6,687 research outputs found

    Single stage experimental evaluation of slotted rotor and stator blading. Part I - Analysis and design

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    Analysis and design of slotted rotor and stator blading for application to compressors in advanced airbreathing propulsion system

    The Effect of Repetitive Feedings on the Acceptability of Selected Metabolic Diets

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    Effect of repetitive feeding over extended periods of time on acceptability of selected metabolic diet

    Physics of SNeIa and Cosmology

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    We give an overview of the current understanding of Type Ia supernovae relevant for their use as cosmological distance indicators. We present the physical basis to understand their homogeneity of the observed light curves and spectra and the observed correlations. This provides a robust method to determine the Hubble constant, 67 +- 8 (2 sigma) km/Mpc/sec, independently from primary distance indicators. We discuss the uncertainties and tests which include SNe Ia based distance determinations prior to delta-Ceph. measurements for the host galaxies. Based on detailed models, we study the small variations from homogeneities and their observable consequences. In combination with future data, this underlines the suitability and promises the refinements needed to determine accurate relative distances within 2 to 3 % and to use SNe Ia for high precision cosmology.Comment: to be published in "Stellar Candles", eds. Gieren et al. Lecture Notes in Physics (http://link.springer.de/series/lnpp

    Strong Gravitational Lensing and Dark Energy Complementarity

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    In the search for the nature of dark energy most cosmological probes measure simple functions of the expansion rate. While powerful, these all involve roughly the same dependence on the dark energy equation of state parameters, with anticorrelation between its present value w_0 and time variation w_a. Quantities that have instead positive correlation and so a sensitivity direction largely orthogonal to, e.g., distance probes offer the hope of achieving tight constraints through complementarity. Such quantities are found in strong gravitational lensing observations of image separations and time delays. While degeneracy between cosmological parameters prevents full complementarity, strong lensing measurements to 1% accuracy can improve equation of state characterization by 15-50%. Next generation surveys should provide data on roughly 10^5 lens systems, though systematic errors will remain challenging.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Competition between Pressure and Gravity Confinement in Lyman-Alpha Forest Observations

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    A break in the distribution function of Lyα\alpha clouds (at a typical redshift of 2.52.5) has been reported by Petitjean et al. (1993). This feature is what would be expected from a transition between pressure confinement and gravity confinement (as predicted in Charlton, Salpeter, and Hogan (1993)). The column density at which the feature occurs has been used to determine the external confining pressure, 10cm3K\sim 10 {\rm cm}^{-3} {\rm K}, which could be due to a hot, intergalactic medium. For models that provide a good fit to the data, the contribution of the gas in clouds to Ω\Omega is small. The specific shape of the distribution function at the transition (predicted by models to have a non-monotonic slope) can serve as a diagnostic of the distribution of dark matter around Lyα\alpha forest clouds, and the present data already eliminate certain models.Comment: 10 pages plain TeX, 2 figures available upon request, submitted to ApJ Letters, PSU-jc-

    An Analysis of the Exponential Electric Displacement Saturation Model in Fracturing Piezoelectric Ceramics

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    This paper presents a numerical analysis of a recently proposed exponential electric displacement saturation model to simulate crack initiation and crack propagation in piezoelectric ceramics. The motivation for the account of electric displacement saturation on a constitutive level can be found in the observed difference between theoretical predictions and the actual experimental obtained dependency of crack propagation onset on the applied electric field. Contrary to earlier accounts of electric displacement saturation, the exponential saturation of the electric displacement versus electric field relation allows for applications in problems like propagating cracks in fracturing piezoelectric ceramics where no analytical solutions exist. This requires the incorporation of strong discontinuities in the form of jumps in the displacement field and the electric potential for the electromechanical coupled solid within the individual finite elements. Based on two numerical examples for which experimental results are available the extension of such an advanced finite element framework to take into account electric displacement saturation is shown in this work to be independent of the finite element discretization and results in numerical solutions close to the experimentally observed results

    Parametric resonance for antineutrino conversions using LSND best-fit results with a 3+1 flavor scheme

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    An analytical solution to a parametric resonance effect for antineutrinos in a 3+1 flavor (active+sterile) scheme using multiple non-adiabatic density shifts is presented. We derive the conditions for a full flavor conversion for antineutrino oscillations νˉανˉs\bar{\nu}_\alpha \to \bar{\nu}_s (α=e,μ,τ)(\alpha=e,\mu,\tau) under the assumption that LSND best-fits for the mixing parameters are valid in a short-baseline accelerator experiment. We show that the parametric resonance effect can be exploited to increase the effective antineutrino oscillation length by a factor of 10-40, thus sustaining a high oscillation probability for a much longer period of time than in the vacuum scenario. We propose a realistic experimental setup that could probe for this effect which leaves a signature in terms of a specific oscillation probability profile. Moreover, since the parametric resonance effect is valid in any 2 or 1+1 flavor approximation, our results could be suggestive for future short-baseline accelerator neutrino detection experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The time evolution of cosmological redshift as a test of dark energy

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    The variation of the expansion rate of the Universe with time produces an evolution in the cosmological redshift of distant sources (for example quasar Lyman-α\alpha absorption lines), that might be directly observed by future ultra stable, high-resolution spectrographs (such as CODEX) coupled to extremely large telescopes (such as European Southern Observatory's Extremely Large Telescope, ELT). This would open a new window to explore the physical mechanism responsible for the current acceleration of the Universe. We investigate the evolution of cosmological redshift from a variety of dark energy models, and compare it with simulated data. We perform a Fisher matrix analysis and discuss the prospects for constraining the parameters of these models and for discriminating among competing candidates. We find that, because of parameter degeneracies, and of the inherent technical difficulties involved in this kind of observations, the uncertainties on parameter reconstruction can be rather large unless strong external priors are assumed. However, the method could be a valuable complementary cosmological tool, and give important insights on the dynamics of dark energy, not obtainable using other probes.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Matching published versio

    Conflict Certiorari Jurisdiction and Contracts as Told By the Supreme Court of Florida

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    Conflict Certiorari Jurisdiction and Contracts as Told By the Supreme Court of Florida

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