĂ©ratoire. L’évolution, aprĂšs un recul moyen de 21 mois, Ă©tait marquĂ©e par la survenue de rĂ©cidive dans 2 cas, une poursuite évolutive dans 1 cas et l’apparition d’autres localisations rĂ©nales et rĂ©tro pĂ©ritonĂ©ale chez une patiente.Discussion : Les tumeurs myofibroblastiques inflammatoires sont rares. De caractĂšre bĂ©nin, ces tumeurs prĂ©sentent gĂ©nĂ©ralement des caractĂ©ristiques cliniques d’agressivitĂ© avec un pouvoir lytique mimant une tumeur maligne. L’atteinte des voies aĂ©rodigestives supĂ©rieures se voit dans 11 % des tumeurs extrapulmonaires. Le diagnostic prĂ©opĂ©ratoire est difficile. L’exĂ©rĂšse aussi large que possible de la tumeur est gĂ©nĂ©ralement prĂ©conisĂ©e. L’association d’une corticothĂ©rapie est indiquĂ©e chez des patients demeurant symptomatiques.Mots clĂ©s : tumeur myofibroblastique inflammatoire, cervico-facial, chirurgie, corticoĂŻdesObjectives: Compare clinical, radiological and histological features of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumours with cancers and describe this entity therapeutic management.Material and methods: Retrospective study on eight cases of head and neck inflammatory myofibroblastic tumours.Results: The median age was 37 years without sex predominance. The tumor location was the thyroid (1 case), cervical lymph nodes (2 cases), neck (1 case), larynx (1 case), sinonasal tract (1case), orbit and sinosal tract (1 case) and nasopharynx (1 case). Surgical procedure was performed in 7 case. Corticosteroid therapy was established in 4 cases. The median follow-up was 21 months. Local recurrence was noted in 2 cases. A disease evolution was noted in 1 case. Occurrence of renal and retroperitoneal locations was noted in 1 case.Discussion : Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumours are uncommon. Although they are histological benign, they often show aggressive clinical behavior, with locally destructive features that mimic a neoplastic process. Head and neck involvement is seen in 11% of extrapulmonary locations. Preoperative diagnosis is difficult. A wide surgical excision of the tumor is recommended. The combination of a corticosteroid is indicated in patients who remain symptomatic.Key words: Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour, Head and neck, surgery, corticosteroid

    Quantitative Assessment of the Impact of Crohn\u27s Disease on Protein Abundance of Human Intestinal Drug-Metabolising Enzymes and Transporters

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    Crohn\u27s disease affects the mucosal layer of the intestine, predominantly ileum and colon segments, with the potential to affect the expression of intestinal enzymes and transporters, and consequently, oral drug bioavailability. We carried out a quantitative proteomic analysis of inflamed and non-inflamed ileum and colon tissues from Crohn\u27s disease patients and healthy donors. Homogenates from samples in each group were pooled and protein abundance determined by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS). In inflamed Crohn\u27s ileum, CYP3A4, CYP20A1, CYP51A1, ADH1B, ALPI, FOM1, SULT1A2, SULT1B1 and ABCB7 showed ≄10-fold reduction in abundance compared with healthy baseline. By contrast, only MGST1 showed ≄10 fold reduction in inflamed colon. Ileal UGT1A1, MGST1, MGST2, and MAOA levels increased by ≄2 fold in Crohn\u27s patients, while only ALPI showed ≄2 fold increase in the colon. Counter-intuitively, non-inflamed ileum had a higher magnitude of fold change than inflamed tissue when compared with healthy tissue. Marked but non-uniform alterations were observed in the expression of various enzymes and transporters in ileum and colon compared with healthy samples. Modelling will allow improved understanding of the variable effects of Crohn\u27s disease on bioavailability of orally administered drugs

    Les perforations par traumatisme interne de l’oesophage

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    Introduction: Esophagus traumatic perforations still carries high morbidity and mortality rates. There is no consensus regarding the appropriate management of this life-threatening condition. The aim of this study is to analyse treatment of traumatic esophageal perforations.Patients and methods: This retrospective study was made with seven patients treated for traumatic perforation of the esoephagus at the ENT department of the Habib Bourguiba Hospital. All patients were men. The mean age was 24 years. One patient has a history of an idiopathic megaesophagus and another have a history of a caustic stenosis.The traumatism was by foreign body in 2 cases, at the time of an  extraction of foreign body in 3 cases and at the time ofa traumatic endoscopy in 2 cases.Results: The treatment consisted on an isolated medical treatment in 1 case and associated to the surgery for the 6 other patients. The surgical treatment was conservative in 2 cases. Esophagus exclusion with replacement was made in 4 cases. After treatment, evolution was good for all patients.Conclusion: Esophageal perforations can cause death by some serious complications. The treatment is a medico-surgical urgency. The medical treatment must be founded in all the cases as of the suspicion of the diagnosis. The surgery is indicated for complications or during the monitoring in the absence of improvement under medical treatment. The majority of the authors choose conservative treatment especially if the diagnosis is made in the 48 first hours. The radical surgery is kept for the failures of the conservative treatment.Key words: Perforation, esophagus, foreign body, endoscopy, surgery, prognosis

    Biochemical characterization of a cefotaximehydrolysing &#946-lactamase encoded by a conjugative plasmid

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    During the nosocomials infections occurring in the intensive care unit of the military hospital of Tunis in 2005, the Enterobacter cloacae BW 1150 strain was isolated from a stool culture. This strain was found to have a high level resistance to broad-spectrum -lactams. Resistance profile against thevarious families of antibiotics was determined using the disc diffusion test. The minimal inhibitory concentrations values showed that this strain was resistant to the -lactams such as ampicillin and the extended spectrum cephalosporins (cefotaxime, ceftriaxon and cefpirome). Analysis of this strain by the disk diffusion test revealed synergies between amoxicillin-clavulanate (AMX-CA) and ceftriaxon, ceftazidime and cefotaxime. Cell sonicate of this isolate is very active against cefotaxime and showed aspecific activity (AS) of 7.54 U/mg for the same antibiotic. This activity was inhibited by the sulbactam and the clavulanic acid. Isoelectrofocusing methods revealed that the crude extract of the E. cloacae BW 1150 strain showed 1 - lactamase activity with an isoelectric piont (pI) of about 8. This activity was transferred by conjugation and was highly expressed in the transconjugant
