80 research outputs found

    A Didactic Design Experiment:towards a Network Society Learning Paradigm

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    The ongoing transition from industrial to network society challenges educational practices and the process is characterised by opposing forces. At the political level, New Public Management initiatives oppose the general consensus that it is necessary to consolidate network society competencies. At the level of everyday educational practice we see a mounting tension between the quality of educational outcomes, in terms of genuine learning, and students’ strategies for dealing with an increasing pressure of efficiency and time. This article presents a design for teaching and learning experiment that aims to navigate these turbulent waters, scaffold genuine learning, satisfy learning objectives and ease the strain on students. Due to the experiences and knowledge derived from the experiment, the paper argues that the model behind the experiment demonstrates qualities that may be developed and refined and contribute to the educational system’s adjustment to the network society

    Evaluation as a powerful practice in digital learning processes

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    Editorial for EJEL Volume 16 Issue 1

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    Workshops as a Research Methodology

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    Students as Learning Designers

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    The Inclusion Potential of Student Production of Digital Learning Objects

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    Klædt på som online-underviser - kommunikation som barriere for netstøttet undervisning

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    Første gang publiceret i UNEV nr. 1: Undervisningsformer på nettet, november 2003, red. Simon Heilesen og Helle Bækkelund Jensen. ISSN 1603-5518.På flere uddannelsesinstitutioner begynder det i disse år at blive et krav, at dele af undervisningen skal udbydes som rene online-forløb eller som kombinerede fremmøde- og online-forløb.Artiklen præsenterer et overblik over IKT-kompetencer og univeritetspædagogik og beskriver undervisernes læreproces, når man skal lære kommunikative kompetencer på ny, ved hjælp af Dreyfus’ og Dreyfus’ taksonomiske begreber. Endelig analyseres et konkret IKT-kursusforløb for undervisere med specielt fokus på kommunikationens rolle i teknologistøttet undervisning og samarbejde
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