169 research outputs found

    Sleep and physical activity: results from a long-term actigraphy study in adolescents.

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    PURPOSE Research to date suggests that physical activity is associated with improved sleep, but studies have predominantly relied on self-report measures and have not accounted for school day/free day variability. To address these gaps in the literature, the aim of the present study was to (a) quantify physical activity in adolescents using long-term daily actigraphy measurement and (b) to examine the association between actigraphically assessed steps and sleep behavior in a sample of healthy adolescents. To be able to capture intra- and inter-individual differences in the daily physical activity of adolescents, we examined within as well as between subjects effects and its association with sleep. METHODS Fifty adolescents between 10 and 14 years of age were included in the present study. In total 5989 days of actigraphy measurement (average of 119 ± 40 days per participant; range = 39-195 days) were analyzed. We use multilevel modeling to disentangle the within and between subject effects of physical activity on sleep. In this way, we examine within an individual, the association between steps during the day and subsequent sleep on a day-to-day basis. On the other hand, our between subjects' analysis allows us to ascertain whether individuals with more overall physical activity have better sleep. RESULTS Within a subject more steps on school and free days were associated with later bed times on school and free days as well as later rise times on school days only. On the other hand, comparing between subjects' effects, more steps were associated with lower sleep efficiency on free and school days. No other significant associations were found for the other sleep variables. CONCLUSION Our results obtained through objective and long-term measurement of both sleep and number of steps suggest weak or non-significant associations between these measures for most sleep variables. We emphasize the importance of the methodology and the separation of within subject from between subject features when examining the relationship between physical activity and sleep

    Correction factors to convert microdosimetry measurements in silicon to tissue in \u3csup\u3e12\u3c/sup\u3eC ion therapy

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    Silicon microdosimetry is a promising technology for heavy ion therapy (HIT) quality assurance, because of its sub-mm spatial resolution and capability to determine radiation effects at a cellular level in a mixed radiation field. A drawback of silicon is not being tissue-equivalent, thus the need to convert the detector response obtained in silicon to tissue. This paper presents a method for converting silicon microdosimetric spectra to tissue for a therapeutic 12C beam, based on Monte Carlo simulations. The energy deposition spectra in a 10 μm sized silicon cylindrical sensitive volume (SV) were found to be equivalent to those measured in a tissue SV, with the same shape, but with dimensions scaled by a factor κ equal to 0.57 and 0.54 for muscle and water, respectively. A low energy correction factor was determined to account for the enhanced response in silicon at low energy depositions, produced by electrons. The concept of the mean path length (lPath) to calculate the lineal energy was introduced as an alternative to the mean chord length (l) because it was found that adopting Cauchy\u27s formula for the (l) was not appropriate for the radiation field typical of HIT as it is very directional (lPath) can be determined based on the peak of the lineal energy distribution produced by the incident carbon beam. Furthermore it was demonstrated that the thickness of the SV along the direction of the incident 12C ion beam can be adopted as (lPath). The tissue equivalence conversion method and (lPath) were adopted to determine the RBE10, calculated using a modified microdosimetric kinetic model, applied to the microdosimetric spectra resulting from the simulation study. Comparison of the RBE10 along the Bragg peak to experimental TEPC measurements at HIMAC, NIRS, showed good agreement. Such agreement demonstrates the validity of the developed tissue equivalence correction factors and of the determination of (lPath)

    Protonation state of glutamate 73 regulates the formation of a specific dimeric association of mVDAC1.

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    The voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) is the most abundant protein in the outer mitochondrial membrane and constitutes the primary pathway for the exchange of ions and metabolites between the cytosol and the mitochondria. There is accumulating evidence supporting VDAC's role in mitochondrial metabolic regulation and apoptosis, where VDAC oligomerization has been implicated with these processes. Herein, we report a specific pH-dependent dimerization of murine VDAC1 (mVDAC1) identified by double electron-electron resonance and native mass spectrometry. Intermolecular distances on four singly spin-labeled mVDAC1 mutants were used to generate a model of the low-pH dimer, establishing the presence of residue E73 at the interface. This dimer arrangement is different from any oligomeric state previously described, and it forms as a steep function of pH with an apparent pKa of 7.4. Moreover, the monomer-dimer equilibrium affinity constant was determined using native MS, revealing a nearly eightfold enhancement in dimerization affinity at low pH. Mutation of E73 to either alanine or glutamine severely reduces oligomerization, demonstrating the role of protonated E73 in enhancing dimer formation. Based on these results, and the known importance of E73 in VDAC physiology, VDAC dimerization likely plays a significant role in mitochondrial metabolic regulation and apoptosis in response to cytosolic acidification during cellular stress

