33 research outputs found

    Estado sanitario y resistencia a la clorosis férrica

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    12 páginas, 15 fotografías.La observación radicular se llevó a cabo tras descubrir las raíces hasta una profundidad máxima de 50 cm. El exámen de los pámpanos accesibles se realizó hasta una al tura de 2.5 m.Peer reviewe

    In vitro culture, a method to improve germination of plants with forestal interest in Andalusia

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    Se compara la germinación obtenida por métodos convencionales (siembra de semillas en bandejas), con la lograda por el cultivo in vitro de semillas con cubierta, con cubierta escarificada, sin cubierta o embriones aislados, de especies vegetales elegidas por su carácter endémico, su interés como plantas forestales en Andalucía, su dificultad de germinación y su situación de en peligro de extinción o clara regresión. Los resultados obtenidos con semillas por métodos tradicionales, fueron muy pobres tanto en el porcentaje de germinación, como en el tiempo prolongado, necesario para ello. Por el contrario, los procedimientos de germinación in vitro, que se utilizaron siempre de mas sencillo (semilla completa) a mas complicado (embrión), dieron tantos por ciento elevados de germinación en tiempos reducidos, como se especifica para cada especie: Atropa baetica Willk., 100% de germinación en 30 días con semilla completa sin escarificar; Echinospartum algibicum Talavera & Aparicio, 100% de germinación en 30 días, con semilla completa escarificada; Juniperus oxycedrus, L. subsp, oxycedrus, y Juniperus oxycedrus, L. subsp, macrocarpa (Sibth. & Reuter) Ball., 50% de germinación en 45 días con embriones aislados; Lavatera maritima Gouan, 76% de germinación a los 21 días, con semillas completas sin escarificar; Olea europaea L. var.sativa, Olea europaea L. var. sylvestris Brot., 100% de germinación en 10 días con embriones aislados; Phillyrea latifolia L., 55% de germinación a los 7 días en embriones aislados y Rhododendron ponticum subsp. baeticum (Boiss. & Reuter) Hand-Mazz. 90 % en 30 días con semillas completas. En todas las especies consideradas, se obtuvieron porcentajes elevados de supervivencia (>85%) al trasplantar las plántulas desde in vitro a condiciones externas.Seed germination by traditional methods and in vitro culture of normal, scarified or naked seeds, or isolated embryos of Andalusian forestal plants, were compared. The plants were chosen by their endemic character, dificulty of germination and endangered situation. In general, traditional methods gave bad results, in terms of low percentage and long time of germination. On the contrary, by in vitro culture, the following results were obtained: Atropa baetica Willk., 100% of germination in 30 days with normal seeds; Echinospartum algibicum Talavera & Aparicio, 100% of germination in 30 days, with scarified seeds; Juniperus oxycedrus, L. subsps, oxycedrus and macrocarpa, (Sibth. & Reuter) Ball., 50% of germination in 45 days with isolated embryos; Lavatera maritima Gouan, 76% of germination in 21 days, with normal seeds; Olea europaea L. vars. sativa and sylvestris, Brot. 100% of germination in 10 days with isolated embryos; Phillyrea latifolia L., 55% of germination in 7 days with isolated embryos and Rhododendron ponticum subsp. baeticum (Boiss. & Reuter) HandMazz. 90 % of germination in 30 days with normal seeds. All the species considered gave high percentage of surviving plants (> 85%) when transplanted from in vitro to outside conditions

    Conservación de plantas de interés forestal

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    10 páginas, 11 fotografías, 2 tablas, 3 referencias.Los bosques constituyen un nexo imprescindibles en el desarrollo normal de la vida. Influyen en la calidad del aire, en la regulación del clima y en la conservación del suelo, plantas, animales y paisaje. Explotados de una forma racional, se convierten en fuente de riqueza. La conservación de las especies vegetales es uno de los aspectos principales en el mantenimiento del bosque. A su interés en el ecosistema, las plantas silvestres encierran una importancia capital como banco de genes, que puedan mejorar determinados caracteres de sus parientes domesticadas, en particular en los implicados en su adaptación al medio. Las plantas de uso agrícola se han ido seleccionando en razón de su productividad en condiciones adecuadas de cultivo. Ello ha repercutido en un menor potencial de resistencia o tolerancia ante situaciones adversas. Por el contrario, las especies forestales se han ido autoseleccionando por su capacidad de adaptación a condiciones de estrés.Peer reviewe

