47 research outputs found

    Potencial de invasi贸n de Phragmites australis en comunidades dominadas por especies nativas ante disturbios por fuego en condiciones controladas

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    Background. Wetlands are heterogeneous and dynamic ecosystems, very susceptible to invasions or local extinctions by the effects of invasive or over-dominant plant species. Resistance to invasion in wetlands that suffer disturbances such as fires has not been thoroughly studied. When Phragmites australis (common read) is present, its interaction with disturbance factors has led to local extinction of many native species. In a previous study, it was determined that harvesting is an effective control method for this species. But removal of aerial parts of this species generates many fragments that might propagate the species. Goals. Evaluate under controlled conditions the invasive potential of fragments of Phragmites australis in plant communities dominated by native plant species that are subjected to frequent human-made disturbances, such as fire, under controlled conditions. Methods. We carried out an experiment that consisted of two assays in 36 mesocosms with canopies of Schoenoplectus americanus. Results. Phragmites australis was practically not able to establish itself after the loss of the S. americanus canopy following fires, because the canopy of this last species聽recovered rapidly. Survival and growth were slightly higher in mesocosms with low disturbance (27.7% and 55.9 cm in the first assay, and 9.4%, and 60.6 cm in the second assay), when compared with controls (8.5% 35.3 cm, and 7.4% and 86.7 cm), because in control units the canopy of S. americanus was a permanent barrier to the development of P. australis. Height differences among burned and control mesocosms after the first fire event were significant (p =0.002) but not after two consecutive years of burning (p =0.085), because the few plants that survived in control units reached considerable height. Conclusions. The risk of establishment of the fragments of Phragmites australis that are generated during harvesting is low even after major disturbances of native vegetation cover.Antecedentes. Los humedales son ecosistemas heterog茅neos y din谩micos muy susceptibles a sufrir invasiones o extinciones locales por especies invasoras o sobredominantes. La resistencia a la invasi贸n de los humedales ante factores de disturbio como el fuego ha sido poco estudiada. Cuando Phragmites australis (carrizo) se encuentra presente, su interacci贸n con factores de disturbio ha llevado a la extinci贸n local de muchas especies nativas. En un estudio anterior se determin贸 que la cosecha de esta especie es una estrategia efectiva de control. Sin embargo, la remoci贸n de las partes a茅reas genera m煤ltiples fragmentos a partir de los cuales se podr铆a propagar la especie. Objetivos. Evaluar, ante disturbios ocasionados por el fuego, en condiciones controladas, el potencial de invasi贸n de fragmentos de Phragmites australis en comunidades dominadas por especies nativas. M茅todos. El experimento se efectu贸 bajo dos quemas en 36 mesocosmos con doseles de Schoenoplectus americanus y P. australis. Resultados. Los resultados establecieron que las plantas de Phragmites australis no lograron desarrollarse despu茅s de las quemas del dosel de S. americanus, debido a la r谩pida recuperaci贸n del dosel de esta segunda especie. Se registr贸 mayor supervivencia y crecimiento en los mesocosmos con bajo disturbio (27.7% y 55.9 cm en el primer ensayo; 9.4% y 60.6 cm en el segundo ensayo) en comparaci贸n con los controles (8.5%, 35.3 cm y 7.4% y 86.7 cm), ya que el dosel de S. americanus se mantuvo como una barrera al desarrollo de P. australis en los controles. Las diferencias en la altura fueron significativas despu茅s del primer evento de fuego entre los mesocosmos quemados y los de control (p =0.002), pero despu茅s de dos a帽os de quema no lo fueron (p =0.085), debido a que las pocas plantas que sobrevivieron en los mesocosmos control alcanzaron alturas considerables. Conclusiones. Los fragmentos de P. australis representan bajo riesgo para sitios con dosel de S. americanus despu茅s de un a帽o de registrar disturbios como el fuego

    Hacia la restauraci贸n con Annona glabra (Annonaceae) de una selva inundable: establecimiento y crecimiento de pl谩ntulas, y cambio en la vegetaci贸n acompa帽ante

