213 research outputs found

    Physical, physiological demands and movement profiles of elite men’s field hockey games

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    The aim of this study was to investigate physical demands, physiological demands, and movement profiles of different positions across four quarters in professional men’s field hockey games. Eighteen professional male field hockey players participated in the study, and data were collected in eleven official matches. Players wore global positioning system units and heart rate monitors to collect physical, physiological, and movement profile data. Defenders had significantly higher absolute total distance covered, player load, acceleration and deceleration count, and forward-backward initial movement analysis (IMA) count, but lower high speed running distance, compared with midfielders and forwards (p<.05). However, when using relative metrics (normalised by playing time), defenders had the lowest physical and physiological outputs, and forwards had the highest (p<.05). Total distance covered per minute, high-speed running distance per minute, player load per minute, acceleration and deceleration count per minute, and repeated high-intensity efforts per minute were all significantly higher in quarter 1 than in other three quarters (p<.05). The percentages of linear running and non-linear dynamic movement duration decreased quarter by quarter. Modified training impulse per minute reached its peak in quarter 2 (p<.05). It was concluded that defenders had the highest volume in terms of the game demands due to their high playing minutes; however, they had the lowest relative volume compared with the other two positions. Forwards had the highest linear running intensity, while midfielders were required to perform more multi-directional, non-linear movements. Quarter 1 was the most active quarter and players became fatigued in quarter 2. IMA counts were not sensitive to fatigue compared to movement profile and modified training impulse variables

    Especificidade nacional-cultural da semântica de unidades fraseológicas, relativas ao campo semântico "ociosidade" nas línguas inglesa e russa

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    National-cultural specificity of semantics of phraseological units (PU), characterizing the labor activity, in the English and Russian languages, has its special and actual significance in perceiving the depths of national consciousness. This research is devoted to the identification and comparative description of the semantic field of the PU type being investigated and the image-motivational aspects of the PU meaning. The universal and unique traits in the semantics of the PU of both languages are studied, the cultural connotation is defined and described through the cultural interpretation mechanism of all the content components of the studied PU.Cultural connotation, being an interpretation of the components of the PU meaning in the categories of culture, is layered into the connotation as a linguistic concept. Each component of the PU connotation is able to provide additional information of a national cultural character. First of all, such components of the connotation are the emotive and evaluative macrocomponents of the PU semantics.La especificidad nacional-cultural de la semántica de unidades fraseológicas (PU), que caracteriza la actividad laboral, en los idiomas inglés y ruso, tiene su significado especial y real para percibir las profundidades de la conciencia nacional. Esta investigación está dedicada a la identificación y descripción comparativa del campo semántico del tipo de PU que se está investigando y los aspectos de imagen-motivación del significado de la PU. Se estudian los rasgos universales y únicos en la semántica de la PU de ambas lenguas, la connotación cultural se define y describe a través del mecanismo de interpretación cultural de todos los componentes de contenido de la PU estudiada.La connotación cultural, al ser una interpretación de los componentes del significado de la PU en las categorías de la cultura, se superpone a la connotación como un concepto lingüístico. Cada componente de la connotación PU puede proporcionar información adicional de un personaje cultural nacional. En primer lugar, tales componentes de la connotación son los macrocomponentes emotivos y evaluativos de la semántica de la PU.Especificidade nacional-cultural de semântica de unidades fraseológicos (PU), o que caracteriza o local de trabalho, em Inglês e Russo, tem seu especial real e perceber as profundezas da consciência nacional significado. Esta pesquisa dedica-se à identificação e descrição comparativa do campo semântico do tipo de UP que está sendo investigado e dos aspectos de motivação da imagem do significado de UP. As características únicas e universais na semântica da UP de ambas as línguas são estudadas, a conotação cultural é definida e descrita através do mecanismo de interpretação cultural de todos os componentes do conteúdo da UP estudada.A conotação cultural, sendo uma interpretação dos componentes do significado de UP nas categorias de cultura, é sobreposta à conotação como conceito linguístico. Cada componente da conotação PU pode fornecer informações adicionais de caráter cultural nacional. Em primeiro lugar, tais componentes da conotação são os macrocomponentes emotivos e avaliativos da semântica da PU

    Iloprost improves running performance at 5,000 m in Han but not in Tibetans

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    Background: Tibetans experience lose less aerobic exercise capacity in hypoxia compared to lowland Han. We tested if inhalation of iloprost (to counter hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction) and furosemide (to decrease afferent vagal traffic from pulmonary receptors) improve performance in hypoxia in Han compared to Tibetans. Methods: 8 Tibetans and 8 Han, living at 2,260 m, did incremental uphill treadmill running to exhaustion at ambient pressure on day 1, followed by three runs at 5,000 m (hypobaric chamber) after inhalation of iloprost (ILO), furosemide (FUR) or placebo (PLA), on different days in a counter-balanced order. Results: In Han the performance decrement from 2,260 m to 5,000 m was greater than in Tibetans (p<0.05). In Han iloprost improved performance at 5,000 m compared to placebo (p<0.05 vs. PLA); furosemide had no effects. In Tibetans there were no treatment effects. Peripheral O2saturations at peak exercise at 5,000 m, were higher by ~8 % in the Tibetans (p<0.05 vs. Han). Maximum heart rate was lowered by 13±6 bpm in Han at 5,000 m regardless of treatment compared to 2,260 m (p<0.05). Tibetans reached similar maximum heart rates ∼200 bpmat 5,000 m and 2,260 m, independent of treatment. Conclusions: The blunting of the exercise impairment in severe hypoxia in Han during maximal exercise after inhalation of iloprost suggests that hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and right ventricular function are potential performance limiting factors in Han in hypoxia

