31 research outputs found

    Identification of repeated Alpine (ultra) high-pressure metamorphic events by U-Pb SHRIMP geochronology and REE geochemistry of zircon: the Rhodope zone of Northern Greece

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    U-Pb sensitive high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) zircon geochronology, combined with REE geochemistry, has been applied in order to gain insight into the complex polymetamorphic history of the (ultra) high pressure [(U)HP] zone of Rhodope. Dating included a paragneiss of Central Rhodope, for which (U)HP conditions have been suggested, an amphibolitized eclogite, as well as a leucosome from a migmatized orthogneiss at the immediate contact to the amphibolitized eclogite, West Rhodope. The youngest detrital zircon cores of the paragneiss yielded ca. 560Ma. This date indicates a maximum age for sedimentation in this part of Central Rhodope. The concentration of detrital core ages of the paragneiss between 670-560Ma and around 2Ga is consistent with a Gondwana provenance of the eroded rocks in this area of Central Rhodope. Metamorphic zircon rims of the same paragneiss yielded a lower intercept 206Pb/238U age of 148.8±2.2Ma. Variable post-148.8Ma Pb-loss in the outermost zircon rims of the paragneiss, in combination with previous K-Ar and SHRIMP-data, suggest that this rock of Central Rhodope underwent an additional Upper Eocene (ca. 40Ma) metamorphic/fluid event. In West Rhodope, the co-magmatic zircon cores of the amphibolitized eclogite yielded a lower intercept 206Pb/238U age of 245.6±3.9Ma, which is interpreted as the time of crystallization of the gabbroic protolith. The metamorphic zircon rims of the same rock gave a lower intercept 206Pb/238U age of 51.0±1.0Ma. REE data on the metamorphic rims of the zircons from both the paragneiss of Central Rhodope and the amphibolitized eclogite of West Rhodope show no Eu anomaly in the chondrite-normalized patterns, indicating that they formed at least under HP conditions. Flat or nearly flat HREE profiles of the same zircons are consistent with the growth of garnet at the time of zircon formation. Low Nb and Ta contents of the zircon rims in the amphibolitized eclogite indicate concurrent growth of rutile. Based on the REE characteristics, the 148.8±2.2Ma age of the garnet-kyanite paragneiss, Central Rhodope and the 51.0±1.0Ma age of the amphibolitized eclogite, West Rhodope are interpreted to reflect the time close to the (U)HP and HP metamorphic peaks, respectively, with a good approximation. The magmatic zircon cores of the leucosome in the migmatized orthogneiss, West Rhodope, gave a lower intercept 206Pb/238U age of 294.3±2.4Ma for the crystallization of the granitoid protolith of the orthogneiss. Two oscillatory zircon rims around the Hercynian cores, yielded ages of 39.7±1.2 and 38.1±0.8Ma (2σ errors), which are interpreted as the time of leucosome formation during migmatization. The zircons in the leucosome do not show the 51 Ma old HP metamorphism identified in the neighboring amphibolitized eclogite, possibly because the two rock types were brought together tectonically after 51Ma. If one takes into account the two previously determined ages of ca. 73Ma for (U)HP metamorphism in East Rhodope, as well as the ca. 42Ma for HP metamorphism in Thermes area, Central Rhodope, four distinct events of (U)HP metamorphism throughout Alpine times can be distinguished: 149, 73, 51 and 42Ma. Thus, it is envisaged that the Rhodope consists of different terranes, which resulted from multiple Alpine subductions and collisions of micro-continents, rather similar to the presently accepted picture in the Central and Western Alps. It is likely that these microcontinents were rifted off from thinned continental margins of Gondwana, between the African and the European plates before the onset of Alpine convergenc

    The youngest basic oceanic magmatism in the Alps (Late Cretaceous

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    Cathodoluminescence-controlled radiometric dating (U-Pb SHRIMP) was carried out on zircon domains from metabasic rocks of the Chiavenna unit, a major mafic/ultramafic-bearing unit in the Central Alps. Co-magmatic zircon domains from amphibolites near Chiavenna and Prata areas yielded weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages at 93.0±2.0 and 93.9±1.8Ma, respectively, interpreted as the age of crystallization of the magmatic protoliths. These ages fit well with the time of late spreading in the Valais Ocean, as suggested by previous paleogeographic reconstructions. Inherited zircon grains and/or core domains (Permo-Triassic, Carboniferous, Proterozoic) are abundant, indicating proximity of the Chiavenna unit to thinned continental crust. This is in line with the origin of this unit from subcontinental mantle sources, as suggested previously on petrological and structural grounds. Metamorphic zircon domains from one amphibolite near Chiavenna yielded a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age at 37.1±0.9Ma, identical to the 38.5±0.9 Ma SHRIMP age of an amphibolitized eclogite of the Antrona ophiolites (Valais domain, Western Alps). Precise metamorphic ages were difficult to obtain from the composite (poly)metamorphic rim domains of the Prata amphibolite. This is attributed to the location of the Prata area close to the granulite-facies Gruf unit (metamorphosed at ca. 33Ma) and to the 24-25 Ma old Novate granite, where metamorphic/fluid events probably caused multiple resetting to various degrees. The ca. 93 Ma old magmatism, identified for the first time in the Chiavenna unit, is the youngest basic oceanic magmatism reported in the Alps. The 37.1±0.9 Ma old metamorphism in the Chiavenna unit, attributed to the Valais domain, confirms the model suggesting stepwise younging of metamorphic ages from the south (Adriatic plate) to the north (European plate). It is older than metamorphism in the European margin (ca. 35-31Ma) lying to the north of the Valais domain and younger than that in the Piemont-Ligurian Ocean (ca. 44-45Ma) lying to the south of the Valais domai

