8 research outputs found

    Hubungan Persepsi Suami Tentang Keadaan Kesuburan Istri Pasca Persalinan dan Dukungan Suami untuk KB dengan Rentang Waktu Mulai KB (Studi pada Akseptor KB Wanita di Kelurahan Lamper Lor Kecamatan Semarang Selatan Kota Semarang Tahun 2006)

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    Background : The main purpose of family planning program is to increase the qualities of the population with birth arrangement, decrease mother mortality rate and neonatal mortality rate, and increase the quality of family planning program itself. Different perception about woman fertility condition after gave birth and not enough support from their husband causing Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) delay their time to use family planning method. The aim of this research is to detect the correlation between perception about woman fertility condotion after gave birth and support from their husband with the time of using family planning methodat the Lamper Lor Village, Subdistrict Semarang Selatan, Semarang City in the year at 2006.Method : This research type is explanatory research with cross sectional study. The population in this research is all women member's of family planning program in Lamper Lor Village with the member of 536 people. The sampling obtained 82 people. Method is Simple Random Sampling proportionally. Statistic test Rank Spearman Correlation at significant level 0,05. Result : The result of this research indicates that perception about breast feeding effect is medium perception category (90,20%), perception about age with medium perception level was 50,00%. Husband support for family planning program was 52,40% at medium category. It's concluded there was correlation between breast feeding effect perception on fertilitycondition after gave birth with range of time to use family planning method (rs=-0,324;ρ=0,003), there was no correlation between age perception on fertility condition after gave birth with duration of time family planning method (rs=-0,009; ρ=0,935), and there was no correlation between husband support in participation to family planning program with range of time to use family planning method (rs=0,175; ρ=0,117)

    Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kelelahan Kerja pada Pekerja Konveksi Bagian Penjahitan di CV. Aneka Garment Gunungpati Semarang

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    Fatigue can be influenced by several factors that can come from within the individual as well as of the work environment. CV. Aneka Garment Gunungpati Semarang is informal industry convection with all the sewing workers are women. The purpose of this research is to analyze the related factors of fatigue on sewing workers at CV. Aneka Garment Gunungpati Semarang. This research is explanatory research using cross sectional study design, where population numbers to the workers is 31 people. Sampling method using total sampling. Data analysis using Chi-Square test for normal distribution of data and Rank-Spearman for data not normally distributed. The results showed that most of respondents heavy work fatigue (71%), most of the old ³40 years (71%), the majority of respondents work >10 years (71%), nutritional status of most respondents in the normal category (50.1%), the posture of most respondents work at level 3 (42.1%), and most of the workload between 30 to <60% (42.1%), it means need repairation for workload. Results of statistical tests showed had relationship between age and fatigue (p = 0.0001), there is a relationship between the during work with fatigue (p = 0.0001), there is no relationship between nutritional status with fatigue (p = 0.191), there is a relationship between working posture with fatigue (p = 0.0001), and there is a relationship between the workload with fatigue (p = 0.0001). Business owners should provide additional lighting in accordance with the type of work (lighting meets 1000 Lux) and doing engineering work station (chair) to fit the body size of worker

    Perbedaan Tekanan Darah pada Pekerja yang Terpapar Panas di Industri Sale Pisang Suka Senang Kabupaten Ciamis

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    Background: Heat stress is one of the physical factors in work environment which become additional risk for labors. The influence of heat stress in peripheral venous dilatation will disturb the balance of blood circulation. Labors that always under heat exposed during workingrequires enough of drinking water and it is better consumed in a little but more frequent. This research purpose is to know difference of blood pressure at worker which heat exposed with difference pattern of drinking water consumption.Method: This research type is Quasi-Experimental, by using One Group Pre and Post Test Design. Amount of samples are 21. Research has done in frying department of traditional banana cake in District of Ciamis . The data analyzed by using paired t-Test.Result: The result of this research indicates that, there is a significant different of blood pressure between workers using drinking pattern I and II (p = 0.0001). As a suggestion for this industry are enlarge the ventilation volume at the roof of building, installing fan with adjustable design, providing comfortable rest room, enough drinking water at the nearest places that can be easily reached by labors

    Perbedaan Stres Kerja antara Pekerja Shift I dan Shift III Bagian Produksi di PT. Nusantara Building Industries

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    Stres kerja adalah suatu reaksi individu berupa reaksi fisiologis, psikologis dan perilaku yang disebabkan oleh sumber-sumber stres kerja (stressor). Stressor kerja merupakan segala kondisi pekerjaan yang dipersepsikan pekerja sebagai suatu tuntutan kerja. Shift kerja merupakan sebuah pola waktu kerja yang diterapkan Perusahaan bagi pekerja, yang dapat dianggap sebagai suatu tuntutan tugas dalam pekerjaan. Shift kerja ternyata memiliki dampak yang cukup besar terhadap kesehatan pekerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perbedaan stres kerja antara pekerja shift I dan shift III bagian produksi di PT. Nusantara Building Industries. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah operator mesin di bagian produksi yang bekerja di shift I dan shift III yang berjumlah 196 pekerja. Sampel dihitung dengan rumus sampel minimal dan dengan metode proporsional random sampling didapatkan 32 pekerja pada masing-masing shift I dan shift III. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner pengukuran stres kerja. Analisis data menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney dengan taraf signifikansi 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 56,3% pekerja shift I mengalami stres kerja sedang dan 53,1% pekerja shift III mengalami stres kerja ringan. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan stres kerja antara pekerja shift I dan shift III (p-value = 0,548

    Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Dermatitis Kontak Iritan pada Pekerja Bagian Premix di PT. X Cirebon

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    Irritant contact dermatitis is a local non-immunologic inflammatory reaction of the skin caused by contact with exogenous or endogenous factors. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the polymorphic skin traits that have broad identification, such as: itching, redness, scaling, vesicles, and crusting papulovesikel. PT X is an industry which is engaged in the production of animal feed in Cirebon City. The production process is divided into several stages, weighing ingredients according to recipe, coarse crushing raw materials, mixing all the ingredients according to recipe, pellet forming and crumble establishment. Before mixing the main ingredient there was a process of weighing chemicals and feed supplement as prescribed in premix company section. The purpose of this research was to analyze the factors associated with the occurrence of irritant dermatitis contact in Premix workers in PT X Cirebon. The type of the research is an observational study with cross sectional approach. The subjects were 40 workers as part of Premix respondents. The results of the chi square test statistic obtained contact with the chemical (p value = 0.0001), years (p value = 1.000), duration of exposure (p value = 0.003), age (p value = 0.003), gender (p value = 0.017), knowledge (p value = 1.000), use of personal protective equipment (p value = 0.369), personal hygiene (p value = 0.689). The conclusion of this study is in contact with chemicals, long exposure, age and gender, associated with the incidence of irritant dermatitis contact. While working life, knowledge, use of personal protective equipment, and personal hygiene are not associated with the incidence of irritant contact dermatiti

    Safe Food Handling Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Food Handlers in Hospital Kitchen

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    Hospital food hygiene plays an important role to patient's health. Studies proved that improper practices and lack of knowledge are contributing factors of foodborne diseases. This study was conducted to determine knowledge, attitude and practice of hospital safe food handling in Semarang, Central Java. A cross sectional study was conducted in two general hospitals' kitchen. Data were collected from 60 food handlers through validated questionnaire. Respondents were grouped into two categories: a. Teaching Hospital, and b.Non-teaching Hospital. Data were collected in February-April 2017. Most of food handlers (80%) were graduated from vocational senior high school (SMK). Respondent's age were 28-37 years (36.7%) in average. Most of respondent‟s work experience (85%) was less than 15 years. The result showed that more than 80% of food handlers have good knowledge in safe food handling procedures, good attitude (66%) and good practices (90%). There was no significant difference of knowledge, attitude and practices between two groups. Results strongly emphasize the need of food hygiene training of hospital food handlers. It also suggest that non food handlers such as nurse or kitchen supervisor should involved in the training. Some aspects of food handlers' safety behavior need to be emphasized