28 research outputs found

    American Mobilities: Geographies of Class, Race, and Gender in US Culture

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    American Mobilities investigates representations of mobility - social, economic, geographic - in American film and literature during the Depression, WWII, and the early Cold War. With an emphasis on the dual meaning of "domestic," referring to both the family home and the nation, this study traces the important trope of mobility that runs through the "American" century. Juxtaposing canonical fiction with popular, and low-budget independent films with Classical Hollywood, the author brings the analytic tools of American cultural and literary studies to bear on an eclectic array of primary texts as she builds a case for the significance of mobility in the study of the United States

    American Mobilities

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    American Mobilities investigates representations of mobility – social, economic, geographic – in American film and literature during the Depression, WWII, and the early Cold War. With an emphasis on the dual meaning of »domestic«, referring to both the family home and the nation, this study traces the important trope of mobility that runs through the »American« century. Juxtaposing canonical fiction with popular, and low-budget independent films with Classical Hollywood, Leyda brings the analytic tools of American cultural and literary studies to bear on an eclectic array of primary texts as she builds a case for the significance of mobility in the study of the United States

    American Mobilities

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    American Mobilities investigates representations of mobility – social, economic, geographic – in American film and literature during the Depression, WWII, and the early Cold War. With an emphasis on the dual meaning of »domestic«, referring to both the family home and the nation, this study traces the important trope of mobility that runs through the »American« century. Juxtaposing canonical fiction with popular, and low-budget independent films with Classical Hollywood, Leyda brings the analytic tools of American cultural and literary studies to bear on an eclectic array of primary texts as she builds a case for the significance of mobility in the study of the United States

    The Feminist Futures of American Studies

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    This article reflects on the long-term and recent developments in the interdisciplinary field of American studies and its imbrications with its cultural and political contexts. Pushing back against premature assertions of feminism's obsolescence, I argue that scholars and teachers of American studies and media studies must take the popular seriously―popular film and television as well as popular political movements. Given the growing demand from students for a deeper and more sustained engagement with intersectional feminism, the article works through some short case studies to urge even the confirmed feminists to rethink and refresh their approaches to teaching and performing scholarship to best provide students with the theoretical tools to strengthen and define their feminism as a discipline as well as an attitude. Inspired by the popular 2014 movement, "The Year of Reading Women," the #metoo and #timesup phenomena, and the popularity of and backlash against celebrity feminism of Beyoncé and others, this article weaves together academic and pop-cultural sources such as Sara Ahmed and Roxane Gay to underscore our responsibility to maintain, nurture, and contribute to the progress made by previous generations of feminists

    New developments in topological fluid mechanics

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    In this paper we present and discuss ideas and new results in three different research areas of topological fluid mechanics. First, we propose a conjectured experiment to produce and observe, for the first time, vortex knotting in real fluids. Next we provide a new ropelength bound for tight, magnetic knots in ideal magnetohydrodynamics. Finally, we present a novel interpretation of eigenvalue analysis of tensor fields in terms of integral geometry by using the information on form factors provided by structural complexity analysis


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    In the present work, the results of the application of the research methods that support the design of a methodological alternative that contributes to the improvement of the teaching-learning process of Higher Mathematics I in the distance modality in the career of Accounting are presented. Finance; in the Municipal University Center of Jagüey Grande, Matanzas, Cuba; academic courses 2019, 2020 and 2021; aimed at preparing the teacher to take on this challenge. The theoretical-methodological foundations are addressed, in correspondence with the preparation of teachers to face this challenge. A flexible alteEn el presente trabajo se presentan los resultados de la aplicación de los métodos de investigación que respaldan el diseño de propuestas como alternativa metodológica que contribuya al perfeccionamiento del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Matemática Superior I en la modalidad a distancia en la carrera de Contabilidad y Finanzas; en el Centro Universitario Municipal de Jagüey Grande, Matanzas, Cuba; cursos académico 2019,2020 y 2021; orientada a la preparación del profesor para asumir este reto. Se abordan los fundamentos teórico-metodológicos, en correspondencia con la preparación de docentes para enfrentar este reto. Se proponen alternativas flexibles, que pueden ser enriquecidas por la creatividad de los docentes


