2,517 research outputs found

    Globalization and Regional Income Inequality--Evidence from within China

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    China¡¯s recent accession to the WTO is expected to accelerate its integration into the world economy, which aggravates concerns over the impact of globalization on the already rising inter-region income inequality in China. This paper discusses China¡¯s globalization process and estimates an income generating function, incorporating trade and FDI variables. It then applies the newly developed Shapley value decomposition technique to quantify the contributions of globalization, along with other variables, to regional inequality. It is found that (a) globalization constitutes a positive and substantial share to regional inequality and the share rises over time; (b) capital is one of the largest and increasingly important contributor to regional inequality; (c) economic reform characterized by privatization exerts a significant impact on regional inequality; and (d) the relative contributions of education, location, urbanization and dependency ratio to regional inequality have been declining.

    Globalization and Regional Income Inequality: Evidence from within China

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    globalization, inequality, decomposition, Shapley value, China

    Inter-Industry Wage Differentials: An Increasingly Important Contributor to Urban China Income Inequality

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    How significantly inter-industry wage differentials contribute to rising income inequality is an essential policy issue for transitional economies. Using regression-based inequality decomposition, this paper finds that inter-industrial wage differentials contributed increasingly to income inequality in urban China through 1988, 1995, and 2002, mainly due to rapid income growth in monopolistic industries. Factors such as region, education, ownership, occupation, and holding a second job also contribute increasingly to income inequality, while being employed the whole year and age have decreasing contributions. If China seeks to reduce urban income inequality, removing entry barriers in the labor market and breaking monopoly power in the goods market are essential policy prescriptions.Inter-industry wage differntials, Income ineqality, Regression-based decomposition

    Globalization and Regional Income Inequality: Empirical evidence from within China

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    globalization, inequality decomposition, Shapley value, China

    Ethnographic Study of Buddhist Education, Based on Burgess\u27 Social Science Method at an American University and a Private Buddhist Organization

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    The literature shows that there are many studies about Buddhism in the United States and religion on college campuses, but few studies specifically about Buddhism in American universities. The purpose of this study is to explore how American college students approach and learn about Buddhism. A qualitative research study of clinical ethnography was applied to conduct this study at the Florida International University (FIU) and Florida Buddhist Association (FBA). FBA was chosen to compare with FIU so that the features of Buddhist education at FIU would be clearer. Eight students and four teachers (instructors) were interviewed at FIU; and two teachers and four members of the Buddhist association were interviewed at FBA. The researcher attended all possible scheduled lectures and activities over several weeks at FIU and FBA. Trustworthiness, which can be specified into confirmability, credibility, dependability, and transferability, was utilized to explain the validity and reliability in this qualitative study. The findings were presented with eight themes: (1) aim, (2) teacher, (3) student, (4) content, (5) environment, (6) evaluation, (7) experience of Buddhism, and (8) points of view. The study examines how people in American universities evaluate their Buddhism-learning situations and environments, and how they think about topics related to Buddhism. A quantitative study should be conducted with a larger sample, to expand the various viewpoints of other Buddhism learners

    Spectral karyotyping reveals a comprehensive karyotype in an adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Cytogenetic abnormalities are frequently detected in patients with acute lymphoblastic leu-kemia (ALL). Comprehensive karyotype was related to poor prognosis frequently in ALL. We present a comprehensive karyotype in an adult ALL by spectral karyotyping (SKY) and R-banding. SKY not only confirmed the abnormalities previously seen by R-banding but also improved comprehensive karyotype analysis with the following result 47,XY,+9, ins(1;5)(q23;q23q34) t(6;7)(q23;p13). Our report demonstrated that SKY is able to provide more information accurately for prediction of disease prognosis in adult ALL with compre-hensive karyotype


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    The title compound, C9H8N2O8, was obtained by the reaction of imidazole-4,5-dicarb­oxy­lic acid and 2-chloro­acetic acid. An intra­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bond occurs. The crystal packing is stabilized by intermolecular O—H⋯O and C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, which link mol­ecules into a three-dimensional network

    Xanthohumol, a Prenylated Flavonoid from Hops (Humulus lupulus), Prevents Platelet Activation in Human Platelets

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    Xanthohumol is the principal prenylated flavonoid in the hop plant (Humulus lupulus L.). Xanthohumol was found to be a very potent cancer chemopreventive agent through regulation of diverse mechanisms. However, no data are available concerning the effects of xanthohumol on platelet activation. The aim of this paper was to examine the antiplatelet effect of xanthohumol in washed human platelets. In the present paper, xanthohumol exhibited more-potent activity in inhibiting platelet aggregation stimulated by collagen. Xanthohumol inhibited platelet activation accompanied by relative [Ca2+]i mobilization, thromboxane A2 formation, hydroxyl radical (OH●) formation, and phospholipase C (PLC)γ2, protein kinase C (PKC), mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and Akt phosphorylation. Neither SQ22536, an inhibitor of adenylate cyclase, nor ODQ, an inhibitor of guanylate cyclase, reversed the xanthohumol-mediated inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation. Furthermore, xanthohumol did not significantly increase nitrate formation in platelets. This study demonstrates for the first time that xanthohumol possesses potent antiplatelet activity which may initially inhibit the PI3-kinase/Akt, p38 MAPK, and PLCγ2-PKC cascades, followed by inhibition of the thromboxane A2 formation, thereby leading to inhibition of [Ca2+]i and finally inhibition of platelet aggregation. Therefore, this novel role of xanthohumol may represent a high therapeutic potential for treatment or prevention of cardiovascular diseases