82 research outputs found

    Meaning of the process of dying and death for multiprofessional staff

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    Objective: this study aimed to describe the meanings that a multidisciplinary team at Intensive Care Unit Adult holds about the process of dying and death. Method: The research was qualitative, conducted through semi-structured interviews with 21 health professionals. The results were analyzed in grounded thematic content analysis, which resulted in the following categories: non-scientific view of death and dying, and scientific view of death and dying. Results: Meanings about death were evidenced as a natural process, a step to fulfill a physiological event and extinction. Conclusion: It is important to know the meanings that these professionals have about these events for discussions and reflections that help the healthcare team to live with death and dying

    Efeito do relaxamento muscular progressivo no estresse e bem-estar no trabalho de enfermeiros hospitalar

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of progressive muscle relaxation on the levels of stress and workplace well-being of hospital nurses.Method: This is an intervention, of the before-after type, longitudinal, which monitored 16 nurses from a hospital institution for eight consecutive weeks submitted to a progressive muscle relaxation protocol. Data were collected by questionnaire, Work Stress Scale and Well-being at Work Scale. Shapiro-Wilk, Wilcoxon, Sperman and Mann-Whitney tests were used.Results: The mean stress level decreased (60/55 p= 0.166) and the mean workplace well-being factors: positive affect, negative affect and fulfillment increased (3.22/3.42 p=0.073; 2.07/2.29 p=0.094 and 3.71/3.92 p=0.060), respectively.Conclusion: The study revealed that the progressive muscle relaxation reduced the means of stress and promoted well-being at work among the nurses.Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto del relajamiento muscular progresivo em los niveles de estrés y bienestar en el trabajo de enfermeros hospitalarios. Método: Estudio de intervención, de tipe antes y después, longitudinal, que ha acompañado 16 enfermeros de una instituición hospitalaria por ocho semanas consecutivas sometidos a un protocolo de relajamiento muscular progresivo. Se han recogido los datos con cuestionario, Escala de Estrés em el Trabajo; Escala de Bienestar en el Trabajo. Se han utilizado las pruebas Shapiro-Wilk, T pareado, Wilcoxon, Sperman y Mann-Whitney. Resultados: Se observó reducción de los promedios de estrés (60/55 p=0,166) y aumento de los promedios de los factores de bienestar en el trabajo- afecto positivo, afecto negativo y realización (3.22/3,42 p=0,073; 2,07/2,29 p=0,094 e 3,71/3,92 p=0,060), respectivamente. Conclusiones: Hubo evidencias de que el relajamiento muscular progresivo ha reducido los promedios de estrés y ha promovido bienestar en el trabajo entre los enfermeros.Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto del relajamiento muscular progresivo em los niveles de estrés y bienestar en el trabajo de enfermeros hospitalarios. Método: Estudio de intervención, de tipe antes y después, longitudinal, que ha acompañado 16 enfermeros de una instituición hospitalaria por ocho semanas consecutivas sometidos a un protocolo de relajamiento muscular progresivo. Se han recogido los datos con cuestionario, Escala de Estrés em el Trabajo; Escala de Bienestar en el Trabajo. Se han utilizado las pruebas Shapiro-Wilk, T pareado, Wilcoxon, Sperman y Mann-Whitney. Resultados: Se observó reducción de los promedios de estrés (60/55 p=0,166) y aumento de los promedios de los factores de bienestar en el trabajo- afecto positivo, afecto negativo y realización (3.22/3,42 p=0,073; 2,07/2,29 p=0,094 e 3,71/3,92 p=0,060), respectivamente. Conclusiones: Hubo evidencias de que el relajamiento muscular progresivo ha reducido los promedios de estrés y ha promovido bienestar en el trabajo entre los enfermeros

    The process of working in an oncology outpatient clinic in the perception of the nursing technical team

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    Objective: To describe how the technical nursing staff perceives and describes the work process in an Oncology Clinic. Method: A qualitative study. Data was obtained through the use of focus groups and analyzed using content analysis method Result: From the analysis of the participant’s reports emerged the following category: (re)organization of team work. The units of analysis were established to organize and sequence discussions: Barriers in health care network; Work organization focused on professional; Assistance provided to the patient as the central character; Difficulty in linking the micro processes carried out at the clinic. Conclusion: It is concluded that the work is exercised in a fragmented way and that the work process reorganizes, changing its components, but maintaining the same product.Objective: To describe how the technical nursing staff perceives and describes the work process in an Oncology Clinic. Method: A qualitative study. Data was obtained through the use of focus groups and analyzed using content analysis method Result: From the analysis of the participant’s reports emerged the following category: (re)organization of team work. The units of analysis were established to organize and sequence discussions: Barriers in health care network; Work organization focused on professional; Assistance provided to the patient as the central character; Difficulty in linking the micro processes carried out at the clinic. Conclusion: It is concluded that the work is exercised in a fragmented way and that the work process reorganizes, changing its components, but maintaining the same product

    Significados do processo do morrer e da morte para a equipe multiprofissional Meaning of the process of dying and death for multiprofessional staff