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    En el presente trabajo se presentan los resultados de la aplicación de los métodos de investigación que respaldan el diseño de propuestas como alternativa metodológica que contribuya al perfeccionamiento del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Matemática Superior I en la modalidad a distancia en la carrera de Contabilidad y Finanzas; en el Centro Universitario Municipal de Jagüey Grande, Matanzas, Cuba; cursos académico 2019,2020 y 2021; orientada a la preparación del profesor para asumir este reto. Se abordan los fundamentos teórico-metodológicos, en correspondencia con la preparación de docentes para enfrentar este reto. Se proponen alternativas flexibles, que pueden ser enriquecidas por la creatividad de los docentes

    Post-Air-Conditioning Futures and the Climate Unconscious

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    A taken-for-granted benefit of living in the belly of American late capitalism is the convenience and comfort of an air-conditioned environment. My essay title is meant to conjure an image of one of the more banal and quotidian absences in a possible climate-changed future, in which some of those aspects of what passes for modern life can no longer be assumed. I want to call attention to what this technology has meant for everyday life in the USA, both literally and as a signifier of what could change in a post-energy-transition future in which summers will be hotter and electricity more expensive. Air conditioning also makes for an appropriate symbol of elided global inequality that ground critiques of the totalizing conception of human agency that is causing climate change, the ‘anthro’ in Anthropocene. As a recent long-form article in the Guardian points out, most of those who enjoy the conveniences of air conditioning today live in parts of the world that emit far greater quantities of carbon than less-developed countries. The latter unsurprisingly suffer more from the effects of that distant consumption as the ferocity of heat waves increase, causing higher numbers of casualties among people who cannot afford air conditioning.1 My arguments here will draw on existing scholarship in the environmental humanities to illustrate the ways in which film and television studies can benefit from and contribute to the pressing need to think through the current climate crisis using all disciplinary tools available. In this short essay I outline the viewing strategies that can develop via an exploration of the seemingly banal and everyday experience of sweating in the absence of what used to be called ‘indoor climate control’, or air conditioning

    Climate Crisis, Financial Crisis: Negative Mobility and Domicide in 21st-Century American Cinema

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    This article considers films that portray negative mobility and domicide in the wake of the housing crisis and recession on the one hand, and climate change on the other. It puts forward the thesis that these films register a pervasive reversal (not unprecedented, but newly urgent) of archetypal American notions about mobility, which render the process in optimistic terms—upward and outward. These give way to a dominant image of downward, aimless mobility in the context of impoverishment and homelessness, an imagery I condense in the concept of ‘negative mobility.’ The trope of domicide—the intentional destruction of home—provides a theoretical lens with which to examine the upheavals and growing inequalities in the contemporary US. These two concepts enable me to theorize the renewed significance of home and mobility in contemporary culture with the advent of the twin crises of the housing crash and climate change. Both crises play out across ‘homes’ located at multiple scales, from the individual and family to the national and beyond, bringing challenges to representation. Cinema is a prime location for articulating the kinds of affective scenarios that can make such complex issues graspable, interweaving emotional and visceral engagement with more considered intellectual responses and (sometimes) aesthetic pleasures. This will be exemplified with case studies of two films, 99 Homes (2014, director: Ramin Bahrani) and Snowpiercer (2017, director: Bong Joon Ho)

    Financial Times: Economic and Industrial Temporalities in Netflix’s Arrested Development

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    Arrested Development occupies an important place in twenty-first-century American television culture, both because of its peculiar positioning as a “before” and “after” snapshot of the housing crisis, and because its experimental revival (Netflix’s first) occasioned a similar set of obstacles to those that plagued the original series. As a representation of and an instance of the financialization of domestic space, this series about the failures of a wealthy family itself courts failure as a complex and innovative television narrative