266 research outputs found

    Increasing Police Accountability and Improving Use of Force Policies in the United States

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    Communities, and their respective police departments, have significant impacts on the social and legal matters they are involved with, making it crucial for both parties to strive to maintain strong, collaborative relationships. Positive interactions between police and the public are therefore extremely vital and beneficial to all involved. Police officers should be held accountable for their transgressions and subject to transparency for their on-duty actions through legal records. Several issues lie in the policies and procedures which requires more attention in its analysis. Changing policies and procedure in the United States regarding police use of force to remedy inconsistencies calls for a national standard and educational rework. Similar conclusions have been reached by the DOJ and NIJ regarding the problems of policing. The problems urgently require reform in order to create sustainability through an updated, and better managed utilized database on police records during the hiring process. This paper will explore the lack of de-escalation methods used in situations where police unnecessarily used force to take control of situations, instead of reserving their use of force as a last resort. Excessive use of force issues that stem from a lack of police accountability will also be explored

    Scientific Evidence Admissibility: Improving Judicial Proceedings to Decrease Erroneous Outcomes

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    In the United States, Federal Rules of Evidence 702, the Frye and Daubert standards govern the admissibility of scientific evidence in the courtroom. Some states adopted Frye while others adopted Daubert, causing varying judicial outcomes. The verdicts in some cases may be erroneous due to a nationally used standard. Frye has broad criteria of requiring scientific evidence to be generally accepted. While Daubert contains more requirements for the evidence to be admissible, such as peer review, publication, and scientific principles. Daubert, alongside FRE 702, provides a thorough guideline for trial judges who have the gatekeeping role to decide admissibility aiming for reliable and relevant scientific evidence. To increase efficiency and validity in the court, use of Daubert and utilization of regular court appointed experts should be implemented in a new uniform standard across the United States

    Bryophyte Ecology Glossary

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    Everyone must have difficulties in order to pursue their dreams, but at the end ofthe day, it all depends on how we react and take new actions as the next step togoing through our problems. As experienced by the character Jasmine in thenovel entitled Bharati Mukherjee and Violet in the novel "The Rules for Virgin" byAmy Tan.Both authors give examples of the main characters in women figureswho have a lower degree and a mindset that can be underestimated by men. Now,they bring a new nuance from a female main character who is portrayed as aperson who is diligent, willing to learn and strong in facing all obstacles to reachtheir dreams.Not only in literary works, even in the real world, a problem is notonly owned by men, but women can also experience it even in unexpected levels ofdifficulty. Obstacles and problems in life are the processes that must be faced byevery human being to be able to achieve a better life. Some support from the otherpeople is also very necessary so that, we as humans can continue to live and wecan know that in living this life we are not alone.Keywords: the main character, mindset, representation, the rules of virgi

    Hybrid Controller based on Null Space and Consensus Algorithms for Mobile Robot Formation

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    This work presents a novel hybrid control approach based on null space and consensus algorithms to solve the scalability problems of mobile robot formation and improve leader control through multiple control objectives. In previous works, the training of robots based on the null space requires a rigid training structure based on a geometric shape, which increases the number of agents in the formation. The scheme of the control algorithm, which does not make formation scalability possible, must be changed; therefore, seeking the scalability of training based on null space is a challenge that could be solved with the inclusion of consensus algorithms, which allow the control structure to be maintained despite increasing or decreasing the number of robot followers. Another advantage of this proposal is that the formation of the followers does not depend on any geometric figure compared to previous works based on the null space; this new proposal does not present singularities as if the structure is based on geometric shape, the latter one is crucial since the formation of agents can take forms that cannot be achieved with a geometric structure, such as collinear locations, that can occur in many environments. The proposed hybrid control approach presents three tasks: i) leader position task, ii) leader shape task, and iii) follower formation task. The proposed algorithm is validated through simulations, performing tests that use the kinematic model of non-holonomic mobile robots. In addition, linear algebra and Lyapunov theory are used to analyze the stability of the method. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-03-01 Full Text: PD


