628 research outputs found

    Search for Spatial Structures at Scales Z~1. III. The Effect of Lensing on QSO ?

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    We carried out a search for peak inhomogeneities in the distribution of matter - namely clumps and voids, within the range Z ~ 1-3. We used a new method, based on the lensing of quasars by a combination of lenses, belonging to the above sought inhomogeneities in the matter distribution. This work confirms the evidence of the existence of inhomogeneities found by us earlier - of a clump (superattractor N.1), and of a void (supervoid). Besides, the existence of a new gigantic clump (superattractor N.2) was also discovered at Z ~ 3. These clumps could well serve as centers of the Bose-condensation in the early Universe; in particular - as Anselm's arion condensate, which leads to the formation of quasiperiodic structures with a period p ~ 100-200 Mpc.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, 6 tables. submitted to Astrophys.& Space Sc

    Carbon - containing covering for anchoring breaking nematic microdevices

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    We demonstrate experimentally, that inresidual atmosphere of scanning electron microscope the nano-scale carbon-containing (hydrocarbon) films by snuff effect can be produced. The micropattern of carbon film including axial-symmetric ones is defined by the e-beam rasteryesBelgorod State Universit

    Application of remote monitoring and ground-based sensing in pastoralism

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    The development and implementation of an innovative system applying digital aerospace technologies in pastoralism constitute one of the current trends in agricultural development designed to solve numerous problems associated with soil fertility restoration in grazing pastures. Here, a promising line of research is to explore the feasibility of using satellite systems for an overall nutrient yield assessment per hectare of grazing land. The present article describes a comprehensive approach to the optimization of pastoralism that is based on remote methods for assessing pasture fertility using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and artificial Earth satellites. An analysis of existing methodological approaches reveals that the formalization of prediction processes is complicated by the lack of a theoretical basis for creating appropriate model-algorithmic support. The data on vegetation index dynamics and the nutritional values of forage plants obtained by interpreting imagery from a UAV camera and the multispectral cameras of a satellite service, as well as data from a portable handheld nitrogen sensor, were compared with the actual nutritional values of pasture plants. The study results provide a means to optimize the grouping of grazing animals, taking into account the actual possibility of achieving an increase in live weight. The provided findings indicate the possibility of achieving an additional 11.06% increase in daily live weight gain in young sheep (Jalgin Merino) when keeping them in pasture areas having a vegetation index of at least 0.5. Remote monitoring based on satellite service allows more efficient use of pastures. Study shows a positive relationship between remote sensing NDVI and feed nutritional value. Animal grazing optimization provides an additional 11.06% increase in live weight gain


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    Presented lecture is about management of a serious condition – acute kidney injury (AKI). It is intended for students, general practitioners, family physicians, therapists and those who may face with manifestations of AKI, and on which depends its timely diagnosis and the success of therapy. Definition, epidemiology, risk factors, causes, pathogenesis, classification, symptoms, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment, complications, prognosis and prevention of AKI are described

    Step Bunching with Alternation of Structural Parameters

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    By taking account of the alternation of structural parameters, we study bunching of impermeable steps induced by drift of adatoms on a vicinal face of Si(001). With the alternation of diffusion coefficient, the step bunching occurs irrespective of the direction of the drift if the step distance is large. Like the bunching of permeable steps, the type of large terraces is determined by the drift direction. With step-down drift, step bunches grows faster than those with step-up drift. The ratio of the growth rates is larger than the ratio of the diffusion coefficients. Evaporation of adatoms, which does not cause the step bunching, decreases the difference. If only the alternation of kinetic coefficient is taken into account, the step bunching occurs with step-down drift. In an early stage, the initial fluctuation of the step distance determines the type of large terraces, but in a late stage, the type of large terraces is opposite to the case of alternating diffusion coefficient.Comment: 8pages, 16 figure

    The Effect of High Background and Dead Time of an InGaAs/InP Single-Photon Avalanche Photodiode on the Registration of Microsecond Range Near-Infrared Luminescence

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    The effects of a high background count and a microsecond dead time interval on a gated InGaAs/InP single-photon avalanche photodiode (SPAD) during microsecond luminescence decay registration are discussed. It is shown that the background count rate of the SPAD limits its use for time-resolved and steady-spectral measurements, and that a “pile-up” effect appears in the microsecond range

    Language Choice and Identity of Karelian and Belarusian Youth (according to Polls of Ethnic Leaders)

