126 research outputs found


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    Results of SIFT analyses identifying deleterious non-synonymous mutations. First column identifies the non-synonymous AA changes and their positions (e.g. S11T). Column 2-6 are the SIFT statistics. Last column are the name of the genes


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    List of possible Illumina adaptor contaminants used in read trimming


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    Table S1 with information about samples (location, sequencing stats, etc.


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    List of SNPs for H.deserticola. Column 1 refers to the reference sequence. Column 2 to the position were the SNP is located. Column 3 and after are the genotypes per individua


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    Coverage (Number of reads aligned) per individuals and per gene


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    Link to reference transcriptome described in Renaut et al. 2013 (NatCom), used for all alignments, and previously deposited in Dryad as part of http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.9q1n4


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    Unique (longest) open reading frames identified in the reference transcriptom


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    Genotypes and positions of all SNPs identified in the dataset


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    List of SNPs for H.anomalus. Column 1 refers to the reference sequence. Column 2 to the position were the SNP is located. Column 3 and after are the genotypes per individua


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    List of all SNPs. Column 4-43 indicate whether this SNP was noncoding (nc), non-synonymous (ns), synonymous (s), alternate stop codon (STOP), or homozygous reference allele (0). Column 44 indicates whether this mutation was analyzed by PROVEAN. Column 45 indicates PROVEAN score, if applicable. Column 46-50 indicate frequency of alternate allele in different classes of individuals
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