51 research outputs found

    Current Therapeutic Options for HCV-HIV Coinfection

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    Due to shared risk factors for transmission, coinfection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a very common event. The prevalence of HCV infection among HIV-positive patients averages about 35%. In HIV/HCV co-infected patients, liver-related morbidity and mortality is a prominent non-AIDS-defining complication: up to 90% of liver-related deaths in HIV-infected patients are attributable to HCV.Ā The progression of liver fibrosis is accelerated in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients, particularly in individuals with low CD4 counts (ā‰¤350 cells/mm3). Antiretroviral therapy may slow liver disease progression in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients and should, therefore, be considered for all coinfected patients regardless of CD4 cell count. Most patients with HIV/HCV coinfection are taking multi-drug antiretroviral therapy, which may pose a problem with drugā€“drug interactions when initiating therapy with HCV medications. Rapid advances in HCV drug development led to the discovery of new classes of direct-acting antiviral (DAA) agents that target the HCV replication cycle. Several studies demonstrated comparable rates of sustained virological response (SVR) in coinfected and monoinfected patients with new DAA-based therapy

    Pandemic Influenza: a Report from Osijek

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    Retrospektivno smo analizirali povijesti bolesti hospitaliziranih bolesnika s influencom u Klinici za infektologiju KBC-a Osijek u razdoblju od 1. studenog 2009. do 28. veljače 2011. godine. Analizirali smo dob, spol, mjesec prijma u bolnicu, trajanje bolesti u danima i trajanje hospitalizacije u danima s težiÅ”tem na težinu bolesti, komplikacije, rizične čimbenike, laboratorijske nalaze i terapiju. Ambulantno je pregledano 279 bolesnika oboljelih od pandemijske influence. Od toga je hospitalizirano 139 bolesnika (49,8%), a virus pandemijske influence A(H1N1) dokazan je RT-PCR-metodom u 28 bolesnika (20,1%). Hospitalizirana su 54 djeteta (do 18 godina) (38,8%) i 85 odraslih (61,2%). Rizični čimbenici zabilježeni su kod 30,9% hospitaliziranih bolesnika, najzastupljenije su bile kronične srčane bolesti i hipertenzija, dok su kronične plućne bolesti na drugome mjestu. Od komplikacija se najčeŔće javlja pneumonija, registrirana je u 50 hospitaliziranih bolesnika (36%). U Jedinicu za intenzivno liječenje primljeno je 9 bolesnika, u svih je dokazan virus influence A(H1N1), a smrt je uslijedila u jednog bolesnika.We conducted a retrospective study of the medical records of patients diagnosed with influenza and hospitalized at the Clinic for Infections of the Clinical Hospital Centre Osijek in the period from 1 November 2009 to 28 February 2011. Age, sex, month of admission, duration of the disease and of hospitalization in days, severity of illness, complications, risk factors, laboratory results and therapy were analyzed. We examined 279 patients at our Clinic, and hospitalized 139 (49.8%). Influenza A /H1N1 virus was detected in 28 patients (20.1%) by the RT-PCR method. Among hospitalized patients, there were 54 children (38.8%) and 85 adults (61.2%). Risk factors were found in 30.9% of hospitalized patients, and the most common were chronic cardiac diseases and hypertension followed by chronic pulmonary diseases. The most common complication was pneumonia, found in 50 (36%) of our hospitalized patients. The number of patients treated in our intensive care unit was 9, and influenza A(H1N1) virus was detected in all of them. One patient died

    West Nile Virus Outbreak in Humans in Croatia, 2012

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    During August and September 2012, seven cases of West Nile neuroinvasive disease were identified in three north- -eastern counties of Croatia. Four cases were reported in Osijek-Baranja County, two in Brod-Posavina County and one in Vukovar-Srijem County. The median age of the patients was 62.7 years. All patients were hospitalized for 2ā€“5 weeks. The patients from Slavonski Brod had more severe clinical presentation of disease with prolonged hospitalization. Medi- cal entomological research was carried out in 64 localities, where 1785 mosquitoes were captured. Among the analyzed mosquitoes, 114 were determined to be Culex pipiens and subjected to molecular characterization for the presence of vi- rus. No viral RNA was detected in mosquitoes. Subsequent public health measures taken include mosquito control in all settlements where disease was detected


