20 research outputs found

    Exploring Responsible Tourism in Upper Myanmar

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    The concept of “responsible tourism”, which has spread rapidly in recent years, evokes conscious tourist behavior so as to minimize negative impacts on destinations, from an environmental, economic and cultural point of view. While intuitively comprehensible, the concept is not easy to operationalize in empirical studies. Facing this difficulty, our contribution illustrates an attempt to operatively define the concept within the framework of the development of a sustainable destination plan for the Ancient Cities of Upper Myanmar (ACUM). The paper describes the index adopted to survey and measure responsible attitudes among tourists and the main results of the research.

    Der Einzelhandel im Stadtzentrum Florenz zwischen touristischem Druck und ausländischer Unternehmerschaft

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    The study describes the consequences of demographic and functional decline and of touristic pressure on retail structures of the ancient city centre of Florence. It stresses the ongoing assimilation of retail landscape as consequence of touristic demand and of substitution of old historical shops by international chains. This process threatens in the long run the specific identity of the city and thus risks to diminish its touristic attraction. Moreover the article discusses the possibilities to reduce this risk of losing local identity by developing the potentiality of new immigrant entrepreneurship in retail business. A new kind of public policy seems necessary in order to counterbalance the handicaps of immigrant entrepreneurs compared with Italians. It seems important to develop new policies which concentrate public resources specifically on some innovative categories of entrepreneurs among which the – compared to the Italians – younger and better educated foreign shop holders.Cet article décrit l’impact exercé sur les structures commerciales par le déclin démographique et fonctionnel du centre historique de Florence ainsi que par la forte pression touristique. L’article met en évidence le risque lié à l’assimilation incessante du paysage commercial suite à la demande touristique et le risque de substitution des anciennes boutiques historiques par les chaînes internationales. Ce processus menace à terme l’identité spécifique de la ville et risque d’en réduire l’attrait. L’article examine en outre les possibilités de diminuer le risque de perte d’identité locale en développant l’entreprise des nouveaux immigrants dans le commerce de détail. Une nouvelle forme de politique publique semble nécessaire pour contrebalancer les handicaps de ces commerçants vis-à-vis des nationaux. Il semble important de concentrer les fonds publics sur certaines catégories innovantes d’entreprises, parmi lesquelles les détaillants étrangers en moyenne plus jeunes et mieux formés que les Italiens

    SWOT Analysis and Developing Strategies for the Realisation of Urban Livability in Tehran

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    The present study aims to analyse the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of managing the Tehran Metropolitan to help comprehend the status quo as well as the challenges to the ..

    Demographic and social patterns

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    Per una lettura sociale delle piazze fiorentine

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