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    A new perspective on the analysis of the linguistic and ethnocultural situation in the Republic of Karelia and the Republic of Belarus is offered in the study. The novelty of the study is seen in the fact that, taking into account various initial parameters — geographic distance, form of government, language status — it is proposed to compare the situation in two regions, in which a general tendency is found due to the dominant position of the Russian language. The main attention is paid to clarifying the ethnic well-being of people, to varying degrees, involved in the processes of preserving language and culture. An interpretation and comparison of the reasons for the preference of the Russian language in the network space and in real life is proposed. The article is based on the results of a survey of the translators of the Vkontakte social network interface, materials from biographical interviews with ethnic leaders, and observation data on ethnically oriented events in the regions under consideration. The difference in linguistic attitudes and real practices of using the Karelian and Belarusian languages by activists was revealed. The linguistic reasons (the level of linguistic competence) and the psychological aspect of the ethno-linguistic component in the choice of the dominant language in Karelia and Belarus have been determined

    Хірургічні проблеми вторинного і третинного гіперпаратиреозу в діалізних пацієнтів із хронічною нирковою недостатністю

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    The aim of the work: to improve the results of surgical treatment of secondary and tertiary hyperparathyroidism in patients with chronic renal failure in treatment of chronic hemodialysis. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted on the basis of examination of medical records and 89 patients treated at the Department of Nephrology, City Clinical Hospital No. 2, Kryvyi Rih for 2014–2018. All patients were treated CKI using dialysis methods. Among the patients of group 1 66 (74.2 %) patients were on hemodialysis (HD), the group 2 – 23 (25.8 %) on peritonal dialysis (PD). In both groups, men predominated by sex: 49 (55.1 %) and 40 (44.9 %), respectively. The mean age of patients in group 1 with PD was (35±6.4) years, group 2 – with PD – (43±12.4). The mean dialysis period in group 1 was (9.6±2.3) years, in group 2 – (5.4±3.7). Results and Discussion. Among the main criteria for the surgical treatment of hypeparathyroidism in dialysis patients, clinical, laboratory, and instrumental indicators were identified.Цель работы: определение распространенности гиперпаратиреоза у пациентов с хронической почечной недостаточностью (ХПН), проходивших лечение с использованием диализных технологий и анализ результатов его хирургического лечения. Материалы и методы.  Исследование проведено на основе изучения медицинской документациии 89 пациентов, которые лечились в отделение нефрологии городской клинической больницы № 2 города Кривого Рога за 2014–2018 гг. Все пациенты проходили лечение ХПН с применением диализных методов. Среди пациентов первой группы 66 (74,2 %) больных были на гемодиализе (ГД), второй – 23 (25,8 %) на перитонеальном диализе (ПД). В обеих группах преобладали мужчины: соответственно 49 (55,1 %) и 40 (44,9 %) – женщины.  Средний возраст пациентов первой группы по ГД составлял (35 ± 6,4) года, второй с ПД – 43 ± 12,4. Средний срок диализа в первой группе составлял (9,6 ± 2,3) года, во второй – 5,4 ± 3,7. Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. Среди основных критериев для хирургического лечения гиперпаратиреоза диализных пациентов определены клинические, лабораторные и инструментальные показатели.Мета роботи: визначення поширенності гіперпаратиреозу у пацієнтів з хронічною нирковою недостатністю (ХНН), які проходили лікування з використанням діалізних технологій та аналіз результатів його хірургічного лікування. Матеріали і методи. Дослідження проведено на основі вивчення медичної документаціїї 89 пацієнтів, які лікувалися у відділенні нефрології міської клінічної лікарні № 2 міста Кривого Рогу за 2014–2018 рр. Всі пацієнти проходили лікування ХНН із застосуванням діалізних методів. Серед пацієнтів першої групи 66 (74,2%) хворих були на гемодіалізі (ГД), другої – 23 (25,8 %) на перитоніальному діалізі (ПД). За статтю в обох групах переважали чоловіки: відповідно 49 (55,1 %) та 40 (44,9 %) – жінки. Середній вік пацієнтів першої групи з ГД складав (35±6,4) року, другої з ПД – 43±12,4. Середній термін діалізу у першій групі складав (9,6±2,3) року, у другій – 5,4±3,7. Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. Серед основних критеріїв до хірургічного лікування гіперпаратиреозу у діалізних пацієнтів визначено клінічні, лабораторні та інструментальні показники