    Jurassic ophiolites within the Valais domain of the Western and Central Alps: geochronological evidence for re-rifting of oceanic crust

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    Metabasic rocks from different parts of the Antrona ophiolites, Western Alps, as well as from the Misox zone, Central Alps, were dated using ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U-Pb analyses of zircon, in association with cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging. HP metamorphism must have affected at least the major part of the Antrona ophiolites, although HP relics are rarely preserved, probably due to the Lepontine metamorphic overprint. HP metamorphism has affected also the area of the Misox zone. The origin of the Antrona ophiolites is arguable. They were interpreted as part of both the Piemont-Ligurian (PL) and the Valais ocean, the two main oceans in the area of the Alps before Alpine convergence. SHRIMP-analyses of co-magmatic zircon domains from the Antrona ophiolites (Guggilihorn, Passo del Mottone and Quarata areas) yielded identical (within uncertainty) weighted mean206Pb/238U ages of 155.2±1.6Ma, 158±17Ma (or 163.1±2.4Ma: one analysis; 1σ error) and 155.6±2.1Ma, respectively, interpreted as the time of crystallization of the magmatic protoliths. These Late Jurassic ages fit well to the time span considered for the formation of Piemont-Ligurian oceanic crust. The metagabbro of the Misox zone (Hinterrhein area), for which a Valaisan origin is generally accepted, gave also a Late Jurassic, PL protolith age of 161.0±3.9Ma. The metamorphic zircon domains from the amphibolitized eclogite of Mottone yielded an age of 38.5±0.7Ma, interpreted as the time of HP metamorphism. This age is in good agreement with the time of metamorphism reported from previous zircon SHRIMP-data for eclogites and amphibolites of other parts in the Valais domain. In order to bring in line the PL protolith ages with the Valaisan metamorphic ages, we suggest a scenario involving emplacement of part of the PL oceanic crust to the north of the newly formed Briançonnais peninsula, inside the Valais geotectonic domain. This paleotectonic configuration was probably established when younger Valaisan oceanic crust formed by spreading and re-rifting, partly within PL oceanic crus

    Late Miocene magmatic activity in the Attic-Cycladic Belt of the Aegean (Lavrion, SE Attica, Greece): implications for the geodynamic evolution and timing of ore deposition

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    Numerous post-metamorphic Miocene granitoids occur in the area of Lavrion, SE Attica, at the western end of the Attic-Cycladic Belt of the Aegean. U-Pb ion microprobe-dating (SHRIMP) of zircon from a granitoid sill in the hanging-wall of a regional detachment fault reveals two distinct ages: (1) 11.93 ± 0.41 Ma, obtained from inherited zircon cores with metamorphic characteristics (homogeneous cathodoluminescence, low Th/U ratios) and granulite-type (round/resorbed) morphology. This age is interpreted as the time of a likely granulite-facies metamorphism of the precursor rock. (2) 8.34 ± 0.20 Ma, obtained by oscillatory zoned zircon domains with cathodoluminescence and Th/U characteristics typical for magmatic origin. This age is interpreted as the crystallization time of the granitoid sills. Although a granulite-facies metamorphic event has not been recognized so far for rocks of the Attic-Cycladic Belt, it seems to be the most plausible hypothesis to explain both the zircon systematics and age results. This hypothesis is consistent with an extensional regime predominating in the Aegean from Late Miocene times onwards. A possible granulite-facies metamorphism can be related to magmatic underplating at the initial stages of extension, setting an upper age of c. 12 Ma for the operation of the detachment fault. The 8.34 ± 0.20 Ma zircon crystallization age is, statistically, marginally different to a previous K-Ar feldspar date of hornblende-bearing dykes (9.4 ± 0.3 Ma) and identical to a 8.27 ± 0.11 Ma K-Ar biotite date of the main granitoid stock in the area, thus being generally consistent with prior age constraints from the region. Operation of the detachment fault in the Lavrion area is therefore bracketed between c. 11.9 Ma and at least 8.3 Ma. This time range is in line with the time of operation of detachment faults suggested previously for the Cycladic islands. Carbonate-hosted replacement-type massive sulphide Pb-Zn-Ag ores are spatially associated with the detachment fault and related extensional structures in the Basal Unit. Therefore, these Pb-Zn-Ag ores probably also formed within the above time span of c. 11.9 to at least 8.3 Ma. U-Pb ion microprobe (SHRIMP) dating of zircon from an orthogneiss within the metaclastic subunit of the Basal Unit in Lavrion yielded a protolith age of 240 ±4 Ma, consistent with ages of Triassic volcanism elsewhere in Greec

