2,521 research outputs found

    Ongoing astrometric microlensing events from VVV and Gaia

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    6 pages, 2 figures, accepted MNRAS LettersWe extend predictive microlensing event searches using the Vista Variables in the Via Lactea survey and the second Gaia data release. We identify two events with maxima in 2019 that require urgent follow-up. First, we predict that the nearby M2 dwarf L 338-152 will align with a background source with a closest approach of 35−23+3535^{+35}_{-23} mas on 2019 November 16−27+2816^{+28}_{-27} d. This will cause a peak astrometric shift and photometric amplification of the background source of 2.7−1.5+3.52.7^{+3.5}_{-1.5} mas and 5.6−5.2+143.25.6^{+143.2}_{-5.2} mmag respectively. This event should be astrometrically detectable by both the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet Research instrument on the Very Large Telescope. Secondly, we predict the likely K dwarf NLTT 45128 will lens a background source with a closest approach of 105.3−11.7+12.2105.3^{+12.2}_{-11.7} mas on 2019 September 26−15+1526^{+15}_{-15} d. This will produce a peak astrometric shift of 0.329−0.059+0.0650.329^{+0.065}_{-0.059} mas. NLTT 45128 is only 3.6 magnitudes brighter than the background source which makes it an excellent candidate for follow-up with HST. Characterisation of these signals will allow direct gravitational masses to be inferred for both L 338-152 and NLTT 45128 with an estimated precision of ∌9\sim9 and ∌13\sim13 per cent respectively.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    The asymptotic evolution of the stellar merger V1309 Sco: a Blue Straggler in the making?

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    © 2019 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.Stellar mergers are estimated to be common events in the Galaxy. The best studied stellar merger case to date is V1309 Sco (= Nova Scorpii 2008) which was originally misclassified as a Nova event. Later identified as the merger of the components of a cool overcontact binary system with 1.52 M and 0.16 M, V1309 Sco showed an initial period of P = 1.4 d before the merger. Post-outburst evolution demonstrated that V1309 Sco was unlike the typical Classical Novae and Symbiotic Recurrent Novae with significant dust production around it, and indicated that the system may become a post-AGB (or pre-PN) soon. Here we present a study of V1309 Sco about 10 yr after the outburst, based on near-IR variability and colour data from the ESO surveys VISTA Variables in the Vía Låctea (VVV) and VVV eXtended (VVVX). We find that reasonable equilibrium in this stellar merger is being reached and that the star has settled into a nearly constant magnitude. A dramatic change in its near-IR colours from (J - K s) = 1.40 in 2010 to (J - K S) = 0.42 in 2015 and a possible low-amplitude periodic signal with P = 0.49 d in the post-outburst data are consistent with a 'blue straggler' star, predicted to be formed from a stellar merger.Peer reviewe

    On the incidence of episodic accretion in Class I YSOs from VVV

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Episodic accretion is one of the competing models to explain the observed luminosity spread in young stellar clusters. These short-lived high accretion events could also have a strong impact on planet formation. Observations of high-amplitude variability in young stellar objects (YSOs) due to large changes in the accretion rate provide direct observational evidence for episodic accretion. However, there are still uncertainties in the frequency of these events and if episodic accretion is universal among YSOs. To determine the frequency of outbursts in Class I YSOs, we built a large and robust sample of objects at this evolutionary stage, and searched for high-amplitude near-infrared (ΔKS > 2 mag) variability in the VIRAC2 database of the Vista Variables in the Via Lactea survey. By complementing with near-IR (2MASS and DENIS) and mid-IR (WISE/Neo-WISE) data, we find that from ∌7000 Class I YSOs, 97 objects can be classified as eruptive variable YSOs. The duration of the outbursts vary from a few months to longer than 9 yr, and cover a similar range of amplitudes. Values of ΔKS > 5 mag, however, are only observed in outbursts with duration longer than 9 yr. When considering different effects of completeness and contamination, we estimate that the incidence of episodic accretion in Class I YSOs is between 2 and 3 per cent. Finally, we determine a recurrence time-scale of long-term outbursts (a.k.a FUors) of kyr. The latter value agrees with previous estimates and is in line with the expectations of higher frequency of FUor outbursts during younger stages of evolution.Peer reviewe

