7 research outputs found

    Dryad Evo 11-0373

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    Excel spreadsheet of observational data imported from JWatcher. Separate tabs for 'consensual' and 'coercive' mating attempts

    multifasc network data

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    Interaction frequency per five minute observation for each member of five separate communities


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    Data for manipulations of individual shell nests of Neolamprologus multifasciatu

    Attack counts

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    ReadMe details for “Bolnick_data.csv” for Bolnick et al. Biology Letters 2016 The file Bolnick_data.csv is a comma-delimited ..csv text file. This file contains columns necessary to recreate analyses presented in the Biology Letters paper. The data in this table is a synthesis of a raw data file containing the exact time of each interaction, obtained from the original videos that are available upon request from the author (large files). Each column is distinct information regarding individual fish (rows). These columns are: A) Lake: Blackwater Lake or Gosling Lake B) Fish: an ID number corresponding to the camera used to uniquely video tape each interaction C) Model_color: Red, Blue, or Control_object (a cylinder the same size as our models) D) depth: Resident males’ nest depth (cm) E) N_bites: Number of bites directed at the model over a 1 hour video F) N_inspects: Number of inspections of the model (focal fish approaching the model to within one body length while facing the model) G) Aggressive_interactions: Sum of bites and inspections H) Date: date of experiment I) Mean.interval.between.bites: the mean duration of time between successive bites. Not calculated for Blackwater Lake because too few fish conducted more than 2 bites. Measured in seconds. J) Median.interval.between.bites: the median duration of time between successive bites. Not calculated for Blackwater Lake because too few fish conducted more than 2 bites. Measured in seconds. K) SD.interval: the standard deviation of the duration of time between successive bites. Not calculated for Blackwater Lake because too few fish conducted more than 2 bites. Measured in seconds

    Facial colour patterns and four types of models of <i>Neolamprologus pulcher</i>, and their presentation in experiments.

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    <p>(a): facial colour pattern of four individual fish. (b): preparation of four types of digital-models; (FfFb): familiar neighbour, (FfSb): familiar neighbour’s face on stranger body, (SfSb): stranger and (SfFb): stranger’s face on familiar neighbour body. (c): monitor display exhibiting moving models in an experimental tank. (d): typical reaction of fish just after noticing an emerging model; (1) distance of fish approaching a site for watching model, and (2) distance between site of fish watching model and model on screen.</p

    Time of watching models by <i>Neolamprologus pulcher</i> when presented four types of digital models.

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    <p>(FfFb): familiar neighbour, (FfSb): familiar neighbour’s face on stranger’s body, (SfSb): stranger, (SfFb): stranger’s face on familiar neighbour’s body. Median, box (showing 25% and 75%) and ranges are shown. **<i>p</i> < 0.01, NS <i>p</i> > 0.05. (Wilcoxon signed rank test).</p

    Approaching distance and time to respond to models that initially emerged from behind a right solid block after noticing the models.

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    <p>(a): approaching distance from site of noticing emerging models to site of watching the model [(1) shown in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0142552#pone.0142552.g001" target="_blank">Fig 1D</a>], (b): distance between the site of watching model and model on screen [(2) in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0142552#pone.0142552.g001" target="_blank">Fig 1D</a>], and (c): time from noticing the emerging model to stopping at the watching site. Median, box (showing 25% and 75%) and ranges are shown. *<i>p</i> < 0.05, NS <i>p</i> > 0.05. In (a) and (b), familiar face models (FfFb or FfSb) and unfamiliar face models (SfSb or SfFb) are compared. When both data are available in a fish, FfFb and SfSb are used. [Wilcoxon signed rank test in (a) and (b), and Mann Whitney <i>U</i>-test in (c)].</p