    La micropropagazione in Spagna e Portogallo

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    2 páginas. comunicación presentada al Convegno Nazionale: La micropropagaziones in Italia: stato attuale e prospettive future. Un incontro tra operatori del settore e della ricerca. Corte Benedettina, Legnano, 20-21 novembre, 2008.Tradizionalmente la micropropagazione è stata definita come “l´ottenimento in vitro di piante per via agamica (clonazione) per una moltiplicazione rapida”. Poiché le piante in natura si possono propagare sia per via agamica (moltiplicazione clonale) che per via gamica (riproduzione, con incremento della biodiversità), e per il fatto che oggi si adopera la coltura in vitro per altri scopi oltre alla moltiplicazione rapida, in questo lavoro si preferisce definire la micropropagazione come “la propagazione in vitro di materiale vegetale agamico o sessuale per l´ottenimento rapido di piante”.Peer reviewe

    Influence of different olive rootstocks on growth and production of "Gordal Sevillana"

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    4 páginas, 1 tabla, 1 referencia.-- Proceedings of the I International Symposium on Olive Growing/International Society for Horticultural Science, Fruit Section-Working Group on Olive.-- Sociedad Española de Ciencias Hortícolas.-- International Society for Horticultural Science.-- Simposio celebrado del 26-29 de septiembre 1989, en Córdoba, España.The influence of 20 olive rootstocks on growth and production of ‘Gordal Sevillano’, also comparing the self-rooted ‘Gordal’ is studied. In the 4th year of field implanting, according to plant height and width (canopy diameter) the following growth classification can be done: Rootstocks inducing big growth: Acebuche, ‘Morisca de Badajoz’, ‘Azulejo’, ‘Lechín de Sevilla’, ‘Real sevillana’, ‘Cornezuelo’ and ‘Aloreña’. Rootstocks inducing normal growth: ‘Cañivano’, ‘Carrasqueña’, ‘Gordal’, ‘Blanqueta’, ‘Tempranilla de la Sierra’, ‘Changlot’, ‘Manzanilla de Jaén’, ‘Alameño’ and ‘Pico-limón’. Rootstocks inducing little growth: ‘Redondilla de Logroño’, ‘Picual’, ‘Buidiego’, ‘Hojiblanca’ and ‘Habichuelero’. Plants with large production are: ‘Morisca de Badajoz’, ‘Cañivano’, ‘Acebuche’, ‘Manzanilla de Jaén’, ‘Carrasqueña’, ‘Gordal’ and ‘Tempranilla de la Sierra’. Ratio between plant height and width and fruit quality (ratio between the two transversal axis of the fruit and ratio between pulp and stone) are also considered.Peer reviewe

    Técnicas de conservación

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    13 páginas, 9 fotografías, 1 tabla.La vid silvestre aun existe en ecosistemas del Sur y Centro de Europa. Norte de África y Oeste de Asia (ZOHARY y HOPF. op. cit.), aunque se está produciendo una destrucción continua de sus poblaciones debido a la deforestación, obras públicas (carreteras, pantanos, etc.) nuevas urbanizaciones y uso del suelo para agricultura. ARNOLD et al. (op. Cit.) destacan el estado preocupante de las poblaciones de Vid Silvestre en los bosques de Austria, Bulgaria,. España, Francia, Hungría, Italia, Rumanía Suiza y la antigua Yugoslavia, como ya se ha indicado anteriormente. En el caso de España las pérdidas de poblaciones de Vides Silvestres son realmente elevadas (OCETE el alt. 1997).Peer reviewe

    Effect of different N forms and concentrations on olive seedlings growth

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    5 páginas, 3 figuras, 1 tabla, 12 referencias.-- III International Symposium on Olive Growing, celebrado en septiembre 1997, en Chania, Crete, Greece.The effect of different N forms on the growth of olive seedlings in the greenhouse was studied. KNO3, NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 at different concentrations, as well as two types of substrates, sterile sand and a sand-peat mixture (1:1), were tested. In sterile sand, with N concentrations higher than 5 mM, serious damage was observed in the plants, so concentrations of 3, 4 and 5 mM of N were used for each N salt. N-NH4 treatments resulted in a significantly higher growth compared to KNO3 treatment. Using the peat-sand substrate and the N concentrations described above, seedling growth was higher than in sterile sand, but no differences among treatments were observed. However, the peat:sand substrate allowed application of higher N concentrations and using NH4NO3 differences in growth were obtained, reaching the best results with 14–28 mM.This research was supported by Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología, projecl AGF 94-1071-C05-04.Peer reviewe

