33 research outputs found

    Cartography of Selce

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    Kartografski prikazi izniman su izvor informacija o prostoru, bez obzira na to je li riječ o suvremenim ili starim kartama ili planovima. Iz njih se mogu iŔčitati prostorni, povijesni, toponomastički, gospodarski, etnički i brojni drugi podaci važni za razumijevanje ukupnog razvoja nekog područja. Iako Selce nema dugi kontinuitet naseljenosti poput nekih okolnih mjesta, jer suvremeno naselje potječe iz druge polovice 14. st., ipak ima prilično zanimljivu povijest razvoja s vrlo ranim usponom turističke djelatnosti i u hrvatskim i u europskim okvirima. Kartografski prikazi izneseni u ovome radu pomažu rasvijetliti te povijesne mijene te omogućiti usporedbu s danaÅ”njim stanjem u prostoru.Cartographic representations, both contemporary or old maps and plans, are extraordinary sources of spatial information. They contain spatial, historical, toponomastic, economical, ethnical and numerous other data important for understanding the entire development of an area. Although Selce has not been inhabited for as long as some surrounding settlements because the contemporary settlement of Selce originates from the second half of the 14th century, it still has a quite interesting development history with an early ascent of tourist activities within both Croatian and European frames. Cartographic representations reviewed in this paper help illuminate historical changes and compare them to the current state in space

    KraŔka hidrologija hrvaŔke obale v delih Alberta Fortisa (1741-1803)

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    Alberto Fortis (1741-1803) was an Italian naturalist who had a wide range of scientific interests from linguistics and ethnology to geology, geography and hydrology. This paper presents an overview of hydrological features that Fortis recorded in two of his works: Saggio d'Osservazzioni sopra l'Isola di Cherso ed Osero (1771) and Viaggio in Dalmazia (1774). These works were a result of several Fortis' travels in the region and were noted in European scientific literature of that time. Fortis revealed to European public the eastern Adriatic coast, a then little-known part of Europe with its wide variety of natural features. Despite the scarce appearance of surface water in karst, numerous interpretations of hydrological features can be found in Fortisā€™ descriptions of the East Adriatic coast. He often shows a remarkable understanding of karst hydrology even though some of his ideas and explanations are dubious from the present point of view. Although Fortis is not considered a karstologist in the strict sense, his works contain elements of what will eventually become karstology.Alberto Fortis (1741-1803) je bil italijanski naravoslovec s Å”irokim razponom znanstvenih interesov od jezikoslovja in etnologije do geologije, geografije in hidrologije. V članku predstavljava pregled hidroloÅ”kih pojavov, ki jih je Fortis opisal v dveh svojih delih: Saggio d'Osservazzioni sopra l'Isola di Cherso ed Osero (1771) in Viaggio in Dalmazia (1774). Deli, ki sta rezultat Fortisovih potovanj po vzhodni jadranski obali, staĀ  bili opaženi v evropski znanstveni literaturi tistega časa. Fortis je z njima evropski javnosti predstavil naravno pestrost tega, takrat malo poznanega območja. Kljub odsotnosti povrÅ”inskih voda, Fortis predstavi in razložiĀ  Å”tevilne hidroloÅ”ke pojave in pri tem pokažeĀ  za tisti čas izjemno razumevanja kraÅ”ke hidrologije. Seveda pa so nekatere ideje in razlage z danaÅ”njega vidika naivne. Fortisa sicer ne velja za krasoslovca v ožjem pomenu besede, a njegova dela nedvomno vsebujejo Ā gradnike bodočega krasoslovja

    Kartografija Selca

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    Cartographic representations, both contemporary or old maps and plans, are extraordinary sources of spatial information. They contain spatial, historical, toponomastic, economical, ethnical and numerous other data important for understanding the entire development of an area. Although Selce has not been inhabited for as long as some surrounding settlements because the contemporary settlement of Selce originates from the second half of the 14th century, it still has a quite interesting development history with an early ascent of tourist activities within both Croatian and European frames. Cartographic representations reviewed in this paper help illuminate historical changes and compare them to the current state in space.Kartografski prikazi izniman su izvor informacija o prostoru, bez obzira na to je li riječ o suvremenim ili starim kartama ili planovima. Iz njih se mogu iŔčitati prostorni, povijesni, toponomastički, gospodarski, etnički i brojni drugi podaci važni za razumijevanje ukupnog razvoja nekog područja. Iako Selce nema dugi kontinuitet naseljenosti poput nekih okolnih mjesta, jer suvremeno naselje potječe iz druge polovice 14. st., ipak ima prilično zanimljivu povijest razvoja s vrlo ranim usponom turističke djelatnosti i u hrvatskim i u europskim okvirima. Kartografski prikazi izneseni u ovome radu pomažu rasvijetliti te povijesne mijene te omogućiti usporedbu s danaÅ”njim stanjem u prostoru