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    Penelitian ini meneliti tentang keadaan psikologis yang ditunjukkan oleh sifat, perilaku, perasaan, tindakan, hingga perspektif yang diimiliki atau dilakukan oleh tokoh utama perempuan dan lakilaki dalam novel yang sedang menjalani suatu hubungan percintaan. Novel yang digunakan dalam. penelitian ini berjudul Suzanne’s Diary for Nicholas yang ditulis oleh James patterson. Sumber data diperoleh dari kata, frasa, klausa, kalimat, hingga paragraph yang ketiga tokoh utama, Suzanne Bedford, katie Wilkinson, dan Matthew Harrison menunjukkan suatu sifat, perilaku, tindakan, perasaan, dan perspektif yang muncul saat sedang menjalani hubungan percintaan. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan teori pendekatan semiotika milik Charles Sanders Peirce yang berfokus pada Representamen kategori (Qualisign, Sinsign, dan Legisign) untuk mengklasifikasikan data yang telah ditemukan sebelum dielaborasikan meenggunakan teori psikoanalisis yang berfokus pada Reproduksi Keibuan dan Kepribadian Gender milik nancy Chodorow (1978) untuk menjelaskan kepribadian gender yang terbentuk dari sikap, perilaku, hingga perspektif yang mereka yakini sebelum dan sesudah perempuan dan laki-laki memiliki peran sebagai pasangan and orang tua. Oleh sebab itu, Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 442 data yang menunjukkan sifat, perilaku, perasaan, tindakan, dan perspektif dari ketiga pemeran utama dalam novel Suzanne’s Diary for Nicholas yaitu, Suzanne Bedford, Katie Wilkinson, dan Matthew Harrison. Dari 442 data tersebut, ditemukan sebanyak 817 data yang teridentifikasi sebagai data Representamen. Sebanyak 101 sampel Representamen data yang terlampir menunjukkan pengaruh terhadap keadaan psikologis ketiga tokoh utama dalam novel dan cara mereka bersikap sebagai orang tua serta sebagai sepasang kekasih atau suami-istri. Secara garis besar, ketiga tokoh utama dalam novel memiliki keadaan psikologis yang lemah dan personalitas yang cenderung sensitif sebab ketiganya sudah merasakan pengalaman ditinggalkan oleh orang yang mereka sayangi. Sebagaimana Chodorow (1978) berpendapat bahwa perbedaan kepribadian gender yang kontras terbentuk ketika hubungan ibu dan anak terjalin dengan baik, sama halnya dengan hubungan antara ayah dengan anak. Hal tersebut mempengaruhi suatu individu dalam menentukan identitas dirinya dan sifat keibuan atau kebapakan yang laki-laki dan perempuan alami. Selain itu, ketiga tokoh juga menunjukkan bahwa mereka akan menaruh perasaan cinta yang cukup dalam ketika mereka merasa sudah menemukan orang yang tepat. Ditambah lagi dengan kepribadian yang dimiliki oleh ketiga tokoh utama memiliki pengaruh di masa perkembangan Pre-Oedipal dan Oedipal yang mana mempengaruhi cara mereka berperan sebagai orang tua dan pasangan kekasih. This study examines the psychological state shown by attitude, behavior, feelings, actions to the perspective possessed or carried out by the main female and male characters in the novel undergoing a romantic relationship. The novel used in this study is entitled Suzanne’s Diary for Nicholas, written by James Patterson. Sources of data obtained from words, phrases, clauses, sentences to paragraphs where the three main characters, Suzanne Bedford, Katie Wilkinson, and Matthew Harrison, show a trait, behavior, action, feeling, and perspective that appears when they are in a romantic relationship. In this study, the author uses Charles Sanders Peirce's theory of semiotic approach that focuses on Representamen categories (Qualisign, Sinsign, and Legisign) to classify the data that has been found before being elaborated using a psychoanalytic theory that focuses on Maternal Reproduction and Gender Personality belonging to Nancy Chodorow (1978). ) to explain gender personality formed from the attitudes, behaviors, and perspectives they believe before and after women and men have roles as partners and parents. Therefore, this study used a qualitative method. This study indicates that 442 data show the nature, behavior, feelings, actions, and perspectives of the three main characters in Suzanne’s Diary for Nicholas, namely, Suzanne Bedford, Katie Wilkinson, and Matthew Harrison. Based on the 442 data, it was found that 817 data were identified as Representamen data, and the researcher used 101 samples attached shows the effect on the psychological state of the three main characters in the novel and the way they behave as parents and as lovers or husband and wife. This number influenced the psychological state of the three main characters, especially their parenting method and also their roles as lovers or husband and wife. The three main characters in the novel have weak psychological states and personalities that tend to be sensitive because they experience being abandoned by their loved ones. As Chodorow (1978) argues that contrasting gender personality differences are formed when the relationship between mother and infant is well established, so does the relationship between father and son. This affects an individual in determining his identity and the nature of motherhood or fatherhood experienced by men and women. In addition, the three also showed that they would put a deep love feeling when they feel they have found the right person. Coupled with the personality possessed by the three main characters influences the developmental period of Pre-Oedipal and Oedipal, which affects the way they act as parents and lovers

