4,436 research outputs found

    Angular reduction in multiparticle matrix elements

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    A general method for the reduction of coupled spherical harmonic products is presented. When the total angular coupling is zero, the reduction leads to an explicitly real expression in the scalar products within the unit vector arguments of the spherical harmonics. For non-scalar couplings, the reduction gives Cartesian tensor forms for the spherical harmonic products, with tensors built from the physical vectors in the original expression. The reduction for arbitrary couplings is given in closed form, making it amenable to symbolic manipulation on a computer. The final expressions do not depend on a special choice of coordinate axes, nor do they contain azimuthal quantum number summations, nor do they have complex tensor terms for couplings to a scalar. Consequently, they are easily interpretable from the properties of the physical vectors they contain.Comment: This version contains added comments and typographical corrections to the original article. Now 27 pages, 0 figure

    Importance of Baryon-Baryon Coupling in Hypernuclei

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    The ΛNΣN\Lambda N - \Sigma N coupling in Λ\Lambda--hypernuclei and ΛΛΞN\Lambda \Lambda - \Xi N coupling in ΛΛ\Lambda \Lambda--hypernuclei produce novel physics not observed in the conventional, nonstrange sector. Effects of ΛΣ\Lambda \leftrightarrow \Sigma conversion in Λ3^3_{\Lambda}H are reviewed. The role of ΛNΣN\Lambda N - \Sigma N coupling suppression in the A=4,5A=4,5 Λ\Lambda--hypernuclei due to Pauli blocking is highlighted, and the implications for the structure of   Λ10^{10}_{\;\, \Lambda}B are explored. Suppression of ΛΛΞN\Lambda \Lambda - \Xi N conversion in ΛΛ    6^{\;\;\, 6}_{\Lambda \Lambda}He is hypothesized as the reason that the matrix element is small. Measurement of ΛΛ    4^{\;\;\, 4}_{\Lambda \Lambda}H is proposed to investigate the full ΛΛΞN\Lambda \Lambda - \Xi N interaction. The implication for ΛΛ\Lambda \Lambda analog states is discussed.Comment: 17 pages LATEX, 1 figure uuencoded postscrip

    Empirical Studies of Evolving Systems

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    This paper describes the results of the working group investigating the issues of empirical studies for evolving systems. The groups found that there were many issues that were central to successful evolution and this concluded that this is a very important area within software engineering. Finally nine main areas were selected for consideration. For each of these areas the central issues were identified as well as success factors. In some cases success stories were also described and the critical factors accounting for the success analysed. In some cases it was later found that a number of areas were so tightly coupled that it was important to discuss them together

    Human phosphodiesterase 4D7 (PDE4D7) expression is increased in TMPRSS2-ERG positive primary prostate cancer and independently adds to a reduced risk of post-surgical disease progression

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    background: There is an acute need to uncover biomarkers that reflect the molecular pathologies, underpinning prostate cancer progression and poor patient outcome. We have previously demonstrated that in prostate cancer cell lines PDE4D7 is downregulated in advanced cases of the disease. To investigate further the prognostic power of PDE4D7 expression during prostate cancer progression and assess how downregulation of this PDE isoform may affect disease outcome, we have examined PDE4D7 expression in physiologically relevant primary human samples. methods: About 1405 patient samples across 8 publically available qPCR, Affymetrix Exon 1.0 ST arrays and RNA sequencing data sets were screened for PDE4D7 expression. The TMPRSS2-ERG gene rearrangement status of patient samples was determined by transformation of the exon array and RNA seq expression data to robust z-scores followed by the application of a threshold >3 to define a positive TMPRSS2-ERG gene fusion event in a tumour sample. results: We demonstrate that PDE4D7 expression positively correlates with primary tumour development. We also show a positive association with the highly prostate cancer-specific gene rearrangement between TMPRSS2 and the ETS transcription factor family member ERG. In addition, we find that in primary TMPRSS2-ERG-positive tumours PDE4D7 expression is significantly positively correlated with low-grade disease and a reduced likelihood of progression after primary treatment. Conversely, PDE4D7 transcript levels become significantly decreased in castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). conclusions: We further characterise and add physiological relevance to PDE4D7 as a novel marker that is associated with the development and progression of prostate tumours. We propose that the assessment of PDE4D7 levels may provide a novel, independent predictor of post-surgical disease progression

    Open-Ended Evolutionary Robotics: an Information Theoretic Approach

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    This paper is concerned with designing self-driven fitness functions for Embedded Evolutionary Robotics. The proposed approach considers the entropy of the sensori-motor stream generated by the robot controller. This entropy is computed using unsupervised learning; its maximization, achieved by an on-board evolutionary algorithm, implements a "curiosity instinct", favouring controllers visiting many diverse sensori-motor states (sms). Further, the set of sms discovered by an individual can be transmitted to its offspring, making a cultural evolution mode possible. Cumulative entropy (computed from ancestors and current individual visits to the sms) defines another self-driven fitness; its optimization implements a "discovery instinct", as it favours controllers visiting new or rare sensori-motor states. Empirical results on the benchmark problems proposed by Lehman and Stanley (2008) comparatively demonstrate the merits of the approach

