60 research outputs found

    Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture as a Tool for Food Security and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: The Case of Mestre

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    Urban and peri-urban areas are subject to major societal challenges, like food security, climate change, biodiversity, resource efficiency, land management, social cohesion, and economic growth. In that context, Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture (UPA), thanks to its multifunctionality, could have a high value in providing social, economic, and environmental co-benefits. UPA is an emerging field of research and production that aims to improve food security and climate change impact reduction, improving urban resilience and sustainability. In this paper, a replicable GIS-based approach was used to localize and quantify available areas for agriculture, including both flat rooftop and ground-level areas in the mainland of the city of Venice (Italy). Then, possible horticultural yield production was estimated considering common UPA yield value and average Italian consumption. Climate change mitigation, like CO2 reduction and sequestration, and climate change adaptation, like Urban Flooding and Urban Heat Island reduction, due to the new UPA areas’ development were estimated. Despite the urban density, the identified areas have the potential to produce enough vegetables for the residents and improve climate change mitigation and adaptation, if transformed into agricultural areas. Finally, the paper concludes with a reflection on the co-benefits of UPA multifunctionality, and with some policy suggestion

    LCA for territorial metabolism analysis: An application to organic waste management planning

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    The management of biodegradable waste in landfills is associated to a range environmental impacts and refers to a linear model regarded as unsustainable. At the same time, many agricultural and urban soils present low organic matter content. Composting is emerging as a good practice for converting organic waste into a new resource able to improve soil properties, thus providing regulation Ecosystem Services. Considering a territorial metabolism perspective, this work discusses the potential contribution to regional planning of a transferable methodology for quantifying environmental impacts and benefits associated to waste management, based on a combined use of Life Cycle Assessment and Geographic Information Systems, and considering Ecosystem Services deriving from the application of compost in agricultural soils. The approach was tested through a site-dependent analysis based on primary data, referring to year 2019 and focusing on the Veneto Region, Italy. Results indicate that direct benefits associated to the use of compost and the thermal energy to district heating are compensating from 29 % to 51 % of the impacts associated to compost production, while waste transports represent the largest share of the impacts, covering between 52 % and 78 % of the total flows considered. The proposed methodology is applied for comparing the reference condition to alternative scenarios, in the perspective of providing support in Strategic Environmental Assessment procedures. In this context, results shown markedly lower impacts associated to compost production, with respect to organic waste treatment, for 5 out of 6 of the considered categories (freshwater eutrophication 100:1, climate change 5:1), with the notable exception of water resource depletion. Scenarios produced are discussed with respect to the choice between centralized and non-centralized plants, and the characterization of potential benefits at the territorial scale associated to compost use for urban green infrastructures. With respect to this latter point, results showed an underdeveloped use of compost-related ES flow, compared to its capacity, suggesting an interest for further research aimed at estimating compost requirements by urban and peri-urban soils

    Including Urban Metabolism Principles in Decision-Making: A Methodology for Planning Waste and Resource Management

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    Circular economy and urban metabolism concepts have recently received great attention both in the political and academic arenas, starting a roll-over process of the \u201ctake, make, and dispose\u201d dominant economic model that is leading to an ongoing increase of resource consumption and waste generation. However, there is a relative lack of guidelines for introducing such concepts in a decision-making process able to support the design of appropriate policies and strategies and the definition of specific actions to cope with such challenges. This paper attempts to contribute to the recent efforts at incorporating these concepts in policy and decision-making processes by providing a methodology for the development of strategic plans for waste prevention and resource management. The proposed methodology, developed within the Urban_WINS project, combines different quantitative\u2013analytical and qualitative methods and tools, together with a participatory process. The methodology was tested in eight EU cities and allowed to formulate several measures and actions aimed at addressing the challenges posed by the current consumption patterns. Moreover, the participatory approach led to the legitimization of the strategic plans, as well as to raise awareness among stakeholders. Although it might require specific tailor-made adjustments, this methodology is suitable to be replicated in other contexts

