126 research outputs found

    MOOCs em Neurociência

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    The role of AT1 receptor-mediated reproductive function in renovascular hypertension in male rats

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    There is an association between hypertension and reproductive dysfunction. Angiotensin II (Ang II) is involved in the pathogenesis of hypertension and the regulation of reproduction. The present study aimed to determine whether the angiotensinergic system mediates the effects of hypertension on ieproductive function in male rats subjected to a two-kidney, one-clip (2K1C) model. Sexual behavior parameters, gametogenesis and plasma concentrations of Ang II, testosterone, prolactin and corticosterone were evaluated in male rats 28 days after 2K1C or sham surgery and losartan (Los) treatment (a type 1 angiotensin II (All) receptor antagonist) or vehicle (V) treatment. The animals were divided into Sham + V, 2K1C + V. Sham + Los and 2K1C + Los groups. The 2KiC + V group showed a hypertensive response, inhibition of sexual behavior, spermatogenesis dysfunction, and increases in plasma Ang II and prolactin. Conversely, plasma testosterone decreased, and plasma corticosterone remained constant. Losartan treatment normalized blood pressure and prevented the changes in plasma testosterone and prolactin, sexual behavior and spermatogenesis in the 2KiC + Los group. In addition, losartan treatment caused an additional increase in circulating Ang II in both groups (She m + Los arid 2K1C + Los). Together, these results suggest that Ang II, acting through the All receptor, modulates behavioral and endocrine parameters of reproductive function during renovascular hypertension. In addition, the effects of circulating Ang II on plasma testosterone and prolactin seem to contribute to the spermatogenic and sexual dysfunctions in hypertensive rats. (C) 2012 Els.evier Inc. All rights reserved.CAPE

    The maturational characteristics of the GABA input in the anterior piriform cortex may also contribute to the rapid learning of the maternal odor during the sensitive period

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    During the first ten postnatal days (P), infant rodents can learn olfactory preferences for novel odors if they are paired with thermo-tactile stimuli that mimic components of maternal care. After P10, the thermo-tactile pairing becomes ineffective for conditioning. The current explanation for this change in associative learning is the alteration in the norepinephrine (NE) inputs from the locus coeruleus (LC) to the olfactory bulb (OB) and the anterior piriform cortex (aPC). By combining patchclamp electrophysiology and computational simulations, we showed in a recent work that a transitory high responsiveness of the OB-aPC circuit to the maternal odor is an alternative mechanism that could also explain early olfactory preference learning and its cessation after P10. That result relied solely on the maturational properties of the aPC pyramidal cells. However, the GABAergic system undergoes important changes during the same period. To address the importance of the maturation of the GABAergic system for early olfactory learning, we incorporated data from the GABA inputs, obtained from in vitro patch-clamp experiment in the aPC of rat pups aged P5–P7 reported here, to the model proposed in our previous publication. In the younger than P10 OB-aPC circuit with GABA synaptic input, the number of responsive aPC pyramidal cells to the conditioned maternal odor was amplified in 30% compared to the circuit without GABAergic input. When compared with the circuit with other younger than P10 OB-aPC circuit with adult GABAergic input profile, this amplification was 88%. Together, our results suggest that during the olfactory preference learning in younger than P10, the GABAergic synaptic input presumably acts by depolarizing the aPC pyramidal neurons in such a way that it leads to the amplification of the pyramidal neurons response to the conditioned maternal odor. Furthermore, our results suggest that during this developmental period, the aPC pyramidal cells themselves seem to resolve the apparent lack of GABAergic synaptic inhibition by a strong firing adaptation in response to increased depolarizing inputs

    Maturation of pyramidal cells in anterior piriform cortex may be sufficient to explain the end of early olfactory learning in rats