    Microscopic investigation of soot and ash particulate matter derived from biofuel and diesel: implications for the reactivity of soot

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    Investigation of soot and ash particulate matter deposited in diesel particulate filters (DPFs) operating with biofuel (B100) and diesel (pure diesel: B0 and diesel80/biofuel20 blend: B20) by means of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) reveals the following: the rapeseed methyl ester biofuel used for this study contributes to ash production, mainly of Ca-S- and P-bearing compounds ranging in size between 50 and 300nm. Smaller ash particles are less common and build aggregates. Ash is deposited on the inlet DPF surface, the inlet channel walls, and in B100-DPF at the plugged ends of inlet channels. The presence of Fe-Cr-Ni fragments, down to tens of nanometers in size within the ash is attributed to engine wear. Pt particles (50-400nm large) within the ash indicate that the diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) upstream of the DPF shows aging effects. Radial cracks on the coating layer of the DOC confirm this assumption. The B100-DPF contains significantly less soot than B20 and B0. Based on the generally accepted view that soot reactivity correlates with the nanostructure of its primary particles, the length and curvature of graphene sheets from biofuel- and diesel-derived soot were measured and computed on the basis of HRTEM images. The results show that biofuel-derived soot can be more easily oxidized than diesel soot, not only during early formation but also during and after considerable particle growth. Differences in the graphene sheet separation distance, degree of crystalline order and size of primary soot particles between the two fuel types are in line with this inferenc

    Non-volatile particle emissions from aircraft turbine engines at ground-idle induce oxidative stress in bronchial cells

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    Aircraft emissions contribute to local and global air pollution. Health effects of particulate matter (PM) from aircraft engines are largely unknown, since controlled cell exposures at relevant conditions are challenging. We examined the toxicity of non-volatile PM (nvPM) emissions from a CFM56-7B26 turbofan, the world's most used aircraft turbine using an unprecedented exposure setup. We combined direct turbine-exhaust sampling under realistic engine operating conditions and the Nano-Aerosol Chamber for In vitro Toxicity to deposit particles onto air-liquid-interface cultures of human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) at physiological conditions. We evaluated acute cellular responses after 1-h exposures to diluted exhaust from conventional or alternative fuel combustion. We show that single, short-term exposures to nvPM impair bronchial epithelial cells, and PM from conventional fuel at ground-idle conditions is the most hazardous. Electron microscopy of soot reveals varying reactivity matching the observed cellular responses. Stronger responses at lower mass concentrations suggest that additional metrics are necessary to evaluate health risks of this increasingly important emission source

    The age of ophiolitic rocks of the Hellenides (Vourinos, Pindos, Crete): first U-Pb ion microprobe (SHRIMP) zircon ages

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    Ophiolites in mainland Greece (Vourinos, Pindos and Othrys) form a NNW-SSE trending belt within the orogen of the Hellenides, extending further north into the Dinarides. Smaller ophiolite outcrops are also found on Aegean islands. A minimum Mid- to Late-Jurassic age has been inferred for these ophiolites, on the basis of paleontological data, as well as radiometric data from the so-called metamorphic soles at the base of the ophiolites. The latter data mark the end of spreading and initiation of intra-oceanic thrusting. U-Pb ion microprobe (SHRIMP) dating of co-magmatic zircon domains from one gabbro and one plagiogranite (Vourinos) yielded weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages at 168.5±2.4 and 172.9±3.1 Ma, respectively, interpreted as the time of crystallization of the rocks. One gabbro from Pindos yielded a crystallization age of 171±3 Ma (1 σ). All three ages are identical to within analytical uncertainty. They are also within uncertainty of the radiometric ages reported previously from metamorphic soles. This implies (a) that the time difference between the igneous crystallization of the Vourinos and Pindos ophiolitic rocks dated here and the formation of the metamorphic soles is short, at least not resolvable within the uncertainties of the current geochronological techniques and (b) that the ocean ridge remained active while intra-oceanic thrusting commenced. Our geochronological results and their correlation with existing radiometric data from the metamorphic soles are obviously neither in favor nor against a supra-subduction setting for the formation of the above ophiolites. Zircons from a hornblendite (considered as constituent of the ophiolites) from the island of Crete, close to Kerames area yielded a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 162.7±2.8 Ma. This age is in agreement with the oldest of a wide range of K-Ar amphibole ages (166-149 Ma) previously reported for this rock-type. Zircon in the hornblendite is both of an igneous origin, and with recrystallized areas interpreted to have formed immediately after its formation under high-T, in the presence of abundant fluids, both events, or processes, having occurred within the analytical uncertainty time span. The 162.7±2.8 Ma age reflects and its uncertainty encompasses then both the time of igneous crystallization and high-T metamorphism in a high-T shear zone