    Transport infrastructures safety: a case study about public policy-making

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    People see and evaluate risks in a very different way, this is probably the most changeable variable that we must take into account developing some public policy on risk. People's judgements depend on both their personal experiences and from the context in which they are, thus, these conditions make impossible to evaluate them a priori. In this paper we present a French real case on transport infrastructure and risk management, namely the safety of their users. The aim of this paper is to provide, on the one side, an example of public policy management in which people safety and economic constraints are involved. And on the other side, open a discussion about risk reduction and the policies achieving it

    Inter-Municipal Methodology for Climate Transition Strategies : The First Case in Italy

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    To build resilient and climate-neutral cities, it is required to modify current territorial planning processes to make them more sustainable and virtuous. However, the implementation of new strategies and innovative governance models faces multiple obstacles, economic restrictions, and technical gaps. In particular, local governments often find it difficult to build structured transition processes. This article investigates how it is possible to respond effectively to the need of urban contexts to adapt to climate impacts, analyzing the case of the Climate Transition Strategy (CTS) “La Brianza Cambia Clima”, the first in Italy of this kind. Through the technical framework and the methodology described, the CTS can activate inter-municipal transformative actions through the mainstreaming of planning tools, the construction of a medium-long-term vision, and the identification of concrete and widespread actions to be implemented in the territory. This coordinated and shared strategic approach allows one to give stability, coherence, and continuity to adaptation processes involving different stakeholders and sectors of the Public Administration. Finally, it favors the implementation of multidisciplinary policies for territorial resilience on a large scale

