7 research outputs found

    Crisis de existencia en Niebla de Miguel de Unamuno

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    Þessi ritgerð fjallar um tilvistarkreppu söguhetjunnar, Augusto Pérez, í skáldsögunni Niebla eftir Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936). Unamuno er einn helsti rithöfundur 20. aldar og er þekktur fyrir fjölbreytni verka sinna, en hann var skáld, smásagnahöfundur, ritgerðasmiður og heimspekingur. Niebla er talin ein af mikilvægustu skáldsögum Unamunos og er viðurkennd sem sígilt verk innan evrópsks módernisma. Í ritgerðinni eru skoðaðar hugmyndir tilvistarstefnunnar og sú tilgáta er sett fram að líf aðalpersónunnar sé flókið sökum innhverfs persónuleika hans, þróunarinnar í úthverfs persónuleika, kynferðislegs getuleysis, flókna ástarsambanda við konur, vilja síns að gera uppreisn gegn almáttugum rithöfundi og löngunar til að verða mannlegur einstaklingur þegar hann kemst út úr tilvistarkreppunni. Í ritgerðinni er verkum Unamunos lýst í stuttu máli, bókmenntaaðferð og uppfinningu hans á bókmenntaforminu „nivola“. Auk þess er fjallað um kynslóð rithöfunda sem er kennd við árið '98, kenningar tilvistarstefnu og hugmyndafræði rithöfundarins. Útskýrt er hvers vegna Niebla er fyrirmynd nýs skilnings á skáldskap og rætt er um meginhugmyndir og söguþráð verksins. Gefin er stutt lýsing á persónum og uppbyggingu verksins og ákveðin nálgun á rúmi og tíma skáldsögunnar er skoðuð. Útskýringar í formála, eftirmála bókarinnar eru teknar fyrir og einnig formála að þriðju útgáfunni. Til umfjöllunnar eru kaflar undir tölunum I-XXX og eftirmálinn sem eru gerskoðuð í gegnum kenningar tilvistarstefnu og hugmyndafræði rithöfundarins. Að lokum eru niðurstöður á greiningu bókarinnar dregnar saman. Fjölmargar umfjallanir eru til um Unamuno og verk hans, en á þessum síðum er stuðst við fræðirit eftir Penny Brown, Robert L. Nicholas, Mario J. Valdés, Pedro Ojeda Escudero, Pierre Gayet, José-Carlos Mainer, Juan Herrero-Senés, Sergio Arlandis, Söru Huerga Calero, Manuel Cifo González, Rosu Rossi, Carmelo Virgillo og Régis Jolivet

    Progetto del dizionario italiano-islandese e islandese-italiano Traduzioni del lessico

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    Abstract Il fine di questa tesi è di mostrare tutto il lavoro e tutta la ricerca che ho fatto nel campo della lessicografia per un progetto sperimentale pluriennale con lo scopo di creare un dizionario bilingue tascabile italiano-islandese e islandese-italiano. Il progetto si basa sui tre corsi pratici insegnati nella sezione dell’italiano nella facoltà di Filologia presso l’Università d’Islanda. Poiché il dizionario dovrebbe servire come un utile supporto per tutti che lo utilizzano partendo da un livello base, il lessico che si traduce dall’italiano all’islandese nella prima fase è stato tratto dai due libri di testo Nuovo Rete! A1 e Nuovo Rete! A2, entrambi tomi curati da Marco Mezzadri e Paolo E. Balboni per Guerra Edizioni. Per la parte islandese-italiano le operazioni da compiere sono molto simili. Quindi tutti i vocaboli sono relativi ai livelli A1 e A2 del Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per la conoscenza delle lingue (QCER). Il lessico che si traduce dall’italiano all’islandese nella seconda fase per comporre lo stesso dizionario bilingue è utilizzato nei due libri di testo Nuovo Rete! A2 e Nuovo Rete B1, entrambi tomi curati da Marco Mezzadri e Paolo E. Balboni per Guerra Edizioni. Così tutti i vocaboli sono relativi ai livelli A1, A2 e possiblimente B1 del Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per la conoscenza delle lingue (QCER). Nella parte islandese-italiano, che si chiama “il grezzo”, si inizia la traduzione dei glossari dal dizionario islandese-inglese Íslensk-ensk vasaorðabók, curato da Sævar Hilbertsson, Orðabókaútgáfan, G. Ben. Nella terza fase si continua la parte “il grezzo”, cioè la traduzione dall’islandese all’italiano. Per la traduzione dei glossari si utilizza lo stesso dizionario islandese-inglese Íslensk-ensk vasaorðabók, curato da Sævar Hilbertsson, Orðabókaútgáfan, G. Ben. Per le traduzioni delle voci dall’italiano all’islandese e dall’islandese all’italiano si usano i dizionari di Paolo Maria Turchi, cioè italiano-islandese (Ítölsk-íslensk orðabók) e islandese-italiano (Íslensk-ítölsk orðabók). A volte, si usano altri dizionari. La grande novità di questo dizionario è sicuramente la trascrizione fonetica IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet), sia per lʼitaliano che per lʼislandese. Si capisce quindi che il dizionario potrebbe essere utile anche agli italiani che si avvicinano per la prima volta alla scoperta di una lingua così ostica come lʼislandese. Per le voci italiane la trascrizione fonetica è tratta dal sito http://www.wordreference.com. Per le voci islandesi la trascrizione fonetica è ricavata dal sito http://www.málföng.is/?pg=framburdur