    Identificación de las larvas de peces mediante MtDNA en la parte sur de la Gran Barrera de Coral, Australia

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    Planktonic larvae were captured above a shallow coral reef study site on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) around spring-summer new moon periods (October-February) using light trap or net capture devices. Larvae were identified to the genus or species level by comparison with a phylogenetic tree of tropical marine fish species using mtDNA HVR1 sequence data. Further analysis showed that within-species HVR1 sequence variation was typically 1-3%, whereas between-species variation for the same genus ranged up to 50%, supporting the suitability of HVR1 for species identification. Given the current worldwide interest in DNA barcoding and species identification using an alternative mtDNA gene marker (cox1), we also explored the efficacy of different primer sets for amplification of cox1 in reef fish, and its suitability for species identification. Of those tested, the Fish-F1 and -R1 primer set recently reported by Ward et al. (2005) gave the best results.Las larvas estudiadas fueron capturadas en el plancton de una zona coralina somera en la Gran Barrera de Coral en períodos de luna-nueva de la estación primavera-verano (octubre-febrero). Su captura se realizó mediante trampas de luz o redes de plancton. Las larvas fueron identificadas a nivel de género o especie por la comparación de un árbol filogenético de especies de peces tropicales marinas usando datos de la secuencia HVR1 del DNA mitocondrial. El análisis adicional demostró que, para una misma especie, la variación de la secuencia HVR1 era típicamente 1-3%, mientras que entre especies del mismo género la variación fue de hasta 50%, apoyando la conveniencia del uso del HVR1 para la identificación a nivel específico. Dado el interés mundial actual en el “código de barras genético” y en la identificación de especies usando otro marcador genético de DNA mitochondrial, el cox1, se exploró también la eficacia de diversos “primers” para la amplificación del cox1 en peces de los arrecifes, y su conveniencia para la identificación específica. De los “primers” probados, el Fish-F1 y el -R1 set recientemente reportado por Ward et al. (2005) dieron los mejores resultados

    Sliding Mode Control Based on Internal Model for a Non-minimum phase Buck and Boost Converter

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    This work presents the application of different schemes to control a non-minimum phase Buck-Boost converter. Three control schemes are used. The first controller presented is a PI controller, the second one is Sliding Mode Control and the third one is a combination of two control schemes, Internal Model Control and Sliding Mode Control. The controllers are designed from a Right-Half Plane Zero (RHPZ) reduced order model. The RHPZ model is converted, using Taylor approximation, in a First Order Plus Dead Time (FOPDT) model and after that, the controllers are obtained. The performance of the SMC-IMC is compared against to a PI controller and a SMC. The simulation results show that SMC-IMC improves the converter response, reducing the chattering and presenting better robustness for load change