    Experimental studies with two novel silicon detectors for the development of time-of-flight spectrometry of laser-accelerated proton beams

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    Laser-accelerated proton beams exhibit remarkably different beam characteristics as compared to conventionally accelerated ion beams. About 105 to 107 particles per MeV and msr are accelerated quasi-instantaneously within about 1 ps. The resulting energy spectrum typically shows an exponentially decaying distribution. Our planned approach to determine the energy spectrum of the particles generated in each pulse is to exploit the time-of-flight (TOF) difference of protons with different kinetic energies at 1 m distance from the laser-target interaction. This requires fast and sensitive detectors. We therefore tested two prototype silicon detectors, developed at the Centre for Medical Radiation Physics at the University of Wollongong with a current amplifier, regarding their suitability for TOF-spectrometry in terms of sensitivity and timing properties. For the latter, we illuminated the detectors with short laser pulses, measured the signal current and compared it to the signal of a fast photodiode. The comparison revealed that the timing properties of both prototypes are not yet sufficient for our purpose. In contrast, our results regarding the detectors\u27 sensitivity are promising. The lowest detectable proton flux at 10 MeV was found to be 25 protons per ns on the detector. With this sensitivity and with a smaller pixelation of the detectors, the timing properties can be improved for new prototypes, making them potential candidates for TOF-spectrometry of laser-accelerated particle beams

    DEER Spectroscopy Measurements Reveal Multiple Conformations of HIV-1 SOSIP Envelopes that Show Similarities with Envelopes on Native Virions

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    HIV-1 Envelope (Env) mediates viral-host membrane fusion after binding host-receptor CD4 and coreceptor. Soluble envelopes (SOSIPs), designed to mimic prefusion conformational states of virion-bound envelopes, are proposed immunogens for eliciting neutralizing antibodies, yet only static structures are available. To evaluate conformational landscapes of ligand-free, CD4-bound, inhibitor-bound, and antibody-bound SOSIPs, we measured inter-subunit distances throughout spin-labeled SOSIPs using double electron-electron resonance (DEER) spectroscopy and compared results to soluble and virion-bound Env structures, and single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET)-derived dynamics of virion-bound Envs. Unliganded SOSIP measurements were consistent with closed, neutralizing antibody-bound structures and shielding of non-neutralizing epitopes, demonstrating homogeneity at Env apex, increased flexibility near Env base, and no evidence for the intra-subunit flexibility near Env apex suggested by smFRET. CD4 binding increased inter-subunit distances and heterogeneity, consistent with rearrangements required for coreceptor binding. Results suggest similarities between SOSIPs and virion-bound Envs and demonstrate DEER’s relevance for immunogen design

    Cooperação internacional em ciência, tecnologia e inovação: uma análise dos atos bilaterais entre Brasil e China.

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Relações Internacionais.Este trabalho tem por objetivo geral analisar os atos bilaterais em ciência tecnologia e inovação entre Brasil e China, identificando o seu perfil, mudanças e similaridades entre o século XX e XXI e verificando possíveis fatores que poderiam influenciar a cooperação nessa área. Para cumprir com esse objetivo, realiza-se uma pesquisa exploratória, com natureza qualitativa e técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. A partir disso, faz-se uma revisão de literatura sobre cooperação internacional e as relações entre Brasil e China e sistematizamse todos os atos bilaterais em C,T&I entre Brasil e China publicados na plataforma de atos internacionais do Itamaraty, a “Concórdia”. As principais descobertas realizadas por este trabalho são: que o perfil dos atos bilaterais entre Brasil e China em ciência, tecnologia e inovação é simétrico; que se tem uma alta similaridade entre a cooperação bilateral sinobrasileira do século XX e XXI; que a área espacial representa uma constante como o setor de cooperação sino-brasileira em ciência, tecnologia e inovação, com o maior número de atos assinados em ambos os séculos; que visitas presidenciais podem representar um fator de influência na assinatura de atos de cooperação; e que a mutualidade de interesses entre Brasil e China e a reciprocidade de sua cooperação bilateral poderiam ser fatores que influenciam a sua cooperação em ciência, tecnologia e inovação

