26 research outputs found

    LSPT: Long-term Spatial Prompt Tuning for Visual Representation Learning

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    Visual Prompt Tuning (VPT) techniques have gained prominence for their capacity to adapt pre-trained Vision Transformers (ViTs) to downstream visual tasks using specialized learnable tokens termed as prompts. Contemporary VPT methodologies, especially when employed with self-supervised vision transformers, often default to the introduction of new learnable prompts or gated prompt tokens predominantly sourced from the model's previous block. A pivotal oversight in such approaches is their failure to harness the potential of long-range previous blocks as sources of prompts within each self-supervised ViT. To bridge this crucial gap, we introduce Long-term Spatial Prompt Tuning (LSPT) - a revolutionary approach to visual representation learning. Drawing inspiration from the intricacies of the human brain, LSPT ingeniously incorporates long-term gated prompts. This feature serves as temporal coding, curbing the risk of forgetting parameters acquired from earlier blocks. Further enhancing its prowess, LSPT brings into play patch tokens, serving as spatial coding. This is strategically designed to perpetually amass class-conscious features, thereby fortifying the model's prowess in distinguishing and identifying visual categories. To validate the efficacy of our proposed method, we engaged in rigorous experimentation across 5 FGVC and 19 VTAB-1K benchmarks. Our empirical findings underscore the superiority of LSPT, showcasing its ability to set new benchmarks in visual prompt tuning performance

    Adaptive Policy Learning for Offline-to-Online Reinforcement Learning

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    Conventional reinforcement learning (RL) needs an environment to collect fresh data, which is impractical when online interactions are costly. Offline RL provides an alternative solution by directly learning from the previously collected dataset. However, it will yield unsatisfactory performance if the quality of the offline datasets is poor. In this paper, we consider an offline-to-online setting where the agent is first learned from the offline dataset and then trained online, and propose a framework called Adaptive Policy Learning for effectively taking advantage of offline and online data. Specifically, we explicitly consider the difference between the online and offline data and apply an adaptive update scheme accordingly, that is, a pessimistic update strategy for the offline dataset and an optimistic/greedy update scheme for the online dataset. Such a simple and effective method provides a way to mix the offline and online RL and achieve the best of both worlds. We further provide two detailed algorithms for implementing the framework through embedding value or policy-based RL algorithms into it. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on popular continuous control tasks, and results show that our algorithm can learn the expert policy with high sample efficiency even when the quality of offline dataset is poor, e.g., random dataset.Comment: AAAI202

    LongLLMLingua: Accelerating and Enhancing LLMs in Long Context Scenarios via Prompt Compression

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    In long context scenarios, large language models (LLMs) face three main challenges: higher computational/financial cost, longer latency, and inferior performance. Some studies reveal that the performance of LLMs depends on both the density and the position of the key information (question relevant) in the input prompt. Inspired by these findings, we propose LongLLMLingua for prompt compression towards improving LLMs' perception of the key information to simultaneously address the three challenges. We conduct evaluation on a wide range of long context scenarios including single-/multi-document QA, few-shot learning, summarization, synthetic tasks, and code completion. The experimental results show that LongLLMLingua compressed prompt can derive higher performance with much less cost. The latency of the end-to-end system is also reduced. For example, on NaturalQuestions benchmark, LongLLMLingua gains a performance boost of up to 17.1% over the original prompt with ~4x fewer tokens as input to GPT-3.5-Turbo. It can derive cost savings of \$28.5 and \$27.4 per 1,000 samples from the LongBench and ZeroScrolls benchmark, respectively. Additionally, when compressing prompts of ~10k tokens at a compression rate of 2x-10x, LongLLMLingua can speed up the end-to-end latency by 1.4x-3.8x. Our code is available at https://aka.ms/LLMLingua

