74 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Pasien Infark Miokard Akut Di Ruangan Cvcu Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado

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    : Anxiety is the main cause psychiatric counseling in CVCU. In patient with acutemyocardial infarction, anxiety is one of the circumtances that could give rise to the physicalchanges, as wall as psychological. There are several factors associated with the level ofanxiety that age, education level, sosio economic status, and experience. The purpose of thisresearch to determinan, factor\u27s assosiated with the level of anxiety in patient acutemyocardial infarction in CVCU room of RSUP. Prof. Dr. R. Kandou Manado. Research\u27sdesign has used cross sectional design and the data are collected from respondens bykuesioner and observation sheet. The Samples in this research was taken with total samplingtechnique with 30 respondents as sample. The result of the research using atest of á < 0,05.The conclusion of this research is a relationship between age, education level, socioeconomic status level of experience with anxiety. Suggestion as reference material for thedevelopment of future research with regard to the factors associated with the level of anxietyin patien with acute myocardial infarction. For example, long day care, family support,medical diagnostic, and another etc

    Hubungan Antara Anemia Dengan Hasil Belajar Siswi SMP Negeri 3 Sapa Kecamatan Tenga Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    Anemia occurs when the production of hemoglobin less so levels in the blood is low. Anemia can lead to reduced power and concentration of one's thought. The purpose of research is to determine the relationship between anemia with learning outcomes Students at SMP Negeri 3 Sapa. The method of research is observational, cross sectional study. Population grader VII, VIII. 60 samples. The collection of data through questionnaires respondent characteristics, hemoglobin and exam results. Using the chi square statistical test. The results show respondents 33.3% were anemic and non anemic 66.7%. Learning outcomes in either category 31.7%, student learning outcomes in enough categories 68.3%. Conclusion There is a significant association between anemia with learning outcomes on student SMP Negeri 3 Sapa. The need for cooperation of government advice and the community to address the problem of malnutrition. Keywords : Anemia, Learning Outcomes Anemia terjadi apabila produksi hemoglobin kurang sehingga kadarnya di dalam darah menjadi rendah. Anemia dapat mengakibatkan berkurangnya daya pikir dan konsentrasi seseorang. Tujuan Penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan antara anemia dengan hasil belajar Siswi di SMP Negeri 3 Sapa. Metode penelitian adalah observasional analitik, dengan rancangan cross sectional study. Populasi siswi kelas VII,VIII. 60 sampel. Pengumpulan data melalui pengisian kuesioner karakteristik responden, pemeriksaan hemoglobin dan hasil ujian. Uji statistik menggunakan chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan responden yang mengalami anemia 33,3% dan tidak mengalami anemia 66,7%. Hasil belajar pada kategori baik 31,7%, hasil belajar siswi pada kategori cukup 68,3 %. Kesimpulan Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara anemia dengan hasil belajar pada siswi SMP Negeri 3 Sapa. Saran Perlunya kerjasama dari pemerintah maupun masyarakat untuk menanggulangi masalah gizi

    Gambaran Ketepatan Personil Pendamping Dan Ambulans Yang Digunakan Dalam Merujuk Pasien Gawat Darurat Di Instalasi Gawat Darurat Rsup Prof Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado

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    : Transporting emergency patients with critical condition is susceptible to risks such as, delayed handling and management of patients that could result in deaths. Hence, management and transportation or patient referring should be taken as a priority. Transporting or referring emergency patients requires emergency ambulance that provided with emergency equipment, and it needs doctors and nurses experienced in emergency medicine. Currently not optimal process of transporting and referring patients is due to lack of transportation and also the use of two-wheeled vehicles. The aim of this research is to find the overview of proper escorting personnel and ambulances that used in referring emergency patients. The samples that we used are 80 patients that obtained by using purposive sampling method. The method used in this study is descriptive survey and the data were collected by using observation sheets. Conclusion: We found that in most cases of patient referring, escorting personnel are dominated by nurses and emergency staffs. The uses of ambulances on referring patients are dominated by emergency ambulances

    Studi Mekanisme Kerusakan Tube Reformer pada Industri Petrokimia

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    Reformer biasanya dipakai pada industri Petrokimia untuk menghasilkan hidrogen. Salah satu permasalahan kerusakan/kegagalan yang terjadi adalah pada bagian Tube reformer yang disebabkan oleh pengoperasian pada pengaruh temperatur tinggi. Kegagalan yang terjadi pada tube reformer yang secara visual yaitu adanya crack pada bagian permukaan OD. Analisis yang akan dilakukan yaitu ada 5 pengujian antara lain SEM, Uji tarik, Uji Kekerasan, Uji Komposisi, dan Metalografi. Didapatkan bahwa kegagalan disebabkan oleh overheating yang menyebabkan terjadinya crack yang terdapat pada batas butir. Dari hasil pengujian metalografi ditemukan adanya void – void dan microcrack. Timbulnya void ini disebabkan oleh overheating dan menyebabkan nilai hardness yang tinggi, nilai hardness yang tinggi juga didukung oleh hasil dari EDX, hasil EDX menunjukkan adanya unsur kromium yang tinggi sehingga material menjadi getas. Void yang terdapat pada material HP modified mempengaruhi hasil dari tensile dikarenakan void membuat nilai tensile menjadi rendah. Dari hasil Uji komposisi didapatkan bahwa terdapat unsur yang tidak sesuai seperti Sulfur dan Pospor yang dapat menurunkan sifat dari ketahanan pada temperature tingg