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    Objetivo: descrever os significados que a equipe multiprofissional de uma Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo Adulto detém sobre o processo do morrer e a morte. Método: realizada pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, obtiveram os dados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com 21 profissionais de saúde. Analisaram os resultados embasados na análise de conteúdo temática, que resultou nas categorias: Visão não científica da morte e do morrer e Visão científica da morte e do morrer. Resultado: evidenciaram-se significados sobre a morte, tais como: um processo natural, uma etapa a cumprir, um evento fisiológico e a extinção. Conclusão: Devido à multiplicidade de significados encontrados ha necessidade de discussão e reflexão sobre o processo do morrer e da morte, com a expectativa de melhor conviver com esses eventos

    Significados do processo do morrer e da morte para a equipe multiprofissional Meaning of the process of dying and death for multiprofessional staff

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    Objetivo: descrever os significados que a equipe multiprofissional de uma Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo Adulto detém sobre o processo do morrer e a morte. Método: realizada pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, obtiveram os dados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com 21 profissionais de saúde. Analisaram os resultados embasados na análise de conteúdo temática, que resultou nas categorias: Visão não científica da morte e do morrer e Visão científica da morte e do morrer. Resultado: evidenciaram-se significados sobre a morte, tais como: um processo natural, uma etapa a cumprir, um evento fisiológico e a extinção. Conclusão: Devido à multiplicidade de significados encontrados ha necessidade de discussão e reflexão sobre o processo do morrer e da morte, com a expectativa de melhor conviver com esses eventos

    Violence against women: featuring the victim, aggression and the author

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    Objective: Describing the profile of violence against women regarding aggression, the socio-demographic characteristics of the victim and the perpetrator of the violence. Method: a transversal study of quantitative approach and descriptive analysis. The population consisted of 42 women victims of violence. Results: of the total 42 participants, prevailed in women aged 30-39 years old, with complete high school and family income of 1-3 minimum wages. The physical, psychological and moral violence prevailed in 26,2% of cases. The main offenders were the companions of those women, the home environment is the space where most attacks occur and jealousy was appointed as the main factor to unleash aggression. The attackers, mostly present among the age group 40-49 years old, and have had studied until elementary school. Conclusion: it notes the challenge and the responsibility of health professionals in the recognition and registration of cases seen in health services

    The care on chemotherapy: the perception of the nursing team

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    Objective: To knowing the perception of the nursing staff of a unit of chemotherapy about care. Method: A descriptive and qualitative study, performed in a hospital of a general philanthropic and private character in Vitória/Espírito Santo, Brazil. The participants were eight nurses working in the unit. The data were recorded and collected through a semi-structured interview with the following question: What is care for you? Results: For the analysis of information followed the steps recommended for thematic analysis, resulting in structuring the analytical category called: Nursing care in chemotherapy. Conclusion: The results indicate that care requires much more than technical scientific knowledge, it requires understanding of the background of your individuality, from an interpersonal valuation of the human person, therefore contributing with the process of humanization of care

    Nursing care to patients with head and neck cancer undergoing radiotherapy

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    Objective: developing the main diagnoses and nursing interventions related to complications of radiotherapy in patients with head and neck cancer. Method: a descriptive study developed in three stages: literature review in the databases MEDLINE and LILACS; identification of complications reported at least in 50% of the articles, which were xerostomia and mucositis and composition of diagnoses and nursing interventions according to the International Classification for Nursing Practice. Results: there were formulated the diagnoses: "Low Salivation" and "Inflammation of the Oral Mucous Membrane" and 40 nursing interventions. Conclusion: this study contributed in the organization of nursing care through the use of a standardized terminology for diagnoses and nursing interventions that support the nursing consultation in the sector of radiotherapy

    The women's perception on the violence experienced

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    Objective: To analyse the women's perception on the violence experienced. Method: Qualitative study. Data was obtained through a semi-structured interview, and was analysed through the Content Analysis modality. Results: Four thematic categories were identified from the analysis of the accounts of the 14 participating women: 34,8% of the accounts fit in the category Perception and Feelings about violence; 26,1% presented accounts on the category Perception of the Motives for the Experience of Violence; and also in the category Freedom Cessation; and 13,0% in the category Reflex of Violence on Health. Conclusion: There is a need for policies and actions that support and contribute to women's freedom from violence, as well as the strengthening of intersectoral support networks, as violence poses a number of problems not only of socio-economic nature, but also damages the health of their victims

    The Profile and Work Process of Community Health Agents / Perfil e o Processo de Trabalho dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde

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    Objetivo: identificar o perfil e descrever o processo de trabalho dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (ACS). Método: estudo transversal descritivo, com 291 ACS vinculados a 136 equipes de saúde da família, a coleta de dados utilizou um questionário contendo variáveis sociodemograficas e seu processo de trabalho, realizou estatística descritiva e associações, por meio do teste através do teste Exato de Fisher e considerou significante p≤ 0,05. Resultados: (91,1%) eram do sexo feminino, a idade variou de 24 a 69 anos. Em relação à escolaridade, 85,5% referiram possuir ensino médio completo. Quanto ao processo de trabalho, 40,5% dos ACS sentem-se pouco seguros em relação ao vínculo de trabalho; o trabalho é mencionado como muito estressante por 68,7% dos entrevistados. Conclusão:  conclui-se com esse estudo a necessidade de novas pesquisas afim de melhor compreender os eventos produtores de estresse nos ACS