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    Some molecule-based materials low dimension nanostructures

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    Molecule based materials nanoarchitectures have been employed as important nanoscale building blocks for advanced materials and smart miniature devices to fulfill the increasing needs of high materials usage efficiency. Different dimension molecule based materials based nanoarchitectures, especially low dimension nanostructures, attract significant attention due to its fascinating controlled structure and functionality-easy tailoring with excellent semi-conductive properties and stability. In this report, we discuss the some molecule based materials self-assembled oriented functional nanoarchitectures by coordinated inducing. The molecular material building blocks, aggregate structures and their properties in optical, electrical and photoelectrical properties were shown. REFERENCES [1] Guo, Y.B.; Xu, L.; Liu, H. B.; Li, Y. J.; Che, C.-M.; Li, Y. L. Adv. Mater. 2015, 27, 985. [2] Li, Y. J.; Liu, T. F.; Liu, H. B.; Tian, M.-Z.; Li, Y. L. Acc. Chem. Res., 2014, 47,1186. [3] Li, Y. J.; Liang Xu, Liu, H. B.; Li, Y. L. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2014, 43, 2572. [4] Liu, H. B.; Xu, J. L.; Li, Y. J.; Li, Y. L. Acc. Chem. Res. 2010, 43, 1496. [5] Zheng, H. Y.; Li, Y. J.; Liu, H. B.; Yin, X. D.; Li, Y. L. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2011, 40, 4506


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    Chen, H., Liu, Y., Chen, H. et al. Expression of Hepatocyte Transporters and Nuclear Receptors in Children With Early and Late-Stage Biliary Atresia. Pediatr Res 63, 667–673 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1203/PDR.0b013e318170a6b5This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Chen, S.‐T., Chen, H.‐L., Su, Y.‐N., Liu, Y.‐J., Ni, Y.‐H., Hsu, H.‐Y., Chu, C.‐S., Wang, N.‐Y. and Chang, M.‐H. (2008), Prenatal diagnosis of progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 2. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 23: 1390-1393. doi:10.1111/j.1440-1746.2008.05432.x, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1440-1746.2008.05432.x. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Hsu, Y.‐C., Chen, H.‐L., Wu, M.‐Z., Liu, Y.‐J., Lee, P.‐H., Sheu, J.‐C. and Chen, C.‐H. (2009), Adult progressive intrahepatic cholestasis associated with genetic variations in ATP8B1 and ABCB11 . Hepatology Research, 39: 625-631. doi:10.1111/j.1872-034X.2009.00499.x, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1872-034X.2009.00499.x. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving

    Dampak Loyalitas dari Keputusan Konsumen Disebabkan Pelayanan dan Promosi pada Usaha Gimnastik

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    This research purpose is to analyze the influence service quality and promotion to decision making and its impact on consumer loyalty. Method used in this research is descriptive-associative, using Pearson Correlation Path Analysis. Data gathered by distributiong questionnaire to 110 respondents in Gold's Gym Thamrin City. From the data analysis, it is found out that the structural model is given as Y= 0,497X2 + 0,868, whereas R2 24,7% , and structural 2 Z = 0,491 X1 + 0,871 whereas R2=24,2. The service quality seems have less influence to consumer's decision making but have stronger influence to consumer loyalty. Promotion effectively influences consumer's decision making as much as 24,2%. Thus, service quality and promotion should be leveraged to increase sales and consumer loyalty

    When should collective property rights be better defined? Evolution of institution land ownership in rural China

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    Pemanfaatan limbah piston bekas sebagai filler metal aluminium pada pengelasan oxy-acetylene

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    The abundance of waste piston used so far has not been utilized properly. Users of this piston waste can be used as an oxy-acetylene welder filler. Las oxy-acetylene has been widely used for welding on various types of aluminum product repair, one of which is welding machine block. Machine blocks in their use often suffered damage to the cooling water circulation path and broken crack and broken. Welders and repair shops that repair these damages do not have standardized standards in the use of weld fillers, but they do filler selection based solely on experience including in determining the weld filler. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of piston waste which is used as raw material of weld filler to tensile strength and hardness of welded block result of machine using oxy-acetylene welding. Welding is done by an experienced welder. The welding results are tested for tensile strength and hardness distribution test. The welded joint with the chemical composition of filler which is almost equal to base metal has the highest tensile strength. The tensile strength of the welded joint tension test is in the weld metal region due to defects in the weld metal, especially the porosity defects that are formed during the welding process so that the tensile test loading is concentrated on the defect. While the highest hardness on the weld is in the filler metal with the highest percentage of Si content


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    Struktur vertikal hujan di Sumatera dan lautan sekitar diteliti menggunakan satelit Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Precipitation Radar (PR). Penelitian dilakukan pada kawasan 10˚LS-10˚LU dan 85˚BT-110˚BT dengan memanfaatkan data TRMM 2A25 selama tiga tahun (2011-2013) yang diamati dengan gradien radar reflectivity (Z) dan kontur Z dalam bentuk Contoured Frequency by Altitude Diagrams (CFAD). Struktur vertikal hujan secara umum memperlihatkan perbedaan antara daratan Sumatra dan lautan sekitar. Di daratan radar reflectivity (Z) sebagian besar menurun terhadap penurunan ketinggian (downward deacreasing/DD) sedangkan lautan sebaliknya (downward increasing/DI). Dengan demikian, pertumbuhan hujan di daratan Sumatera lebih kecil dibandingkan lautan sekitar. Pola DD dan DI dipengaruhi oleh tipe hujan (stratiform, deep convective dan shallow convective) dan musim. Tingkat pertumbuhan hujan paling rendah terjadi pada stratiform sedangkan yang paling tinggi adalah shallow convective. Hujan stratiform dan shallow convective paling banyak terjadi selama Desember-Januari-Februari (DJF), sedangkan deep convective selama September-Oktober-November (SON). Pola DD dominan terjadi pada stratiform dengan pertumbuhan hujan terendah yaitu selama Juni-Juli-Agustus (JJA) sedangkan dua tipe lainnya pertumbuhan hujannya lebikh tinggi (gradien Z lebih besar) dimana untuk deep convective tertinggi teramati selama DJF dan shallow convective selama JJA. Hujan stratiform tidak menunjukan perbedaan distribusi spasial yang signifikan. Deep convective memperlihatkan pola DD yang dominan di darat terutama selama SON. Kemudian, shallow convective memiliki pola DI yang dominan terutama pada Samudera Hindia bagian selatan dan paling dominan selama JJA. Kata kunci : Struktur vertikal hujan, TRMM 2A25, Sumater


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    申請代表者: 経済学部経済経営学科3年 高橋 壮アドバイザー教員: 経済学研究科 許 衛東共同研究者 : 経済学部経済経営学科3年 Ming Yuying, Liu tongkun採択番号: 経-1