    Evaluating Public Policies. Normative Models Beyond Cost Benefit Analysis

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    The subject of the thesis: “Evaluating Public Policies - Normative Models Beyond Cost Benefit Analysis” arise from the interest in the public policies and their construction, and in particular from the problem of how to evaluate them. The thesis, after a preliminary study of tools and mechanisms for European Public Policy founds distributions, has dealt with the Evidence-Based Policy-Making (EBPM). Thus, studying EBPM’s objectives and concepts, we studied the characteristics that make legitimate policies, but also those features that make public policies “unique” investment decisions, or better that make such decisions different from all other types of decisions. These feature were then analyzed and summarized in four points: - medium or long-term time horizon; - several different source of uncertainty related with the policy-maker; - great importance of the economic aspect; - great importance of the flexibility. The study of these has pushed the research and our thesis towards the study of the tools and the mechanisms necessary for the public policies creation, management and monitoring. Therefore, from this broad framework the thesis is focused on the study of the normative tools currently available to the policy-maker, that are: - Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA); - Decision Theory (DT); - Real Options Theory (ROT). In the first part of the thesis we presented these three tools in relation to public policies and policy-makers decision. From that it became clear the inadequacy of the existent tools in addressing the different aspects that characterize public policies. The CBA, despite being the tool in absolute more used and recognized as legitimate, fails to take account and manage one of the four fundamental policies features, namely the policy-maker flexibility to manage the policy in all its time horizon. On the other hand, the study of DT has highlighted the inadequacy of the decision tree analysis to consider and manage public policies in real time horizons. Finally, the ROT study has made clear that despite such tool represents an important evolution from the CBA, since it is closely related to finance, it fails to take into account the policy-makers subjectivity. In the second part of the thesis, starting from the conclusions about the relevance of the use of CBA, DT and ROT in the field of public policies, we propose a “new instrument”. Such tool could be considered an evolution of the decision tree, because although it is built like a normal decision tree it take into account the time in practical terms: not only through a policy construction and decision-making over the time, but also through the inclusion of a subjective discount rate. The subjective discount rate, derived by the utility function of the policy-makers, is able to take account their personal time and uncertainty preferences. The thesis ends with a critical comparison between the new temporal decision tree proposed and the real options theory. The critical comparison show that the two tools are different in two main aspects: 1. The real options are based on the existence of an underlying asset, which allows many simplification. Assuming that the underlying asset perfectly replicate the investment and the investment decision, it is legitimate to use the risk-free discount rate and the risk neutral probabilities, then it is always on the existence of the underlying asset that it is based the probability conditioning. 2. Temporal decision trees on the contrary do not make any of these hypothesis. There is nothing that can replicate the investment, the decision and the policy-maker. The conditional probabilities depend only on the oracle choose, and all formal construction revolve around the subjectivity and preferences of policy-makers. In conclusion we can say that, starting from the study of public policies and their characteristics, the assessment tools currently available to the policy-makers (CBA, DT, and ROT) are incomplete. In other words, they are not able to adequately considered and managed the four key characteristics. Overcoming this problem is essential to give at the policy-makers a comprehensive assess and decision aiding tool, thus we decide to build a decision tree ad hoc for the public policies. Such decision tree was constructed following the traditional model, but it is adding both the temporal dimension and the economic concept of costs and benefits. Moreover, we have also revised and integrated some ideas related to managerial flexibility arising from the ROT. In this way, the resulting “temporal decision tree” is able to consider and manage the specific needs of the public decision-making, remaining both in the normative rationality field through the economic evaluation concepts, and in the constructive rationality field, because the tool incorporates and revolves around the subjective preference of the policy-makers and those who legitimately representIl soggetto della tesi “Evaluating Public Policies: Normative Models Beyond Cost Benefit Analysis” nasce dall’interesse verso le politiche pubbliche e la loro costruzione; e più precisamente dal problema di come valutare tali politiche pubbliche. La tesi, dopo un preliminare studio degli