5 research outputs found

    Biografi Pahlawan Nasional: Marthin Indey dan Silas Papare

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    Marthin lndey adalah seorang yang berjiwa pejuang yang terus memperjuangkan keutuhan wilayah Republik Indonesia yang tercinta. Kedatangannya di Ambon pada tanggal 7 Januari 194 7 dalam rangka memperjuangkan daerah. melalui pertemuannya dengan para tokoh Maluku yang pro Indonesia. Ternyata pada tanggal 23 Maret 1947 Marthin lndey ditangkap oleh pemerintah kolonial Belanda kemudian dijatuhi hukuman penjara 4,5 tahun bersama-sama dengan rekan sepcrjuangan lainnya. Marthin lndey adalah seorang pejuang handal dan tanpa pamrih. Sikap patriotisme dengan kerelaan berkorban menjadi ciri khas perjuangan Marthin lndey

    Model Penguatan Modal Sosial dalam Kerangka Perluasan Lapangan Kerja bagi Orang Asli Papua di Kabupaten Manokwari

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    This study aims to reconstruct a model of strengthening social capital to expand opportunities for employment for Papuans, which have been difficult to obtain in Manokwari District. The approach used is grounded theory based on phenomena by applying it in the form of concepts, categories and propositions as a means of construction, reconstruction and elaboration in a social process, with a constructivism paradigm model and emphasizing more on the emic approach. Methods of observation, interviews and documentation. The main instrument is the researcher himself with the help of: a tape recorder notebook, and a camera. The validity of the data was tested using the technique, source, and time triangulation method. Data analysis used descriptive narrative analysis. Research findings show, among others; there is an imbalance of knowledge and understanding of the meaning of belief; there is a tendency for indigenous Papuans to prefer working in the formal sector rather than in the informal sector; the collaboration of social capital and other capital in the process of expanding employment opportunities; indigenous Papuans have no trust in each other, are suspicious of each other, feel inferior; a sense of injustice; the government in empowering no follow-up; the MRPB and LMA should have collaborated with the Otsus faction, Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD), TNI/Polri, and the private sector; Obstacles to Perda and Perdasus. The strategy to strengthen the structuring of the model within the framework of understanding social relations and the meaning of affirmative action as protection for the basic rights of indigenous Papuans does not yet have a strategy that looks specifically for expanding employment opportunities for indigenous Papuans both in the informal and formal sectors based on local wisdom in the Law -Special Autonomy Act

    biografi Pahlawan nasional marthin indey dan Silas papare

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    ix.195 hal.;23 c


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    A land problem in Indonesia, including Papua, is very complex. The complexity of the problem is caused by the existence of the fundamental distinction about the land rights between the customary society and government. As the consequence, this disagreement brings about a conflict. The cause of the land conflict in Arso is government policy in development disregarding the existence and role of the customary society as the land owner. Since the government planned to build an oil palm estate using the customary land and doing a land acquisition, the existence of the society has continued to be ignored. The land acquisition has caused a social disturbance. In addition, the government policy tends to district the customary institution by setting aside the role of the yuskwondur which is an independent institution and appointing a new yuskwondur which is just the accomplice of the government in releasing the customary land. Keywords: land conflict, Arso, policyMasalah tanah di Indonesia, termasuk Papua, sangat kompleks. Kompleksitas masalah ini disebabkan oleh keberadaan perbedaan mendasar tentang hak atas tanah antara masyarakat adat dan pemerintah. Sebagai konsekuensinya, perselisihan ini menyababkan konflik. Penyebab konflik tanah di Arso adalah kebijakan pemerintah dalam pengembangan mengabaikan keberadaan dan peran masyarakat adat sebagai pemilik lahan. Sejak pemerintah berencana untuk membangun perkebunan kelapa sawit menggunakan tanah adat dan melakukan akuisisi tanah, keberadaan masyarakat terus diabaikan. Akuisisi lahan telah menyebabkan gangguan sosial. Selain itu, kebijakan pemerintah cenderung menghilangkan peran lembaga adat dengan menyisihkan peran yuskwondur yang merupakan instution independen dan menunjuk seorang yuskwondur baru yang hanya kaki ta-ngan pemerintah dalam melepaskan tanah adat. Kata Kunci: konflik lahan, Arso, kebijakan</p

    Kekhawatiran dalam Perspektif Teologis, Psikologis, dan Pendidikan Kristiani: Sebuah Tafsir Matius 6:25-34 Interdisipliner

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    Worry is a common feeling that nearly every individual has faced throughout human history. Psychological research has generally shown that worry has a negative impact on both the mental and physical well-being of individuals. There is an implicit call in the belief that humans should not excessively worry about their lives, as found in the text of Matthew 6:25-34. This research seeks to reexamine worry through an interdisciplinary approach, involving its psychological aspects. The Gospel of Matthew is approached through hermeneutic analysis while simultaneously considering its psychological facets, which is referred to as 'interdisciplinary interpretation.' The culmination of this interdisciplinary meeting results in the thesis statement that the text of Matthew 6:25-34, when interpreted through an interdisciplinary lens, teaches that worry, though common to human experience, can be managed and overcome. This interpretive finding subsequently provides a proposal for the development of a Christian pastoral counseling approach to assist individuals in managing their worries.