2,711 research outputs found

    Optical and X-ray Variability in The Least Luminous AGN, NGC4395

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    We report the detection of optical and X-ray variability in the least luminous known Seyfert galaxy, NGC4395. The featureless continuum changed by a factor of 2 in 6 months, which is typical of more luminous AGN. The largest variation was seen at shorter wavelengths, so that the spectrum becomes `harder' during higher activity states. In a one week optical broad band monitoring program, a 20% change was seen between successive nights. In a 1 month period the spectral shape changed from a power law with spectral index alpha ~0 (characteristic of quasars) to a spectral index alpha ~2 (as observed in other dwarf AGN). ROSAT HRI and PSPC archive data show a variable X-ray source coincident with the galactic nucleus. A change in X-ray flux by a factor \~2 in 15 days has been observed. When compared with more luminous AGN, NGC4395 appears to be very X-ray quiet. The hardness ratio obtained from the PSPC data suggests that the spectrum could be absorbed. We also report the discovery of weak CaIIK absorption, suggesting the presence of a young stellar cluster providing of the order of 10% of the blue light. Using HST UV archive data, together with the optical and X-ray observations, we examine the spectral energy distribution for NGC4395 and discuss the physical conditions implied by the nuclear activity under the standard AGN model. The observations can be explained by either an accreting massive black hole emitting at about 10^(-3) L_(Edd) or by a single old compact SNR with an age of 50 to 500 yr generated by a small nuclear starburst.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, to appear in MNRA


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    POTENSI DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPS) PENGGUNAAN OBAT ANTIDIABETES PADA PASIEN DIABETES MELITUS TIPE 2 DI INSTALASI RAWAT INAP RUMAH SAKIT KALOORAN GMIM AMURANGClaudia Pingkan Lira1), Widya Astuty Lolo1), Defny Silvia Wewengkang1)1)Program Studi Farmasi FMIPA UNSRAT Manado, 95115  ABSTRACT The management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with prolonged drug therapy might affect the life qualities of patients and lead to Drug Related Problems (DRPs). Several types of DRPs frequently occur and they result in sub-optimum treatment, increased side effects and expensive costs. This study aims to determine the type of DRPs and percentage of DRPs based on the administration of antidiabetic drugs in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus period of June 2015 – July 2016. This research is a descriptive study with retrospective data retrieval. Collecting data technique was purposive sampling and got 45 samples according to research inclusion criteria The results of evaluation of potential Drug Related Problems (DRPs) that occurred based on the administration of antidiabetic drug about 75.55% (34 patients) with DRPs according to consecutive categories, namely drug interactions of 60% (27 patients), contraindicated medication of 4.44% (2 patients) and ineffective drug therapy of 35.55% (16 patients) while for the category requiring additional therapy, unnecessary drug therapy, too high dose or too low, were not found in this study. Keywords: Drug Related Problems, diabetes mellitus type 2, antidiabetic drugs ABSTRAK Penatalaksanaan Diabetes Mellitus tipe II dengan terapi obat  memerlukan jangka waktu yang lama, dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup pasien dan juga dapat menimbulkan Drug Related Problems (DRPs). DRPs sering terjadi dan menyebabkan pengobatan kurang optimal, efek samping meningkat dan biaya pengobatan menjadi mahal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis DRPs dan persentase DRPs berdasarkan pemberian obat antidiabetes pada pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2 periode Juni 2015-Juli 2016. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pengambilan data secara retrospektif .Teknik pengambilan data berupa purposive sampling dan didapatkan 45 sampel yang sesuai kriteria inklusi penelitian. Hasil evaluasi potensi Drug Related Problems (DRPs) yang terjadi berdasarkan pemberian obat antidiabetes sebesar 75.55% (34 pasien) dengan DRPs menurut kategori secara berturut-turut yaitu interaksi obat sebesar 60% (27 pasien), obat terkontraindikasi sebesar 4.44% (2 pasien) dan terapi obat tidak efektif sebesar 35.55% (16 pasien) sedangkan untuk kategori membutuhkan terapi tambahan, terapi obat tidak perlu, dosis terlalu tinggi dan dosis terlalu rendah, tidak didapati dari penelitian ini. Kata Kunci : Drug Related Problems, diabetes mellitus tipe 2, obat antidiabetik.       

    Short time-scale optical variability of the dwarf Seyfert nucleus in NGC 4395

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    We present optical spectroscopic observations of the least-luminous known Seyfert 1 galaxy, NGC 4395, which was monitored every half-hour over the course of 3 nights. The continuum emission varied by ~35 per cent over the course of 3 nights, and we find marginal evidence for greater variability in the blue continuum than the red. A number of diagnostic checks were performed on the data in order to constrain any systematic or aperture effects. No correlations were found that adequately explained the observed variability, hence we conclude that we have observed real intrinsic variability of the nuclear source. No simultaneous variability was measured in the broad H-beta line, although given the difficulty in deblending the broad and narrow components it is difficult to comment on the significance of this result. The observed short time-scale continuum variability is consistent with NGC 4395 having an intermediate-mass (~10^5 solar masses) central supermassive black hole, rather than a very low accretion rate. Comparison with the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548 shows that the observed variability seems to scale with black hole mass in roughly the manner expected in accretion models. However the absolute time-scale of variability differs by several orders of magnitude from that expected in simple accretion disc models in both cases.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Type Iax Supernovae

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    Type Iax supernovae (SN Iax), also called SN 2002cx-like supernovae, are the largest class of peculiar white dwarf (thermonuclear) supernovae, with over fifty members known. SN Iax have lower ejecta velocity and lower luminosities, and these parameters span a much wider range, than normal type Ia supernovae (SN Ia). SN Iax are spectroscopically similar to some SN Ia near maximum light, but are unique among all supernovae in their late-time spectra, which never become fully nebular. SN Iax overwhelmingly occur in late-type host galaxies, implying a relatively young population. The SN Iax 2012Z is the only white dwarf supernova for which a pre-explosion progenitor system has been detected. A variety of models have been proposed, but one leading scenario has emerged: a type Iax supernova may be a pure-deflagration explosion of a carbon-oxygen (or hybrid carbon-oxygen-neon) white dwarf, triggered by helium accretion to the Chandrasekhar mass, that does not necessarily fully disrupt the star.Comment: Author version of a chapter in the 'Handbook of Supernovae', edited by A. Alsabti and P. Murdin, Springer. 31 pages, 6 figure