37 research outputs found

    Prevalence of trichinellosis and cysticercosis in indigenous pigs from ethnic minorities for selected communes in the Central Highlands (Dak Lak)

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    Traditionally applied free grazing/roaming of pigs is a known risks factor for selected zoonoses such trichinellosis and cysticercosis which have the potential to cause long lasting health problems in affected humans with sporadic complications such as fatal encephalitis. The ban of free grazing in pigs due to recent policy changes may have contributed to a decrease of both zoonoses and consequently making pork from local or wild pigs safer for the consumer. Despite of the ban some farmers might still use free roaming management at least partly for certain age classes of their pigs. Information on the presence of these zoonoses in pigs produced by ethnic groups is lacking or not updated. Therefore, a serological survey was carried out to provide base line information on the presence of cysticercosis and/or trichinellosis in native pigs in selected communes of the Central Highlands as being part of the Cross CRP project “Scoping study to evaluate the potential of integrated indigenous pig systems to improve livelihoods and safe pork consumption for poor ethnic minority smallholders in the Central Highlands of Vietnam”. While the serological sampling was implemented by WASI all laboratory analysis were carried out by NIVR, a research institute with known experience on the diagnosis for both zoonoses in Vietnam. In addition NIVR provided a training on sample collection and storage

    Drivers of land use complexity along an agricultural transition gradient in Southeast Asia

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    Agricultural systems in Southeast Asia are rapidly transitioning from subsistence-oriented to market-oriented agriculture. Driven by the highly complex and variable decision processes of individual farm households, these transitions have produced a diverse landscape mosaic across the region. Elucidation and characterization of underlying decision-making processes, and the factors that influence land use choices, are thus essential for sustainable land use planning. To enable a study that seeks to understand these linkages, data on plot-level 10-year land use history, management and farm performance indicators were collected from 163 households in the Northern Lao uplands and in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, areas chosen to represent two extremes of the transition gradient. The objectives of the study were (i) to describe plot-level sequence patterns of seasonal variation of land use over several years, (ii) to apply a sequence dissimilarity metric, the complexity index (CI), to measure land use transition in an agricultural system, and (iii) to identify the key drivers of land use change and their linkages with farm performance indicators and plot level characteristics through multi-dimensional analysis. CI allowed compressing historical land use data and quantifying land use complexity in a simple and efficient manner. Land use dynamics varied strongly between the two sites, with 66% of the land use types in the Laos site being completely replaced by others during the recall periods, compared to only 15% in the Vietnam site. Associated key drivers of land use change also differed significantly: while end use of agricultural products was the main driver behind land use changes in the Vietnam site, a more complex relationship between topography and management vs. land use change was evident in the Laos site. Likewise, land use complexity does not exhibit the same relationship with farm performance in the two sites: in the Central Highlands, households with higher food availability are half as likely to transition, while in the Lao uplands, land use complexity was significantly correlated with the Progress out of Poverty index. Multidisciplinary studies remain necessary to assess the impact of innovative sustainable intensification options on system performance and environmental sustainability, before policies are enacted to support their dissemination in Southeast Asian smallholder agricultural systems. Context-specific CI thresholds associated with system quality indicators could support this by informing decision-makers on the pace of agricultural transformation and its environmental impacts

    Cider Production from King Mandarin (Citrus nobilis Lour.) and Its Antioxidant Activity

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    With the necessity of diversifying alcoholic beverages, cider has become a kind of drink that can fulfill this demand. This is because the cider will be diversified depending on the kinds of fruit that are chosen to be used for the cider fermentation. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects of dilution ratio, Brix, pH, and yeast concentration on the production of cider from king mandarin (Citrus nobilis Lour.), and to evaluate the analytical characteristics and antioxidant activity of the product. After the investigation, it can be claimed that the dilution of the juice causes the ethanol content to decrease, whereas the increase of Brix, pH, and yeast concentration makes the ethanol content increase. However, the proportional increase in the ethanol content with Brix, pH, and yeast concentration has its limitations. Specifically, when the Brix and the yeast concentrations were, respectively, higher than 16°Brix and 0.04%, the ethanol content tended to maintain the same. This is also the same when the pH was lower than 4.5. In addition, by using the DPPH and ABTS●+ methods, the antioxidant activity of cider is estimated to be lower than the one of the juice before fermentation, which is smaller than 3.78 times for the DPPH method and 3.76 times for the ABTS●+ method


