15 research outputs found

    Triple-negative breast cancer and PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homologue)loss are predictors of BRCA1 germline mutations in women with early-onset and familial breast cancer, but not in women with isolated late-onset breast cancer

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    Introduction: Given that breast cancers in germline BRCA1 carriers are predominantly estrogen-negative and triple-negative, it has been suggested that women diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) younger than 50 years should be offered BRCA1 testing, regardless of family cancer characteristics. However, the predictive value of triple-negative breast cancer, when taken in the context of personal and family cancer characteristics, is unknown. The aim of this study was to determine whether TNBC is a predictor of germline BRCA1 mutations, in the context of multiple predictive factors.Methods: Germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 were analyzed by Sanger sequencing and multiple ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) analysis in 431 women from the Malaysian Breast Cancer Genetic Study, including 110 women with TNBC. Logistic regression was used to identify and to estimate the predictive strength of major determinants. Estrogen receptor (ER) and phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN) status were assessed and included in a modified Manchester scoring method.Results: Our study in an Asian series of TNBC patients demonstrated that 27 (24.5%) of 110 patients have germline mutations in BRCA1 (23 of 110) and BRCA2 (four of 110). We found that among women diagnosed with breast cancer aged 36 to 50 years but with no family history of breast or ovarian cancer, the prevalence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations was similar in TNBC (8.5%) and non-TNBC patients (6.7%). By contrast, in women diagnosed with breast cancer, younger than 35 years, with no family history of these cancers, and in women with a family history of breast cancer, the prevalence of mutations was higher in TNBC compared with non-TNBC (28.0% and 9.9%; P = 0.045; and 42.1% and 14.2%; P < 0.0001, respectively]. Finally, we found that incorporation of estrogen-receptor and TNBC status improves the sensitivity of the Manchester Scoring method (42.9% to 64.3%), and furthermore, incorporation of PTEN status further improves sensitivity (42.9% to 85.7%).Conclusions: We found that TNBC is an important criterion for highlighting women who may benefit from genetic testing, but that this may be most useful for women with early-onset breast cancer (35 years or younger) or with a family history of cancers. Furthermore, addition of TNBC and PTEN status improves the sensitivity of the Manchester scoring method and may be particularly important in the Asian context, where risk-assessment models underestimate the number of mutation carriers. © 2012 Phuah et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Potpourri of cultural delights

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    Raya joy for one and all

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    Mitotic cells detection in H&E-stained breast carcinoma images

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer occurring in women, and is the second leading cause of cancer related deaths in women. Grading of breast cancer is carried out based on characteristics such as the gland formation, nuclear features, and mitotic activities, all of which need to be correctly detected first. In this paper, we proposed a system to detect mitotic cells from H&E-stained whole-slide images of breast carcinoma. The system consists of three stages, namely superpixel segmentation to group similar pixels into superpixel regions, blob analysis to separate the cells from the tissues and the background, and shape analysis and classification to distinguish mitotic cells from non-mitotic cells. The proposed system, with the histogram of oriented gradients (HOGs) and Fourier descriptor (FD) as features, is able to detect mitotic cells reliably, with more than 90% true positive rate, true negative rate and overall accuracy

    Real-Time Segmentation of IHC Images From Microscope Using Deep Learning Architecture

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    Segmentation of nuclei in digital histopathology image analysis plays a critical role in the early assessment of breast cancer and may enable patients to get appropriate treatment. In this paper, we create a real-time application that thoroughly examines the effectiveness of various deep learning models, including U-Net, SegNet, ResNet50-Unet, and ResNet50- SegNet, in the domain of real-time segmentation. For real-time implementation, we use an industrial machine vision camera mounted to the microscope, stream the image from the microscope glass slide and segment it using the model. This experiment aims to identify the best deep-learning model for real-time segmentation of nuclei for immunohistochemistry (IHC)-stained glass slides. The models are evaluated in offline mode using test images from estrogen receptor IHC stains, taken from whole-slide images. The effectiveness of the model for real-time work is based on its segmentation computational time. For offline evaluation, the highest F1-score and Jaccard index is achieved by ResNet50- SegNet (85.21%) and ResNet50-Unet (0.725) accordingly. These findings support the proof of concept that deep learning models can effectively segment nuclei in real-time from IHC-stained glass slides. This research serves as a foundation for the future construction of fast and efficient deep learning models for realtime histopathological analysis directly from the microscop

    Nuclei Classification in ER-IHC Stained Histopathology Images using Deep Learning Models

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    Breast cancer treatment is highly dependent on the carcinoma stage, which was obtained by evaluating the pathological slides and the estrogen receptor status. The Allred score has been manually calculated by the pathologists to represent the percentage and intensity of tumor nuclei. The task can be automated by enabling digital pathology, by classifying the nuclei using learning-based method. We present here a comprehensive analysis of 32 pretrained deep learning models from DenseN et, EfficientN et, InceptionResN et, Inception, ResN et, MobileNet, NasNet, VGG and Xception. The aim of this exper-iment is to identify the best pre-trained model for classifying the negative, weak, moderate and strong nuclei taken from 44 whole slide images of estrogen receptor immunohistochemistry stained histopathology. The highest test accuracy is achieved by DenseNet169 with the measure of 94.91 %. This study will be a basis for the future development of more complex deep learning models with cascading or any combination of the tested models

    Allred Scoring of ER-IHC Stained Whole-Slide Images for Hormone Receptor Status in Breast Carcinoma

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    Hormone receptor status is determined primarily to identify breast cancer patients who may benefit from hormonal therapy. The current clinical practice for the testing using either Allred score or H-score is still based on laborious manual counting and estimation of the amount and intensity of positively stained cancer cells in immunohistochemistry (IHC)-stained slides. This work integrates cell detection and classification workflow for breast carcinoma estrogen receptor (ER)-IHC-stained images and presents an automated evaluation system. The system first detects all cells within the specific regions and classifies them into negatively, weakly, moderately, and strongly stained, followed by Allred scoring for ER status evaluation. The generated Allred score relies heavily on accurate cell detection and classification and is compared against pathologists’ manual estimation. Experiments on 40 whole-slide images show 82.5% agreement on hormonal treatment recommendation, which we believe could be further improved with an advanced learning model and enhancement to address the cases with 0% ER status. This promising system can automate the exhaustive exercise to provide fast and reliable assistance to pathologists and medical personnel. The system has the potential to improve the overall standards of prognostic reporting for cancer patients, benefiting pathologists, patients, and also the public at large

    Multi-Configuration Analysis of DenseNet Architecture for Whole Slide Image Scoring of ER-IHC

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    Nuclei classification is a mandatory process to obtain scoring information for whole slide images (WSIs). In immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining specifically for estrogen receptor (ER) biomarker, an Allred score based on the proportion and intensity of cancer nuclear staining is widely used in histopathology practice to predict response to hormonal treatment. This manually exhaustive process can be accelerated with the help of computational intelligence. In this article, we present a thorough analysis of 37 WSIs of breast cancer cases with over 2.8 million segmented nuclei. ER-stained nuclei were classified into negative, weak, moderate and strong intensities using DenseNet deep learning architecture, contributing to Allred scoring. Seven different models and configurations were exhaustively analysed in six tests to obtain the scoring reaching the best concordance of 56.8&#x0025; and 81.1&#x0025; with the pathologist&#x2019;s manual score and suggested hormonal treatment. We also discussed in detail the causes that lead to the non-concordances. This study follows the pathologists&#x2019; workflow in obtaining the Allred score but is fully automated. It provides a basis for the development of more complex deep learning models, particularly for nuclei classification and achieving accurate scoring of ER-IHC stained WSIs