7 research outputs found

    Measurement and Evaluation of Communication parameters on a Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Test Site

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    The German Aerospace Center (DLR) currently builds up and begins to operate a test field for cooperative ITS systems using Vehicle-to-X communication. Since a longterm operation is planned several periodic measurements and test drives have to be taken and the measurement data has to be evaluated. A measurement platform for automated data acquisition and software for automatically generating evaluations is introduced here. Exemplary measurement data was captured. The evaluation results are presented and briefly discussed

    An approach for measuring V2X infrastructure communication coverage and signal quality

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    Many novel cooperative ITS systems are based on Vehicle-to-X communication. Cooperative road side infrastructure for development and test of applications is installed by several research projects. This paper describes an approach for measuring the achievable communication distances around an ITS Roadside Station as well as for post processing and visualizing the data. With these measurement results it is also possible to monitor changes of the communication distances due to hardware aging or environmental aspects

    Field Operational Test of a new Delay-Based Traffic Signal Control Using C2I Communication Technology

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    This paper presents the setup of a field operation test of a novel delay-based traffic signal control. That signal control utilizes vehicles’ delay times for the green time adjustment. The delay times in this test are measured by C2I-equipped test vehicles and are transmitted to a common signal controller. The signal controller is upgraded with a road side unit (RSU). The RSU includes a communication and an application unit. The communication unit is required to receive the communication telegrams from the vehicles with their coded delay times. The delay-based control logic is executed on the application unit which is basically a small computer. The RSU is linked to the signal controller via one of the controller’s standard interfaces. The utilized interface is a port which is usually used for connecting induction loops with the signal controller. The delay-based signal control sends an impulse from the RSU to the induction loop port to trigger the signal controller for a phase change. The test site is located at the non-public property of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in the city of Braunschweig, using the facilities of the Application Platform for Intelligent Mobility (AIM). Test cases are defined to evaluate if the control logic reacts in the expected way. The overall objective of the field operational test is to prove the technical feasibility of the delay-based control by applying only standard equipment. The successful proof is the requirement for a continuative and extensive field operational test in the public space which will investigate the control’s impacts on traffic flow, waiting times and emissions