    “Evaluación de las características químicas y biológicas en el tercer ciclo vegetativo con el cultivo de arveja (pisum sativum l.)En cuatro diferentes tipos de mucho orgánicos para la conservación de suelos en la terraza 13, Salache 2023”

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    The research was made with the purpose by recovering and conserving soils, it was assessing the chemical and biological characteristics in the third vegetative cycle with the pea crop (Pisum sativum L.) in four different types of organic mulch for soil conservation in the terrace 13. It was a Completely Random Block Design (DBCA) with 5 treatments and 5 replications with 25 total experimental units. The indicators with statistical significance were the arrest percentage T3 (rice husk) with 99 percent, at 90 days in plant height T4 (hay) and T3 (rice husk) with 57.10 and 55.70 cm; into stem diameter T3 (rice husk) with 5.14 mm; in days to flowering 42; to sheathing 47; to the harvest in green with 66; weight in pod 6.19 kg; pod number 558; sheath length 10.72 cm; grain number 6; grain weight 6.19 kg; pod number 558; pod length 10.72 cm; grain number 6; grain weight 675.44 g; in diversity 0.84 and weeds dominance 0.5; in the soil chemical characteristics in pH (9.13 to 9.03); organic substance (1.40% to 1.63%); in P (22 ppm to 32.35 ppm); the T1 (coal) in N (7.9 ppm to 11.37 ppm); T4 (hay) in K (3.38 meq/100g to 3.87 meq/100g); Ca (21.88 meq/100g to 32.05 meq/100g) and Mg (3.18 meq/100g to 3.88 meq/100g); the T2 (sigse) and T4 (hay); in C.E., (0.75 ns). The biological characteristics showed a decrease in pathogenic microorganisms from 6 to 3 and a beneficial microorganisms increase from 3 to 4. Finally, the best cost benefit was T3 (rice husk) with 2,19 dollars; this treatment was established as an alternative for farmers in the soil conservation, since it adapts very well with the pea crop.La investigación se realizó con la finalidad de recuperar y conservar suelos, se evaluó las características químicas y biológicas en el tercer ciclo vegetativo con el cultivo de arveja (Pisum sativum L.) en cuatro diferentes tipos de mulch orgánicos para la conservación de suelos en la terraza 13. Fue un Diseño de Bloques Completamente al Azar (DBCA) con 5 tratamientos y 5 repeticiones con un total de 25 unidades experimentales. Los indicadores con significancia estadística fueron en porcentaje de prendimiento T3 (cascarilla de arroz) con 99 por ciento, a los 90 días en altura de planta T4 (heno) y T3 (cascarilla de arroz) con 57,10 y 55, 70 cm; en diámetro del tallo T3 (cascarilla de arroz) con 5,14 mm; en días a la floración 42; al envainamiento 47; a la cosecha en verde 66; peso en vaina 6,19 kg; número de vaina 558; longitud de vaina 10,72 cm; número grano 6; peso de grano 675,44 g; en diversidad 0,84 y dominancia de arvenses 0,5; en las características químicas del suelo en pH (9,13 a 9,03); materia orgánica (1,40% a 1,63%); en P (22 ppm a 32,35 ppm); el T1 (carbón) en N (7,9 ppm a 11,37 ppm); el T4 (heno) en K (3,38 meq/100g a 3,87 meq/100g); Ca (21,88 meq/100g a 32,05 meq/100g) y Mg (3,18 meq/100g a 3,88 meq/100g); el T2 (sigse) y T4 (heno); en C.E., (0,75 ns). Las características biológicas hubo una disminución de microorganismos patógenos de 6 a 3 y un aumento de microorganismos benéficos de 3 a 4. Finalmente, el mejor costo beneficio fue el T3 (cascarilla de arroz) con 2,19 dólares; este tratamiento se estableció como una alternativa para los agricultores en conservación de suelos, ya que se adapta muy bien con el cultivo de arveja