839 research outputs found

    Crafting Affect through Memory: Venezuelan Narratives of Belonging and Exclusion in Chile

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    The economic and political crisis in Venezuela has led to a large influx of Venezuelans living abroad, and Chile is a significant receiving country. By analyzing ethnographic interview data as well as literature on the meanings of home and belonging, I argue that the element of loss experienced by many Venezuelan emigrants and everyday exclusions in Chile combine in narratives highlighting longing, uncertainty, and alienation. Venezuelan migrants articulate a duality between wanting to return to the country that cannot provide a home for them and being excluded in the country that can provide a home for them. As a result, ideas of home and belonging juxtapose their experiences in Chile

    Operating Room Nurse to Post Anesthesia Care Unit Nurse Handoff: Implementation of a Written SBAR Intervention

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    The lack of standardized handoff from the operating room (OR) nurse to the post anesthesia care unit (PACU) nurse may result in the miscommunication or omission of patient information, which increases the risk of patient safety events. The goal of this EBP project was to standardize OR to PACU nurse handoff in order to reduce risks to patient safety. A literature review revealed guidelines for handoff which included implementing a standardized protocol and using a mnemonic phrase. The Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice and Lewin’s Model of Change guided the EBP project. Handoff quality was evaluated by OR and PACU nurses using a Handoff Evaluation form for two weeks. After two weeks, education was conducted on the importance of standardized handoff and OR nurses began using the standardized SBAR Handoff form while PACU nurses continued with the Handoff Evaluation form until project completion. At intervals of two and six weeks, perioperative nurses completed the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) as a pretest and posttest for perceptions of safety. Cronbach’s alpha, independent t and paired t tests were completed on the SAQ. SBAR Handoff and Handoff Evaluation forms were paired based on patient information. Handoff Evaluation and SBAR Handoff forms were analyzed with frequencies, mean score, and independent t tests. Handoff Evaluation forms were also analyzed with a paired t test and analysis of variance for the three data collection points. Patient safety was measured via an audit of MIDAS risk reports prior to and at the end of data collection. OR and PACU SAQ scores revealed one significant item between the pretest and posttest, which was the Support item (t(11) = 2.60, p = 0.025). Means of the handoff items on the PACU Handoff Evaluation form increased from phase one (M = 8.14, SD = 3.2) to phase two (M = 8.31, SD = 3.4) and then ultimately decreased to phase three (M = 7.57, SD = 3.25). Means of the handoff items on the OR SBAR Handoff form decreased from phase two (M = 12.38, SD = 3.69) to phase three (M = 11.5, SD = 3.48). This was supported by independent t and paired t testing. The Handoff Evaluation from ANOVA did not support any significant change in handoff items among the three phases and frequencies showed no significant changes in reported items (F(66,68) = 0.207, p = 0.814). MIDAS risk reports did not change and no reports were filed during the time of the audit. The literature recommends perioperative nurses should use a mnemonic phrase and implement a standardized protocol to aid nurse memory during handoff; however, these recommendations were not beneficial in standardizing perioperative nurse handoff in this EBP project

    Analyzing Plays and Collecting Monologues: Teaching Theatre To High School Students

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    A Contested Landscape Story Map: Campbell Farming Corporation and the Crow Indian Reservation in Big Horn County, Montana

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    Kinetic Chain Rehabilitation in a Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Patient

