34 research outputs found

    Quantity of microelements and macroelements in mulberry leaves

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    White mulberry (Morus alba L.) naturally occurs in India, China, Japan and it is widely used in agriculture and medicine. Mulberry leaves contain plenty of different micro and macro elements. The chemical composition of leaves depends on species, breed, type of soil, amount of fertilizer, time of leaf picking and other factors. The aim of the research is to evaluate and compare the composition of micro and macro elements in white mulberry leaves. This research was carried out in 2016-2017, in the mulberry farm in Kaunas district. Leaves samples of two mulberry cultivars 'Turchanka' and 'Plodovaja 3' were collected in June. Mulberry leaves analysis micro (copper, manganese, silicon, zinc, iron) and macro elements (phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, magnesium) were conducted by standard methods (determination of selected elements by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry method) at Agrochemical Research Laboratory. The research has shown that leaves of white mulberry 'Turchanka' and 'Plodovaja 3' contains similar amount of micro elements such as: zinc from 1.65 to 1.73 mg 100 g−1 (dry matter), silicon - 25.63-28.05 mg 100 g−1 DM, manganese - 2.72-2.76 mg 100 g−1 DM. Furthermore, it was found similar amount of cooper, which range from 0.45 to 0.62 mg 100 g−1 DM, magnesium - 23.01-24.41 mg 100 g−1 DM, iron - 7.10-7.76 mg 100 g−1 DM. It was established that leaves of 'Plodovaja 3' cultivar contains higher levels of phosphorus, calcium, potassium and sulfur (respectively 594.13 mg 100 g−1 DM, 1461.33 mg 100 g−1 DM, 1827.08 mg 100 g−1 DM and 74.95 mg 100 g−1 DM). This research has revealed that leaves of white mulberry ‘Plodovaja 3’ cultivar contain more micro and macro elements than 'Turchanka' cultivar leavesVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Kai kurių technologinių faktorių įtaka sausųjų išrūgų tirpalų putų susidarymui bei jų stabilumui

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    Santr. angl., rusBibliogr.: p. 57 (30 pavad.)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Aromatic compounds in white mulberry (Morus alba L.) leaves

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    The mulberry plant is one of the conventional herbs that have been used in medicine since time ancient due to its pharmacological functions and chemical composition (Bajpai et al., 2012). Most of the parts of mulberry plants are used as medicine in Chinese and Indian medicine (Kumar et al., 2008). Leaves of white mulberry are rich in phenolic compounds and flavonoids (Thab¬ti et al., 2012), contain a wide range of amino acids, macronutri¬ents (Butt, 2008) and aromatic compounds. The applications of e-nose have been generated great interest in the analytical laboratories, medicinal plants, flavour, and fragrance companies as a reliable, simple and fast method of aroma analysis worldwide (Kenneth and Strassburger, 1998). The aim of this study was to investigate and describe dominant aromatic compounds of white mulberry (Morus alba L.) leaves depending on harvest month. The study was carried out on 8-year-old mulberry trees belonging to Morus alba L. cultivated in Kaunas District of Lithuania. The experimental plots were arranged in a randomised design with four replicates for each treatment. The distance between the rows was 5 m and the distance between mulberry trees was 4 m. Leaves of the two white mulberry cultivars, 'Turchanka' and 'Plodovaja 3' were harvested in June (young leaves) and September (ma ture leaves). Mulberry leaf samples were randomly collected and 3 grams of fresh leaves were placed in hermetically sealed tubes. Aromatic compounds of mulberry leaves were identified with electronic nose Heracles II (Alpha Mos, France). [...]Agronomijos fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Lutein, zeaxanthin, α, β -carotenes and lycopene in rosehip fruit flesh during ripening

