258 research outputs found

    Autorità amministrative decidenti

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    Imaging techniques in Veterinary Medicine. Part I: Radiography and Ultrasonography

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    In Veterinary Medicine all the Imaging techniques are used and described but, due to organizational, managerial and, mostly, economical reasons, Radiography and Ultrasonography are the most used. Veterinary Radiology teaching has a relatively small number of educational credits in the degree courses but, nowday, educational opportunities are remarkably increased thanks to a number of post-degree courses and masters, organized both by the universities and private veterinary associations. The relevance of Diagnostic Imaging is particularly true in Veterinary Medicine, in which Radiology could be considered “indispensable” for diagnosis, prognosis and follow up. Furthermore, it should not be forgotten that the diagnostic image represents a “document” and, has a relevant role in legal medical debats. In this first part, Radiography and Ultrasonography are described

    Photocatalityc membrane reactor for CO2 conversion

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    Global warming is considered to be one of the principal environmental problems and CO2, being a greenhouse gas, largely contributes to the global climate change. Owing to this problem, an increasing concern has brought the scientific community to devote huge efforts towards CO2 reduction and/or valorization through a sustainable process. In this contest, photocatalytic membrane technologies can be a promising and innovative way to pursue CO2 conversion into value-added products.1 To this purpose, Carbon Nitride (C3N4) photocatalyst was prepared and characterized by FTIR and IR-ATR, DRS and XRD analyses. The preliminary reactivity experiments were carried out in a batch reactor (V = 120 mL) filled with humid CO2 and irradiated in a solar box (65°C). CH4 and CO were the main reduction products detected. This catalyst was then dispersed to obtain catalytic mixed matrix Nafion membranes. Comprehensive structural and morphological analyses by DRS, FT-IR, ATR-IR, SEM and N2 and CO2 permeability measurements were performed. The photocatalytic membranes were then used for the same reaction under UV-Vis irradiation in a membrane reactor operating in continuous mode, as already done with TiO2-Nafion catalytic membranes2. Different H2O/CO2 molar ratios and residence times were used. MeOH, EtOH and HCHO were the main products detected. Under the best experimental conditions, methanol and ethanol were identified as the main products with a productivity of 23 and 25 mol g-1 h-1, respectively. References. 1. R. Molinari, A. Caruso, L. Palmisano, Photocatalytic Membrane reactor in the conversion or degradation of organic compounds, in E. Drioli et L. Giorno (Eds.) Membrane Operations, innovative Separation and transformations, Chapter 15, 335-361, 2009, Wiley-Vch Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim (Germany). 2. M. Sellaro, M. Bellardita, A. Brunetti, E. Fontananova, L. Palmisano, E. Drioli, G. Barbieri, “CO2 conversion in a photocatalytic continuous membrane reactor”, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 67418 – 67427


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    Nosso interesse foi fazer uma correlação entre a importância da boa função dentária e sua capacidade na ingestão de nutrientes-chave, visando um adequado funcionamento do sistema digestivo, de vital necessidade para o estado de saúde geral, que permitirá ao idoso enfrentar as prováveis vicissitudes da terceira idade. Palavras-chave: gerontologia; geriatria; odontogeriatria

    The dry grasslands of Abruzzo National Park, the oldest protected area in the Apennines (Central Italy): overview of vegetation composition, syntaxonomy, ecology and diversity

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    The Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park was established in 1923 and is considered a flagship conservation area in Italy. It includes large extensions of semi-natural grasslands, maintained by traditional transhumant grazing for centuries. The patterns and drivers of grassland composition within the Park are still poorly investigated, and the scattered phytosociological data available were often based on relevés with varied and not precisely defined sizes. In order to provide for the first time a general overview of the Park’s dry grasslands, we analysed a dataset of 87 relevés with a fixed size of 2 × 2 m, precisely delimited in the field and GPS-located. Specific research aims were: (1) to classify the vegetation plots into floristic-ecological types, supported by an analysis of mean (Italy-specific) Ellenberg Indicator Values (EIVs); (2) to assign the types to up-to-date phytosociological syntaxa; (3) to identify the main environmental drivers for both composition and richness patterns; (4) to test the degree of correlation between (Italy-specific) EIVs and the measured environmental variables. Environmental predictors included high-resolution climatologies and remote-sensed standing biomass. Main vegetation types were identified using Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA). Distancebased RDA was performed as a constrained ordination method to reveal correlations between floristic composition and environmental variables. Drivers of species richness were explored through partial correlation and Regression Trees. HCA and NMDS revealed four floristically and ecologically well-interpretable groups, in turn well corresponding to the level of phytosociological class (namely Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Nardetea strictae, Festuco hystricis-Ononidetea striatae and Festuco-Brometea). Constrained ordination showed that most of the floristic variation was explained by biomass, annual precipitation (Pann) and mean annual temperature (Tm). Strong and significant positive correlations were found between biomass and EIV for Nitrogen (EIV-N), and between Tm and EIV for Temperature (EIV-T). Strong and significant negative correlations were found between Pann and EIV-T, EIV for Continentality (EIV-C) and EIV for soil Reaction (EIV-R). Species richness was positively correlated with slope inclination and negatively with elevation; richness was higher in sites with a high rock cover, and on limestone or clayey substrata than on siliceous ones. We conclude that in the study area: a) dry semi-natural grasslands are arranged at least into four distinguishable, high rank floristic-ecological groups; b) a mixture of climatic (especially precipitation) and edaphic (especially bedrock and soil reaction) gradients are the main drivers of such composition patterns; c) species richness is higher in sites more stressed by summer drought and/or nutrient scarcity; d) community-means of Italy’s specific EIVs are well correlated with environmental variables in grasslands, including a good correspondence between EIV-T and mean annual temperature

