158 research outputs found

    Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Quadratic Isomorphism of Polynomials: The Regular Case

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    Let f=(f_1,,f_m)\mathbf{f}=(f\_1,\ldots,f\_m) and g=(g_1,,g_m)\mathbf{g}=(g\_1,\ldots,g\_m) be two sets of m1m\geq 1 nonlinear polynomials over K[x_1,,x_n]\mathbb{K}[x\_1,\ldots,x\_n] (K\mathbb{K} being a field). We consider the computational problem of finding -- if any -- an invertible transformation on the variables mapping f\mathbf{f} to g\mathbf{g}. The corresponding equivalence problem is known as {\tt Isomorphism of Polynomials with one Secret} ({\tt IP1S}) and is a fundamental problem in multivariate cryptography. The main result is a randomized polynomial-time algorithm for solving {\tt IP1S} for quadratic instances, a particular case of importance in cryptography and somewhat justifying {\it a posteriori} the fact that {\it Graph Isomorphism} reduces to only cubic instances of {\tt IP1S} (Agrawal and Saxena). To this end, we show that {\tt IP1S} for quadratic polynomials can be reduced to a variant of the classical module isomorphism problem in representation theory, which involves to test the orthogonal simultaneous conjugacy of symmetric matrices. We show that we can essentially {\it linearize} the problem by reducing quadratic-{\tt IP1S} to test the orthogonal simultaneous similarity of symmetric matrices; this latter problem was shown by Chistov, Ivanyos and Karpinski to be equivalent to finding an invertible matrix in the linear space Kn×n\mathbb{K}^{n \times n} of n×nn \times n matrices over K\mathbb{K} and to compute the square root in a matrix algebra. While computing square roots of matrices can be done efficiently using numerical methods, it seems difficult to control the bit complexity of such methods. However, we present exact and polynomial-time algorithms for computing the square root in Kn×n\mathbb{K}^{n \times n} for various fields (including finite fields). We then consider \\#{\tt IP1S}, the counting version of {\tt IP1S} for quadratic instances. In particular, we provide a (complete) characterization of the automorphism group of homogeneous quadratic polynomials. Finally, we also consider the more general {\it Isomorphism of Polynomials} ({\tt IP}) problem where we allow an invertible linear transformation on the variables \emph{and} on the set of polynomials. A randomized polynomial-time algorithm for solving {\tt IP} when f=(x_1d,,x_nd)\mathbf{f}=(x\_1^d,\ldots,x\_n^d) is presented. From an algorithmic point of view, the problem boils down to factoring the determinant of a linear matrix (\emph{i.e.}\ a matrix whose components are linear polynomials). This extends to {\tt IP} a result of Kayal obtained for {\tt PolyProj}.Comment: Published in Journal of Complexity, Elsevier, 2015, pp.3

    Folding Alternant and Goppa Codes with Non-Trivial Automorphism Groups

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    The main practical limitation of the McEliece public-key encryption scheme is probably the size of its key. A famous trend to overcome this issue is to focus on subclasses of alternant/Goppa codes with a non trivial automorphism group. Such codes display then symmetries allowing compact parity-check or generator matrices. For instance, a key-reduction is obtained by taking quasi-cyclic (QC) or quasi-dyadic (QD) alternant/Goppa codes. We show that the use of such symmetric alternant/Goppa codes in cryptography introduces a fundamental weakness. It is indeed possible to reduce the key-recovery on the original symmetric public-code to the key-recovery on a (much) smaller code that has not anymore symmetries. This result is obtained thanks to a new operation on codes called folding that exploits the knowledge of the automorphism group. This operation consists in adding the coordinates of codewords which belong to the same orbit under the action of the automorphism group. The advantage is twofold: the reduction factor can be as large as the size of the orbits, and it preserves a fundamental property: folding the dual of an alternant (resp. Goppa) code provides the dual of an alternant (resp. Goppa) code. A key point is to show that all the existing constructions of alternant/Goppa codes with symmetries follow a common principal of taking codes whose support is globally invariant under the action of affine transformations (by building upon prior works of T. Berger and A. D{\"{u}}r). This enables not only to present a unified view but also to generalize the construction of QC, QD and even quasi-monoidic (QM) Goppa codes. All in all, our results can be harnessed to boost up any key-recovery attack on McEliece systems based on symmetric alternant or Goppa codes, and in particular algebraic attacks.Comment: 19 page

