22 research outputs found

    Why Are We Negotiating Businesses and When?

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    Negotiation represents making a decision on negotiations basis, this element determining the differences by comparing with all other forms of decisions making. We are doing transactions with goods that are cheaper for us but that are appreciated by the other negotiator for other different elements. The task of negotiators of both involved parties is that of leading the negotiation process over all obstacles and along all barriers in order to reach to a transaction. Negotiation can be defined as a main form of communication, a complex of activities residing in contracts, meetings, and consultations, transactions carried out between two or more partners in order to achieve an agreement.negotiation, competing economy, social phenomenon


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    Due to any institution in the national teaching system, indifferent of type, level and activity organization form, is to insure the quality teaching, learning and researching, from the necessity of making the bases of an institutional cultures of the education's quality, for contributing to the personal and professional development of the students, at the society's welfare. The quality insurance policies and strategies of the national teaching system of Romania have as marking the permanent correlation with the orientations and actions promoted at European and global level, in consense with the recommendations of the Superior Education Quality Insurance European Association, recommendations which have been taken by the Bergen Ministerial Conference (19-20 May 2005).quality standards, higher education

    Actualities in logistics and transport

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    The increasing flow of commodities represents a fundamental component of the actual changes within the economic systems at global, regional and local frameworks. It must be pointed that these changes have not a quantity substance only, but at the same time, a structural and an operational one. The structural changes refer in the essence to the production systems and the operational ones to the transport systems and, compulsory, to the distribution. So, being given this situation, the essential problem is not the origin and the destination of the freight flow, but the way of displacement. New distribution systems appear simultaneously with the production systems, a fact bringing in front the logistics field and freight forwarding.logistics services, ICT - Information and Communication Technologies, 3PL - third-party logistics providers

    Why Are We Negotiating Businesses and When?

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    Negotiation represents making a decision on negotiations basis, this element determining the differences by comparing with all other forms of decisions making. We are doing transactions with goods that are cheaper for us but that are appreciated by the other negotiator for other different elements. The task of negotiators of both involved parties is that of leading the negotiation process over all obstacles and along all barriers in order to reach to a transaction. Negotiation can be defined as a main form of communication, a complex of activities residing in contracts, meetings, and consultations, transactions carried out between two or more partners in order to achieve an agreement

    Attributes of Online Business in Romania during Economic Crisis

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    Any business seeks maximum profitability. Especially when the global economic crisis grows, a company must have both maximum profitability by reducing costs, and by finding new markets and new consumers. Due to economic conditions, companies have turned to online business, where operating costs, and marketing costs are much lower. Almost every company in the world, who noticed the trend, they promote, in one way or another, the own business on the Internet.online business, economic crisis, business model, social media

    Ethical aspects in electronic commerce

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    E-commerce is one of the most growing phenomena of our days. The paper reveals the ethics argument in e-commerce along with its elements that must be found in web sites. Ethics becomes more and more important in commercial transactions next to the increasing role of electronic commerce.E-commerce; Ethics; Web-site.

    Traditional professions+ elements of tourist integrated development in rural areas

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    Integrated development seen at the level of local community assumes a global approach of all influence factors over these on the one hand, but also the evolution of these in time on another hand. In these conditions there must be taken in consideration a series of aspects as: economic activities, local community and environment protection. The purpose of this paper is to analyze traditional trades/professions from rural areas in order to surprise these interconnections with environmental factors, economic aspects and local community. Traditional trades can be looked at from many points of view. First of them and the oldest one is the economic point of view. Employed populations in traditional fields are insuring a source of income and contribute to a raise of local wellbeing. The second aspect is bound by the attraction possibility of tourists in the area through the angle of these original activities, which are ever rarer due to the economic progress and competition. A third aspect, under which we are going to follow the trades, is referring to the development of the feeling of pride and community belonging, the maintaining of youth in the locality, at valuating the customs and folk traditions as a first step towards the perpetuation of these in the future. Last but not least we will analyze the connections between traditional trades and the natural framework as well as the impact of the above mentioned on the environment.integrated tourism, local community, rural, traditional handicrafts, customs


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    Negotiation represents making a decision on negotiations basis, this element determining the difference in comparison with all other forms of decisions making. We are doing transactions with goods that are cheaper for us but that are appreciated by the other negotiator for other different elements considered by us but cheaper for the other one. Task of negotiators of both involved parties is that of leading the negotiation process over all obstacles and along all barriers in order to reach to a transaction. Negotiation can be defined as a main form of communication, a complex of activities residing in contracts, meetings, consultations, transactions carried out between two or more partners in order to achieve an agreement


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    Due to any institution in the national teaching system, indifferent of type, level and activity organization form, is to insure the quality teaching, learning and researching, from the necessity of making the bases of an institutional cultures of the education's quality, for contributing to the personal and professional development of the students, at the society's welfare. The quality insurance policies and strategies of the national teaching system of Romania have as marking the permanent correlation with the orientations and actions promoted at European and global level, in consense with the recommendations of the Superior Education Quality Insurance European Association, recommendations which have been taken by the Bergen Ministerial Conference (19-20 May 2005)

    Knowledge society - reality that should be considered by all countries of the world

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    The study proposes to outline the special contribution of information and knowledge to the development of all countries of the world. Information and knowledge are found in all stages of humanity evolution. What mostly changed in the latest decades are the ways and magnitude of information creation, collection, processing, storage and remittance. The result of the collaboration between computers and communications system resides in the basis of internet that burst in the latest decade of the previous century thus shaping up The Informational Society based on knowledge. Romania on her position of a country that recently got the statute of market economy may recover the registered economic gaps in comparison with the other countries of The European Community rationally using the advantages conferred by informatics era.information and communications, technology, Internet, competitiveness, informational society, knowledge society, innovation globalization.