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    Background and Aims: Currently, freshwater swamps are deteriorating and their cover is decreasing, mainly due to deforestation for livestock and the introduction of exotic grasses. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the survival and the growth of Annona glabra seedlings, monitor changes in the accompanying vegetation, and estimate the cost of our experimental ecological restoration treatments in a freshwater swamp transformed into a flooded pasture and invaded by the exotic grass Echinochloa pyramidalis.Methods: The study was carried out on a floodplain surrounding a mangrove on the coast of central Veracruz, Mexico. It consisted of sowing four A. glabra seedlings in experimental quadrats exposed to different restoration techniques. Fifteen experimental restoration treatments were tested consisting of five restoration techniques (no modification, covering with plastic, planting Pontederia sagittata, soil removal, and raising the soil level), and three pretreatments applied to the seedlings planted (nursery seedlings with and without fertilizer, seedlings collected from the wetlands) in a random block design.Key results: Low seedling survival was recorded (30.7%), but this was higher for the seedlings from freshwater wetlands (41.1%). The highest percent survival was recorded where the soil was raised, followed by the soil removal technique. Regarding the vegetation, 40 species were recorded and the highest species richness was observed where the soil had been raised and where it had been removed. The Relative Importance Value was highest for Echinochloa pyramidalis, Mimosa pigra, and Annona glabra. The pretreatment of obtaining seedlings directly from the wetland was the cheapest one.Conclusions: Action is required to increase reforestation success. For future restoration projects, we recommend that the soil in the transplanting area be raised and covered with plastic before planting, to increase the probability of seedling survival and reduce grass cover. Moreover, seedlings collected from a swamp fragment should be used for reforestation.Antecedentes y Objetivos: Actualmente existe deterioro y disminuci贸n de selvas inundables debido a la deforestaci贸n para ganader铆a e introducci贸n de pastos ex贸ticos. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron evaluar el porcentaje de supervivencia de pl谩ntulas de Annona glabra, el cambio en la vegetaci贸n acompa帽ante, y estimar los costos de los tratamientos experimentales de restauraci贸n ecol贸gica de una selva inundable de A. glabra transformada en pastizal e invadida por el pasto ex贸tico Echinochloa pyramidalis. M茅todos: El estudio se realiz贸 en un pastizal inundable en la costa central de Veracruz, M茅xico. Consisti贸 en sembrar cuatro pl谩ntulas de A. glabra en cuadros experimentales expuestos a distintas t茅cnicas de restauraci贸n. Se probaron 15 tratamientos experimentales que consistieron en cinco t茅cnicas de restauraci贸n (sin modificaci贸n, cubierta pl谩stica, plantaci贸n de Pontederia sagittata, remoci贸n de suelo, y elevaci贸n del suelo) y tres pretratamientos aplicados a las pl谩ntulas sembradas (pl谩ntulas de vivero con y sin fertilizante, pl谩ntulas de selva) en un dise帽o de bloques al azar.Resultados clave: Se registr贸 baja supervivencia de pl谩ntulas (30.7%), siendo mayor en pl谩ntulas de selva (41.1%). El mayor porcentaje de supervivencia se registr贸 con la t茅cnica de elevaci贸n del suelo, seguido de la de remoci贸n. Se registraron 40 especies en la vegetaci贸n; la mayor riqueza espec铆fica se observ贸 en las t茅cnicas de elevaci贸n del nivel del suelo y remoci贸n. Las especies con mayor Valor de Importancia Relativa fueron Echinochloa pyramidalis, Mimosa pigra y Annona glabra. El pretratamiento en el cual se obtuvieron las pl谩ntulas directamente de la selva fue el m谩s econ贸mico.Conclusiones: Se requieren acciones para incrementar el 茅xito de la reforestaci贸n. Para futuros proyectos de restauraci贸n, recomendamos la elevaci贸n del suelo en 谩reas de transplante y cubierta de pl谩stico previo a la plantaci贸n, para incrementar la probabilidad de supervivencia, y reducir la cobertura del pasto; adem谩s de la reforestaci贸n con pl谩ntulas colectadas de un fragmento de selva

    Common reed (Phragmites australis) harvest as a control method in a Neotropical wetland in Western M茅xico

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    Common reed (Phragmites australis) has invaded wetlands worldwide and displaced native vegetation and wildlife. Control measures include herbicides, but their use can cause negative environmental impacts. An alternative is to harvest aerial biomass. We tested harvest as a control for common reed in Mintzita springs, Michoac谩n in Western Mexico. Results showed that harvest increased native plant species establishment, and that species richness varied with harvesting method. In plots where reed was completely removed every two months, 9 native species established, the same number as in plots where all reed biomass was removed if at least one stem was 2 m tall at the harvest date. When only reed stems 2m or taller where removed, 6 species established, whereas, in control plots only three species established. Species composition correlated with harvesting method (ANOSIM, R=0.4514, p < 0.01). Harvest reduced resprouting measured as standing biomass (F(3,20) = 27, p < 0.000001). After one year of treatment, full removal plots had the lowest aerial dry biomass (108 卤 15 g) followed by plots with full removal once a reed stem was at least 2m tall (197 卤 81 g), followed by plots where only 2 m or taller stems were removed (593 卤 466 g) and control (3296 卤 232 g). Several reed plants died after the first year of the experiment. Although more trials and long term follow up are needed, our results suggest that harvest can be an efficient control method for reed-infested wetlands in Western Mexico

