27 research outputs found

    A deterministic approach to active debris removal target selection

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    Many decisions, with widespread economic, political and legal consequences, are being considered based on the concerns about the sustainability of spaceflight and space debris simulations that show that Active Debris Removal (ADR) may be necessary.The debris environment predictions are affected by many sources of error, including low-accuracy ephemerides and propagators. This, together with the inherent unpredictability of e.g. solar activity or debris attitude, raises doubts about the ADR target-lists that are produced. Target selection is considered highly important, as removal of non-relevant objects will unnecessarily increase the overall mission cost [1].One of the primary factors that should be used in ADR target selection is the accumulated collision probability of every object [2]. To this end, a conjunction detection algorithm, based on the “smart sieve” method, has been developed and utilised with an example snapshot of the public two-line element catalogue. Another algorithm was then applied to the identified conjunctions to estimate the maximum and true probabilities of collisions taking place.Two target-lists were produced based on the ranking of the objects according to the probability they will take part in any collision over the simulated time window. These probabilities were computed using the maximum probability approach, which is time-invariant, and estimates of the true collision probability that were computed with covariance information.The top-priority targets are compared, and the impacts of the data accuracy and its decay highlighted. General conclusions regarding the importance of Space Surveillance and Tracking for the purpose of ADR are drawn and a deterministic method for ADR target selection, which could reduce the number of ADR missions to be performed, is propose

    Enhancing microelectronics education with large-scale student projects

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    This paper discusses the benefits of using large-scale projects, involving many groups of students with different backgrounds, in the education of undergraduate microelectronics engineering students. The benefits of involving students in large, industry-like projects are first briefly reviewed. The organisation of undergraduate programmes is presented, and it is described how students can be involved in such large projects, while maintaining compatibility with undergraduate programmes. The generic discussion is illustrated with an example of the University of Southampton Small Satellite (UoS3) project, which has been running for two academic years and involved a number of students to date. It is discussed how the work on a project can be split between different student groups so that they can be assessed on it. Definition of interfaces between different groups, as well as how they are managed in the UoS3 project, are described. The difficulties that large, student-run projects are likely to face are mentioned and recommendations about the structuring of degree programmes to amend them to large projects, are made. Lastly, conclusions about the applicability and benefits of small satellite projects to undergraduate education in electronics are drawn


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    Since the specific strength and the specific elasticity of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRPs) are the greatest in practical materials, they are used abundantly in transport structures. This CFRP can also be used for a pressure vessel which stores liquid hydrazine, the required burst pressure is approximately 22MPa. Many researchers have been studying pressure vessels made from a CFRP fabricated by a filament winding (FW) method. In order to acquire the fundamental mechanical properties of a CFRP container, the small cylinder made from CFRP fabricated by the spiral winding type FW method is designed and manufactured. The winding angle of a carbon fiber of this cylinder is ±45 degrees. The plastic deformation of this cylinder generates from the strain range of 0.7%. So as to confirm by the analytical method that a small tank made from CFRP fabricated by the FW method can be utilized as a tank for liquid hydrazine, an analysis model is created. Since the pressure to which the strain of this CFRP tank reaches to 0.7% is approximately 35MPa, this small tank can be used as a fuel tank for micro satellites

    Processing two line element sets to facilitate re-entry prediction of spent rocket bodies from geostationary transfer orbit

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    Predicting the re-entry of space objects enables the risk they pose to the ground population to be managed. The more accurate the re-entry forecast, the more cost-efficient risk mitigation measures can be put in place. However, at present, the only publicly available ephemerides (two line element sets, TLEs) should not be used for accurate re-entry prediction directly. They may contain erroneous state vectors, which need to be filtered out. Also, the object’s physical parameters (ballistic and solar radiation pressure coefficients) need to be estimated to enable accurate propagation. These estimates are only valid between events that change object’s physical properties, e.g. collisions and fragmentations. Thus, these events need to be identified amongst the TLEs. This paper presents the TLE analysis methodology, which enables outlying TLEs and space events to be identified. It is then demonstrated how various TLE filtering stages improve the accuracy of the TLE-based re-entry prediction

    Re-entry prediction of spent rocket bodies in GTO

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    Spent upper stages are bodies consisting of components likely to survive re-entry, for example propellant tanks. Therefore, the re-entry of upper stages might be associated with high on-ground casualty risk. This paper presents a tool for re-entry prediction of spent rocket bodies in GTO based exclusively on Two Line Element set (TLE) data. TLE analysis and filtering, spacecraft parameters estimation, and combined state and parameters estimation are the main building blocks of the tool. The performance of the tool is assessed by computing the accuracy of the re-entry prediction of 92 GTO objects, which re-entered in the past 50 years

    Single-Bus and Dual-Bus Architectures of Electrical Power Systems for Small Spacecraft