    Unified Medical Image Pre-training in Language-Guided Common Semantic Space

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    Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP) has shown the merits of analysing medical images, by leveraging the semantic congruence between medical images and their corresponding reports. It efficiently learns visual representations, which in turn facilitates enhanced analysis and interpretation of intricate imaging data. However, such observation is predominantly justified on single-modality data (mostly 2D images like X-rays), adapting VLP to learning unified representations for medical images in real scenario remains an open challenge. This arises from medical images often encompass a variety of modalities, especially modalities with different various number of dimensions (e.g., 3D images like Computed Tomography). To overcome the aforementioned challenges, we propose an Unified Medical Image Pre-training framework, namely UniMedI, which utilizes diagnostic reports as common semantic space to create unified representations for diverse modalities of medical images (especially for 2D and 3D images). Under the text's guidance, we effectively uncover visual modality information, identifying the affected areas in 2D X-rays and slices containing lesion in sophisticated 3D CT scans, ultimately enhancing the consistency across various medical imaging modalities. To demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of UniMedI, we evaluate its performance on both 2D and 3D images across 10 different datasets, covering a wide range of medical image tasks such as classification, segmentation, and retrieval. UniMedI has demonstrated superior performance in downstream tasks, showcasing its effectiveness in establishing a universal medical visual representation

    Protecting the Future: Neonatal Seizure Detection with Spatial-Temporal Modeling

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    A timely detection of seizures for newborn infants with electroencephalogram (EEG) has been a common yet life-saving practice in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). However, it requires great human efforts for real-time monitoring, which calls for automated solutions to neonatal seizure detection. Moreover, the current automated methods focusing on adult epilepsy monitoring often fail due to (i) dynamic seizure onset location in human brains; (ii) different montages on neonates and (iii) huge distribution shift among different subjects. In this paper, we propose a deep learning framework, namely STATENet, to address the exclusive challenges with exquisite designs at the temporal, spatial and model levels. The experiments over the real-world large-scale neonatal EEG dataset illustrate that our framework achieves significantly better seizure detection performance.Comment: Accepted in IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) 202

    Insight-HXMT on-orbit thermal control status and thermal deformation impact analysis

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    Purpose: The Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope is China's first X-ray astronomy satellite launched on June 15th, 2017, dubbed Insight-HXMT. Active and passive thermal control measures are employed to keep devices at suitable temperatures. In this paper, we analyzed the on-orbit thermal monitoring data of the first 5 years and investigated the effect of thermal deformation on the point spread function (PSF) of the telescopes. Methods: We examined the data of the on-orbit temperatures measured using 157 thermistors placed on the collimators, detectors and their support structures and compared the results with the thermal control requirements. The thermal deformation was evaluated by the relative orientation of the two star sensors installed on the main support structure. its effect was estimated with evolution of the PSF obtained with calibration scanning observations of the Crab nebula. Conclusion: The on-orbit temperatures met the thermal control requirements thus far, and the effect of thermal deformation on the PSF was negligible after the on-orbit pointing calibration.Comment: 25 pages, 35 figures, submitte

    Overview to the Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (Insight-HXMT) Satellite

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    As China's first X-ray astronomical satellite, the Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT), which was dubbed as Insight-HXMT after the launch on June 15, 2017, is a wide-band (1-250 keV) slat-collimator-based X-ray astronomy satellite with the capability of all-sky monitoring in 0.2-3 MeV. It was designed to perform pointing, scanning and gamma-ray burst (GRB) observations and, based on the Direct Demodulation Method (DDM), the image of the scanned sky region can be reconstructed. Here we give an overview of the mission and its progresses, including payload, core sciences, ground calibration/facility, ground segment, data archive, software, in-orbit performance, calibration, background model, observations and some preliminary results.Comment: 29 pages, 40 figures, 6 tables, to appear in Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1910.0443

    Insight-HXMT observations of Swift J0243.6+6124 during its 2017-2018 outburst

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    The recently discovered neutron star transient Swift J0243.6+6124 has been monitored by {\it the Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope} ({\it Insight-\rm HXMT). Based on the obtained data, we investigate the broadband spectrum of the source throughout the outburst. We estimate the broadband flux of the source and search for possible cyclotron line in the broadband spectrum. No evidence of line-like features is, however, found up to 150 keV\rm 150~keV. In the absence of any cyclotron line in its energy spectrum, we estimate the magnetic field of the source based on the observed spin evolution of the neutron star by applying two accretion torque models. In both cases, we get consistent results with B∼1013 GB\rm \sim 10^{13}~G, D∼6 kpcD\rm \sim 6~kpc and peak luminosity of >1039 erg s−1\rm >10^{39}~erg~s^{-1} which makes the source the first Galactic ultraluminous X-ray source hosting a neutron star.Comment: publishe