13,903 research outputs found

    Design of an Integrated SDN/NFV management and orchestration architecture

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    This project aims at explaining and defining the SDN technology with integration of the NFV technology. We will also see the logic of this technology applied to a program designed for this project. The objective of this project is to understand the purpose of this technology, where is it going to be used, why companies like Google or Microsoft for over 2 years have been investing time and resources to develop and to implement the technology on the corporate level, as well as on the level of regular user like you and me. Firstly we will focus on the explanation of the SDN technology, what it is, what for is it going to be used and what is the future of this technology. Why the SDN is so important? Next, we will explain the use of the NFV and show how it is going to change the way we see the network right now. NFV also works with the SDN. Once we define the basics of the two technologies, we will proceed to the explanation of the practical part of this project. I would like to comment on the software used for this project is open source, since the OS used on the machine that carried out the simulations, and wrote this lines, to the package Rstudio. The practical part is to simulate how will work the network flows when this technology is used. The program will optimize the resources that we want for the proper performance of the global system. For example, we can optimize the path, the number of machines the flow has to cross, optimize the global delay of the flow, etc. Finally, we will reach specific conclusions based on the work we have done, as well as some personal outcome, such as the analysis of the difficulties encountered during the performance, as well as training and finally knowledge gained through work

    Interculturality in the university education. A qualitative study.

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    Intercultural training in the University is a necessity and a hope. A need, to the extent that must respond to the complex social and educational realities where the different cultural element is absolutely real and emerging. And, a hope, because while we educate for the respect and the promotion of intercultural we will be training teachers who will grow in future generations the seeds of peace and solidarity, and, therefore, much-needed positive values and fundamental for humanity. Therefore, in this work, we will present the results of the qualitative part of the process of research carried out in the context of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Malaga during the years 2015, 2016 and 2017. The pedagogical practice of initial formation must ensure intercultural inclusion, through strategies of work that is involved to the cultural diversity present in the University classroom, in order to improve human interactions within the space training, and outside, to generate attitudes of cooperation and intercultural dialogue in university students, extending these attitudinal "ramifications" to society in general.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Center Manifold and Exponentially-Bounded Solutions of a System of Parabolic Equations

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    AMS (MOS) subject classifications. primary: 34G10; secondary: 35B40

    International R&D Spillovers and other Unobserved Common Spillovers and Shocks

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    Studies which are based on Coe and Helpman (1995) and use weighted foreign R&D variables to estimate channel-specific R&D spillovers disregard the interaction between international R&D spillovers and other unobserved common spillovers and shocks. Using a panel of 50 economies from 1970-2011, we find that disregarding this interaction leads to inconsistent estimates whenever knowledge spillovers and other unobserved effects are correlated with foreign and domestic R&D. When this interaction is modeled, estimates are consistent; however, they confound foreign and domestic R&D effects with unobserved effects. Thus, the coefficient of a weighted foreign R&D variable cannot capture genuine channel-specific R&D spillovers.Comment: 28 page

    Pricing Patents through Citations

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    This paper provides formal treatment to the idea of patenting as a form of market stealing between R&D firms. It extends the creative destruction literature by allowing innovations to build off each other forming a network of ideas. Patent citations keep track of this network. The theory maps the distribution of productivities in the development of new ideas onto the distribution of patent values through patent citations. If productivities are drawn from a Pareto-Levy distribution then the distribution of patent values also falls within this class. The theory is then applied to data on US patent citations. Model-based valuations support the assumption of Pareto-distributed productivities. As an added feature, model-based valuations outperform citation counts (the traditional measure) as a proxy for patent valuesPatents, Innovation, R&D, Networks

    Extended Non Linear Conformal Symmetry and DSR Velocities on the Physical Surface

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    The relation between Conformal generators and Magueijo Smolin Deformed Special Relativity term, added to Lorentz boosts, is achieved. The same is performed for Fock Lorentz transformations. Through a dimensional reduction procedure, it is demonstrated that a massless relativistic particle living in a dd dimensional space, is isomorphic to one living in a d+2d+2 space with pure Lorentz invariance and to a particle living in a AdSd+1AdS_{d+1} space. To accomplish these identifications, the Conformal Group is extended and a nonlinear algebra arises. Finally, because the relation between momenta and velocities is known, the problem of position space dynamics is solved.Comment: totally renewe
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