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    Nowadays, it has become possible for universities and new businesses to launch satellites of reduced size and cost fulfilling viable missions. Nevertheless, there is still a considerable failure rate that reduces the expected lifetime of these spacecraft. One of the main causes of failure is the power system. Redundancy is one of the main options to enhance its lifetime and lower the failure rate. However, cost, mass, and complexity increase due to redundancy, making it more difficult to complete the projects. Thus, it is necessary to enhance the lifetime of power systems while keeping the development process simple and fast. This paper proposes two configurations of an electrical power system with duplicate components: single-bus configuration has been designed for a nanosatellite not yet launched and dual-bus configuration for a micro deep-space probe launched into a heliocentric orbit. The design and implementation of two dual electrical power systems are described; measurements and on-orbit data of the electrical power system of the micro deep-space probe are also presented, demonstrating that the dual-bus electrical power system can be successfully used in spacecraft. Lastly, conclusions regarding the redundancy considerations for small satellite electrical power systems are drawn based on these two examples

    Solar Module Integrated Converters as Power Generator in Small Spacecrafts: Design and Verification Approach

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    As small satellites are becoming more widespread for new businesses and applications, the development time, failure rate and cost of the spacecraft must be reduced. One of the systems with the highest cost and the most frequent failure in the satellite is the Electrical Power System (EPS). One approach to achieve rapid development times while reducing the cost and failure rate is using scalable modules. We propose a solar module integrated converter (SMIC) and its verification process as a key component for power generation in EPS. SMIC integrates the solar array, its regulators and the telemetry acquisition unit. This paper details the design and verification process of the SMIC and presents the in-orbit results of 12 SMICs used in Ten-Koh satellite, which was developed in less than 1.5 years. The in-orbit data received since the launch reveal that solar module withstands not only the launching environment of H-IIA rocket but also more than 1500 orbits in LEO. The modular approach allowed the design, implementation and qualification of only one module, followed by manufacturing and integration of 12 subsequent flight units. The approach with the solar module can be followed in other components of the EPS such as battery and power regulators


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    Micro satellites must survive severe mechanical conditions during their launch phase. One design requirement for rockets is the stiffness requirement, i.e. the natural frequencies requirement. In the early stages of satellite development, presumption of the natural frequency of a satellite may be difficult. The material used for the structure of many micro satellites is an aluminum alloy. The structure subsystem occupies a large portion of the satellite mass, and the elastic modulus of this aluminum alloy is larger than that of other subsystems. Therefore, the mechanical property of the aluminum alloy cannot be used to represent the mechanical property of the whole satellite. The density of an actual satellite differs from the density of the aluminum alloy. Therefore, when estimating the minimum natural frequency, the size and the elastic modules of an actual satellite structure must be used. When using an actual satellite structure, the estimated minimum natural frequencies of the lateral direction and the longitudinal direction during the ascent phase are in agreement with the measured values acquired by the vibration tests. In order to shorten a process of satellite development, this paper describes a practical method for estimating the natural frequency of a cube-shaped micro satellite This paper is a modified version of the previous paper [1] using new measurement results

    Considering the collision probability of Active Debris Removal missions

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    Active Debris Removal (ADR) methods are being developed due to a growing concern about the congestion on-orbit and sustainability of spaceflight. This study examined the probability of an on-orbit collision between an ADR target, whilst being de-orbited, and all the objects in the public catalogue published by the US Strategic Command. Such a collision could have significant effects because the target is likely to be located in a densely populated orbital regime and thus follow-on collisions could take place. Six impulsive and three low-thrust example ADR mission trajectories were screened for conjunctions. Extremely close conjunctions were found to result in as much as 99% of the total accumulated collision probability. The need to avoid those conjunctions is highlighted, which raises concerns about ADR methods that do not support collision avoidance. Shortening the removal missions, at an expense of more ?V?V and so cost, will also lower their collision probability by reducing the number of conjunctions that they will experience

    Enhancing spaceflight safety with UOS3 cubesat

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    Earth orbits are becoming increasingly congested. This will not only impact future space operations but also become a concern for the population on the ground; with more spacecraft being flown, more objects will re-enter the atmosphere in an uncontrolled fashion. Parts of these satellites can reach Earth surface and endanger the ground population (e.g. ROSAT or UARS satellites). A student-run project from the University of Southampton aims to build a 1U cubesat (approx. 10 by 10 by 10 cm satellite), which will gather data that will improve the accuracy of re-entry predictions. The cubesat will record and deliver its position and attitude during the orbital decay, thus providing validation data for re-entry prediction tools. This will reduce the risk to the ground population because more accurate prognoses will allow mitigation measures to be implemented in the areas at risk. The mission could also allow the risk of collision between spacecraft to be estimated more accurately thanks to improvement of the atmospheric models. This would give the decision makers more complete information to use, for instance, in collision avoidance manoeuvre plannin