    Effects of organic acid application and ectomycorrhizal symbiosis on growth and morphological parameters of <em>Pinus pseudostrobus</em>

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    Background: Many landscapes, both natural and anthropogenic, are dominated by degraded soils that have low phosphorus availability due to low overall phosphorus concentration or to phosphorus sequestration by iron-rich minerals. Questions and / or Hypotheses: Does the application of low molecular weight organic acids improve phosphorus availability and plant growth in phosphorus-poor soils, and is this effect modulated by ectomycorrhizal fungi? Studied species / data description /Mathematical model: Pinus pseudostrobus and its ectomycorrhiza Pisolithus arhizus, in addition to six sodium salts of organic acids. Study site and dates: The experiment was carried out in a shade house (35 % shade) in Morelia, Michoac谩n in 2015. Methods: We conducted experiments with Pinus pseudostrobus and its ectomycorrhiza Pisolithus arhizus in addition to six sodium salts of organic acids. Sodium salts of citrate, oxalate, acetate, tartrate, succinate and malate were added to the soil at 0, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 micromolar concentrations. Results: The salts of the organic acids鈥攑articularly tartrate and malate-solubilized phosphorus and improved plant growth after 12 months in the absence of P. arhizus. When plants were inoculated with P. arhizus, the effect of most organic acids was either detrimental or non-significant. However, citrate, tartrate and succinate improved biomass and morphological parameters. Conclusions: These results suggest that adding appropriate organic acids to heavily degraded soils can aid P. pseudostrobus establishment and its benefits are higher than the association with mycorrhiza for young plants during the initial stages of fungal colonization

    Distribuci贸n actual y potencial de las cact谩ceas Ferocactus histrix, Mammillaria bombycina y M. perezdelarosae en el estado de Aguascalientes, M茅xico

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    The Cactaceae is a representative group of the national flora of Mexico that faces conservation problems due to overexploitation and illegal trade at the national and state levels. In this paper the present distribution of three cactus species protected by Federal Law (Ferocactus histrix, Mammillaria bombycina聽and聽M. perezdelarosae) occurring in the state of Aguascalientes is updated and their potential distribution estimated using ecological niche modeling techniques. Most populations of聽F. histrix聽were found in the western half of the state of Aguascalientes at elevations between 1750 and 2473 m, in canyons of difficult access or low hills. The populations of聽M. bombycina聽were located in southwestern Aguascalientes at elevations between 1847 and 2417 m, in canyon walls and in horizontal terrain close to the cliffs. Finally, populations of聽M. perezdelarosae聽were located in the southwestern and central regions of the state on exposed bedrock at elevations between 2024 and 2417 m. This study contributes to our knowledge of the distribution and the populations of all three species, which may be used for future reintroduction and conservation efforts of these species in the state of Aguascalientes.Las cact谩ceas en M茅xico son un grupo representativo de las zonas 谩ridas que actualmente presenta problemas de conservaci贸n debido a la sobreexplotaci贸n y el saqueo de los que han sido objeto en todo el pa铆s. En este trabajo se reporta la distribuci贸n actual de tres especies de cact谩ceas en el estado de Aguascalientes actualmente sujetas a protecci贸n especial seg煤n la legislaci贸n ambiental federal mexicana (Ferocactus histrix, Mammillaria bombycina聽y聽M. perezdelarosae). Se estim贸 su distribuci贸n potencial mediante la t茅cnica de modelado de nicho ecol贸gico. La mayor铆a de las poblaciones de聽F. histrix聽se encontraron en la mitad oeste del estado de Aguascalientes, entre 1750 y 2473 m s.n.m., en ca帽adas de dif铆cil acceso o en laderas con poca inclinaci贸n. Las de聽M. bombycina聽fueron encontradas en la parte suroeste del de la entidad, entre 1847 y 2417 m de altitud, en colonias en paredes de ca帽adas o a ras del suelo cerca de las ca帽adas. Por 煤ltimo, las de聽M. perezdelarosae聽se ubicaron en el suroeste y el centro del estado, en rocas muy expuestas, entre 2024 y 2417 m. El estudio aporta una actualizaci贸n al conocimiento de la distribuci贸n y proporciona nuevos elementos para conocer la condici贸n de conservaci贸n de estas especies en Aguascalientes y para buscar estrategias de reintroducci贸n y conservaci贸n