    Differential Brain and Muscle Tissue Oxygenation Responses to Exercise in Tibetans Compared to Han Chinese

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    The Tibetans’ better aerobic exercise capacity at altitude remains ill-understood. We tested the hypothesis that Tibetans display better muscle and brain tissue oxygenation during exercise in hypoxia. Using near-infrared spectrometry (NIRS) to provide indices of tissue oxygenation, we measured oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin ([O2Hb] and [HHb], respectively) responses of the vastus lateralis muscle and the right prefrontal cortex in ten Han Chinese and ten Tibetans during incremental cycling to exhaustion in a pressure-regulated chamber at simulated sea-level (air at 1 atm: normobaric normoxia) and 5,000 m (air at 0.5 atm: hypobaric hypoxia). Hypoxia reduced aerobic capacity by ∼22% in both groups (d = 0.8, p &lt; 0.001 vs. normoxia), while Tibetans consistently outperformed their Han Chinese counterpart by ∼32% in normoxia and hypoxia (d = 1.0, p = 0.008). We found cerebral [O2Hb] was higher in Tibetans at normoxic maximal effort compared Han (p = 0.001), while muscle [O2Hb] was not different (p = 0.240). Hypoxic exercise lowered muscle [O2Hb] in Tibetans by a greater extent than in Han (interaction effect: p &lt; 0.001 vs. normoxic exercise). Muscle [O2Hb] was lower in Tibetans when compared to Han during hypoxic exercise (d = 0.9, p = 0.003), but not during normoxic exercise (d = 0.4, p = 0.240). Muscle [HHb] was not different between the two groups during normoxic and hypoxic exercise (p = 0.778). Compared to Han, our findings revealed a higher brain tissue oxygenation in Tibetans during maximal exercise in normoxia, but lower muscle tissue oxygenation during exercise in hypoxia. This would suggest that the Tibetans privileged oxygenation of the brain at the expense of that of the muscle

    A 3D-hydrodynamic model for predicting the environmental fate of chemical pollutants in Xiamen Bay, southeast China.

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    Simulation model is very essential for predicting the environmental fate and the potential environmental consequences of chemical pollutants including those from accidental chemical spills. However very few of such simulation model is seen related to Chinese costal water body. As the first step toward our final goal to develop a simulation model for the prediction and the risk assessment of chemical pollutants in Chinese coastal water, this study developed a three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic model of Xiamen Bay (XMB). This hydrodynamic model was externally derived by meteorological data, river discharge and boundary conditions of XMB. We used the model to calculate the physical factors, especially water temperature, salinity and flow field, from June to September 2016 in XMB. The results demonstrated a good match between observations and simulations, which underscores the feasibility of this model in predicting the spatial-temporal concentration of chemical pollutants in the coastal water of XMB. Longitudinal salinity distributions and the mixing profile of river-sea interactions are discussed, including the obvious gradation of salinity from the river towards sea sites shown by the model. We further assumed that 1000 kg and 1000 mg/L of a virtual chemical pollutant leaked out from Jiulong River (JR) estuary (point source) and whole XMB (non-point source), respectively. The model illustrates that it takes three months for XMB to become purified when point source pollution occurs in the estuary, while half a year to be required in the case of non-point source pollution across the entire bay. Moreover, the model indicated that pollutants can easily accumulate in the western coastal zone and narrow waters like Maluan Bay, which can guide environmental protection strategies

    A 3D-hydrodynamic model for predicting the environmental fate of chemical pollutants in Xiamen Bay, southeast China

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    Abstract(#br)Simulation model is very essential for predicting the environmental fate and the potential environmental consequences of chemical pollutants including those from accidental chemical spills. However very few of such simulation model is seen related to Chinese costal water body. As the first step toward our final goal to develop a simulation model for the prediction and the risk assessment of chemical pollutants in Chinese coastal water, this study developed a three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic model of Xiamen Bay (XMB). This hydrodynamic model was externally derived by meteorological data, river discharge and boundary conditions of XMB. We used the model to calculate the physical factors, especially water temperature, salinity and flow field, from June to September 2016 in XMB. The results demonstrated a good match between observations and simulations, which underscores the feasibility of this model in predicting the spatial-temporal concentration of chemical pollutants in the coastal water of XMB. Longitudinal salinity distributions and the mixing profile of river-sea interactions are discussed, including the obvious gradation of salinity from the river towards sea sites shown by the model. We further assumed that 1000 kg and 1000 mg/L of a virtual chemical pollutant leaked out from Jiulong River (JR) estuary (point source) and whole XMB (non-point source), respectively. The model illustrates that it takes three months for XMB to become purified when point source pollution occurs in the estuary, while half a year to be required in the case of non-point source pollution across the entire bay. Moreover, the model indicated that pollutants can easily accumulate in the western coastal zone and narrow waters like Maluan Bay, which can guide environmental protection strategies