    Fast Quantum Algorithm for Solving Multivariate Quadratic Equations

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    In August 2015 the cryptographic world was shaken by a sudden and surprising announcement by the US National Security Agency NSA concerning plans to transition to post-quantum algorithms. Since this announcement post-quantum cryptography has become a topic of primary interest for several standardization bodies. The transition from the currently deployed public-key algorithms to post-quantum algorithms has been found to be challenging in many aspects. In particular the problem of evaluating the quantum-bit security of such post-quantum cryptosystems remains vastly open. Of course this question is of primarily concern in the process of standardizing the post-quantum cryptosystems. In this paper we consider the quantum security of the problem of solving a system of {\it mm Boolean multivariate quadratic equations in nn variables} (\MQb); a central problem in post-quantum cryptography. When n=mn=m, under a natural algebraic assumption, we present a Las-Vegas quantum algorithm solving \MQb{} that requires the evaluation of, on average, O(20.462n)O(2^{0.462n}) quantum gates. To our knowledge this is the fastest algorithm for solving \MQb{}

    SPDH-Sign: towards Efficient, Post-quantum Group-based Signatures

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    In this paper, we present a new diverse class of post-quantum group-based Digital Signature Schemes (DSS). The approach is significantly different from previous examples of group-based digital signatures and adopts the framework of group action-based cryptography: we show that each finite group defines a group action relative to the semidirect product of the group by its automorphism group, and give security bounds on the resulting signature scheme in terms of the group-theoretic computational problem known as the Semidirect Discrete Logarithm Problem (SDLP). Crucially, we make progress towards being able to efficiently compute the novel group action, and give an example of a parameterised family of groups for which the group action can be computed for any parameters, thereby negating the need for expensive offline computation or inclusion of redundancy required in other schemes of this type

    A nearly optimal algorithm to decompose binary forms

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    Accepted to JSCSymmetric tensor decomposition is an important problem with applications in several areas for example signal processing, statistics, data analysis and computational neuroscience. It is equivalent to Waring's problem for homogeneous polynomials, that is to write a homogeneous polynomial in n variables of degree D as a sum of D-th powers of linear forms, using the minimal number of summands. This minimal number is called the rank of the polynomial/tensor. We focus on decomposing binary forms, a problem that corresponds to the decomposition of symmetric tensors of dimension 2 and order D. Under this formulation, the problem finds its roots in invariant theory where the decompositions are known as canonical forms. In this context many different algorithms were proposed. We introduce a superfast algorithm that improves the previous approaches with results from structured linear algebra. It achieves a softly linear arithmetic complexity bound. To the best of our knowledge, the previously known algorithms have at least quadratic complexity bounds. Our algorithm computes a symbolic decomposition in O(M(D)log(D))O(M(D) log(D)) arithmetic operations, where M(D)M(D) is the complexity of multiplying two polynomials of degree D. It is deterministic when the decomposition is unique. When the decomposition is not unique, our algorithm is randomized. We present a Monte Carlo version of it and we show how to modify it to a Las Vegas one, within the same complexity. From the symbolic decomposition, we approximate the terms of the decomposition with an error of 2ε2^{−ε} , in O(Dlog2(D)(log2(D)+log(ε)))O(D log^2(D) (log^2(D) + log(ε))) arithmetic operations. We use results from Kaltofen and Yagati (1989) to bound the size of the representation of the coefficients involved in the decomposition and we bound the algebraic degree of the problem by min(rank, D − rank + 1). We show that this bound can be tight. When the input polynomial has integer coefficients, our algorithm performs, up to poly-logarithmic factors, Obit(D+D4+D3τ)O_{bit} (Dℓ + D^4 + D^3 τ) bit operations, where ττ is the maximum bitsize of the coefficients and 22^{−ℓ} is the relative error of the terms in the decomposition

    The Digital Signature Scheme MQQ-SIG

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    This document contains the Intellectual Property Statement and the technical description of the MQQ-SIG - a new public key digital signature scheme. The complete scientific publication covering the design rationale and the security analysis will be given in a separate publication. MQQ-SIG consists of nn4n - \frac{n}{4} quadratic polynomials with nn Boolean variables where n=160, 196, 224 or 256

    Cryptanalysis of protocols using (Simultaneous) Conjugacy Search Problem in certain Metabelian Platform Groups

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    There are many group-based cryptosystems in which the security relies on the difficulty of solving Conjugacy Search Problem (CSP) and Simultaneous Conjugacy Search Problem (SCSP) in their underlying platform groups. In this paper we give a cryptanalysis of these systems which use certain semidirect product of abelian groups

    Polly Cracker, revisited

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    Polynomial equivalence problems and applications to multivariate cryptosystems

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    At Eurocrypt'96, J.Patarin proposed a signature and authentication scheme whose security relies on the difficulty of the Isomorphism of Polynomials problem . In this paper, we study a variant of this problem, namely the Isomorphism of Polynomials with one secret problem and we propose new algorithms to solve it, which improve on all the previously known algorithms. As a consequence, we prove that, when the number of polynomials (u) is close to the number of variables (n), the instances considered in and can be broken. We point out that the case n-u small is the most relevant one for cryptographic applications. Besides, we show that a large class of instances that have been presumed difficult in and can be solved in deterministic polynomial time. We also give numerical results to illustrate our methods