strumenti e dei meccanismi distributivi dei fondi relativi alle politiche pubbliche europee (App. A), si è avvicinata al tema dell’Evidence-Based Policy-Making (EBPM). Tale avvicinamento ha portato allo studio dei concetti e degli obiettivi dell’EBPM (Cap. 2) e pertanto alla ricerca delle caratteristiche che rendono una politica legittima, ma anche quelle caratteristiche che rendono una politica pubblica una decisione di investimento “unica”, ovvero diversa rispetto a tutte le altre tipologie di decisione. Tali peculiarità sono state quindi analizzate e sintetizzate in 4 punti: - orizzonti temporali medio-lunghi o molto lunghi; - fonti di incertezza numerose e di diversa natura legate al decisore; - grande importanza dell’aspetto economico; - grande importanza della flessibilità. Lo studio di queste caratteristiche ha spinto la tesi e la nostra ricerca verso lo studio degli strumenti e dei meccanismi necessari alla loro formazione, gestione e monitoraggio. Da questo ampio quadro di riferimento la tesi si è quindi focalizzata sullo studio degli strumenti normativi di valutazione e gestione a disposizione del legislatore, ovvero: - l’Analisi Costi Benefici (CBA); - la Teoria Decisionale e dell’Utilità attesa (DT); - la Teoria delle Opzioni Reali. (ROT). Nella prima parte della tesi abbiamo quindi presentato lo studio di questi tre strumenti in relazione alle politiche pubbliche e alle decisioni del legislatore. Da questo studio è emersa chiaramente l’inadeguatezza dei tre strumenti nel fronteggiare i vari aspetti caratterizzanti le politiche pubbliche. La CBA, nonostante sia lo strumento in assoluto più utilizzato e riconosciuto come legittimo, non riesce a tener conto e gestire uno dei quattro aspetti fondamentali, ovvero la flessibilità del legislatore nel gestire la politica in tutto il suo orizzonte temporale (Cap. 3). Dall’altro lato, lo studio della DT ha messo in evidenza l’inadeguatezza dello strumento principe di questo settore, ovvero gli alberi decisionali, di considerare e gestire le politiche pubbliche negli orizzonti temporali concreti (Cap. 4). Infine, lo studio della ROT ha esplicitato come nonostante lo strumento sia un’importante evoluzione della CBA, essendo fortemente legato alla finanza, non riesca a tener conto della soggettività del decisore (legislatore) (Cap. 5). Nella seconda parte della tesi, partendo dalle conclusioni a cui siamo giunti in merito alla pertinenza dell’uso della CBA, DT e ROT nel campo delle politiche pubbliche, proponiamo e mostriamo un “nuovo strumento” (Cap. 6). Tale strumento può essere considerato un’evoluzione degli alberi decisionali, in quanto pur essendo costruito come un normale albero tiene conto del tempo in maniera concreta: non solamente attraverso una costruzione della politica e della decisione nel tempo, ma anche attraverso l’inserimento di un tasso di sconto soggettivo. Il tasso di sconto soggettivo ricavato mediante la funzione di utilità del decisore (legislatore) è in grado di tener conto delle sue personali preferenze sia sul tempo che sull’incertezza. La tesi termina poi con un confronto critico tra il nuovo albero decisionale temporale proposto e la teoria delle opzioni reali. Tale confronto critico mostra che i due strumenti si differenziano sotto il profilo formale per vari aspetti: 1. Le opzioni reali si basano sull’esistenza di un asset sottostante, che permette una serie di semplificazioni. Partendo dall’ipotesi che l’asset sottostante replichi perfettamente l’investimento e la decisione d’investimento, si passa poi all’utilizzo del tasso di sconto risk free e quindi all’uso di probabilità neutrali al rischio, ed è sempre sull’esistenza dell’asset sottostante che si basa il condizionamento delle probabilità successive. 2. Gli alberi decisionali temporali al contrario non fanno nessuna di queste ipotesi. Non esiste nulla che possa replicare l’investimento, la decisione ed il decisore, le probabilità condizionate dipendono dall’oracolo e tutta la costruzione formale ruota attorno alla soggettività e alle preferenze del decisore. Concludendo possiamo dire che, partendo dallo studio delle politiche pubbliche e delle loro caratteristiche intrinseche, gli strumenti di valutazione attualmente a disposizione del legislatore (CBA, DT, ROT) sono incompleti. Ovvero, non riescono a considerare e gestire adeguatamente e contemporaneamente le 4 caratteristiche fondamentali considerate. Superare questo problema è fondamentale per dotare il legislatore di uno strumento completo di valutazione e di aiuto alla decisione, pertanto abbiamo pensato di costruire un albero decisionale ad hoc per le politiche pubbliche. Tale albero decisionale è stato quindi costruito seguendo il modello del tradizionale, ma aggiungendo sia la dimensione temporale sia il concetto economico di costi e benefici. Inoltre, sono state anche rielaborate ed integrate alcune idee legate alla flessibilità manageriale provenienti dalla teoria delle opzioni reali. In questo modo, il risultante “albero decisionale temporale” è in grado di considerare e gestire le specifiche esigenze della decisione pubblica, rimanendo sia nell’ambito della razionalità normativa attraverso i concetti di valutazione economica, sia nell’ambito della razionalità costruttiva, poiché lo strumento ingloba e ruota attorno alle preferenze soggettive del decisore e di coloro che legittimamente rappresent