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    Pomelo is a Vietnam’s plant species with high nutritional and economic value. Besides, pomelo essential oil contains numerous compounds with high biological activity. The essential oil is extracted by using steam distillation, and its chemical composition is determined by means of GC-MS. The major components are limonene (91.19%), b-myrcene (2.92%), a-phellandrene (1.98%), and a-pinene (1.19%). The antimicrobial activity of essential oils is tested against pathogenic Gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus), Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli), and Aspergillus flavus at different concentrations with the agar well diffusion method. This essential oil is active against B. cereus, S. aureus, and E. coli with inhibition diameter zones at 8.3–11.3, 10.3–18.7, and 9.0–11.7 mm, respectively, and inhibits A. flavus mold with 18.9–65.0% efficiency.Bưởi là loài cây không chỉ có giá trị cao về mặt dinh dưỡng mà còn có giá trị cao về mặt kinh tế và được trồng phổ biến ở Việt Nam. Ngoài ra, tinh dầu bưởi chứa nhiều hợp chất có hoạt tính sinh học cao. Tinh dầu bưởi được chiết xuất bằng phương pháp chưng cất lôi cuốn hơi nước và thành phần hóa học được phân tích bằng phương pháp GC-MS. Thành phần chính của tinh dầu gồm limonene (91,19%), b-myrcene (2,92%), a-phellandrene (1,98%) và a-pinene (1,19%). Hoạt tính kháng vi sinh vật của tinh dầu được khảo sát với vi khuẩn Gram dương (Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus), Gram âm (Escherichia coli) và nấm mốc Aspergillus flavus ở nồng độ 5, 10, 25 và 50% bằng phương pháp khuếch tán giếng thạch. Tinh dầu có khả năng kháng B. cereus, S. aureus và E. coli với đường kính vòng kháng khuẩn lần lượt là 8,3–11,3, 10,3–18,7 và 9,0–11,7 mm và ức chế sự phát triển của A. flavus (18,9–65,0%)

    Comparative Susceptibility of Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti to Dengue Virus Infection After Feeding on Blood of Viremic Humans: Implications for Public Health.

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    Aedes albopictus is secondary to Aedes aegypti as a vector of dengue viruses (DENVs) in settings of endemicity, but it plays an important role in areas of dengue emergence. This study compared the susceptibility of these 2 species to DENV infection by performing 232 direct blood-feeding experiments on 118 viremic patients with dengue in Vietnam. Field-derived A. albopictus acquired DENV infections as readily as A. aegypti after blood feeding. Once infected, A. albopictus permitted higher concentrations of DENV RNA to accumulate in abdominal tissues, compared with A. aegypti. However, the odds of A. albopictus having infectious saliva were lower than the odds observed for A. aegypti (odds ratio, 0.70; 95% confidence interval, .52-.93). These results quantitate the susceptibility of A. albopictus to DENV infection and will assist parameterization of models for predicting disease risk in settings where A. albopictus is present

    A Multi-Center Randomised Controlled Trial of Gatifloxacin versus Azithromycin for the Treatment of Uncomplicated Typhoid Fever in Children and Adults in Vietnam

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    BACKGROUND: Drug resistant typhoid fever is a major clinical problem globally. Many of the first line antibiotics, including the older generation fluoroquinolones, ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin, are failing. OBJECTIVES: We performed a randomised controlled trial to compare the efficacy and safety of gatifloxacin (10 mg/kg/day) versus azithromycin (20 mg/kg/day) as a once daily oral dose for 7 days for the treatment of uncomplicated typhoid fever in children and adults in Vietnam. METHODS: An open-label multi-centre randomised trial with pre-specified per protocol analysis and intention to treat analysis was conducted. The primary outcome was fever clearance time, the secondary outcome was overall treatment failure (clinical or microbiological failure, development of typhoid fever-related complications, relapse or faecal carriage of S. typhi). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We enrolled 358 children and adults with suspected typhoid fever. There was no death in the study. 287 patients had blood culture confirmed typhoid fever, 145 patients received gatifloxacin and 142 patients received azithromycin. The median FCT was 106 hours in both treatment arms (95% Confidence Interval [CI]; 94-118 hours for gatifloxacin versus 88-112 hours for azithromycin), (logrank test p = 0.984, HR [95% CI] = 1.0 [0.80-1.26]). Overall treatment failure occurred in 13/145 (9%) patients in the gatifloxacin group and 13/140 (9.3%) patients in the azithromycin group, (logrank test p = 0.854, HR [95% CI] = 0.93 [0.43-2.0]). 96% (254/263) of the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi isolates were resistant to nalidixic acid and 58% (153/263) were multidrug resistant. CONCLUSIONS: Both antibiotics showed an excellent efficacy and safety profile. Both gatifloxacin and azithromycin can be recommended for the treatment of typhoid fever particularly in regions with high rates of multidrug and nalidixic acid resistance. The cost of a 7-day treatment course of gatifloxacin is approximately one third of the cost of azithromycin in Vietnam. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Controlled-Trials.com ISRCTN67946944