    Empreendedorismo criativo: a preservação da privacidade e a coleta de dados no comércio eletrônico

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    We investigate the preservation of privacy on the internet, specifically in relation to the data collected by creative entrepreneurs in online commerce. It is our primary goal to investigate whether and how the creative entrepreneur protects the privacy of its consumers as it relates to the data collected for the formalization of business in e-commerce. Thus, we understand that many entrepreneurs, despite being knowledgeable about the legislation, have not yet adapted their online business to the provisions of the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, failing to meet the requirements for one of their main activities – the gathering of potential consumers’ personal data – in face of the legal rules relating to the protection of privacy and consumers’ fundamental right to information.Investigamos a preservação da privacidade na internet, especificamente em relação aos dados coletados pelos empreendedores criativos no comércio online. É nosso objetivo principal investigar se e como o empreendedor criativo protege a privacidade de seus consumidores no que cabe aos dados coletados para a formalização de negócios no comércio eletrônico. Como resultado entendemos que muitos empreendedores, apesar de se dizerem conhecedores da legislação, ainda não adequaram seus negócios online às disposições do Marco Civil da Internet, descumprindo os requisitos necessários para que uma de suas atividades-meio – a coleta de dados pessoais do potencial consumidor – observe as normas jurídicas relativas à proteção da privacidade e ao direito fundamental à informação que têm os consumidores.

    Novel Rivastigmine Derivatives as Promising Multi-Target Compounds for Potential Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most serious and prevalent neurodegenerative disorder still without cure. Since its aetiology is diverse, recent research on anti-AD drugs has been focused on multi-target compounds. In this work, seven novel hybrids (RIV–BIM) conjugating the active moiety of the drug rivastigmine (RIV) with 2 isomeric hydroxyphenylbenzimidazole (BIM) units were developed and studied. While RIV assures the inhibition of cholinesterases, BIM provides further appropriate properties, such as inhibition of amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) aggregation, antioxidation and metal chelation. The evaluated biological properties of these hybrids included antioxidant activity; inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) and Aβ42 aggregation; as well as promotion of cell viability and neuroprotection. All the compounds are better inhibitors of AChE than rivastigmine (IC50 = 32.1 µM), but compounds of series 5 are better inhibitors of BChE (IC50 = 0.9−1.7 µM) than those of series 4. Series 5 also showed good capacity to inhibit self- (42.1−58.7%) and Cu(II)-induced (40.3−60.8%) Aβ aggregation and also to narrow (22.4−42.6%) amyloid fibrils, the relevant compounds being 5b and 5d. Some of these compounds can also prevent the toxicity induced in SH-SY5Y cells by Aβ42 and oxidative stress. Therefore, RIV–BIM hybrids seem to be potential drug candidates for AD with multi-target abilities.Depto. de Química AnalíticaFac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEPortuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónComunidad de Madrid and European funding from FSE and FEDER programsMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y UniversidadesErasmus+ programpu

    The metabolic signature of C9ORF72-related ALS: FDG PET comparison with nonmutated patients

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    Purpose Recently, a GGGGCC hexanucleotide repeat expansion in the C9ORF72 gene, located on chromosome 9p21 has been demonstrated to be the commonest cause of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and to account for 5 to 10 % of apparently sporadic ALS. Relatively little is known about the brain metabolism profile of patients carrying the expansion. Our aim was to identify the [18F]FDG PET profile in ALS patients with the C9ORF72 expansion (C9ORF72-ALS). Methods Fifteen C9ORF72-ALS patients were compared with 12 patients with ALS and comorbid frontotemporal dementia (FTD) without the C9ORF72 expansion (ALSFTD) and 30 cognitively normal patients with ALS without mutations of ALS-related genes (sALS). The three groups were then cross-matched to 40 neurologically normal controls. All patients underwent FDG PET within 4 months of diagnosis. Results The C9ORF72-ALS patients compared with the sALS patients showed significant hypometabolism in the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex, insula, caudate and thalamus, the left frontal and superior temporal cortex, and hypermetabolism in the midbrain, bilateral occipital cortex, globus pallidus and left inferior temporal cortex. The ALS FTD patients compared with the sALS patients showed more limited hypometabolic areas, including the orbitofrontal, prefrontal, anterior cingulate and insular cortex, and hypermetabolic areas, including the bilateral occipital cortex, the left precentral and postcentral cortex and superior temporal gyrus. The C9ORF72-ALS patients compared with the ALS-FTD patients showed hypometabolism in the left temporal cortex. Conclusion ALS patients with the C9ORF72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion had a more widespread central nervous system involvement than ALS patients without genetic mutations, with or without comorbid FTD, consistent with their more severe clinical picture

    Early Diagnosis, Treatment and Follow-Up of Cystic Echinococcosis in Remote Rural Areas in Patagonia: Impact of Ultrasound Training of Non-Specialists

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    Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is an important and widespread disease that affects sheep, cattle, and humans living in areas where sheep and cattle are raised. CE is highly endemic in rural sections of Rio Negro, Argentina, where our group is based. However, it requires continuous monitoring of both populations with human disease best assessed by means of ultrasound (US) screening. This is challenging in remote rural areas due to the shortage of imaging specialists. To overcome this hurdle, we set up a two-day training program of Focused Assessment with Sonography for Echinococcosis (FASE) on CE for family medicine practitioners with no previous experience in US. After the course, they were equipped with portable US scanners and dispatched to remote rural areas in Rio Negro where they screened patients, located and staged the cysts and decided on the treatment with the help of surgeons and radiologists in local tertiary care centers