    Cis-regulatory elements of the mitotic regulator, string/Cdc25

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    Mitosis in most Drosophila cells is triggered by brief bursts of transcription of string (stg), a Cdc25-type phosphatase that activates the mitotic kinase, Cdk1 (Cdc2). To understand how string transcription is regulated, we analyzed the expression of string-lacZ reporter genes covering approximately 40 kb of the string locus. We also tested protein coding fragments of the string locus of 6 kb to 31.6 kb for their ability to complement loss of string function in embryos and imaginal discs. A plethora of cis-acting elements spread over >30 kb control string transcription in different cells and tissue types. Regulatory elements specific to subsets of epidermal cells, mesoderm, trachea and nurse cells were identified, but the majority of the string locus appears to be devoted to controlling cell proliferation during neurogenesis. Consistent with this, compact promotor-proximal sequences are sufficient for string function during imaginal disc growth, but additional distal elements are required for the development of neural structures in the eye, wing, leg and notum. We suggest that, during evolution, cell-type-specific control elements were acquired by a simple growth-regulated promoter as a means of coordinating cell division with developmental processes, particularly neurogenesis.Dara A. Lehman; Briony Patterson, Laura A. Johnston; Tracy Balzer; Jessica S. Britton; Robert Saint and Bruce A. Edga

    The Case for Learned Index Structures

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    Indexes are models: a B-Tree-Index can be seen as a model to map a key to the position of a record within a sorted array, a Hash-Index as a model to map a key to a position of a record within an unsorted array, and a BitMap-Index as a model to indicate if a data record exists or not. In this exploratory research paper, we start from this premise and posit that all existing index structures can be replaced with other types of models, including deep-learning models, which we term learned indexes. The key idea is that a model can learn the sort order or structure of lookup keys and use this signal to effectively predict the position or existence of records. We theoretically analyze under which conditions learned indexes outperform traditional index structures and describe the main challenges in designing learned index structures. Our initial results show, that by using neural nets we are able to outperform cache-optimized B-Trees by up to 70% in speed while saving an order-of-magnitude in memory over several real-world data sets. More importantly though, we believe that the idea of replacing core components of a data management system through learned models has far reaching implications for future systems designs and that this work just provides a glimpse of what might be possible

    Breast Ultrasound Following a Positive Clinical Breast Examination: Does It Have a Role in Low- and Middle-Income Countries?

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    Purpose: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide, with an estimated 1.7 million new cases occurring in 2012. The majority of cases and deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where population-based mammography screening is not available and countries must rely on clinical breast examination (CBE). Since ultrasound has the potential to reduce unnecessary biopsies by triaging women with palpable or focal breast findings at CBE, we searched for evidence in the literature on the effectiveness of ultrasound in detecting potential breast cancer following positive CBE findings. Methods: We reviewed the literature from 2000 to 2014 for evidence on the performance of breast ultrasound, in the absence of mammography, used to evaluate women after a positive CBE. From the studies meeting our inclusion/exclusion criteria for our analysis, we extracted data on the study design, location, ultrasound transducer parameters, patient age, method for determining positive and negative cases, and number of malignancies detected/total number of women studied. Results: We found 15 studies matching our inclusion/exclusion criteria, 9 from high-income countries and 6 from LMICs. Despite considerable variability in study design and patient populations, breast ultrasound consistently showed high sensitivity (median = 94 percent) and specificity (median = 80 percent) for detecting breast cancer and identifying normal and benign findings not requiring a biopsy. Clear patterns related to transducer frequency or income level were not discernible given the variations in patient populations and final diagnostic determinations. Conclusion: Our systematic review suggests that breast ultrasound following a positive CBE may be a powerful diagnostic test to determine those who do or do not need biopsy. We encourage further research in breast ultrasound use after a positive CBE in LMICs to assess the accuracy of ultrasound in these settings and the feasibility of widespread implementation

    A biophysical model of prokaryotic diversity in geothermal hot springs

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    Recent field investigations of photosynthetic bacteria living in geothermal hot spring environments have revealed surprisingly complex ecosystems, with an unexpected level of genetic diversity. One case of particular interest involves the distribution along hot spring thermal gradients of genetically distinct bacterial strains that differ in their preferred temperatures for reproduction and photosynthesis. In such systems, a single variable, temperature, defines the relevant environmental variation. In spite of this, each region along the thermal gradient exhibits multiple strains of photosynthetic bacteria adapted to several distinct thermal optima, rather than the expected single thermal strain adapted to the local environmental temperature. Here we analyze microbiology data from several ecological studies to show that the thermal distribution field data exhibit several universal features independent of location and specific bacterial strain. These include the distribution of optimal temperatures of different thermal strains and the functional dependence of the net population density on temperature. Further, we present a simple population dynamics model of these systems that is highly constrained by biophysical data and by physical features of the environment. This model can explain in detail the observed diversity of different strains of the photosynthetic bacteria. It also reproduces the observed thermal population distributions, as well as certain features of population dynamics observed in laboratory studies of the same organisms

    On Hilberg's Law and Its Links with Guiraud's Law

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    Hilberg (1990) supposed that finite-order excess entropy of a random human text is proportional to the square root of the text length. Assuming that Hilberg's hypothesis is true, we derive Guiraud's law, which states that the number of word types in a text is greater than proportional to the square root of the text length. Our derivation is based on some mathematical conjecture in coding theory and on several experiments suggesting that words can be defined approximately as the nonterminals of the shortest context-free grammar for the text. Such operational definition of words can be applied even to texts deprived of spaces, which do not allow for Mandelbrot's ``intermittent silence'' explanation of Zipf's and Guiraud's laws. In contrast to Mandelbrot's, our model assumes some probabilistic long-memory effects in human narration and might be capable of explaining Menzerath's law.Comment: To appear in Journal of Quantitative Linguistic