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    Sažetak Honanje ili vlačno glačanje je postupak kojim obrađujemo najfinije povrÅ”ine metala radi postizanja zahtijevane točnosti i kvalitete obrađenih povrÅ”ina. Samo honanje kao i procesi struganja, glodanja, bruÅ”enja, tj. rezno uobličavanje metalnih materijala u svom se djelovanju ograničava na relativno tanak povrÅ”inski sloj izratka i uglavnom izaziva hladnu plastičnu deformaciju, ali ne utječe dalekosežno na strukturu i svojstva materijala. Pri izvođenju procesa honanja vrlo je bitno da se radna povrÅ”ina oplahuje znatnim količinama sredstava za hlađenje i podmazivanje. Radnu povrÅ”inu valja hladiti da ne bi doÅ”lo do promjene strukture zbog procesa rekristalizacije i otpuÅ”tanja. Osim toga, ispiranjem se odvodi metalna praÅ”ina nastala honanjem te iŔčupana zrnca s bruseva. Danas su istraživanja na ovom području usmjerena na primjenu novih sredstava za hlađenje i podmazivanje. Na temelju ekonomske i ekoloÅ”ke analize i analize kvalitete postupka honanja pri primjeni sredstava za hlađenje i podmazivanje na osnovi mineralnih ulja i uz sadržaj različitih tipova aditiva, u radu je ispitivana mogućnost primjene novih ulja pri honanju koÅ”uljica cilindara.Abstract Honing is a procedure treating the finest metal surfaces in order to achieve the required precision and quality of treated surfaces. Honing itself, as well as proceses of grating, milling, grinding, i.e. using cutting for the shaping of metal materials, is in its activity limited to a relatively thin surface layer of the workpiece, mostly causing cold plastic deformation, without any long-term impacts on either the structure or properties of the material. When performing the process of honing, it is extremely important that the working surface be washed by considerable volumes of the cooling and lubrication agents. The working surface needs to be cooled, so as not to cause any structural change due to the processes of recrystallization and release. Apart from that, rinsing takes away the metal dust generated by honing, as well as the pulled out grinding wheel grains. Research in this area is today oriented towards applying new cooling and lubricating agents. Based on economic and environmental analysis, as well as that of the quality of honing procedure when applying cooling and lubricating agents based on mineral oils, containing various types of additives, the paper also considers the possibility of applying new oils for the honing of cylinder bores

    Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection: preliminary results of six serology tests

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    Najznačajnija primjena seroloÅ”kih testova u dijagnostici COVID-19 je u svrhu procjene proÅ”irenosti bolesti u populaciji. Međutim, imunotestovi mogu poslužiti kao dodatni dijagnostički postupak, posebice kod bolesnika s podatkom o izloženosti COVID-19 i prisutnim kliničkim simptomima, kod kojih je rezultat RT-PCR testa bio negativan. U ovome smo radu analizirali preliminarne rezultate Å”est seroloÅ”kih testova za dijagnostiku SARS-CoV-2. KoriÅ”tena su tri \u27point-of care\u27 imunokromatografska testa (POC): ACRO, AMP i ENCODE te tri imunoenzimska testa (DiaPro, Vircell i Euroimmun). Testirano je ukupno 15 uzoraka seruma bolesnika s COVID-19 infekcijom i 15 uzoraka seruma asimptomatskih osoba. Vrijeme uzorkovanja kod bolesnika s COVID-19 iznosilo je 4 ā€“ 10 dana (N=4), 11 ā€“ 19 dana (N=6) te 20 ā€“ 34 dana (N=5) od početka bolesti. Svi su početno reaktivni rezultati potvrđeni testom neutralizacije virusa (VNT). Kod bolesnika s COVID-19 (N=15), učestalost detekcije IgM/IgA protutijela iznosila je 9/60,0% (ACRO), 11/73,3% (AMP, ENCODE, Euroimmun), 12/80,0% (DiaPro) te 13/86,6% (Vircell). Učestalost detekcije IgG protutijela iznosila je 10/66,6% (AMP, Euroimmun) te 11/73,3% (ostali testovi). Ovisno o vremenu uzorkovanja, učestalost detekcije protutijela iznosila je: a) 4-10. dana: 1/25,0% i 2/50,0% (IgM/IgA i IgG); 11-19. dana: 4/66,6%-6/100% (IgM/IgA), 4/66,6% i 5/83,3% (IgG; c) 20-34. dana: 4/80,0% i 5/100% (IgM/IgA), 5/100% (IgG). U jedne asimptomatske osobe s dokazanim IgM/IgA protutijelima testom ACRO, DiaPro i Vircell potvrđena su neutralizacijska protutijela. U skupini seronegativnih asimptomatskih osoba dokazanih VNT testom (N=14), negativan nalaz IgM/IgA je nađen u 12/85,7% (ACRO), 13/92,8% (DiaPro, Vircell) i 14/100% (AMP, ENCODE, Euroimmun) uzoraka, dok je negativan nalaz IgG dokazan kod 13/92,8% (ACRO) te 14/100% (ostali testovi) uzoraka. ELISA testovi pokazali su viÅ”u osjetljivost detekcije IgM/IgA protutijela u usporedbi s POC testovima, dok je osjetljivost detekcije IgG protutijela bila podjednaka u POC i ELISA testovima.The most important use of serology in the COVID-19 diagnostics is for determination the extent of disease in the population. However, immunoassays could represent an additional diagnostic method, especially in patients with exposure history and clinical symptoms compatible with COVID-19 who failed to be confirmed by RT-PCR. We analyzed the preliminary results of six serology tests for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2. Three point-of-care lateral flow chromatographic immunoassays (POC): ACRO, AMP and ENCODE and three enzyme immunoassays (ELISA): DiaPro, Vircell and Euroimmun were used. A total of 15 serum samples from COVID-19 patients and 15 serum samples from asymptomatic persons were tested. Time of sampling for COVID-19 patients was 4 ā€“ 10 days (N=4), 11 ā€“ 19 days (N=6) and 20 ā€“ 34 days (N=5) after disease onset. Initially reactive results were confirmed using a virus neutralization test (VNT). In COVID-19 patients (N=15), IgM/IgA positive detection rates were 9/60.0% (ACRO), 11/73.3% (AMP, ENCODE, Euroimmun), 12/80.0% (DiaPro) and 13/86.6% (Vircell). Overall IgG detection rates were 10//66.6% (AMP, Euroimmun) and 11/73.3% (other tests). According to the sampling time, positive detection rates were as follows: a) days 4 ā€“ 10: 1/25.0% and 2/50.0% (IgM/IgA and IgG); b) days 11 ā€“19: 4/66.6%-6/100% (IgM/IgA), 4/66.6% and 5/83.3% (IgG); c) days 20 ā€“ 34: 4/80.0% and 5/100% (IgM/IgA), 5/100% (IgG). One asymptomatic participant tested IgM/IgA positive using ACRO, DiaPro and Vircell was confirmed seropositive using a VNT. In a group of asymptomatic persons detected seronegative using a VNT (N=14), IgM/IgA negative detection rates were 12/85.7% (ACRO), 13/92.8% (DiaPro, Vircell) and 14/100% (AMP, ENCODE, Euroimmun). IgG negative detection rates were 13/92.8% (ACRO) and 14/100% (other tests). ELISA tests showed a higher overall IgM/IgA sensitivity compared to POC tests in patients with COVID-19, while the IgG sensitivity was similar in both POC and ELISA