    An Automated tool to detect variable sources in the Vista Variables in the VĂ­a LĂĄctea Survey. The VVV Variables (V^4) catalog of tiles d001 and d002

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    27 pages, 19 figuresTime-varying phenomena are one of the most substantial sources of astrophysical information, and their study has led to many fundamental discoveries in modern astronomy. We have developed an automated tool to search for and analyze variable sources in the near-infrared K s band using the data from the VISTA Variables in the Vía Låctea (VVV) ESO Public Large Survey. This process relies on the characterization of variable sources using different variability indices calculated from time series generated with point-spread function (PSF) photometry of sources under analysis. In particular, we used two main indices, the total amplitude and the eta index η, to identify variable sources. Once the variable objects are identified, periods are determined with generalized Lomb-Scargle periodograms and the information potential metric. Variability classes are assigned according to a compromise between comparisons with VVV templates and the period of the variability. The automated tool is applied on VVV tiles d001 and d002 and led to the discovery of 200 variable sources. We detected 70 irregular variable sources and 130 periodic ones. In addition, nine open-cluster candidates projected in the region are analyzed, and the infrared variable candidates found around these clusters are further scrutinized by cross-matching their locations against emission star candidates from VPHAS+ survey H α color cuts.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Extinction ratios in the inner Galaxy as revealed by the VVV survey

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    Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, 10 pages, 3 Figures, 2 Tables © 2017 The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.Interstellar extinction towards the Galactic Center is large and significantly differential. Its reddening and dimming effects in red clump stars in the Galactic Bulge can be exploited to better constrain the extinction law towards the innermost Galaxy. By virtue of a deep and complete catalog of more than 30 million objets at ∣lâˆŁâ‰€2.7deg⁥|l|\le2.7\deg and ∣bâˆŁâ‰€1.55deg⁥|b|\le1.55\deg obtained from VVV survey observations, we apply the red clump method to infer the selective-to-total extinction ratios in the ZZ, YY, JJ, HH and KsK_s broadband near-infrared filters. The measured values are smaller than previously reported, and are not constant, with mean values, e.g., AKS/E(J−Ks)=0.428±0.005±0.04A_{K_S}/E(J-K_s)=0.428\pm0.005\pm0.04 and AKS/E(H−Ks)=1.104±0.022±0.2A_{K_S}/E(H-K_s)=1.104\pm0.022\pm0.2. We also obtain a ratio AZA_Z:AYA_Y:AJA_J:AHA_H:AKSA_{K_S} of 7.74:5.38:3.30:1.88:1.0, implying extinction towards the Galactic Center to follow a distribution as a function of wavelength steeper than previously reported, consistent with a power law Aλ∝λ−2.47A_{\lambda}\propto{\lambda}^{-2.47} in the near-infrared.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Mira variables in the Milky Way’s nuclear stellar disc: discovery and classification

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    © 2022 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. This is the final manuscript version of an article which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stac2274The properties of the Milky Way's nuclear stellar disc give crucial information on the epoch of bar formation. Mira variables are promising bright candidates to study the nuclear stellar disc, and through their period-age relation dissect its star formation history. We report on a sample of 1782 Mira variable candidates across the central 3x3 deg^2 of the Galaxy using the multi-epoch infrared VISTA Variables in Via Lactea (VVV) survey. We describe the algorithms employed to select candidate variable stars and then model their light curves using periodogram and Gaussian process methods. By combining with WISE, 2MASS and other archival photometry, we model the multi-band light curves to refine the periods and inspect the amplitude variation between different photometric bands. The infrared brightness of the Mira variables means many are too bright and missed by VVV. However, our sample follows a well-defined selection function as expected from artificial star tests. The multi-band photometry is modelled using stellar models with circumstellar dust that characterise the mass loss rates. We demonstrate how > c.90 per cent of our sample is consistent with O-rich chemistry. Comparison to period-luminosity relations demonstrates that the bulk of the short period stars are situated at the Galactic Centre distance. Many of the longer period variables are very dusty, falling significantly under the O-rich Magellanic Cloud and solar neighbourhood period-luminosity relations and exhibit high mass-loss rates of ~2.5x10^{-5} M_{sun}/yr. The period distribution appears consistent with the nuclear stellar disc forming > c. 8 Gyr ago although it is not possible to disentangle the relative contributions of the nuclear stellar disc and the contaminating bulge.Peer reviewe