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    CASE HISTORY: The patient’s chief complaint was decreasing ROM and pain noticed after conservative orthopedic treatment in the dominant (left) elbow. After extensive evaluation, the patient was diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) at 9 years old. PHYSICAL EXAM: Upon physical therapist examination, it was determined that she had deficits throughout the entire left upper extremity and quadrant. Findings include signs and symptoms of Upper Cross Syndrome including pectoralis muscle group tightness, weakness of deep neck flexors with overuse of sternocleidomastoid and scalenes group, weakness of posterior shoulder and upper back including lower trap, middle trap, and all scapular stabilizing musculature including significant overuse of the upper trapezius and levator scapula complex. This presented as poor scapulothoracic rhythm and scapular dyskinesis with significant scapular winging, forward head and rounded shoulders causing inefficient mechanical function during functional movement patterns. Other specific objective findings included pectoralis minor length difference of right to left of one inch, MMT grade of teres minor and latissimus 3+/5, serratus anterior 3+/5, other rotator cuff reveals 4/5, with subscapularis 4/5. The initial AROM of the elbow revealed a 40° extension lag, excessive supination of 105° with limited pronation of 70°. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES: Medial epicondylitis, avulsion fracture, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis. TESTS & RESULTS: X-rays and MRIs were obtained in order to make the JIA diagnosis. Imaging obtained by the patient’s rheumatologist nine months ago showed a slowing of the disease processes, confirmation of the cessation was confirmed on MRI obtained 3 months ago. After failing occupational therapy for ROM and joint sparing techniques, she was referred to physical therapy (PT) to address kinetic chain dysfunction to avoid other joint involvement. FINAL DIAGNOSIS: The final diagnosis was JIA with multiple joint involvement. For the purpose of this case study, Upper Cross Syndrome with associated scapular dyskinesis was addressed in rehabilitation. DISCUSSION: Treatment of JIA is often targeted at the involved joints. It is important for the medical professional to evaluate and address joints that are not currently involved in the disease process. In this case, the patient’s parents advocated for physical therapy. Many cases will go untreated which could affect the long-term functioning of the kinetic chain. Additionally, early intervention can improve functioning of other joints and increase strength of muscles that, when functioning at full capacity, could affect the involved joint. OUTCOME OF THE CASE: After 2 months of PT, objective findings revealed great improvements in pectoralis minor flexibility as demonstrated through measurement of just ½ inch which is symmetrical to the right side; increased postural awareness of downward scapular retraction; appropriate chin tuck posture due to increased deep neck flexor strength; decreased compensation of scalenes and upper trap and levator complex; improved rotator cuff strength and AROM pronation 82°. Most important, she is demonstrating improved awareness of correct downward retracted scapular position with little winging and good head alignment utilizing a chin tuck position. All AROM of the elbow remained the same. RETURN TO ACTIVITY AND FURTHER FOLLOW-UP: The patient is navigating all activities of daily living for her age group with a lack in ROM of her elbow. She competes on a shotgun team and plays sports at recess. She will continue with PT once per week for the next 3 months. After revaluation, she may be released with a maintenance program

    Using Personality Scores to Predict GPA

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether conscientiousness was a good predictor of academic performance in college. It was predicted that conscientiousness was indeed an effective measure of success in a college setting. A survey was administered to University of Missouri-Rolla students taking certain psychology courses. Conscientiousness, GPA, and Academic Adjustment of the students were acquired using self-report. The results showed that there was a high positive correlation between conscientiousness and the GPA reported. However, we also found that academic adjustment mediates the relationship between conscientiousness and GPA. The study does have limitations worth considering, such as the reliability of self-report, and the sample is not representative of the entire college population. Future research may be able to improve the predictability of the conscientiousness on academic success in a college setting

    Realization of a feedback controlled flashing ratchet

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    A flashing ratchet transports diffusive particles using a time-dependent, asymmetric potential. Particle speed is predicted to increase when a feedback algorithm based on particle positions is used. We have experimentally realized such a feedback ratchet using an optical line trap, and observed that use of feedback increases velocity by up to an order of magnitude. We compare two different feedback algorithms for small particle numbers, and find good agreement with simulations. We also find that existing algorithms can be improved to be more tolerant to feedback delay times


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    Mindfulness has received increased attention in organizational research and practice, with the majority of work focusing on the beneficial, buffering effects of trait mindfulness and mindfulness interventions. I extend work on mindfulness in the workplace by examining the causes and consequences of daily and momentary within-person fluctuations in state mindfulness. Grounded in theories of self-regulation, this research helps shed light on dynamic, everyday antecedents and outcomes of state mindfulness in work contexts. Specifically, I argue that increases in meaningful work perceptions activate mindful states, which in turn have important associations with counterproductive work behavior (CWB). Across two studies—one laboratory experiment and a second experience sampling study conducted in the field—I test a mediated moderation model whereby fluctuations in meaningful work perceptions indirectly impact employee CWB through state mindfulness. Study 1 examines the impact of meaningful work on state mindfulness and CWB in a sample of undergraduate business students in a laboratory experiment. Study 2 extends the first study by examining dynamic fluctuations among nurses’ experiences of meaningfulness, mindful states, and their CWB using an experience sampling methodology (ESM). Evidence from both studies converge to support the indirect effect of meaningfulness on CWB through state mindfulness, although these relationships were not conditional on controlled motivation. Implications and future research directions are discussed in light of these findings.Doctor of Philosoph

    Under Pressure: Stress at CSB/SJU

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    This presentation highlights research done on campus with CSB/SJU students regarding stress and their experiences with stress. Utilizing literature about stress and interviews with students, we explored what stress looks like at CSB/SJU, how it affects students, and what CSB/SJU could do to better support student stress
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