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    Studies have shown that neonate rodents exhibit high ability to learn a preference for novel odors associated with thermotactile stimuli that mimics maternal care. Artificial odors paired with vigorous strokes in rat pups younger than 10 postnatal days (P), but not older, rapidly induce an orientation-approximation behavior toward the conditioned odor in a two-choice preference test. The olfactory bulb (OB) and the anterior olfactory cortex (aPC), both modulated by norepinephrine (NE), have been identified as part of a neural circuit supporting this transitory olfactory learning. One possible explanation at the neuronal level for why the odor-stroke pairing induces consistent orientation-approximation behavior in P10, is the coincident activation of prior existent neurons in the aPC mediating this behavior. Specifically, odorstroke conditioning in P10 pups, promoting orientation-approximation behavior in the former but not in the latter. In order to test this hypothesis, we performed in vitro patch-clamp recordings of the aPC pyramidal neurons from rat pups from two age groups (P5–P8 and P14–P17) and built computational models for the OB-aPC neural circuit based on this physiological data. We conditioned the P5–P8 OB-aPC artificial circuit to an odor associated with NE activation (representing the process of maternal odor learning during mother–infant interactions inside the nest) and then evaluated the response of the OB-aPC circuit to the presentation of the conditioned odor. The results show that the number of responsive aPC neurons to the presentation of the conditioned odor in the P14–P17 OB-aPC circuit was lower than in the P5–P8 circuit, suggesting that at P14–P17, the reduced number of responsive neurons to the conditioned (maternal) odor might not be coincident with the responsive neurons for a second conditioned odor

    Effect of social instigation and aggressive behavior on hormone levels of lactating dams and adult male Wistar rats

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    Among rodents, maternal aggression in the postpartum period represents a species-typical adaptation, but when aggressive behavior increases beyond this adaptive level, it can represent a model of excessive aggression. This study assessed the neuroendocrine response of lactating rats and socially instigated male rats. The aim of the present study was to assess neuroendocrine responses and the behavioral pattern of lactating rats and males that were subjected to an emotional stressor using the social instigation protocol. We measured plasma corticosterone levels as the key hormonal parameter of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and oxytocin, prolactin, and progesterone, which are released in response to several types of stressors. Our results showed that lactating rats that were subjected to only social instigation or aggressive confrontation in the presence of their pups had lower plasma corticosterone levels, and this response was similar to oxytocin, prolactin, and progesterone levels. By contrast, male rats showed increased corticosterone levels after being subjected only to social instigation. Male rats also engaged in aggressive behavior compared with the control group. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that lactating rats subjected to social instigation exhibited an attenuation of the HPA axis response, which is considered to be crucial to the dam's welfare so that it can care for its offspring. Thus, we can infer that lactation is a relevant factor in neuroendocrine responses to stress because of the increased levels of corticosterone in males.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES

    Effect of social instigation and aggressive behavior on hormone levels of lactating dams and adult male Wistar rats

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    Among rodents, maternal aggression in the postpartum period represents a species-typical adaptation, but when aggressive behavior increases beyond this adaptive level, it can represent a model of excessive aggression. This study assessed the neuroendocrine response of lactating rats and socially instigated male rats. The aim of the present study was to assess neuroendocrine responses and the behavioral pattern of lactating rats and males that were subjected to an emotional stressor using the social instigation protocol. We measured plasma corticosterone levels as the key hormonal parameter of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and oxytocin, prolactin, and progesterone, which are released in response to several types of stressors. Our results showed that lactating rats that were subjected to only social instigation or aggressive confrontation in the presence of their pups had lower plasma corticosterone levels, and this response was similar to oxytocin, prolactin, and progesterone levels. By contrast, male rats showed increased corticosterone levels after being subjected only to social instigation. Male rats also engaged in aggressive behavior compared with the control group. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that lactating rats subjected to social instigation exhibited an attenuation of the HPA axis response, which is considered to be crucial to the dam's welfare so that it can care for its offspring. Thus, we can infer that lactation is a relevant factor in neuroendocrine responses to stress because of the increased levels of corticosterone in males.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES

    MOOCs em Neurociência

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