    Determinants of improvement trends in health workers' compliance with outpatient malaria case-management guidelines at health facilities with available "test and treat" commodities in Kenya

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    Background: Health workers’ compliance with outpatient malaria case-management guidelines has been improving in Africa. This study examined the factors associated with the improvements. Methods: Data from 11 national, cross-sectional health facility surveys undertaken from 2010–2016 were analysed. Association between 31 determinants and improvement trends in five outpatient compliance outcomes were examined using interactions between each determinant and time in multilevel logistic regression models and reported as an adjusted odds ratio of annual trends (T-aOR). Results: Among 9,173 febrile patients seen at 1,208 health facilities and by 1,538 health workers, a higher annual improvement trend in composite “test and treat” performance was associated with malaria endemicity-lake endemic (T-aOR = 1.67 annually; p25 febrile patients (T-aOR = 1.46; p = 0.003); and with under-five children compared to older patients (T-aOR = 1.07; p = 0.013). Other factors associated with the improvement trends in the “test and treat” policy components and artemether-lumefantrine administration at the facility included the absence of previous RDT stock-outs, community health workers dispensing drugs, access to malaria case-management and Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) guidelines, health workers’ gender, correct health workers’ knowledge about the targeted malaria treatment policy, and patients’ main complaint of fever. The odds of compliance at the baseline were variable for some of the factors. Conclusions: Targeting of low malaria risk areas, low caseload facilities, male and government health workers, continuous availability of RDTs, improving health workers’ knowledge about the policy considering age and fever, and dissemination of guidelines might improve compliance with malaria guidelines. For prompt treatment and administration of the first artemether-lumefantrine dose at the facility, task-shifting duties to community health workers can be considered

    VVV Survey Microlensing : Catalog of Best and Forsaken Events

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    © 2020. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We search for microlensing events in the zero-latitude area of the Galactic Bulge using the VVV Survey near-IR data. We have discovered a total sample of N = 630 events within an area covering 20.68 deg 2 between the years 2010 and 2015. In this paper, we describe the search and present the data for the final sample, including near-IR magnitudes, colors, and proper motions, as well as the standard microlensing parameters. We use the near-IR color-magnitude and color-color diagrams to select N RC = 290 events with red-clump sources to analyze the extinction properties of the sample in the central region of the Galactic plane. The timescale distribution and its dependence in the longitude axis is presented. The mean timescale decreases as we approach the Galactic minor axis (b = 0ˆ). Finally, we give examples of special microlensing events, such as binaries, short-timescale events, and events with a strong parallax effect.Peer reviewe

    Milky Way demographics with the VVV survey. IV. PSF photometry from almost one billion stars in the Galactic bulge and adjacent southern disk

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    Accepted for publication in a forthcoming issue of Astronomy & Astrophysics. Reproduced with permission from Astronomy & Astrophysics. © 2018 ESO.Context. The inner regions of the Galaxy are severely affected by extinction, which limits our capability to study the stellar populations present there. The Vista Variables in the Vía Låctea (VVV) ESO Public Survey has observed this zone at near-infrared wavelengths where reddening is highly diminished. Aims. By exploiting the high resolution and wide field-of-view of the VVV images we aim to produce a deep, homogeneous, and highly complete database of sources that cover the innermost regions of our Galaxy. Methods. To better deal with the high crowding in the surveyed areas, we have used point spread function (PSF)-fitting techniques to obtain a new photometry of the VVV images, in the ZY JHK s near-infrared filters available. Results. Our final catalogs contain close to one billion sources, with precise photometry in up to five near-infrared filters, and they are already being used to provide an unprecedented view of the inner Galactic stellar populations. We make these catalogs publicly available to the community. Our catalogs allow us to build the VVV giga-CMD, a series of color-magnitude diagrams of the inner regions of the Milky Way presented as supplementary videos. We provide a qualitative analysis of some representative CMDs of the inner regions of the Galaxy, and briefly mention some of the studies we have developed with this new dataset so far.Peer reviewe
