104 research outputs found

    Model Komunikasi Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Bank Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research was found a model of communication between companies,Bank Indonesia (BI) and Small Medium Entreprises (SME) in Bantul, and communities. Thisresearch used subjective approach by qualitative data. The data collection was conducted usinginterview. Subjects of this research included occured SME who suffered the earthquake inManding, Bantul Regency. Another subject was Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) teamfrom BI Yogyakarta. The data analysis was conducted qualitatively. This research found synergiccommunication model among Bank Indonesia, government, and society Through CSR Program.CSR Program of BI had fulfilled the systematic of CSR program that suggested by Ambadar, i.e.by planning the implementation and evaluation. The communication held between the company,government, and constructed partner, i.e. SME inManding industrial centre had been intensive,through the official meeting, reviewing and informally via telephone. CSR program conductedincluded successful in outsourcing the SME post-earthquake in Manding, Bantul Regency. Itseem by the existence of human resources of which had followed English course and computer,physical development by shape of parking lots, ATM, the meeting hall, gates as identity as letterhandicraft centre of Manding, and the ballyhoo concerning on Manding, there are plenty ofcrowd shops visited by both domestic or foreign consumers

    Penggunaan Model Aktivitas Investigasi Autentik Yang Dimodifikasi Untuk Memahami Konsep Rasio Dan Proporsi

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    Comprehensive understanding on ratio and proportion are still an obstacle for some pre-service teachers, even though ratio and proportion is the cornerstone of advanced mathematics. Therefore it needs a learning model that can facilitate pre-service teachers in mastering ratios and proportions. Modified Authentic Investigation Activity is able to optimize the ability of pre-service teachers on ratio and proportions. This model with its learning syntax can help pre-service teachers more understand ratios and proportions comprehensively. In addition, this model also provides insight various strategy problem-solving of ratio and proportions that can add repertoire of knowledge of pre-service teachers

    Fenomena Kenakalan Remaja di Indonesia

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    Fenomena kenakalan remaja di Indonesia semakin hari semakin menunjukkan hal-hal yang lebih distruktif dan meresahkan kehidupan masyarakat baik dalam lingkup kecil maupun luas. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, yaitu adanya sifat-sifat atau karakteristik genetik yang diturunkan oleh orang tua, serta pengaruh lingkungan yang berkaitan dengan keluarga, sekolah, teman bermain atau lingkungan masyarakat umum. Perkembangan tentang dinamika remaja itu sendiri sangat diperlukan bagi orang tua dan pendidik yang banyak berhubungan dengan mereka. Era globalisasi banyak sekali memunculkan ekses-ekses dalam masyarakat yang berkaitan dengan pola perilakunya. Oleh karena itu, sudah saatnya masyarakat bersama orang tua dan pendidik maupun para profesional menyatukan langkah untuk memahami, mengelola, serta mengajak remaja mengembangkan diri secara positif dan konstruktif sehingga di masa mendatang mereka dapat tumbuh menjadi generasi muda yang dewasa, matang, dan berkualitas

    Film Based Learning: Upaya Peningkatan Motivasi Mahasiswa Dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Di Perguruan Tinggi

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    The use of media in the learning process should be base on an objective criterion which includes the learning goal (basic and standard competence), the learning activities and evaluation. This research is class experience in solving the decreasing motivation and enthusiasm. As a medium in teaching civics, a film should be selected on the basis of its contens. The research was divided into two cycles, of which the result was analysed qualitatively with categorical and functional parameter through interactive model. The first cycle gave the expected results but needed to maximized. After film was used, 64 % of the students showed an improved motivation. This could be seen from their participation in the class discussion. In the second cycle, the learning process showed its maximum result, in which 96 % of the students gave their full participation in the lesson. Key words: film, learning, motivation

    Pengaruh Model Make a Match Berbantuan Lks Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Hidrokarbon

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    Background of this research is students learning outcomes is low, so this research aims to determine: (1) the difference in learning outcomes between students who were taught using Make A Match model assisted with work sheets with the students taught by using conventional model, (2) the magnitude of the effect of Make A Match model assisted with work sheets in X grade students of SMA Santo Fransiskus Asisi Pontianak. The research method was Quasi Experimental Design with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Samples were taken by means of purpossive sampling. Instruments in this research were learning outcomes test and interview guidelines. Based on data analysis with U-Mann Whitney test, α=5%, the result shows that the probability is around 0, 008<0, 05. The result of data analysis showed that there was difference in learning outcomes between students who were taught using Make A Match model assisted with work sheets with students who were taught using the conventional model. Make A Match assisted with work sheets give influenced by 30,51 % towards the increasing in students learning outcomes in hydrocarbon solutions material at SMA Santo Fransiskus Asisi Pontianak

    Motivasi Indonesia Bekerjasama dengan Vietnam di Bidang Perikanan Tahun 2010-2012

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    This study used a qualitative research method that the source data is takenfrom books , journals , newspapers , the internet , and previous studies have data thatis relevant to the title . Perspectives and levels of analysis used in this study is that thestate as the main actor . By using the theory of international cooperation and analyzesthe state of the nation . This study will describe the motivations that made Indonesianfisheries cooperation with Vietnam . And knowing the interests of Indonesian fisheriescooperation with Vietnam . Indonesia as a country with high potential fishery resourcesare threatened by illegal fishing, which often occur in the waters of Indonesia andneighboring countries especially Vietnam . So expect the cooperation that exists toprevent and reduce iilegal fishing that occurs in both countries as well as the fisheriesco-operation can improve Indonesia and Vietnam export fisheries and mutuallybeneficial cooperation between the two countries that is .Keywords : Motivations, Relation Cooperation, Fisheries, Illegal Fishing, Vietna
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