    Geoadria, Vol. 16, No. 2

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    The journal Geoadria Vol. 16, No.2, published by the Croatian Geographic Society ā€“ Zadar and University of Zadar's Department of Geography contains scientific and professional papers from contributors in the 4th Conference of the Adratic Forum, Geopolitical Issues of the Adratic ā€“ Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow held in Zadar, 16ā€“18 September 2011. In total, six papers from Croatian and foreign authors were published, covering various issues from the Adriatic region.Iz tiska je izaÅ”ao drugi broj 16. godiÅ”ta znanstvenog časopisa Geoadria u izdanju Hrvatskog geografskog druÅ”tva ā€“ Zadar i Odjela za geografiju SveučiliÅ”ta u Zadru. Ovo izdanje sadrži znanstvene i stručne članke sa znanstvenog skupa: 4. konferencija Jadranskog Foruma ā€“ Geopolitičke teme Jadrana ā€“ jučer, danas, sutra (4th Conference of the Adratic Forum, Geopolitical Issues of Adratic ā€“ Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow) koji je održan u Zadru od 16. do 18. rujna 2011. Ukupno je objavljeno Å”est radova domaćih i stranih autora koji se bave različitim temama vezanima uz jadranski prostor

    Spatio-temporal variations of cave-air CO2 concentrations in two Croatian show caves: Natural vs. anthropogenic controls

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    Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration (CDC) plays an important role in karst processes, governing both carbonate deposition and dissolution, affecting not only natural processes, but also human activities in caves adapted for tourism. Its variations due to various controlling parameters was observed from 2017 to 2021 in two Croatian show caves (Manita peć and Modrič) where we examined inter- and within-cave correlation of internal aerology regarding the sources, sinks and transport mechanism of CDC in a karst conduit setting. In both caves, the main sources of CO2 are: i) plant and microbial activity i.e. root respiration and organic matter decay within soil horizons and fractured epikarst, and ii) degassing from CO2-rich percolation water. The main sink of CO2 is dilution with outside air due to cave ventilation. Chimney-effect driven ventilation controlled by seasonal differences between surface and cave air temperatures shows winter (ToutTcave ) ventilation regime, which are modulated by the geometry of cave passages, the transmissivity of the overlying epikarst, and occasionally by the external winds, especially the gusty north-eastern bora wind. In these terms, the Modrič Cave appears to be more confined and less ventilated, with a substantial CDC difference between the left (550-7200 ppm) and right (1475- >10,000 ppm) passages. The Manita peć Cave is, in contrast, ventilated almost year-round, having 7 months of CDC equilibrated with the outside atmosphere and the highest summer CDC values of ~1410 ppm. In both caves, at the current level of tourist use, anthropogenic CO2 flux is not a matter of concern for cave conservation. In turn, in the innermost part of the right Modrič Cave passageĀ  visitorsā€™ health might be compromised, but the tourists are allowed only in the left passage. Speleothem growth rate, recognized as a useful palaeoenvironmental proxy for speleothem-based palaeoclimate studies, strongly depends on CDC variations, so the high CDCs recorded in the Modrič Cave indicate the potential periods with no speleothem deposition due to the hampered degassing of CO2 from the dripping groundwater. The opposite effect i.e. enhanced ventilation (that supports calcite precipitation) during the windy glacials/stadials, as well as substantial vegetational changes must also be taken into consideration when interpreting environmental records from spelean calcite

