8 research outputs found

    Preliminary experimental diuretic activity of plants used by cuban population

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    Diuretic activity of five medicinal plants (Cassia alata L., Zanthoxylum fagara L., Nectandra coriacea Sw, Costus pictus D. Don, and Persea americana Miller) used by Cuban population was assessed. Plants decoctions (30 %) were applied to Wistar male rats (400 mg/kg BW), based on total solids and completed with physiological saline solution up to a total constant administration volume of 40 ml/kg BW and administered to 7 experimental groups: 5 treated, a positive control (furosemide, 20 mg/kg) and a negative control (NaCl, 0,9 %). Animals were placed in metabolic cages, decoctions administered and urinary excretion quantified after ½, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 h. After the urinary excretion, diuretic action and diuretic activity were calculated. Urine volumes were increased in all treated groups when compared to negative control, being superior in C. alata and P. americana and, at the same time, similar to the reference diuretic used.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Safety and effectiveness of CIMAvax-EGF administered in community polyclinics

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    In spite of the advances in immunotherapy and targeted therapies, lung cancer continues to be the leading cause of cancer-related death. The epidermal growth factor receptor is an established target for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and its overactivation by the ligands can induce accelerated proliferation, angiogenesis, and metastasis as well as proinflammatory or immunosuppressive signals. CIMAvax-EGF is an epidermal growth factor (EGF)-depleting immunotherapy that is approved for the treatment of NSCLC patients in Cuba. The study was designed as a phase IV trial to characterize the safety and effectiveness of CIMAvax-EGF in advanced NSCLC patients treated in 119 community polyclinics and 24 hospitals. CIMAvax-EGF treatment consisted of four bi-weekly doses followed by monthly boosters. Overall, 741 NSCLC patients ineligible for further cancer-specific treatment were enrolled. CIMAvax-EGF was safe, and the most common adverse events consisted of mild-to-moderate injection site reactions, fever, chills, tremors, and headache. For patients completing the loading doses, the median survival was 9.9 months. For individuals achieving at least stable disease to the frontline and completing vaccination induction, the median survival was 12 months. Most of the functional activities and symptoms evaluated through the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-C30 questionnaire improved over time. In conclusion, this real-world trial demonstrated that CIMAvax-EGF was safe and effective in patients who were vaccinated in the maintenance scenario. A larger effect was seen in subjects with poor prognosis like those with squamous tumors and high EGF levels. Remarkably, this community-based intervention was very important because it demonstrated the feasibility of treating advanced lung cancer patients with active immunotherapy in primary care institutions. In addition to CIMAvax-EGF, patients received supportive care at the community clinic. Vaccine administration by the family doctors at the polyclinics reduced the patients’ burden on the medical oncology services that continued providing chemotherapy and other complex therapies. We conclude that community polyclinics constitute the optimal scenario for administering those cancer vaccines that are safe and require prolonged maintenance in patients with advanced cancer, despite the continuous deterioration of their general condition.Clinical trial registrationhttps://rpcec.sld.cu/trials/RPCEC00000205-En, identifier RPCEC00000205

    Acute toxicity study of an allergenic extract from Helminthosporium spp. in rats and mice

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    Se realizó un estudio de toxicidad a dosis única del extracto acuoso del hongo Helminthosporium sp. (alergeno) en ratones Balb/C y ratas Sprague Dawley, con los que se confeccionaron 6 y 5 grupos experimentales, respectivamente, a los que les fue administrada la sustancia de ensayo por vía intraperitoneal en dosis de 300,1650 y 3000 veces la dosis máxima para uso humano. Se observaron los animales por un período de 7 días y se controló el peso corporal al inicio y fin del ensayo. Al concluir el experimento se sacrificaron todos los animales para estudios anatomopatológicos macroscópicos. No se observaron signos ni síntomas de toxicidad asociados a la administración de la sustancia de ensayo ni daños macroscópicos en los órganos estudiados con ninguna de las dosis ensayadas.An acute toxicity study with an aqueous extract from Helminthosporium spp. was carried out in Balb/C mice and Sprague Dawley rats. There were made 6 and 5 experimental groups, respectively, to whom was administered, intraperitoneally, the substance in doses of 300, 1650 and 3000 times the maximum proposed dose for humans. The animals were observed for 7 days and the weight was controlled at the beginning and at the end of each experiment. The animals were sacrified for anatomopathological macroscopic examinations. There were no observed toxicity simptoms related to the administration of the substance neither macroscopic alterations in the studied organs.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Acute toxicity study of an allergenic extract from Helminthosporium spp. in rats and mice

