128 research outputs found

    High resolution finite volume methods on arbitrary grids via wave propagation

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    A generalization of Godunov's method for systems of conservation laws has been developed and analyzed that can be applied with arbitrary time steps on arbitrary grids in one space dimension. Stability for arbitrary time steps is achieved by allowing waves to propagate through more than one mesh cell in a time step. The method is extended here to second order accuracy and to a finite volume method in two space dimensions. This latter method is based on solving one dimensional normal and tangential Riemann problems at cell interfaces and again propagating waves through one or more mesh cells. By avoiding the usual time step restriction of explicit methods, it is possible to use reasonable time steps on irregular grids where the minimum cell area is much smaller than the average cell. Boundary conditions for the Euler equations are discussed and special attention is given to the case of a Cartesian grid cut by an irregular boundary. In this case small grid cells arise only near the boundary, and it is desirable to use a time step appropriate for the regular interior cells. Numerical results in two dimensions show that this can be achieved

    Hyperbolic conservation laws and numerical methods

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    The mathematical structure of hyperbolic systems and the scalar equation case of conservation laws are discussed. Linear, nonlinear systems and the Riemann problem for the Euler equations are also studied. The numerical methods for conservation laws are presented in a nonstandard manner which leads to large time steps generalizations and computations on irregular grids. The solution of conservation laws with stiff source terms is examined

    Modeling Issues in Asteroid-Generated Tsunamis

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    This report studies tsunamis caused by asteroids, both those that arise from atmospheric blast waves moving across the water surface from airburst asteroids, and those that arise when the asteroid reaches the water and forms a crater. We perform numerical experiments that compare simulations using depth-averaged models (shallow water and several forms of Boussinesq) with linearized Euler (acoustics plus gravity) and ALE hydrocode simulations. We find that neither of the depth-averaged models do a good job of initiating the tsunami, but in some cases can be used to propagate a solution generated by a higher-fidelity method. A list of our conclusions and recommendations for further study is given in Section 5

    Shock Dynamics in Layered Periodic Media

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    Solutions of constant-coefficient nonlinear hyperbolic PDEs generically develop shocks, even if the initial data is smooth. Solutions of hyperbolic PDEs with variable coefficients can behave very differently. We investigate formation and stability of shock waves in a one-dimensional periodic layered medium by computational study of time-reversibility and entropy evolution. We find that periodic layered media tend to inhibit shock formation. For small initial conditions and large impedance variation, no shock formation is detected even after times much greater than the time of shock formation in a homogeneous medium. Furthermore, weak shocks are observed to be dynamically unstable in the sense that they do not lead to significant long-term entropy decay. We propose a characteristic condition for admissibility of shocks in heterogeneous media that generalizes the classical Lax entropy condition and accurately predicts the formation or absence of shocks in these media