    Pengaruh Penyuluhan Bahaya Gunung Berapi Terhadap Kesiapsiagaan Siswa SMP Kristen Kakaskasen Kota Tomohon Menghadapi Bencana Gunung Berapi

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    ABSRACT: Volcano is one of the frequent disasters in Indonesia. Volcanic eruptions can cause many casualties and losses, Tomohon city has two active volcanoes that require coordinated disaster preparedness. Christian junior high school is the one of which always affected when the volcano erupted because just 3 miles from mount lokon, mount Lokon whereas the impact area within 5 miles. Purpose to analyze Effect Of Volcano Hazards Counseling To Students Preparedness Of Christian Junior High School Kakaskasen Tomohon City To Be Up Against Volcano Disaster. Samples in this research were 60 respondents using probability sampling techniques. Design of the research is one group pre test-post test and data collected from respondents using questionnaire. Research result obtained P value 0,00 with t value is 23,78 and t table 2,002. Conclusion shows there is Effect Of Volcano Hazards Counseling To Students Preparedness Of Christian Junior High School Kakaskasen Tomohon City To Be Up Against Volcano Disaster. Suggestion for further research are expected to further investigate the other factors that can increase preparedness

    Hubungan Penerapan Manajemen Terpadu Balita Sakit (Mtbs) : Status Imunisasi Dengan Kelengkapan Imunisasi Dasar Pada Bayi (Usia 2 – 12 Bul an) Di Puskesmas Bahu

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    : Maternal and child health is one of the targets in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), precisely the goal 3 of 17 SDG\u27s goal is good health; ensure a healthy life and encourage prosperity for all people in all ages (KemenKes RI, 2015). Based on these reasons, the program comes the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) one immunization status with the aim to improve the health and quality of child health services (Hidayati & Wahyono, 2011). The purpose of this study to determine the relationship of the implementation of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) with Completed Basic Immunization In Infant (age 2-12 months) in Puskesmas Bahu. This study design was analytic correlation with cross sectional approach. Samples were taken using a non-probability sampling techniques with the purpose of sampling a way which amounts to 111 babies who were in Poli child/ IMCI. The results of the study data analysis using chi-square test for Relations Implementation of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI): Immunization Status with Completeness Immunization Basics in Infant (age 2-12 months) in Puskesmas Bahu, with p value = 0.000 which is smaller than α = 0.05. The results showed relationship with (IMCI) implementation Completed Basic Immunization In Infant (age 2- 12 months) in Puskesmas Bahu. The conclusions is The implementation of IMCI: Immunization status in terms of completeness of basic immunization in young children, should be done so that the basic immunization in infants in accordance with the schedule of administration

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Tentang Low Back Pain Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Pegawai Negeri Sipil Di Kantor Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Manado

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    : Low Back Pain (LBP) or lower back pain is a musculoskeletal disorder that is caused by the activity of the body that are less good. LBP is one of the grievances felt by most office workers and will increase at the age of 50. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of health education about low back pain on knowledge level of civil servants. The methods in this study using Pre experimental design with one group pretest and post test design, performed by pre-test by filling out a questionnaire, then performed through the health education by leaflets, and then the post-test by filling out a questionnaire. Test analysis using non-parametric Wilcoxon test with a significance level of 95%. The samples in this study were the civil servents of 38 employees using the Total Sampling. The results of this study using Wilcoxon Test, with P = 0.000 indicates that there is a significant difference in the knowledge of low back pain before and after health education. Advice, health education about occupational disease more often carried out in order to add insight to employees in an effort to the understanding of the prevention of disease, especially low back pain

    Penilaian Kualitas Pelaporan Kejadian Kematian Melalui Metode Dual Sistem Di Kabupaten Gorontalo Tahun 2007 & 2008

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    Valid and reliable information on causes of deaths in the community is important to provide basic data and information for health policy formulation and program development, set health priorities, evaluate program effectiveness and for research. In order to evaluate the completeness of vital registration, the mortality registration system data would be assessed through a dual record system. These death data were then would be directly matched with death data derived from medical certificate cause of death from mortality registration system to analyze the mortality registration completeness. The objective of Dual System which consists of registration system and population enumeration method were used to examine and monitor the coverage of the cause of death registration system in the project areas and to provide correction factor to construct a life table and mortality parameter. This survey was carried out by independent institution, Politeknik Kesehalan, (Health Polytechnique) Government Organization in the Gorontalo District. This survey collected death data in the randomly selected sub-district or village. A sample of households was asked whether a member has died in the previous two years 2007-2008, January 1st 2007 to December 31st 2008. The total number of household sample was about 10.000 for the study area. Data collection of the survey for death event in the community carried out by Health Politechnique of Gorontalo District in the 18 subdistricts. The number of sample that interviewed was 9,225 households and 35,184 population. The number of deaths in the period of two years starting from January 1st 2007 to December 31st 2008 in the dual system was 461 cases (include still birth 22 cases). This study found that the the registration completeness was 68.5%, this figure come from: 415/605 x 100% or 316/461 x 100%. From this result, there was 31.5% of death event has not been covered in Sentinel Gorontalo District in 2007 and 2008. This study also found that Crude Death Rate (CDR) was 6,1 per mil after correted from 9,0 per mil, it was closed to estimated national crude death rate 7 per 1000
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