198 research outputs found

    Computing the Boolean product of two n\times n Boolean matrices using O(n^2) mechanical operation

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    We study the problem of determining the Boolean product of two n\times n Boolean matrices in an unconventional computational model allowing for mechanical operations. We show that O(n^2) operations are sufficient to compute the product in this model.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    A Combinatorial Algorithm for All-Pairs Shortest Paths in Directed Vertex-Weighted Graphs with Applications to Disc Graphs

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    We consider the problem of computing all-pairs shortest paths in a directed graph with real weights assigned to vertices. For an nΓ—nn\times n 0-1 matrix C,C, let KCK_{C} be the complete weighted graph on the rows of CC where the weight of an edge between two rows is equal to their Hamming distance. Let MWT(C)MWT(C) be the weight of a minimum weight spanning tree of KC.K_{C}. We show that the all-pairs shortest path problem for a directed graph GG on nn vertices with nonnegative real weights and adjacency matrix AGA_G can be solved by a combinatorial randomized algorithm in time O~(n2n+min⁑{MWT(AG),MWT(AGt)})\widetilde{O}(n^{2}\sqrt {n + \min\{MWT(A_G), MWT(A_G^t)\}}) As a corollary, we conclude that the transitive closure of a directed graph GG can be computed by a combinatorial randomized algorithm in the aforementioned time. O~(n2n+min⁑{MWT(AG),MWT(AGt)})\widetilde{O}(n^{2}\sqrt {n + \min\{MWT(A_G), MWT(A_G^t)\}}) We also conclude that the all-pairs shortest path problem for uniform disk graphs, with nonnegative real vertex weights, induced by point sets of bounded density within a unit square can be solved in time O~(n2.75)\widetilde{O}(n^{2.75})

    Small Normalized Boolean Circuits for Semi-disjoint Bilinear Forms Require Logarithmic Conjunction-depth

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    We consider normalized Boolean circuits that use binary operations of disjunction and conjunction, and unary negation, with the restriction that negation can be only applied to input variables. We derive a lower bound trade-off between the size of normalized Boolean circuits computing Boolean semi-disjoint bilinear forms and their conjunction-depth (i.e., the maximum number of and-gates on a directed path to an output gate). In particular, we show that any normalized Boolean circuit of at most epsilon log n conjunction-depth computing the n-dimensional Boolean vector convolution has Omega(n^{2-4 epsilon}) and-gates. Analogously, any normalized Boolean circuit of at most epsilon log n conjunction-depth computing the n x n Boolean matrix product has Omega(n^{3-4 epsilon}) and-gates. We complete our lower-bound trade-offs with upper-bound trade-offs of similar form yielded by the known fast algebraic algorithms

    A QPTAS for the Base of the Number of Triangulations of a Planar Point Set

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    The number of triangulations of a planar n point set is known to be cnc^n, where the base cc lies between 2.432.43 and 30.30. The fastest known algorithm for counting triangulations of a planar n point set runs in Oβˆ—(2n)O^*(2^n) time. The fastest known arbitrarily close approximation algorithm for the base of the number of triangulations of a planar n point set runs in time subexponential in n.n. We present the first quasi-polynomial approximation scheme for the base of the number of triangulations of a planar point set

    Consequences of APSP, triangle detection, and 3SUM hardness for separation between determinism and non-determinism

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    We present implications from the known conjectures like APSP, 3SUM and ETH in a form of a negated containment of a linear-time with a non-deterministic logarithmic-bit oracle in a respective deterministic bounded-time class They are different for different conjectures and they exhibit in particular the dependency on the input range parameters.Comment: The section on range reduction in the previous version contained a flaw in a proof and therefore it has been remove

    (min⁑,+)(\min,+) Matrix and Vector Products for Inputs Decomposable into Few Monotone Subsequences

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    We study the time complexity of computing the (min⁑,+)(\min,+) matrix product of two nΓ—nn\times n integer matrices in terms of nn and the number of monotone subsequences the rows of the first matrix and the columns of the second matrix can be decomposed into. In particular, we show that if each row of the first matrix can be decomposed into at most m1m_1 monotone subsequences and each column of the second matrix can be decomposed into at most m2m_2 monotone subsequences such that all the subsequences are non-decreasing or all of them are non-increasing then the (min⁑,+)(\min,+) product of the matrices can be computed in O(m1m2n2.569)O(m_1m_2n^{2.569}) time. On the other hand, we observe that if all the rows of the first matrix are non-decreasing and all columns of the second matrix are non-increasing or {\em vice versa} then this case is as hard as the general one. Similarly, we also study the time complexity of computing the (min⁑,+)(\min,+) convolution of two nn-dimensional integer vectors in terms of nn and the number of monotone subsequences the two vectors can be decomposed into. We show that if the first vector can be decomposed into at most m1m_1 monotone subsequences and the second vector can be decomposed into at most m2m_2 subsequences such that all the subsequences of the first vector are non-decreasing and all the subsequences of the second vector are non-increasing or {\em vice versa} then their (min⁑,+)(\min,+) convolution can be computed in O~(m1m2n1.5)\tilde{O}(m_1m_2n^{1.5}) time. On the other, the case when both vectors are non-decreasing or both of them are non-increasing is as hard as the general case.Comment: 16 pages, accepted by COCOON 202

    Lower Bounds for DeMorgan Circuits of Bounded Negation Width

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    We consider Boolean circuits over {or, and, neg} with negations applied only to input variables. To measure the "amount of negation" in such circuits, we introduce the concept of their "negation width". In particular, a circuit computing a monotone Boolean function f(x_1,...,x_n) has negation width w if no nonzero term produced (purely syntactically) by the circuit contains more than w distinct negated variables. Circuits of negation width w=0 are equivalent to monotone Boolean circuits, while those of negation width w=n have no restrictions. Our motivation is that already circuits of moderate negation width w=n^{epsilon} for an arbitrarily small constant epsilon>0 can be even exponentially stronger than monotone circuits. We show that the size of any circuit of negation width w computing f is roughly at least the minimum size of a monotone circuit computing f divided by K=min{w^m,m^w}, where m is the maximum length of a prime implicant of f. We also show that the depth of any circuit of negation width w computing f is roughly at least the minimum depth of a monotone circuit computing f minus log K. Finally, we show that formulas of bounded negation width can be balanced to achieve a logarithmic (in their size) depth without increasing their negation width
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