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    Se realizó un estudio de toxicidad a dosis única del extracto acuoso del hongo Helminthosporium sp. (alergeno) en ratones Balb/C y ratas Sprague Dawley, con los que se confeccionaron 6 y 5 grupos experimentales, respectivamente, a los que les fue administrada la sustancia de ensayo por vía intraperitoneal en dosis de 300,1650 y 3000 veces la dosis máxima para uso humano. Se observaron los animales por un período de 7 días y se controló el peso corporal al inicio y fin del ensayo. Al concluir el experimento se sacrificaron todos los animales para estudios anatomopatológicos macroscópicos. No se observaron signos ni síntomas de toxicidad asociados a la administración de la sustancia de ensayo ni daños macroscópicos en los órganos estudiados con ninguna de las dosis ensayadas.An acute toxicity study with an aqueous extract from Helminthosporium spp. was carried out in Balb/C mice and Sprague Dawley rats. There were made 6 and 5 experimental groups, respectively, to whom was administered, intraperitoneally, the substance in doses of 300, 1650 and 3000 times the maximum proposed dose for humans. The animals were observed for 7 days and the weight was controlled at the beginning and at the end of each experiment. The animals were sacrified for anatomopathological macroscopic examinations. There were no observed toxicity simptoms related to the administration of the substance neither macroscopic alterations in the studied organs.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Skin irritation assay of some cosmetic products made of human placenta

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    Se investigó el potencial de irritabilidad dérmica de los productos cosméticos Leche Limpiadora, Tónico Facial, Jabón Bioactivante Dérmico y Gel Bioactivante Dérmico, elaborados a partir de placenta humana en el Centro de Histoterapia Placentaria de Cuba. El estudio fue desarrollado en conejos machos, sanos, de la raza Nueva Zelanda, llevándose a cabo una prueba aguda de exposición simple. Se aplicaron 0,5g de las sustancias sólidas y 0,5 ml de las liquidas sobre la piel previamente rasurada de los animales. La formación de eritema y edema fue observada a las 0,5,1,24,48 y 72 horas después de finalizada la exposición, que fue de 4 horas. Se concluyó que el Jabónn Bioactivante Dérmico es un irritante dérmico ligero, en tanto que la Leche Limpiadora, el Tónico Facial y el Gel Bioactivante Dérmico manifestaron una irritabilidad dérmica insignificante.The skin irritation potential of Cleaning Milk, Facial Tonic, Bioactivating Soap and Bioactivating Gel made of human placenta in the Histotherapy Center of Cuba was investigated. The assay was canied out in New Zeland, male, healthy rabbits. The test consisted in a single exposition of the skin to the substances studied. There were applied 0.5g of solid substances and 0.5 ml of liquids on the previously shaved skin of the anirnals. The oedema and enthema formation was observed at 0.5, l, 24.48 and 72 hours after finishing the exposition, wich lasted 4 hours. On the basis of tlie observed results we concluded tliat the Bioactivating Soap is a slight derrmic irritant product and that the other products showed an insignificant skin irritation.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Skin irritation assay of some cosmetic products made of human placenta