    Evaluating Public Policies. Normative Models Beyond Cost Benefit Analysis

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    The subject of the thesis: “Evaluating Public Policies - Normative Models Beyond Cost Benefit Analysis” arise from the interest in the public policies and their construction, and in particular from the problem of how to evaluate them. The thesis, after a preliminary study of tools and mechanisms for European Public Policy founds distributions, has dealt with the Evidence-Based Policy-Making (EBPM). Thus, studying EBPM’s objectives and concepts, we studied the characteristics that make legitimate policies, but also those features that make public policies “unique” investment decisions, or better that make such decisions different from all other types of decisions. These feature were then analyzed and summarized in four points: - medium or long-term time horizon; - several different source of uncertainty related with the policy-maker; - great importance of the economic aspect; - great importance of the flexibility. The study of these has pushed the research and our thesis towards the study of the tools and the mechanisms necessary for the public policies creation, management and monitoring. Therefore, from this broad framework the thesis is focused on the study of the normative tools currently available to the policy-maker, that are: - Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA); - Decision Theory (DT); - Real Options Theory (ROT). In the first part of the thesis we presented these three tools in relation to public policies and policy-makers decision. From that it became clear the inadequacy of the existent tools in addressing the different aspects that characterize public policies. The CBA, despite being the tool in absolute more used and recognized as legitimate, fails to take account and manage one of the four fundamental policies features, namely the policy-maker flexibility to manage the policy in all its time horizon. On the other hand, the study of DT has highlighted the inadequacy of the decision tree analysis to consider and manage public policies in real time horizons. Finally, the ROT study has made clear that despite such tool represents an important evolution from the CBA, since it is closely related to finance, it fails to take into account the policy-makers subjectivity. In the second part of the thesis, starting from the conclusions about the relevance of the use of CBA, DT and ROT in the field of public policies, we propose a “new instrument”. Such tool could be considered an evolution of the decision tree, because although it is built like a normal decision tree it take into account the time in practical terms: not only through a policy construction and decision-making over the time, but also through the inclusion of a subjective discount rate. The subjective discount rate, derived by the utility function of the policy-makers, is able to take account their personal time and uncertainty preferences. The thesis ends with a critical comparison between the new temporal decision tree proposed and the real options theory. The critical comparison show that the two tools are different in two main aspects: 1. The real options are based on the existence of an underlying asset, which allows many simplification. Assuming that the underlying asset perfectly replicate the investment and the investment decision, it is legitimate to use the risk-free discount rate and the risk neutral probabilities, then it is always on the existence of the underlying asset that it is based the probability conditioning. 2. Temporal decision trees on the contrary do not make any of these hypothesis. There is nothing that can replicate the investment, the decision and the policy-maker. The conditional probabilities depend only on the oracle choose, and all formal construction revolve around the subjectivity and preferences of policy-makers. In conclusion we can say that, starting from the study of public policies and their characteristics, the assessment tools currently available to the policy-makers (CBA, DT, and ROT) are incomplete. In other words, they are not able to adequately considered and managed the four key characteristics. Overcoming this problem is essential to give at the policy-makers a comprehensive assess and decision aiding tool, thus we decide to build a decision tree ad hoc for the public policies. Such decision tree was constructed following the traditional model, but it is adding both the temporal dimension and the economic concept of costs and benefits. Moreover, we have also revised and integrated some ideas related to managerial flexibility arising from the ROT. In this way, the resulting “temporal decision tree” is able to consider and manage the specific needs of the public decision-making, remaining both in the normative rationality field through the economic evaluation concepts, and in the constructive rationality field, because the tool incorporates and revolves around the subjective preference of the policy-makers and those who legitimately representIl soggetto della tesi “Evaluating Public Policies: Normative Models Beyond Cost Benefit Analysis” nasce dall’interesse verso le politiche pubbliche e la loro costruzione; e più precisamente dal problema di come valutare tali politiche pubbliche. La tesi, dopo un preliminare studio degli strumenti e dei meccanismi distributivi dei fondi relativi alle politiche pubbliche europee (App. A), si è avvicinata al tema dell’Evidence-Based Policy-Making (EBPM). Tale avvicinamento ha portato allo studio dei concetti e degli obiettivi dell’EBPM (Cap. 2) e pertanto alla ricerca delle caratteristiche che rendono una politica legittima, ma anche quelle caratteristiche che rendono una politica pubblica una decisione di investimento “unica”, ovvero diversa rispetto a tutte le altre tipologie di decisione. Tali peculiarità sono state quindi analizzate e sintetizzate in 4 punti: - orizzonti temporali medio-lunghi o molto lunghi; - fonti di incertezza numerose e di diversa natura legate al decisore; - grande importanza dell’aspetto economico; - grande importanza della flessibilità. Lo studio di queste caratteristiche ha spinto la tesi e la nostra ricerca verso lo studio degli strumenti e dei meccanismi necessari alla loro formazione, gestione e monitoraggio. Da questo ampio quadro di riferimento la tesi si è quindi focalizzata sullo studio degli strumenti normativi di valutazione e gestione a disposizione del legislatore, ovvero: - l’Analisi Costi Benefici (CBA); - la Teoria Decisionale e dell’Utilità attesa (DT); - la Teoria delle Opzioni Reali. (ROT). Nella prima parte della tesi abbiamo quindi presentato lo studio di questi tre strumenti in relazione alle politiche pubbliche e alle decisioni del legislatore. Da questo studio è emersa chiaramente l’inadeguatezza dei tre strumenti nel fronteggiare i vari aspetti caratterizzanti le politiche pubbliche. La CBA, nonostante sia lo strumento in assoluto più utilizzato e riconosciuto come legittimo, non riesce a tener conto e gestire uno dei quattro aspetti fondamentali, ovvero la flessibilità del legislatore nel gestire la politica in tutto il suo orizzonte temporale (Cap. 3). Dall’altro lato, lo studio della DT ha messo in evidenza l’inadeguatezza dello strumento principe di questo settore, ovvero gli alberi decisionali, di considerare e gestire le politiche pubbliche negli orizzonti temporali concreti (Cap. 4). Infine, lo studio della ROT ha esplicitato come nonostante lo strumento sia un’importante evoluzione della CBA, essendo fortemente legato alla finanza, non riesca a tener conto della soggettività del decisore (legislatore) (Cap. 5). Nella seconda parte della tesi, partendo dalle conclusioni a cui siamo giunti in merito alla pertinenza dell’uso della CBA, DT e ROT nel campo delle politiche pubbliche, proponiamo e mostriamo un “nuovo strumento” (Cap. 6). Tale strumento può essere considerato un’evoluzione degli alberi decisionali, in quanto pur essendo costruito come un normale albero tiene conto del tempo in maniera concreta: non solamente attraverso una costruzione della politica e della decisione nel tempo, ma anche attraverso l’inserimento di un tasso di sconto soggettivo. Il tasso di sconto soggettivo ricavato mediante la funzione di utilità del decisore (legislatore) è in grado di tener conto delle sue personali preferenze sia sul tempo che sull’incertezza. La tesi termina poi con un confronto critico tra il nuovo albero decisionale temporale proposto e la teoria delle opzioni reali. Tale confronto critico mostra che i due strumenti si differenziano sotto il profilo formale per vari aspetti: 1. Le opzioni reali si basano sull’esistenza di un asset sottostante, che permette una serie di semplificazioni. Partendo dall’ipotesi che l’asset sottostante replichi perfettamente l’investimento e la decisione d’investimento, si passa poi all’utilizzo del tasso di sconto risk free e quindi all’uso di probabilità neutrali al rischio, ed è sempre sull’esistenza dell’asset sottostante che si basa il condizionamento delle probabilità successive. 2. Gli alberi decisionali temporali al contrario non fanno nessuna di queste ipotesi. Non esiste nulla che possa replicare l’investimento, la decisione ed il decisore, le probabilità condizionate dipendono dall’oracolo e tutta la costruzione formale ruota attorno alla soggettività e alle preferenze del decisore. Concludendo possiamo dire che, partendo dallo studio delle politiche pubbliche e delle loro caratteristiche intrinseche, gli strumenti di valutazione attualmente a disposizione del legislatore (CBA, DT, ROT) sono incompleti. Ovvero, non riescono a considerare e gestire adeguatamente e contemporaneamente le 4 caratteristiche fondamentali considerate. Superare questo problema è fondamentale per dotare il legislatore di uno strumento completo di valutazione e di aiuto alla decisione, pertanto abbiamo pensato di costruire un albero decisionale ad hoc per le politiche pubbliche. Tale albero decisionale è stato quindi costruito seguendo il modello del tradizionale, ma aggiungendo sia la dimensione temporale sia il concetto economico di costi e benefici. Inoltre, sono state anche rielaborate ed integrate alcune idee legate alla flessibilità manageriale provenienti dalla teoria delle opzioni reali. In questo modo, il risultante “albero decisionale temporale” è in grado di considerare e gestire le specifiche esigenze della decisione pubblica, rimanendo sia nell’ambito della razionalità normativa attraverso i concetti di valutazione economica, sia nell’ambito della razionalità costruttiva, poiché lo strumento ingloba e ruota attorno alle preferenze soggettive del decisore e di coloro che legittimamente rappresent
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