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    https://doi.org/10.7220/9786094674662; https://zua.vdu.lt/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Agroeco_2020_Abstracts-Book.pdfRosehips flesh is a source of the vitamins, minerals, carotenoids such as lycopene, zeaxanthin, lutein, α, β -carotene and other biological active compounds. A two-factor field experiment with two rosehip species R. Rugosa and R. Canina was conducted in 2017–2018 on an organic farm in Pakruojis district Lithuania. The fruits were harvested five times in season and the carotenoids amount were compared at different stages of rosehip development. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of ripening stage on some carotenoids composition of two different rosehip flesh species R. Rugosa and R. Canina. Content of lutein, zeaxantin, α, β-carotenes and cis-lycopene, trans-lycopene in the fruits of rosehip were determined by the method described by Hallmann (2012) with some modifications. The results revealed very large variations in amount of carotenoids in the rosehips, both in terms of total amount and in composition of specific carotenoid compounds. β-carotene was the predominant carotenoid in rosehip fruit. The flesh of the R. canina and R. rugosa had the highest amount of β-carotene at ripening stage V (14.10 and 18.55 mg 100 g-1 DW, respectively), with significant differences between them. The R. canina flesh had significantly highest amounts of lutein at ripening stage V (9.19 mg 100 g-1 DW). Significantly highest zeaxanthin concentrations were established at ripening stages III, IV and V of R. canina, compared with R. rugosa. The highest amounts of the lycopene were found in the flesh of R. canina at ripening stage VAgronomijos fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    The effect of biologically active feed supplements (with enzyme and vitamins) on milk quality and its properties

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    Vienas iš būdų siekiant sumažinti somatinių ląstelių kiekį piene yra karvių sveikatos būklės gerinimas, jų imuniteto stiprinimas. Viena iš alternatyvų – biologiškai aktyvias medžiagas panaudoti kaip pašarų priedą. Žinoma, kad fermentas lizocimas pasižymi plačiu antimikrobiniu ir imunostimuliaciniu veikimu. Gyvulių organizmui ypač svarbūs ir vitaminai. Darbo tikslas buvo nustatyti pašarų priedų fermento lizocimo bei vitaminų įtaką somatinių ląstelių kiekiui bei technologinėms pieno savybėms. Sudarytos dvi karvių grupės, į kurių racioną įmaišyta fermento lizocimo ir vitaminų A, C, E. Šerta 10 dienų. Tyrimai atlikti šėrimo laikotarpiu – 4, 7 ir 10 dienomis bei praėjus 7 dienoms po šėrimo. Nustatyta, kad šėrimo laikotarpiu ir po jo somatinių ląstelių skaičius piene sumažėjo. Biologiškai aktyvus pašarų papildas su fermentu ir vitaminais turėjo įtakos ir pieno technologinėms savybėms. Tyrimo metu pieno rūgštingumas kito itin lėtai. Fermentinis pieno traukinimas vyko lėčiau, susidariusių struktūrų savybės skyrėsi nuo kontrolinės karvių grupės pieno mėginių. Pieno, gauto iš karvių, kurioms buvo duodami pašarai su biologiškai aktyviu papildu, technologinės savybės buvo geresnės, palyginti su kontrolinės karvių grupės pienu. Ištyrus fermentinės struktūros susidarymo bei sinerezės procesus, nustatyta, kad pašarų papildai su fermentu ir vitaminais įtakos šių procesų pobūdžiui neturėjo, pienas, gautas po šėrimo pašarų papildais su fermentu ir vitaminais, pasižymėjo geromis technologinėmis savybėmis, tinkamomis sūrių gamybaiOne of the ways to reduce the somatic cell count in milk is the cow health status improvement and immunity strengthening. It can be done through the feed. The easiest way would be to use biologically active substances as a feed additive. It is known that the enzyme lysozyme has antimicrobial and immunostimulation activities. Vitamins are especially important for the animals. An experiment was undertaken to study the effect of enzyme lysozyme and vitamins as feed supplements on the milk somatic cell count and technological properties of milk, which are important for production. Twenty cows were randomly divided into 2 equal groups and fed 2 different diets. The diets were based on the normal diet supplemented with lysozyme and vitamins A, C, E and the normal diet without supplementation (control). The experiment lasted for 10 days. The measurements were conducted on 4th, 7th and 10th days as well as after 7 days of the experiment. The results from this study demonstrate that biologically active feed supplements with enzyme and vitamins significantly reduced the milk somatic cell count and affected technological properties of milk during the experiment and one week after. The results also show that feed supplementation with enzyme and vitamins in comparison to the controls markedly reduced changes in milk acidity, speed of milk fermentation and properties of formed structures. However, biologically active feed supplements with enzyme and vitamins have shown more pronounced influence on technological properties of milk compared to the control group. There was no influence of feed supplementation with enzyme and vitamins on the enzyme structure formation and process of syneresisVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Effect of peeling on quality indices of potatoes with coloured flesh