    Geographical basis of socio-economic revitalization of Unije Island

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    Otok Unije (16,88 km2, 90 stanovnika 2001.) zajedno s pripadajućim otočićima Samunčiel, MiÅ”njak i Å koljić čini zapadni dio cresko-loÅ”injske otočne skupine i svojim je geografskim smjeÅ”tajem svojevrstan most između te otočne skupine i istarskog poluotoka. U sklopu projekta Geografske osnove razvoja malih hrvatskih otoka na temelju terenskih istraživanja i analize različitih izvora prostornih podataka obrađena su glavna obilježja njegove prirodno-geografske osnove, osobito s aspekta njihove važnosti kao temelja historijsko-geografskog razvoja otoka, ali i suvremenoga i budućega druÅ”tveno-gospodarskog razvitka. Istaknute su bitne geografske strukture i procesi u funkciji osmiÅ”ljavanja optimalnog načina druÅ”tveno-gospodarske revitalizacije otoka.Unije Island (16.88 sq. km, 90 inhabitants in 2001), together with the adjacent islets Samunčiel, MiÅ”njak and Å koljić, makes western part of Cres-LoÅ”inj group of islands and due to its position, it is a bridge between that group of islands and Istria Peninsula. Within the project titled Geographical Bases for the Development of Small Croatian Islands the authors did a field research and the analysis of different spatial data sources in order to analyze basic natural-geographic features, particularly from the point of view of their importance for historical-geographic development of the island and its future socio-economic development. The authors pointed out the basic geographic structures and processes that could contribute to optimal socio-economic revitalization of the island

    Basic Geographical Factors of Modern Transformation of Ilovik Island

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    Otok Ilovik (5,51 km2) zajedno s pripadajućim otočićem Sv. Petrom (0,95 km2) čini najjužniji dio cresko-loÅ”injske otočne skupine i svojim geografskim smjeÅ”tajem čini svojevrstan most između te otočne skupine i sjevernih otoka zadarskog arhipelaga (Premuda, Silba, Olib, Å karda, Ist). U sklopu projekta Geografske osnove razvoja malih hrvatskih otoka na temelju viÅ”ekratnih terenskih istraživanja i analize različitih izvora prostornih podataka obrađena su osnovna obilježja njegove prirodno-geografske osnove, ali i suvremeni i mogućnosti budućega druÅ”tveno-gospodarskog razvitka.Ilovik Island (5.51 km2) along with adjacent Sv. Petar Islet (0.95 km2) are the most southern part of Cres-LoÅ”inj archipelago, and due to their geographical position, they represent a bridge between the above-mentioned archipelago and northern islands of Zadar archipelago (Premuda, Silba, Olib, Å karda and Ist Islands). This paper was written as a result of several field researches and the analysis of different spatial data sources within the project titled Geographical Bases of the Development of Small Croatian Islands, and it presents basic natural and geographical features of Ilovik Island as well as possibilities for its future socio-economic development

    Groundwater quality in selected caves in Ravni kotari (Croatia)

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    Složeni mehanizam transporta zagađenja u krÅ”kom podzemlju, kao i činjenica da kontaminirana spiljska voda može predstavljati opasnost po zdravlje ljudi ukoliko se koristi u vodoopskrbi, nameće potrebu praćenja (monitoringa) stanja kakvoće spiljske vode. Na uzorcima vode iz četiri speleoloÅ”ka objekta u Ravnim kotarima provedene su analize mikrobioloÅ”kih i kemijskih parametara radi utvrđivanja kakvoće podzemne vode. MikrobioloÅ”kim analizama utvrđene su poviÅ”ene koncentracije različitih koliformnih bakterija u sva četiri objekta. Vjerojatan izvor tog zagađenja su neadekvatno izgrađene septičke jame u obližnjim selima te izmet Å”iÅ”miÅ”a (guano) u spiljama u kojima postoje njihove kolonije. Kemijske analize podzemne vode pokazale su da su vrijednosti potencijalnih onečiŔćivala znatno ispod zakonski dopuÅ”tene granice Å”to se može povezati s činjenicom da poljoprivreda, kao čest izvor kemijskog zagađenja u ruralnim područjima, nije viÅ”e toliko razvijena da bi predstavljala ozbiljnu prijetnju za kvalitetu podzemnih voda.Complex mechanisms of pollution transport in karst underground and the fact that contaminated cave water can be a health hazard if used for human consumption, imposes the need for monitoring the cave water quality. In order to determine groundwater quality, water samples were collected in four caves in Ravni kotari (Croatia) and analyzed for microbiological and chemical indicators of pollution. Microbiological analyses showed increased concentration of various coliform bacteria at all four locations. Probable sources of pollution are inadequately built septic tanks in nearby villages and bat guano in caves with bat colonies. Chemical analyses indicated values of possible pollutants to be much lower than the permitted values, which reflects the fact that agriculture, as a frequent source of chemical pollution in rural regions, is not as developed as it used to be, thus posing no serious threat to the groundwater quality