5 research outputs found

    Does congenital deafness affect the structural and functional architecture of primary visual cortex?

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    Deafness results in greater reliance on the remaining senses. It is unknown whether the cortical architecture of the intact senses is optimized to compensate for lost input. Here we performed widefield population receptive field (pRF) mapping of primary visual cortex (V1) with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in hearing and congenitally deaf participants, all of whom had learnt sign language after the age of 10 years. We found larger pRFs encoding the peripheral visual field of deaf compared to hearing participants. This was likely driven by larger facilitatory center zones of the pRF profile concentrated in the near and far periphery in the deaf group. pRF density was comparable between groups, indicating pRFs overlapped more in the deaf group. This could suggest that a coarse coding strategy underlies enhanced peripheral visual skills in deaf people. Cortical thickness was also decreased in V1 in the deaf group. These findings suggest deafness causes structural and functional plasticity at the earliest stages of visual cortex

    Pattern motion selectivity in population responses of area 18

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    It is commonly believed that the complexity of visual stimuli represented by individual neurons increases towards higher cortical areas. However, even in early visual areas an individual neuron's response is influenced by stimuli presented outside its classical receptive field. Thus, it has been proven difficult to characterize the coding of complex stimuli at the level of single neurons. We therefore investigated population responses using optical imaging in cat area 18 to complex stimuli, plaids. Plaid stimuli are composed of two superimposed gratings moving in different directions. They may be perceived as either two separate surfaces or as a global pattern moving in intermediate direction to the components' direction of motion. We found that in addition to activity maps representing the individual components' motion, plaid stimuli produced activity distributions matching the predictions from a pattern-motion model in central area 18. Thereby, relative component- and pattern-like modulations followed the degree of psychophysical pattern bias in the stimulus. Thus, our results strongly indicate that area 18 exhibits a substantial response to pattern-motion signals at the population level suggesting the presence of intrinsic or extrinsic mechanisms that allow for integration of motion responses from far outside the classical receptive field