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    Se investigó el potencial de irritabilidad dérmica de los productos cosméticos Leche Limpiadora, Tónico Facial, Jabón Bioactivante Dérmico y Gel Bioactivante Dérmico, elaborados a partir de placenta humana en el Centro de Histoterapia Placentaria de Cuba. El estudio fue desarrollado en conejos machos, sanos, de la raza Nueva Zelanda, llevándose a cabo una prueba aguda de exposición simple. Se aplicaron 0,5g de las sustancias sólidas y 0,5 ml de las liquidas sobre la piel previamente rasurada de los animales. La formación de eritema y edema fue observada a las 0,5,1,24,48 y 72 horas después de finalizada la exposición, que fue de 4 horas. Se concluyó que el Jabónn Bioactivante Dérmico es un irritante dérmico ligero, en tanto que la Leche Limpiadora, el Tónico Facial y el Gel Bioactivante Dérmico manifestaron una irritabilidad dérmica insignificante.The skin irritation potential of Cleaning Milk, Facial Tonic, Bioactivating Soap and Bioactivating Gel made of human placenta in the Histotherapy Center of Cuba was investigated. The assay was canied out in New Zeland, male, healthy rabbits. The test consisted in a single exposition of the skin to the substances studied. There were applied 0.5g of solid substances and 0.5 ml of liquids on the previously shaved skin of the anirnals. The oedema and enthema formation was observed at 0.5, l, 24.48 and 72 hours after finishing the exposition, wich lasted 4 hours. On the basis of tlie observed results we concluded tliat the Bioactivating Soap is a slight derrmic irritant product and that the other products showed an insignificant skin irritation.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Necesidad de capacitación sobre ensayos clínicos en los profesionales de la Atención Primaria de Salud

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    Background: qualification to perform their work is required for researchers participating in clinical trials. Objective: to diagnose the needs of training on clinical trials in Primary Health Care professionals. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out by Villa Clara Province Clinical Trials Group in 2015. For this purpose methods were used at the theoretical level: analysissynthesis and induction-deduction; and empirical studies: the documentary review of the curriculum vitae of each researcher and the teaching upgrading plan of the clinical trials professorship of the university of medical sciences of the territory. Results: all the researchers had the required academic training but only some professionals had previous experience in clinical trials; not all received postgraduate training in Cardiopulmonary and Cerebral Resuscitation, or in Good Clinical Practices. With regard to basic training in clinical trials according to their role, those who received more training were physicians, and to a lesser extent, pharmacists and nurses. Postgraduate offers are relevant to the training demands of professionals, with the exception of the specific role of the psychologist in clinical research. Conclusions: professionals demand immediate postgraduate training according to their role and courses are offered to meet their needs.Fundamento: se precisa que cada investigador que participa en ensayos clínicos esté cualificado para realizar su labor.Objetivo: diagnosticar las necesidades de capacitación sobre ensayos clínicos en profesionales de la Atención Primaria de Salud.Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva transversal por el Grupo Provincial de Ensayos Clínicos de Villa Clara, en 2015. Para ello se emplearon métodos del nivel teórico: análisis-síntesis e inducción-deducción; y empíricos: la revisión documental del curriculum vitae de cada investigador y del plan de superación docente de la Cátedra de Ensayos Clínicos de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas del territorio.Resultados: todos los investigadores poseían la formación académica requerida pero solo algunos profesionales contaban con experiencia previa en ensayos clínicos; no todos recibieron formación posgraduada en Reanimación Cardiopulmonar y Cerebral, ni en Buenas Prácticas Clínicas. Con respecto a la formación básica en ensayos clínicos según su rol, los que recibieron más capacitación fueron los médicos, y en menor cuantía, los farmacéuticos y enfermeros. Las ofertas de posgrados son pertinentes con las demandas formativas de los profesionales, con excepción del rol específico del psicólogo en la investigación clínica.Conclusiones: los profesionales demandan formación posgraduada inmediata según su rol y cuentan con ofertas de cursos para satisfacer sus necesidades

    Efectos antinflamatorios de un extracto acuoso de Capraria biflora L.

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    Se investigaron los efectos antinflamatorios de las hojas de Capraria biflora L. El extracto acuoso fue preparado al 10% y se administró a ratas en el modelo del edema plantar inducido por carragenina y a ratones en el modelo de peritonitis inducida por el mismo agente. En ambos ensayos, la dosis de 200 mg kg -1 del extracto mostró un efecto similar a la indometacina y el efecto fue dosis-dependiente. Los efectos antinflamatorios de esta planta podrían obedecer a diversos mecanismos y los flavonoides estar involucrados en ellos.The antinflammatory effects of leaves of Capraria biflora L. were investigated. The aqueous extract 10% was administered at different doses in two models of inflammation: the carrageenin-induced paw edema in rats and the peritonitis induced by carrageenin in mouse. In two tests, the dose of 200 mg kg-1 of the extract showed anti-inflammatory activity like indometacin and the effect was dose dependent. It is possible that the antiimflammatory effect of this plant may obbey to more than one mechanism and that the flavonoids could be involved in it.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire