23 research outputs found

    The T.O.S.C.A. Project: Research, Education and Care

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    Despite recent and exponential improvements in diagnostic- therapeutic pathways, an existing “GAP” has been revealed between the “real world care” and the “optimal care” of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). We present the T.O.S.CA. Project (Trattamento Ormonale dello Scompenso CArdiaco), an Italian multicenter initiative involving different health care professionals and services aiming to explore the CHF “metabolic pathophysiological model” and to improve the quality of care of HF patients through research and continuing medical education

    A new multi-method approach to constrain fault geometry: the cases of the Paganica and Mt. Vettore - Mt. Bove faults (central Italy)

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    The aim of the study is to identify the active structures in the Paganica and Mt. Vettore-Mt. Bove areas from geo-structural, seismological and gravimetric data in GIS environment and to constrain their geometry at depth with a combined interpretation of 2-D hypocentral sections and a multiscale analysis of the gravity field. Our multi-scale gravimetric analysis allowed identifying: - the primary fault plane of the Paganica system, displacing rocks with different densities down to about 10 km and dipping westward with an angle of 45°; - the primary Mt. Vettore-Mt. Bove fault of the 2016-2017 sequence, SW dipping; - the antithetic fault of the Mt. Vettore-Mt. Bove fault system that activated during the seismic sequence; this antithetic fault is buried, i.e., it has no geological signature at the surface; - the primary Norcia fault that also activated during the seismic sequence; - a silent fault bordering the western margin of the Norcia basin, well-known in the geological literature

    Characterization of the San Giuliano di Puglia (Southern Italy) Active faults through the Analysis of geological, seismological and gravimetric data

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    The area of San Giuliano di Puglia (Southern Italy) was struck by a moderate earthquake of Mw=5.7 on October 31st, 2002. The aim of this study is to identify and constrain the geometry of the active structures in the area. We used an integrated analysis of geo-structural, seismological and gravimetric data in GIS environment. More specifically, we built three thematic databases: the “fault dataset” consists of the collection of tectonic structures extracted from different catalogues and scientific papers; the “earthquake dataset” contains the instrumental and historical earthquakes extracted from the available catalogues; the “gravimetric dataset” consists of lineaments identified by the Multiscale Derivative Analysis (MDA) maxima of the Bouguer anomaly map. The maxima of the MDA map highlight lineaments contacting lithologies with different density. A table of attributes associated with each type of data was created ad-hoc. Our analysis of the three thematic datasets at San Giuliano di Puglia showed a clear correlation between MDA lineaments and low-angle NW–SE thrust lineaments. Furthermore, there is a good correlation between the E–W re-localized San Giuliano di Puglia 2002 seismic sequence and a MDA maximum with E–W direction, without evidence of E–W surface mapped faults. Moreover, to define the geometry and depth extent of the active faults in the studied area, we have employed the Depth from Extreme Points method (DEXP) that produces an image of the source density distribution. Then we overlaid the DEXP image to the hypocenters section. The hypocenters section shows a sub-vertical plane, with the aftershocks tending to cluster between 12 and 16 km depth, well-correlated with sub-vertical DEXP maxima. Our outcome of a E–W active fault with sub-vertical plain suggests a possible correlation of it with the pattern of the sub-vertical buried extension of Mattinata fault system, having E–W direction. These results are in good agreement with the geological and scientific works supporting the activation of Mattinata fault in 2002

    The Role of Gravity Modeling in Seismotectonics Analysis

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    Abstract (max. 250 words) The integration of surface geological investigations with geophysical techniques is useful to characterize systems of active faults, whose anatomy is often complex. Integration of different geophysical methods has a key-role in yielding information on the underground geometry of the systems. We use an integrated analysis of geo-structural, seismological and gravimetric data and focus on the identification and geometrical description of faults, with associated density contrast, both at the surface and at depth. At the surface, this task is accomplished by a Multiscale Derivative Analysis (MDA) of the Bouguer anomaly map and by the integration of the MDA maps with the epicentral distribution and all the available geological information. The characterization of fault structures at depth is instead performed by the combination of the Depth from Extreme Points (DEXP) gravity imaging method with the hypocentral sections. Our multi-parametric approach was effectively applied to different seismically active regions of the Central Apennines, such as the area hit by the 2016-2017 Amatrice-Visso-Norcia seismic sequence (Central Italy) and the area of San Giuliano di Puglia (Southern Italy), struck by a moderate earthquake in October 2002

    A multi-method approach to characterize the geometry of the Paganica and Matese seismogenetic faults (Central-Southern Apennines, Italy)

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    The Abruzzo and Molise regions (Central-Southern Apennines) are characterized by the occurrence of the strongest seismic activity of Italian Apennines. The seismogenetic sources of Abruzzo and Molise, responsible for destructive historical events (Mw>6) are located along the Apennine chain, along NW–SE faults, with hypocenters focused within the upper 10-20 km of the crust. Structural observations on the Pleistocene faults suggest normal to sinistral movements for the NW–SE faults and normal to dextral movements for the NE–SW structures. The focal mechanisms of the largest events show normal solutions consistent with a NE–SW extension of the chain. The last earthquake that struck the Abruzzo region, occurred on April 6, 2009 (Mw=6.3), killing 309 people. The epicenter was located close to the L’Aquila town, along the Paganica fault belonging to the Paganica-San Demetrio fault system. This earthquake was followed by a long seismic crisis including four events with 5.1< 5.6. After the 1980 Irpinia large earthquake, the release of seismic energy in Southern Apennines was characterized by the occurrence of moderate energy sequences (Mw<5) mainly of shock-aftershocks type and with swarm-type activity, along NW–SE and NE–SW systems of fault. A moderate seismic sequence (Mmax=5.1) struck the Molise region, in the Matese area, from December 29, 2013 (Ferranti et al., 2015). Our study consists of a multiparametric analysis carried out by merging tectonic, seismic and gravimetric data in GIS environment, with the aim of constraining the geometry of Paganica and Matese seismogenetic faults, both at the surface and at depth. The Multiscale Derivative Analysis (MDA) data of the gravity field, whose maxima define the structural lineaments characterized by density contrast, were compared with earthquakes epicentral distribution and faults from literature. Moreover, 2D seismic hypocentral distribution was correlated with the DEXP (Depth from Extreme Points; Fedi and Pilkington, 2012) gravity imaging, to estimate the fault systems parameters (strike, dip direction and dip angle) at depth. This multi-parametric approach was already applied to the seismically active region of the Central Apennines (Luiso et al., 2018), hit by the 2016-2017 Amatrice-Visso-Norcia seismic sequence

    Experimental Analysis of Total Radiated Power by the Open Energy Meter 2G

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    The company e-distribuzione S.p.A (the main Italian electricity distributor) has started in 2017 the massive installation of the second-generation smart electrical energy meters. These smart meters have several new features. In particular, the communication functions have been improved to enhance the reliability of the communication towards the concentrator: in addition to the traditional main PLC channel, a radio module has been added with a transmission around the frequency of 169 MHz. This paper assesses the characteristics of the emission due to this radio module, quantifying the total radiated power. The analyses were performed not only inside an anechoic room, to obtain repeatable results, but also in situations close to the normal operating conditions