    The improvement of hygienic and technological quality of raw milk

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    Poslije mužnje moguća je kontaminacija sirovog mlijeka sa mikroorganizmima. Da bi ustanovili stepen kontaminacije sirovog mlijeka uzeli smo 100 uzoraka iz sabirne cisterne u stoji i 50 uzoraka istih sirovih mlijeka iz transportne cisterne i odredili ukupan broj mikroorganizama i prisustvo pojedinih vrsta patogenih mikroorganizama u njima. Ispitivanja su pokazala da u pogledu pojedinih mikrobioloÅ”kih karakteristika postoje značajne razlike između sirovog mlijeka uzorkovanog iz sabirne cisterne u Å”tali i sirovog mlijeka uzorkovanog iz transportne cisterne na prijemnoj rampi mljekare.The contamination of raw milk with microorganisms is possible after the completion of milking. In order to determine the level of contamination of raw milk, 100 samples were taken from the transportation tank, and the total number of microorganisms and presence of various pathogenic microorganisms were determined. Tests have shown that significant differences exist between raw milk samples from the collecting tank in the stable, and those samples taken from the transportation tank when entering the dairy

    Encephalitis or Encephalopathy During an Influenza-A Epidemic

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    Six female patients with encephalitis, mean age 36.5 (17ā€“60) years, were admitted to the hospital during the 2000ā€“2001 influenza A (H1N1) epidemic in the Osijek ā€“ Baranja County. In three (50.0%) patients, the manifestation of encephalitis occurred on day 4 or 5, and in two (33.3%) patients within 24ā€“48 hours of the onset of influenza symptoms. The disease manifestations included headache, elevated body temperature, generalized fatigue, and consciousness disturbance through coma. Three (50.0%) patients had grand mal seizures. Pathologic electroencephalography findings were recorded in all six (100%) patients, whereas computed tomography showed cerebral edema in three (50.0%) patients. Elevated levels of hepatic enzymes and peripheral blood leukopenia were found in two (33.3%) patients in whom encephalitis developed early upon the onset of influenza. One (16.6%) of these patients died, whereas permanent sequels remained in the other two (33.3%) patients

    Endotel-zavisna relaksacija unutraŔnje torakalne arterije prouzrokovana rezveratrolom

