517 research outputs found

    Hepatic toxicity assessment of cationic liposome exposure in healthy and chronic alcohol fed mice

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    The utilisation of nanoparticles as the means of targeted delivery of therapeutics and/or imaging agents could greatly enhance the specific transport of biologically active payloads to target tissues while avoiding or reducing undesired side-effects. To allow for this to become a reality, the question of potential toxicological effects needs to be addressed. In the present investigation, a cationic liposome with prospective for medical applications was constructed and thoroughly assessed for any material-induced hepatic adverse effects in vivo − in healthy and alcoholic hepatic disease models and in vitro − (HepG2 cells). The data demonstrated that intravenous injection of liposomes did not cause any significant in vivo hepatic toxicity (inflammation, alterations in blood parameters, anti-oxidant depletion, acute phase response and histopathology) at doses of 200 μg per mouse in either healthy or chronically alcohol fed mice. Additionally, the in vitro material-induced adverse effects (cytotoxicity, inflammation or albumin secretion) were all also minimal. The data from this study demonstrated that the intravenous injection of cationic liposomes does not cause hepatic toxicity. This investigation is important as it investigates the toxicity of a nano-sized material in a model of alcoholic hepatic disease in vitro and in vivo. This is an area of research in the field of nanotoxicology that is currently almost entirely overlooked. Keywords: Toxicology, Nanoparticles, Pharmaceutical scienc

    Initial experiments to assess short-term survival of discarded plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) caught in trammel nets during winter season

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    European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) is a key species in commercial fisheries in the North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat, and Baltic Sea. The reformed European Union Common Fisheries Policy includes the possibility of exemptions from the landing obligation for “species for which scientific evidence demonstrates high survival rates”. Discard survival from set-net fisheries is poorly studied. Trials were conducted on two commercial fishing vessels over seven trips from November to February 2017–2018 in the Baltic Sea. The nylon trammel nets had a nominal bar size for the inner/outer wall of 75/350 mm and 85/400 mm. Soaking time was 23–47 h, water depth 7–18 m, and deck temperature was − 0.1–6.0 ◦C. Following commercial practice, the trammel nets were hauled back onto the vessel, after which netting and fish passed through a net hauler onto a steel sorting table where the entire fish catch were manually untangled by the fishers and plaice collected by scientists. We used a storage system for housing the captured fish inside fishing harbours during observations. Catch-damage-index (CDI) and Reflex Action Mortality Predictor (RAMP) scores were used to assess fish condition immediately after capture and at the end of observation periods. All plaice below 40 cm were sampled with a total number of 118 individuals from 13 fleets (several nets joined together). The fish were assessed for short-term survival for 4–10 days with full survival (100%). The majority of fish exhibited no reflex impairments. Minor bruises, fraying, and net marks were frequently observed on captured fish. The overall condition of the fish did not change during observation periods

    Survival of patients with small cell lung cancer undergoing lung resection in England, 1998–2009

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    Introduction: Chemotherapy or chemoradiotherapy is the recommended treatment for small cell lung cancer (SCLC), except in stage I disease where clinical guidelines state there may be a role for surgery based on favourable outcomes in case series. Evidence supporting adjuvant chemotherapy in resected SCLC is limited but this is widely offered. Methods: Data on 359 873 patients who were diagnosed with a first primary lung cancer in England between 1998 and 2009 were grouped according to histology (SCLC or non-SCLC (NSCLC)) and whether they underwent a surgical resection. We explored their survival using Kaplan-Meier analysis and Cox regression, adjusting for age, sex, comorbidity and socioeconomic status. Results: The survival of 465 patients with resected SCLC was lower than patients with resected NSCLC (5-year survival 31% and 45%, respectively), but much higher than patients of either group who were not resected (3%). The difference between resected SCLC and NSCLC diminished with time after surgery. Survival was superior for the subgroup of 198 'elective' SCLC cases where the diagnosis was most likely known before resection than for the subgroup of 267 'incidental' cases where the SCLC diagnosis was likely to have been made after resection. Conclusions: These data serve as a natural experiment testing the survival after surgical management of SCLC according to NSCLC principles. Patients with SCLC treated surgically for early stage disease may have survival outcomes that approach those of NSCLC, supporting the emerging clinical practice of offering surgical resection to selected patients with SCLC

    The Lyman-alpha glow of gas falling into the dark matter halo of a z=3 galaxy

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    Quasars are the visible signatures of super-massive black holes in the centres of distant galaxies. It has been suggested that quasars are formed during ``major merger events'' when two massive galaxies collide and merge, leading to the prediction that quasars should be found in the centres of the regions of largest overdensity in the early Universe. In dark matter (DM)-dominated models of the early Universe, massive DM halos are predicted to attract the surrounding gas, which falls towards its centre. The neutral gas is not detectable in emission by itself, but gas falling into the ionizing cone of such a quasar will glow in the Lyman-alpha line of hydrogen, effectively imaging the DM halo. Here we present a Lyman-alpha image of a DM halo at redshift 3, along with a two-dimensional spectrum of the gaseous halo. Our observations are best understood in the context of the standard model for DM halos; we infer a mass of (2-7) x 10^12 solar masses (Msun) for the halo.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Published as a Letter to Nature in the August 26, 2004 issue; see accompanying News and Views article by Z. Haiman in the same issu