    Clinical characteristics, disease evolution and survival in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia, BCR-ABL1 (+) and T315I mutation.

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    Introduction: The T315I mutation in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) has been associated with therapeutic resistance and an unfavourable prognosis.Aim: To study the frequency of T315I mutation in patients with CML, BCR-ABL (+), their clinical characteristics, disease evolution, and median survival.Patients and methods: We studied 75 patients with CML and BCR-ABL1 (+). T315I mutation was detected by digital droplet PCR and BCR-ABL1 was analyzed by RT-PCR. A comparative analysis was performed by sex, age, disease phase, risk group, treatment, molecular response (MR), and median survival in T315I (+) and T315I (−) patients.Results: T315I mutation was detected in 11 patients (14.7%). No significant difference was found in the phase, risk group, and first-line therapy. A significantly higher proportion of T315I (+) did not achieve MR >3.5 log: 8 (72.7%) vs. 22 (34.4%) (p=0.023). The lowest mean BCR-ABL1 levels were significantly higher in the CML T315I (+) group compared to the CML T315I (−) group: 12.1±6.0 vs. 3.77±1.28 (p=0.009). The median survival of T315I (+) patients was significantly shorter: 73 months vs. 175 months (p<0.0001, CI 95%).Conclusions: Our data confirm the world experience on the frequency of T315I mutation, including the unfavourable evolution, resistance to TKI treatment and short survival. ddPCR is a highly sensitive method for early detection of genetic mutations which gives the chance for effective treatment

    An analysis and evaluation of the correlation between DNA polymorphism in the genes MTHFR, PAI-1 and serum creatinine, creatinine clearance and albumin/creatinine ratio in morning urine of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic nephropathy.

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    Introduction: Diabetic nephropathy is a major microangiopathic complication of type 2 diabetes and a leading cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD).Aim: To improve the diagnostic approach to early diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Materials and methods: One hundred fifty patients were divided into three groups. Group 1 consisted of 67 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and diabetic nephropathy with stage 1 or 2 of CKD. Group 2 included 45 patients with DM2 without clinical and laboratory evidence for diabetic nephropathy. Group 3 had 38 healthy individuals. The polymorphism of the MTHFR C677T and PAI14G/5G gene was determined by extracted genomic DNA from peripheral blood cells. All patients underwent a real-time PCR reaction. Serum creatinine, MDRD creatinine clearance, albumin/creatinine ratio were examined.Results: The correlation analysis we performed showed a very strong correlation of serum creatinine, creatinine clearance and albumin/ creatinine ratio with the C677T polymorphism of the MTHFR gene and the 4G/5G polymorphism of the PAI-1 gene. We used descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and multiple comparisons; the level of significance was set at p&amp;lt;0.05.Conclusions: 1. The presence of the T allele in the MTHFR gene determines the tendency to increase serum creatinine, decrease creatinine clearance, and increase the albumin/creatinine ratio in morning urine; 2. The presence of 4G allele in the PAI-1 gene determines the tendency to increase serum creatinine, decrease creatinine clearance, and increase the albumin/creatinine ratio in morning urine

    Exploring time like tranistions in pp, πp and AA reactions with HADES

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    Radiative transition of an excited baryon to a nucleon with emission of a virtual massive photon converting to dielectron pair (Dalitz decays) provides important information about baryon-photon coupling at low q2 in timelike region. A prominent enhancement in the respective electromagnetic transition Form Factors (etFF) at q2 near vector mesons ρ/ω poles has been predicted by various calculations reflecting strong baryon-vector meson couplings. The understanding of these couplings is also of primary importance for the interpretation of the emissivity of QCD matter studied in heavy ion collisions via dilepton emission. Dedicated measurements of baryon Dalitz decays in proton-proton and pion-proton scattering with HADES detector at GSI/FAIR are presented and discussed. The relevance of these studies for the interpretation of results obtained from heavy ion reactions is elucidated on the example of the HADES results

    Cangrelor With and Without Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

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