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    Resveratrol, a polyphenol present in wine, has been thought to be responsible for cardiovascular benefits associated with moderate wine consumption. It is also present in the plant Polygonum Cuspidatum. The mechanism of cardiovascular benefits probably includes vasorelaxation, antioxidant and anti-platelet effects of resveratrol. The mechanisms by which resveratrol causes vasodilatation are uncertain. The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism(s) of resveratrol induced vasorelaxation in human internal mammary artery (HIMA) with endothelium. HIMA rings were precontracted by phenylephrine. Resveratrol induced relaxation of the HIMA rings with endothelium. LNAME, an inhibitor of NO synthase, and methylene blue, an inhibitor of guanylate cyclase, abolished relaxation of HIMA induced by resveratrol. Highly selective blocker of ATP-sensitive K channels, glibenclamide as well as a nonselective blocker of big Ca-sensitive K+ channels, charybdotoxin did not block resveratrol-induced relaxation of HIMA. 4-Aminopyridine and margatoxin, blockers of voltage-gated K+ (KV) channels, abolished endothelium-dependent relaxation of HIMA, induced by resveratrol. In conclusion, we have shown that resveratrol induces relaxation of HIMA with endothelium. It seems that NO and smooth muscle KV channels are included in this relaxation.Smatra se da rezveratrol kao jedna polifenolna komponenta prisutna u značajnim količinama u crnom vinu, smanjuje rizik od razvoja ateroskleroze i koronarne bolesti. U mehanizam kardioprotektivnog delovanja verovatno su uključ eni antioksidativno, antitrombocitno i vazodilatatorno delovanje rezveratrola. Mehanizam vazodilatacije joÅ” uvek nije poznat, pa je cilj ovog rada bio da se ispitaju efekti i mehanizam vazorelaksantnog delovanja rezveratrola na humanoj unutraÅ” njoj torakalnoj arteriji sa endotelom. UnutraÅ”nja torakalna arterija je prekontrahovana fenilefrinom. Rezveratrol je koncentracijski-zavisno relaksirao unutraÅ”nju torakalnu arteriju čoveka. L-NAME, inhibitor NO sintaze, i metilensko plavo, inhibitor solubilne gvanilat ciklaze, su antagonizovali relaksaciju unutraÅ”nje torakalne arterije sa intaktnim endotelom, prouzrokovanu rezveratrolom. Visoko selektivni blokator ATP-senzitivnih K+ kanala, glibenklamid, kao i neselektivni blokator velikih Ca-senzitivnih K+ kanala, karibdotoksin nisu antagonizovali rezveratrolom indukovanu relaksaciju unutraÅ”nje torakalne arterije. 4-Aminopiridin i margatoksin, blokatori voltažnih K+ kanala su antagonizovali relaksaciju prouzrokovanu rezveratrolom. Na osnovu ovih činjenica se može zaključiti da je endotel-zavisna relaksacija unutraÅ”nje torakalne arterije čoveka, prouzrokovana rezveratrolom, verovatno posredovana NO. Izgleda, da su 4-aminopiriin- i margatoksin-senzitivni K-kanali smeÅ”teni u membrani vaskularnih glatko-miÅ”ićnih ćelija humane unutraÅ”nje torakalne arterije, uključeni u mehanizam endotel-zavisne relaksacije prouzrokovane rezveratrolom

    Krpeljni encefalitis kod profesionalno izložene osobe nakon uredno provedenog primarnog cijepljenja

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    In this paper we present a case report of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in a professionally exposed person (forestry worker) who acquired this infection three years after he had received a complete primary vaccination. The patient reported multiple tick bites, the last one eighteen days prior to disease onset. The TBE diagnosis was confirmed according to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control case definition of TBE by clinical criteria (meningitis), epidemiological link (exposure to tick bites in an endemic area) and laboratory criteria (detection of TBEV specific IgM and IgG antibodies in CSF and serum samples). The case presented indicates the need of awareness of possible TBE even in persons who have received complete vaccination, especially in the professionally exposed ones or those exposed to multiple tick bites.U radu prikazujemo slučaj krpeljnog encefalitisa (KE) kod profesionalno izložene osobe (Å”umar) koja je oboljela tri godine nakon uredno provedenog primarnog cijepljenja. Pacijent je naveo viÅ”estruke ugrize krpelja, od kojih je posljednji bio osamnaest dana prije početka bolesti. Dijagnoza KE potvrđena je prema kriterijima Europskog centra za kontrolu bolesti (ECDC) na temelju kliničkih (meningitis), epidemioloÅ”kih (izloženost krpeljima u endemskom području) te laboratorijskih kriterija (dokaz specifičnih IgM i IgG protutijela za KE u uzorcima seruma i cerebrospinalnog likvora). Prikazani slučaj naglaÅ”ava potrebu za promiÅ”ljanjem o mogućoj pojavi KE i kod osoba kod kojih je provedeno kompletno cijepljenje, osobito profesionalno izloženih osoba te onih izloženih čestim ugrizima krpelja
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