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    La din谩mica de comunidades vegetales de humedales est谩 influenciada por factores abi贸ticos, como los nutrimentos y el fuego. En humedales en donde hay especies invasoras, determinar el papel de factores abi贸ticos en las interacciones planta-planta es fundamental para entender la din谩mica de la comunidad y para su manejo. En este estudio, la interacci贸n entre pares de especies fue cuantificada entre una no invasora (Schoenoplectus americanus), una que puede volverse sobredominante como consecuancia de disturbios humanos (Typha domingensis) y una que posee un linaje que es invasor en norteam茅rica (Phragmites australis), las cuales crecieron bajo diferentes concentraciones de nitrato y fueron sometidas al efecto del fuego. Todas las especies respondieron a la adici贸n de nitratos incrementando su crecimiento.Phragmitesrespondi贸 en altura y biomasa de ra铆ces,Typhaen biomasa a茅rea y de ra铆ces ySchoenoplectuspara todas las variables. Las interacciones entre especies fueron complejas y variaron entre a帽os. Durante el primer a帽o, s贸lo el efecto deTyphaen si misma fue significativo. Para el segundo a帽o, el efecto deTyphafue negativo en Phrangmites, el efecto deSchoenoplectusfue negativo en s铆 mismo y el efecto deTyphayPhragmitesfue negativo enTypha. El fuego fue significativo paraPhragmitesySchoenoplectus, las plantas no quemadas fueron m谩s altas. Se detectaron efectos del fuego en las interacciones, la presencia de Schoenoplectus benefici贸 el desempe帽o deTypha, y viceversa. En etapas tempranas, las interacciones m谩s fuertes ocurrieron entre las especies no invasoras, permitiendo a la invasora responder a la concentraci贸n de nitratos, y el fuego tuvo su mayor efecto en la interacci贸n entre nativas y no con la invasora

    Three decades of remote sensing analysis of forest decline related to climate change

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    Climate change is predicted to lead to increasingly intense and hotter droughts, causing physiological weakness followed by forest decline in many regions of the world. Long- and short-range remote sensing (satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly called drones) can sense drought-induced changes in vegetation. Although several studies have addressed forest decline events, none have analyzed the forest decline attributable to climate change using remote sensing in a concise manner. A bibliometric analysis was carried out to characterize the scientific production reported in the Web of Science repository. The search descriptors were a combination of keywords related to forest decline and remote sensing. The results showed 278 articles published between 1989 and 2021 in 92 journals, with an average annual increase of 31%. A total of 29 nodes and 220 scientific collaboration links were located, mainly led by researchers from USA, Germany and China. Keyword analysis using World-TreeMap reflected the association of different key forest decline phenomena such as drought stress and climate change. Although the use of satellite information to study and understand forest decline has been reported for just over three decades, the most notable feature of the present research was the limited role of drones with only 5 studies. This reveals an area of opportunity to take advantage of the main strengths of drones, i.e., spatial and temporal resolution, low cost compared to manned flights, and centimeter accuracy. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to increase studies to improve the use of multispectral sensors, thermal and LiDAR technology for long-term monitoring of forest decline related to climate change


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    RESUMEN Una de los aspectos m谩s fundamentales, y menos considerados desde un punto de vista formal, es el de los costos asociados a la restauraci贸n ecol贸gica y de los incentivos econ贸micos para llevarla a cabo. A trav茅s del an谩lisis de ensayos de restauraci贸n con una comunidad ind铆gena en el occidente de M茅xico se analizan los aspectos econ贸micos relacionados con proyectos de restauraci贸n concretos y con el contexto econ贸mico que incentiva la restauraci贸n ecol贸gica. Concluimos que, mientras que la relaci贸n costo-beneficio del trabajo directamente relacionado con el proceso de restauraci贸n puede ser calculado de manera directa en algunos casos, los beneficios asociados a recuperar la diversidad de los ecosistemas restaurados representan una mayor dificultad. En cuando a los incentivos de restaurar la biodiversidad, concluimos que en muchos casos ser谩n variables econ贸micas fuera del control de aquellos involucrados en el proceso de restauraci贸n las que los determinan. Palabras clave: restauraci贸n, bosque templado, costo, econ贸mico, t茅cnicas. ABSTRACT Costs related with restoration efforts, as well as the economic incentives, are a fundamental issues that have not been fully considered from a formal standpoint. Through the analysis of restoration trials carried out with an indigenous community in Western Mexico, we analyzed economic issues related with the restoration trials themselves and with the economic context that gives incentives for ecological restoration. We reach to the conclussion that the cost-benefit relationship of the restoration process by itself can be straitforward calculated in some cases, calculating economic benefits acrued from the diversity restored to ecosystem is more difficult. In terms of the incentives for biodiversity restoration, we concluded that in many cases, economic variables out of the control of those involved in restoration are determinant. Key words: restoration, temperate forest, cost, economic, technique