    The use of in vitro culture to improve the propagation of Rhododendron ponticum subsp. baeticum (Boiss. & Reuter)

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    10 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables, 20 references.Rhododendron ponticum subsp. baeticum is endemic in the southern region of the Iberian Peninsula. The relict populations of this species are vulnerable, due mainly to difficult conditions for the establishment of seedlings, resulting in a virtual lack of sexual recruitment. In order to preserve the surviving populations, in vitro culture methods have been applied for both the sexual and the agamic propagation of the species. The in vitro germination of seeds was high when conducted with Anderson’s medium without plant growth regulators. The self-rooted seedlings obtained were easily transplanted to outside conditions. The presence of growth regulators in the medium interfered with the development of the seedlings, causing heavy callus formation. The in vitro growth of explants took place readily in Anderson’s medium plus 0.072 mg L−1 of BA and 0.036 mg L−1 of NAA although the explants did not form roots. Rooting was achieved by the basal dipping of the explants in hydroalcoholic solutions of 500 mg L−1 IAA during the outside transplanting process. Therefore, the combination of in vitro grown explants together with ex vitro rooting, results in a good method for the agamic propagation of Rhododendron ponticum subsp. baeticum.Peer reviewe

    The use of "in vitro" culture and tubular container system to propagate selected grapevine plants for sherry wine production

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    5 páginas, 4 tablas, 6 referencias.-- International Symposium on Vegetative Propagation of Woody Species, celebrado del 3-5 de septiembre 1987, en Pisa, Italia.The combination 161–49 Riparia x Berlandieri (rootstock) and the cultivar "Palomino Fino" is the most largely cultivated in the Jerez zone to produce Pale-Fine Sherry wine. The clonal selection of these plants took place in collaboration with, P. Domecq, S.A. Four farms belonging and representative of Jerez-Xéres-Sherry origin denomination zone, were chosen. From 1968 to 1977, according to the production (Kg/plant) and must quality (pH, sugars, acidity, total amino-acids, polyphenols, malic, tartaric and citric acids) the 25 best plants of each farm were selected. Then, 10 scions/plant were grafted on 161–49, and planted together in homogeneous conditions, to continue the selection, having actually 12 selected clones. Cuttings from these clones, rootstock and cultivar, were propagated by tubular container system (Pat. n° 521533). From the very vigorous new shoots formed on the cuttings, explants (0.3–0.5 mm) were taken to be propagated in vitro. With this material, contaminated was clearly decreased. Different conditions and media were compared in the multiplication's stage, best was a modified Anderson medium. There were important troubles with the stage of transplanting, was difficult and expensive to adapt plants to outside conditions. Very good results were obtained rooting "in vivo" plantlets from "in vitro".Peer reviewe

    In vitro development and germination of immature olive embryos

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    6 pages, 18 figures, 1 table, 33 references.In vitro culture methods were used to germinate olive embryos prior to maturation. Fruit, seed and embryo development were established with consecutive sampling from 20 to 100 days after bloom. For that same period, embryo developmenta nd germination successw ere determined by in vitro culture trials using one-third strength MS medium with or without the addition of zeatin. For early developmental stages, when isolation of the embryo was difficult, a cut portion of the seed containing the embryo was used for culture. The embryos cultured within the cut seed portions germinated and formed normal plantlets. Histological observations indicated a close similarity between the natural and in vitro immature embryo differentiation pattern, progressing through preglobular, globular, heartshapeda nd torpedo-shapeds tages.I n somec ases,h owever, the in vitro immature embryosd evelopedo r germinated abnormally. The presence of zeatin (0.25 mg 1-1) in the culture medium and the use of a cut seed-portion containing the immature embryo allowed in vitro germination sooner after bloom than previously obtained. On the contrary, zeatin was a handicap for mature olive embryo in vitro germination, which reached 100% seedling formation when no plant growth regulators were used.Peer reviewe