    Rapid detection of structural variation in a human genome using nanochannel-based genome mapping technology

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    BACKGROUND: Structural variants (SVs) are less common than single nucleotide polymorphisms and indels in the population, but collectively account for a significant fraction of genetic polymorphism and diseases. Base pair differences arising from SVs are on a much higher order (>100 fold) than point mutations; however, none of the current detection methods are comprehensive, and currently available methodologies are incapable of providing sufficient resolution and unambiguous information across complex regions in the human genome. To address these challenges, we applied a high-throughput, cost-effective genome mapping technology to comprehensively discover genome-wide SVs and characterize complex regions of the YH genome using long single molecules (>150 kb) in a global fashion. RESULTS: Utilizing nanochannel-based genome mapping technology, we obtained 708 insertions/deletions and 17 inversions larger than 1 kb. Excluding the 59 SVs (54 insertions/deletions, 5 inversions) that overlap with N-base gaps in the reference assembly hg19, 666 non-gap SVs remained, and 396 of them (60%) were verified by paired-end data from whole-genome sequencing-based re-sequencing or de novo assembly sequence from fosmid data. Of the remaining 270 SVs, 260 are insertions and 213 overlap known SVs in the Database of Genomic Variants. Overall, 609 out of 666 (90%) variants were supported by experimental orthogonal methods or historical evidence in public databases. At the same time, genome mapping also provides valuable information for complex regions with haplotypes in a straightforward fashion. In addition, with long single-molecule labeling patterns, exogenous viral sequences were mapped on a whole-genome scale, and sample heterogeneity was analyzed at a new level. CONCLUSION: Our study highlights genome mapping technology as a comprehensive and cost-effective method for detecting structural variation and studying complex regions in the human genome, as well as deciphering viral integration into the host genome. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/2047-217X-3-34) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Case report of a Li-Fraumeni syndrome-like phenotype with a de novo mutation in <i>CHEK2</i>

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    BACKGROUND: Cases of multiple tumors are rarely reported in China. In our study, a 57-year-old female patient had concurrent squamous cell carcinoma, mucoepidermoid carcinoma, brain cancer, bone cancer, and thyroid cancer, which has rarely been reported to date. METHODS: To determine the relationship among these multiple cancers, available DNA samples from the thyroid, lung, and skin tumors and from normal thyroid tissue were sequenced using whole exome sequencing. RESULTS: The notable discrepancies of somatic mutations among the 3 tumor tissues indicated that they arose independently, rather than metastasizing from 1 tumor. A novel deleterious germline mutation (chr22:29091846, G->A, p.H371Y) was identified in CHEK2, a Li–Fraumeni syndrome causal gene. Examining the status of this novel mutation in the patient's healthy siblings revealed its de novo origin. CONCLUSION: Our study reports the first case of Li–Fraumeni syndrome-like in Chinese patients and demonstrates the important contribution of de novo mutations in this type of rare disease

    Occurrence and partitioning behavior of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in water and sediment from the Jiulong Estuary-Xiamen Bay, China.

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    Twenty-four per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) were analyzed in water and sediment from the Jiulong Estuary-Xiamen Bay to study their seasonal variations, transport, partitioning behavior and ecological risks. The total concentration of PFASs in water ranged from 11 to 98 ng L-1 (average 45 ng L-1) during the dry season, 0.19-5.7 ng L-1 (average 1.5 ng L-1) during the wet season, and 3.0-5.4 ng g-1 dw (average 3.9 ng g-1 dw) in sediment. In water samples, short-chain PFASs were dominated by perfluorooctanoic acid (PFBA) in the dry season and perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS) in the wet season, while long chain PFASs, such as perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), dominated in the sediment. The highest concentration of PFASs in water were found in the estuary; in contrast, the highest level of PFASs in sediment were found in Xiamen Bay. These spatial distributions of PFASs indicate that river discharge is the main source of PFASs in estuarine water, while the harbor, airport and wastewater treatment plant near Xiamen Bay may be responsible for the high PFBS and PFOS concentrations in water and sediment. The partition coefficients (log Kd) of PFASs between sediment and water (range from 1.64 to 4.14) increased with carbon chain length (R2 = 0.99) and also showed a positive relationship with salinity. A preliminary environmental risk assessment indicated that PFOS and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in water and sediment pose no significant ecological risk to organisms