14 research outputs found

    The anthropology of religion and some observations on Clifford Geertz

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    Este artigo insere-se no quadro geral da antropologia da religião. Em primeiro lugar, os autores passam em revista a tradição clássica de Émile Durkheim para examinar, em seguida, algumas contribuições da antropologia interpretativa de Clifford Geertz para a análise dos fenómenos religiosos.RÉSUMÉ: Ce travail s'insere dans le cadre général de l'anthropologie de la religion. Après un survol rapide de la tradition durkheimienne, les auteurs examinent quelques contributions de l'approche interprétative de Clifford Geertz à l'étude des significations des phénomènes religieux.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inégalités et État-providence: le Québec, le Canada et le Monde

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    Les inégalités sociales sont-elles perçues de la même façon au Québec et dans le Reste du Canada ? Au Canada et dans d'autres pays ? Ces questions sont examinées au moyen d'une analyse secondaire de données issues d'une vaste enquête par sondage menée simultanément dans 18 pays. Les données sont évaluées à la lumière de la typologie de régimes d'État-providence proposée par Esping-Andersen. Les Québécois sont plus conscients des inégalités et manifestent un appui plus clair à l'interventionnisme étatique que les autres Canadiens, mais ces différences sont modestes si on les aborde dans une perspective internationale plus large.Are social inequalities perceived in the same way in Quebec and in the rest of Canada ? In Canada and in other countries ? These questions are examined through a secondary analysis of data from the 1992 International Social Survey Programme study of inequalities, carried out in 18 countries. The results are interpreted in light of Esping-Andersen's typology of welfare state regimes. Compared to other Canadians, Quebecers are more conscious of social inequalities and also more supportive of state intervention to reduce them, but these differences appear slight when viewed from a broader international perspective

    The two solitudes reexamined : pluralism and inequality in Quebec

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    This study presents a series of empirical tests of two influential theoretical perspectives on the industrialization and modernization of polyethnic societies. On the one hand, the functionalist perspective predicts that cultural diversity and pluralism will decline, that group inequalities will decrease, and that communal conflict should become less likely over time. The communal competition perspective, on the other hand, predicts that cultural diversity and pluralism will not necessarily wither away, that group inequalities will not inevitably be reduced, and that communal conflict is a possibility at any point in time.Hypotheses derived from these two perspectives are tested using survey data on French-English relations drawn from the 1970-71 Quebec Social Movements Study. Part of the thesis is an update and replication of the benchmark study of Roseborough and Breton (1971).The study provides an examination of the structure of the belief system of a segmented society, and contributes to a systematic assessment of the relative utility of the two theoretical perspectives for an understanding of social change in plural societies

    English Canadians and Quebecois nationalism

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    The World-System Perspective: A Small Sample from a Large Universe

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