    Thin Silicon Microdosimeter utilizing 3D MEMS Fabrication Technology: Charge Collection Study and its application in mixed radiation fields

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    New 10-μm-thick silicon microdosimeters utilizing 3-D technology have been developed and investigated in this paper. The TCAD simulations were carried out to understand the electrical properties of the microdosimeters\u27 design. A charge collection study of the devices was performed using 5.5-MeV He2+ ions which were raster scanned over the surface of the detectors and the charge collection median energy maps were obtained and the detection yield was also evaluated. The devices were tested in a 290 MeV/u carbon ion beam at the Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC) in Japan. Based on the microdosimetric measurements, the quality factor and dose equivalent out of field were obtained in a mixed radiation field mimicking the radiation environment for spacecraft in deep space

    3D silicon microdosimetry and RBE study using C-12 ion of different energies

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    This paper presents a new version of the 3D mesa "bridge" microdosimeter comprised of an array of 4248 silicon cells fabricated on 10 µm thick silicon-on-insulator substrate. This microdosimeter has been designed to overcome limitations existing in previous generation silicon microdosimeters and it provides well-defined sensitive volumes and high spatial resolution. The charge collection characteristics of the new 3D mesa microdosimeter were investigated using the ANSTO heavy ion microprobe, utilizing 5.5 MeV He2+ ions. Measurement of microdosimetric quantities allowed for the determination of the Relative Biological Effectiveness of 290 MeV/u and 350 MeV/u 12C heavy ion therapy beams at the Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC), Japan. The microdosimetric RBE obtained showed good agreement with the tissue-equivalent proportional counter. Utilizing the high spatial resolution of the SOI microdosimeter, the LET spectra for 70 MeV 12C+6 ions, like those present at the distal edge of 290 and 350 MeV/u beams, were obtained as the ions passed through thin layers of polyethylene film. This microdosimeter can provide useful information about the lineal energy transfer (LET) spectra downstream of the protective layers used for shielding of electronic devices for single event upset prediction

    In vivo

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    Rectal balloons are used in external beam prostate radiotherapy to provide reproducible anatomy and rectal dose reductions. This is an investigation into the combination of a MOSFET radiation detector with a rectal balloon for realtime in vivo rectal wall dosimetry. The MOSFET used in the study is a radiation detector that provides a water equivalent depth of measurement of 70 μm. Two MOSFETs were combined in a face-to-face orientation. The reproducibility, sensitivity and angular dependence were measured for the dual MOSFET in a 6 MV photon beam. The dual MOSFET was combined with a rectal balloon and irradiated with hypothetical prostate treatments in a phantom. The anterior rectal wall dose was measured in real time and compared with the planning system calculated dose. The dual MOSFET showed angular dependence within ±2.5% in the azimuth and +2.5%/−4% in the polar axes. When compared with an ion chamber measurement in a phantom, the dual MOSFET agreed within 2.5% for a range of radiation path lengths and incident angles. The dual MOSFET had reproducible sensitivity for fraction sizes of 2–10 Gy. For the hypothetical prostate treatments the measured anterior rectal wall dose was 2.6 and 3.2% lower than the calculated dose for 3DCRT and IMRT plans. This was expected due to limitations of the dose calculation method used at the balloon cavity interface. A dual MOSFET combined with a commercial rectal balloon was shown to provide reproducible measurements of the anterior rectal wall dose in real time. The measured anterior rectal wall dose agreed with the expected dose from the treatment plan for 3DCRT and IMRT plans. The dual MOSFET could be read out in real time during the irradiation, providing the capability for real-time dose monitoring of the rectal wall dose during treatment