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    Edible potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the major tuber crops grown in the world. They are an important source of antioxidants (polyphenol, anthocyanins), starch, protein, fibre, mineral elements and vitamins. However, many of these compounds are located in potato peels, and are eliminated as waste. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of peeling on some quality indices of tubers of red- and purple-fleshed potato cultivars that were grown in Lithuania. Six potato cultivars with different coloured flesh (red-fleshed - Red Emmalie, Rosalinde, Highland Burgundy and purple-fleshed - Violetta, Valfi, Salad Blue) were cultivated at a farm in the Prienai district of Lithuania. Potatoes were grown following traditional potato production technology in conventional farming system. The tubers were planted in the May and harvested in September. For each cultivar, two group tubers were constituted. The first group was not peeled; the second group was peeled. The standard methods were used for the quantification of the following quality parameters in the raw unpeeled and peeled potato tubers. Content of ash was determined by combustion at 550 °C; content of potassium - by potentiometric method. [...]Agronomijos fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Possible impact of the rhizosphere realized microbial compounds on organic matter in the soil

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    To develop sensitive indicators of soil quality even in sustainable vegetable production it is on high importance. It is that microbiological indicators are used with the intention to foreseen a biological effect of possible impact on organic matter decomposition. Soil organic matter itself has significance for soil quality as it can influence many different soil properties in resumption to soil productivity. The aim of the present study was to assess the responses of soil microbial biomass and soil dehydrogenase enzyme activities on the soil improvement with biological active materials. Bulk soil was collected along the vegetation period from the plant rhizosphere in 2017. It was estimated that microbial biomass as well as dehydrogenase activity were continuously increasing within vegetation period in sites with biological improvement. The trends in microbial biomass along with improvement could also be possibly regulated by the changes in carbon and nitrogen ratios of the biological active material. However, the difference in dehydrogenase enzyme activity could be related with even the short-term of the application and sufficiently were contributed to the microbial stimulation by the organic matter from the biological active material as well as the availability of organic carbonVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Nutritional value of organic rosehip seeds and flesh

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    Rosehips are generally known to contain high levels of health-promoting compounds such as carotenoids, polyphenols, mineral elements, vitamin and other. Differences in content may exist due to genetic variation, degree of ripening, variations within and between years, climate, growing and storage conditions, and analytical method. The increasing importance of rosehips as food supplements triggered the need to analyze and find the best species/genotype for the future. The purpose of this work was to investigate the influence of genotype on the nutritional value in the organic rosehip fruitsAgronomijos fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Vitamin C in rose hips (Rosa spp.) during ripening

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    Vitamin C is one of the most potent antioxidant vitamins. High vitamin C content (300-4000 mg100g-1) of fruit of rosehip and other substances ensure the normal functioning of the endocrine glands, brain, heart and liver. Ascorbic acid has an important role in the absorption of iron in the body in the biosynthesis of collagen. The amount of ascorbic acid in plants varies greatly, depending on such factors as the variety, weather and maturity (Rahman et al., 2007). Ascorbic acid content of fruits is never constant but varies with some factors which include climatic/environmental conditions, maturity state and position on the tree, handling and storage, ripening stage, specie and variety of the fruits as well as temperature (Luisa et al., 2014). A two-factor field experiment with five rosehips species was conducted in 2017–2018 on an organic farm (certificate No. SER-K-17-01478) in Pakruojis district Lithuania (56°10'29.0"N 23°49'02.6"E). The fruits were harvested five times in season. The first harvest was performed when the fruit colour changed slightly from green to yellow. The second harvest was performed when the fruit colour changed to full yellow. The third harvest was performed when the fruit colour changed to light orange. The fourth harvest was performed when the fruit became dark orange or red depending on the species. The fifth harvest was performed when the fruit flesh mostly softened. [...]Agronomijos fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta